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PRE-CLINICAL STUDY: Original Article

Molecular Docking Investigation of Phytotherapeutics Retrieved from

Siddha Formulation Swasa Kudori Mathirai against Inflammatory
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Abstract T. Thiyagasundaram,
Introduction: Artificial intelligence goes hand in hand with computational screening in identifying S. Iyswarya1,
the hit molecule from a repository comprised of thousands of candidates. By considering the adverse S. Mathukumar2
event with the conventional therapy, exploration of research on viable leads from alternate traditional
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Departments of Noi Nadal,

medicines grabs the attention in recent time. Since several years, leads of herbal origin are known for 1
Gunapadam and 2Kuzhanthai
their safety and efficacy with pronounced pharmacological action revealed by core functional groups. Maruthuvam, Sri Sairam Siddha
Siddha system of medicine gains paramount importance due to its unleashing traditional heritage of Medical College and Research
service to mankind since several centuries. Methods: Swasa Kudori Mathirai (SKM) is an herbal Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
preparation mentioned in the Siddha literature for the management of inflammatory disorders. Hence, India
the present study aimed at investigating the anti‑inflammatory potential of the phytochemicals
retrieved from the formulation SKM against the inflammatory cytokine such as tumor necrosis
factor‑alpha (TNF‑α) and interleukin 6 (IL‑6) using AutoDock virtual screening tool. Results: Based
on the results of the computational analysis, it was concluded that the bioactive compounds such as
piperine, amyrin, beta‑sitosterol, piperic acid, piperlonguminine, and calotropin present in the siddha
formulation SKM reveals significant binding affinity against the target proteins (IL‑6 and TNF‑α)
by interacting with active amino acid present on the active site of the receptor, whereby it was
concluded that these compounds may exerts promising anti‑inflammatory and immuno‑modulatory
properties. Conclusion: Further in vivo and clinical studies need to be carried out prior to the clinical
recommendation of the formulation to the said indications.

Keywords: Anti‑inflammatory, AutoDock, inflammatory cytokine interleukin 6, Siddha system,

Swasa Kudori Mathirai, tumor necrosis factor‑alpha

Introduction algorithms place a major role in understanding

the affinity of the lead molecules toward the
Successful validation of human genome
receptor active site.[4] Computational tools in
sequences grabs the attention of the
general run with the principle of the algorithm
therapeutics from the versatile source
with pivotal prediction factors that include
to elucidate viable interaction with the
a functional group of ligand, the orientation
preferred targets.[1,2] Together with the
of ligand, arrangement of binding residue,
advancement in crystallographic and
donor and acceptor bond count of ligand,
spectroscopic techniques in the exploration
rotational bonds, etc.[5] Docking score is used
of protein conformations now it's highly Address for correspondence:
to list out the ranking of ligands based on the
possible for a researcher to visualize the Dr. T. Thiyagasundaram,
potential in binding toward predicted active Department of Noi Nadal,
biologically active site on the receptors
residue.[6] Docking score derived out of the Sri Sairam Siddha Medical,
with respect to the substrate‑binding region
complex sum of atomic energies that rely on College and Research
and their molecular nature, functional Centre, Chennai ‑ 600 044,
the van der Waals force, hydrogen bonds,
groups etc.[3] Tamil Nadu, India.
solvation, entropy, the geometry of rotation, E‑mail: thiyagasundaram@
Since the discovery of virtual screening, there and coulomb energy.[7] Siddha system of
are several postulates theories such as lock and medicine gains paramount importance due to
key complexity module, induced‑fit module, its unleashing traditional heritage of service to
Access this article online
flexible ligand module, and flexible receptor mankind for several centuries. Herbs become
Website: https://journals.lww.
module of which the flexible ligand with the inseparable part of Siddha therapeutics, in com/joay
stable receptor module priorities top. Docking DOI: 10.4103/joa.joa_42_22
Quick Response Code:
How to cite this article: Thiyagasundaram T,
This is an open access journal, and articles are
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Iyswarya S, Mathukumar S. Molecular docking
Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows investigation of phytotherapeutics retrieved from
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, siddha formulation Swasa Kudori Mathirai against
as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are inflammatory cytokines. J Ayurveda 2023;17:186-93.
licensed under the identical terms. Submitted: 15‑Feb‑2022 Revised: 20‑Dec‑2022
For reprints contact: Accepted: 27‑Dec‑2022 Published: 11-Oct-2023

186 © 2023 Journal of Ayurveda | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

