Family Budget Planner1
Family Budget Planner1
Family Budget Planner1
Income 2 $1,700
Projected Actual
Housing Difference Extra income $0
Cost Cost
Car Cleaning $0 $0 $0
mobile Bill $800 $1,000 ($200) Actual Monthly Income Source Amount
Projected Actual
Total $4,750 $4,950 ($200) Loans Difference
Cost Cost
Projected Actual
Transportation Difference Credit card $0 $0
Cost Cost
Maintenance $0 $0
Projected Actual
Other $50 $50 $0 Entertainment Difference
Cost Cost
Projected Actual
Health Difference Home delivery Food $600 $600 $0
Cost Cost
ماسكات ومطهرات $0 $0 $0
Projected Actual
Total $100 $100 $0 Special Expenses Difference
Cost Cost
Projected Actual
Food Difference $0
Cost Cost
Dining out $0 $0 $0
Projected Actual
Chicken $400 $400 $0 Personal Care Difference
Cost Cost
Other $0
Projected Actual
Children Difference Total $200 $200 $0
Cost Cost
Medical $0
Projected Actual
Clothing $0 Pets Difference
Cost Cost
photocopying and color
$0 Food $0
allowance $0 Other $0
Toys/games $0
Projected Actual
Other $0 Gifts and Donations Difference
Cost Cost
Total $800 $800 $0 Charity 1 $0 $0
Charity 2 $0 $0
Other $0
Total $0 $0 $0
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