Aust Mining PBL

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Earth and Space Science: Mining In Australia

This project-based learning assignment addresses Western Australian Curriculum Objectives as follows:
Learning Objectives
 Recognise that some rocks, minerals, and ores, provide valuable resources in our everyday lives.
 Explain and compare the different types of mining: open cut, strip, dredge, underground and in situ leaching.
 Explore gold mining in Australia.
 List mining considerations and rehabilitation efforts.

Aspects of Differentiation (G&T and SBAE)

 History of Australia’s mining and the gold rush
 Mineral research report.
 Stages of mining process and rehabilitation consideration.
 Gold prospecting, panning and STAR extractive metallurgy program.

Working in groups of 4, choose one mines site. Then each person chooses one mining role and complete the task description for that
Argyle Diamond Mine Boddington Gold Mine Olympic Dam Metal Mine

 Argyle (  Newmont Corporation - Operations &  South Australia Olympic dam | BHP
 Argyle Diamond Mine, Kimberley - Projects - Global Presence - Australia -  Olympic Dam | Energy & Mining
Mining Technology (mining- Boddington – AU (  Boddington Gold Mine (BGM), Western  Olympic Dam Copper-Uranium Mine,
 Argyle diamond mine - Wikipedia Australia (WA) ( Adelaide, Australia - (mining-
 Complete the glossary in appendix 3.  Boddington Gold Mine - Wikipedia
 Complete the glossary in appendix 3.  Complete the glossary in appendix 3.
Role Task Description Presentation
Mining Engineer (Bridget) Explain the type of mine site that has been constructed to extract the Present this information as a
A Mining Engineer minerals/ores from your mine. What relevance does this have due to other model/poster of mine site layout
evaluates, plans, and factors in the surrounding environment such as, water bodies, mountains,  Compare ‘types of mines’
oversees the construction of towns etc. See appendix 1. using tables or tabs, diagrams.
mines and specifies the o State the 3 main factors a type of mining is chosen.  Identify & describe
processes, labour usage, and o Identify and describe the mechanical/physical aspects of the sections/parts/areas of your
equipment that will be ore/mineral extraction methods and how this relates to the type of mine site using notes, tabs,
required to extract minerals mine used. labels.
and ores from the earth. o Refer to golds formation underground.  Include relevant abiotic
o Compare and contrast this mine site to other types, such as open cut, (towns, water bodies) and
strip, dredging, underground and in situ leaching. See appendix 2. biotic (national parks) factors.
o Complete the glossary in appendix 3

Geologist (Hayley) Define rocks, minerals, and ores. How are they formed? Give a few Present this information in
Mining geologists work in examples of each and how they play a vital part in our everyday lives a PowerPoint format which
all aspects of the mining o Identify and refer to the rocks, minerals, ores extracted from your mine would be presented to a
industry, from exploration site mining boardroom.
to mine design, to o Identify and refer to the properties of gold and its everyday use in our
evaluating ore quality, and lives.  Use pictures, diagrams, and
to assisting in minimizing o Identify the properties of your mine sites mineral/s (lustre, cleavage, graphs to represent your
the impact of mining on the colour, streak, and hardness. information.
local environment. o Describe the extraction process of the rocks, minerals, and ores at your
mine site. Include mechanical and chemical methods.
o Provide some statistical information on the minerals/ores extracted at
your mine site. Amounts extracted, future projections, global and
domestic economic value, compare amounts extracted domestically
and globally etc.
o Complete the glossary in appendix 3