Thiyagasundaram, et al.: Molecular docking of Swasa Kudori Mathirai against inflammatory cytokines

the majority of the preparations combinations of herbs blended Materials and Methods
in recommended proportion which synergies the pharmacology
Protein preparation module
of the therapy against several dreadful diseases and disorders.[8]
Swasa Kudori Mathirai (SKM) is one such novel preparation Three‑dimensional protein structure of the
listed in Siddha literature for the management of inflammatory cytokine targets under investigation like (IL‑6 with
disorders such as bronchial asthma, cough, and other breathing PDB‑1N26),[19] (TNF‑α with PDB‑2AZ5);[20] were
disabilities. retrieved from the online repository of Protein Data
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Bank as illustrated in Figure 1. Retrieved proteins are

Siddha preparation SKM comprises two core raw subjected to subsequent charge clean up and solation
ingredients which are Piper nigrum and Calotropis using Gasteiger partial charge calculation. Active site
gigantea. As per the literature, the herb P. nigrum selection of the target proceeded based on the literature
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reported with numerous phytocomponents of which and also predicted using the MolProbity server.[21] Target
the constituent such as piperic acid, piperine, and box size was set to 20 Å of each X, Y, and Z coordinates
Piperlonguminine represent wider scope in the management along with center box with the dimension of X: 69.938,
of inflammation.[9,10] A study reported that piperic Y: 75.885, and Z: 56.161.
acid has tremendous scope of limiting tumor necrosis
Ligand preparation
factor‑alpha (TNF‑α) and interleukin in mice models by
revealing commendable analgesic and anti‑inflammatory Phytochemical leads were selected through systematic
properties.[11] The existence of the compound piperine may review prepared for docking studies using ChemDraw prof
further synergize the anti‑inflammatory potential of the herb online tool version 12.0. Ligands were prepared through
P. nigrum by inhibiting the cytokine interleukin 6 (IL‑6) geometry optimization method (MMFF94). Gasteiger
along with Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP -13) and partial charges were calculated concerning electronegativity,
also significantly reducing the production of Prostaglandin atomic charges, dissociation constant, stability constant,
E2 (PGE2) in the arthritis rat model.[12] rotatable bonds, donor bond, aromatic ring count, randić
index with edge calculation under pH 7. Two‑  and
Another novel phytocomponent piperlonguminine present three‑dimensional orientations of the phytochemicals
in P. nigrum has the potential of exerting anti‑inflammatory retrieved from the herb were illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.
activity by limiting the expression of nuclear factor kappa Physiochemical properties of the herbal lead compounds
B in lipopolysaccharide‑induced microglial cell model.[13] along with standard are tabulated in Table 1.
C. gigantea has been widely utilized as a folklore medicine
Docking methodology
in the African and Asian continents. This herb has been
reported to contain pharmacologically active biotherapeutics An AutoDock simulation tool has the legacy of utilizing a
due to which it has been utilized as a remedy in Siddha, wide range of algorithms (Lamarckian, evolutionary and
Ayurveda, and homeopathic medicines for treating asthma, genetic prospects), hence the docking score derived from
cold, fever, and cough‑related symptoms.[14] C. gigantea these algorithms are the summation of bonding nature,
consists of three significant chemical moieties (calotropin, atomic force field, electrostatic and steric interaction
amyrin, and β‑sitosterol) that act as potential between the ligand and receptor. An extended version of
anti‑inflammatory agents.[15] Calotropin is a principal AutoDock imbibes the advantage of predicting the protein–
compound identified in C. gigantea and the latex of the protein interaction under flexible chain mode. In general,
herb exhibit analgesic, anti‑inflammatory, and antioxidant three‑dimensional configurations of receptors are built with
properties.[16] Amyrin is another versatile compound present side chains to find the biological significance of each side
in C. gigantea which is found to halt the progression of the chain. AutoDock version allows the user for simultaneous
inflammation by suppressing the expression of NO synthase
enzyme and TNF‑α cytokine; further, it is known to arrest
the infiltration of inflammatory cells.[17]
Research evidence that β‑sitosterol majorly acts by
modulating the activity of macrophages in the peripheral
tissue, thereby exhibiting viable anti‑inflammatory
properties. Further, it was evident to limit the synthesis
and signaling of inflammatory mediators by hindering
the NF‑κB pathway.[18] The main objective of the present
investigation is to predict the possible binding affinity of
a b
the retrieved phytochemicals from the Siddha formulation
Figure 1: (a) shows the 3D structure of IL-6 (1N26). and 1 (b) shows the
SKM using AutoDock virtual screening tool against the 3D structure of TNF-α (2AZ5). TNF-α: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6:
protein targets TNF‑α and IL‑6. Interleukin 6

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Thiyagasundaram, et al.: Molecular docking of Swasa Kudori Mathirai against inflammatory cytokines
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Figure 2: 2D structure of phytotherapeutic leads and standard compounds subjected to molecular docking analysis. 2D: Two‑dimensional

Figure 3: 3D structure of phytotherapeutic leads and standard compounds subjected to molecular docking analysis. 3D: Three‑dimensional