Mineral Resources: Mines, Minerals, Rocks and Ores - Chemistry

Rocks and Minerals: Everyday Uses | Museum of Natural and Cultural
History (

Public Relations and Explain the importance of the mining industry to Australia’s history, Present this information in a
Marketing (Julia) economy, and global significance. pamphlet which is designed to
In the mining industry, PR o Refer to the importance of Australia’s gold industry to its economy. educate the public on the
is paramount o Refer to the gold rush as a link to the historical importance of mining in importance of mining in Australia,
to communicating and Australia. it’s historical links and prospects
maintaining relationships o Identify and refer to the history and importance of your mine site to domestically and globally. This is
with the local and general Australia’s ore productions and economy. to encourage investment, and
public and major o Refer to the importance of rocks and minerals to the aboriginal people, interest, publicly and politically in
stakeholders. The PR arm of how did they use them?
the industry for the future.
a mining company is
o Complete the glossary in appendix 3
responsible for ensuring Free Pamphlet Maker - Create
strong brand equity and Pamphlet Designs Online | Canva
buoyancy throughout Australian Mining History - Australasian Mining History
operations. It’s a vital
ingredient in the marketing Australian mining industry (
mix for a mining company
Environmental Explain the impact mining has on the local environment and on humans. Present this information in a written
Scientist/Engineer What measure are being implemented to reduce impact and rehabilitate report format.
(Jordan) the area after operations. Including aboriginal communities.  Use appropriate headings and
Look at what the o Identify and refer to some of the environmental impacts your mine subheadings.
environmental impacts of site is having on the area and ways in which it’s being managed.  Include diagrams, picture,
mining are the subject of o Identify the use of a tailings dam in mining and how they manage this
increased community during and after operations. maps etc.
scrutiny. In response to o Refer to mining erosion and reforestation.
crucial environmental and o Complete the glossary in appendix 3
community concerns we
have invested over two
decades of R&D developing Mining considerations:
science and technologies o biodiversity, water and air contamination, deforestation, human
that help minimise occupational health, and safety (disease), aboriginal artifacts and
environmental impacts prior history, employment etc.
to, during and post-mining,
to support a sustainable Rehabilitation:
o breeding and release programs, reforestation, excavation, removal of
future for the industry and
society mine site buildings, water bodies and purification, agriculture

Life Cycle of a Mine: From Planning to Rehabilitation

Example of a Mine Site Map/Model

Comparing and Contrasting Types of Mine Sites.
Types of Mining Methods Explained (
Type of Mine Description Above or Ores/Minerals Examples
(Identify Advantages and Disadvantages) below ground mined

Open Cut Advantages Above ground Copper Super Pit Gold Mine –
High productivity, low operating costs, safe mining Gold WA
operations Iron Ore Boddington Gold Mine -
It damages the environment because all of the topsoil
Lead WA
and vegetation is removed. Zinc
Strip Advantages Above Ground Coal Mount Whaleback Mine –
Low cost. Lignite WA
Yandicoogina Mine - WA
It is bad for human health and the environment.
Dredging Advantages Above ground. Gold Nettle Creek – QLD
Can clear ocean rubbish. Tin Eldorado Dredge - VIC
Disadvantages Platinum
Can disrupt ecosystems.
Underground Advantages Under ground Gold Gwalia Gold Mine - WA
Low environmental impact, increased safety. Iron
Disadvantages Copper
Possibly hazardous conditions, water Zinc
contamination. Nickel
Situ leaching (leaching) Advantages Above ground. copper carbonate Beverley Uranium
Reduced risk to operators. Uranium Mine – SA
Disadvantages Honeymoon Uranium
Groundwater contamination, unpredictability. Mine – SA

Mineral Properties: In Mining: Tailings Leaching

Mineral Properties: Explore: The process of Tailings: The waste materials left Leaching: When chemicals
searching areas where mineral after the target mineral is dissolve the desired metals from
Lustre: How a mineral's surface resources may be present extracted from ore an ore for recovery
reflects light
Enrich: When valuable metals Erosion: When materials are Rehabilitation: The process used
Cleavage: The tendency of a are separated in a processing worn away and transported by to repair the impacts that mining
mineral to break along certain plant natural forces such as wind or had on the environment
planes to make smooth surfaces water
Froth Flotation: A method where Gold: A yellow metallic element
Hardness: How hard a rock is to minerals are separated from Weathering: The breaking down that occurs naturally in pure
scratch. Defined on the Moh’s impurities and other minerals by of rocks and minerals on the form
scale collecting them on a froth layer. surface of the Earth
Bauxite mining: Where bauxite
Colour: the hue, brightness, Extract: The removal of minerals Hydrothermal fluids: Heated (the main source of aluminium)
chromaticity, and saturation of a such as sand, soil, coal and clay water solutions where elements, is mined
mineral from an excavation in the earth compounds and gases may be
dissolved Gold panning: When particles
Streak: The color of a mineral's Smelting: When a metal is are extracted from gravels by
powder obtained from its ore by heating Mineral: A naturally occurring washing in a pan with water
beyond the melting point element or compound with a
defined chemical composition Gold prospecting: The act of
searching for new gold deposits
Ore: The rock from which a
valuable substance is extracted STAR extractive metallurgy
program: Extractive metallurgists
Rock: A naturally occurring solid extract and purify products from
material made of one or more ores obtained through mining
minerals operations
Mine: A pit or excavation in the
earth from which mineral
substances are taken

Student Group and Role Allocation
Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Enviro Sci

Project-based Learning Progress Check
Group Mine Progress to date Goals to achieve

Collect Group Members Work
Role Study Notes



Enviro Sci

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