Table 1: Ligand properties of the herbal lead compounds along with standard selected for docking
Compound Molar weight (g/mol) Molecular formula H Bond donor H Bond acceptor Rotatable bonds
Beta‑Sitosterol 414.7 C29H50O 1 1 6
Piperic acid 218.2 C12H10O4 1 4 3
Piperlonguminine 273.33 C16H19NO3 1 3 5
Piperine 285.34 C17H19NO3 0 3 3
Calotropin 548.6 C29H40O10 4 10 2
Amyrin 426.7 C30H50O 1 1 0
Methotrexate 454.4 C20H22N8O5 5 12 9
Tacrolimus 804 C44H69NO12 3 12 7

docking of multiple chain sites with the selected ligand the calculation of the van der Waals and the electrostatic
molecules in a single run.[22] In the present investigation, terms. Nearly a hundred different runs were counted before
docking parameters are set with the Lamarckian genetic concluding the final docking pose, energy exponential value
algorithm and Wets local search method to facilitate the set to 2500000 with the moderate population volume of 150,
flexible rotation of receptor and ligand to capture the best together with 0.2 Å and 5 torsion steps.
docking pose and its relative interaction.[23] Affinity (grid)
of the simulation box was optimized with the expansion Results and Discussion
dimension of 60 × 60 × 60 Å grid points and 0.375 Å Pedagogy of docking simulations relies deeply on the
spacing were prepared using the auto grid program through behavior interaction between the targets with that of the

188 Journal of Ayurveda ¦ Volume 17 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2023

Thiyagasundaram, et al.: Molecular docking of Swasa Kudori Mathirai against inflammatory cytokines

molecule. Small molecular chemical entities are exposed exploration of viable leads in managing the disease that
to different angular torsions of the receptor protein to emerges in humans and animals as well.[26]
predict the maximal probability of drug binding with the
Binding free energy is the index for measuring the
expected target domain, the best angular orientation, and
affinity index of the ligands toward the selected protein
their corresponding binding free energy is identified as
target. Free energy calculation relies on the torsional
docking pose. This is one of the greater advantages of the
rotation of ligand, protein flexibility, electrostatic, and
flexible docking paradigm as it renders the highly reliable
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results of very close proximity.[24] Molecular docking is not intermolecular energies. The outcome of the molecular
a standalone module. It’s a combo of several virtual tools investigation against IL‑6 target shows that the
which facilitate the research to retrieve the entire spectrum compound beta‑sitosterol exhibited the best docking score
of information about the new drug candidate with respect to (−7.85 kcal/mol), followed by the compounds such as
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its chemical nature, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), safety calotropin (−7.43 kcal/mol), piperine (−7.30 kcal/mol), and
profile, kinetic pattern Absorption Distribution Metabolism piperlonguminine (−6.35 kcal/mol) exhibit best score when
and Excretion (ADME), biological compatibility, protein compared to that of standard lead molecule methotrexate
interaction, mutation potential, permeability across barrier (−6.98 kcal/mol) data’s represented in Table 2 and
and possibilities of adverse drug reactions.[25] Gaining illustrated in Figure 4. Results of computation analysis of
much popularity in silico screening is now becoming the the leads molecules against the target TNF‑α reveals that
preferable choice in identifying suitable leads from the the compound calotropin exhibited the best docking score
library. There are measurable number of research that (−7.86 kcal/mol), followed by other compounds such as
strongly advocate the reliability and relevance of virtual beta‑sitosterol (−6.94 kcal/mol), piperine −6.01 kcal/mol)
screening as a high‑throughput technique in the field of and amyrin (−6.81 kcal/mol) exhibit subsequent priority
new drug discovery. with the best binding score when compared to the standard
lead molecule Tacrolimus (−9.26 kcal/mol), as represented
Nature exists with potential therapeutics in the form of in Table 3 and illustrated in Figure 5.
medicinal herbs, phytocomponents, in a nutshell, are
secondary metabolic end products of complex biochemical Substrate binding sites on receptors are key residues
processes. These bioactive compounds are often synthesized involved in medicating the enzymatic action, these chain
by herbs to ensure their protection, sustainability, and of amino acids forms stable interaction with the functional
environmental adaptation. Despite the natural habitat, most groups present over the lead molecules wherein it modulate
of the phytochemicals reveals diversified pharmacological the receptor activity through the release of secondary
action which would make it a feasible repository for messenger and subsequent biochemical process. Amino

Table 2: The docking parameters of herbal lead compounds along with standard against the target interleukin 6
Compounds Binding free energy Inhibition constant Electrostatic energy Intermolecular energy Total interaction
(kcal/mol) Ki (µM) (mM*) (nM**) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) surface
Beta‑sitosterol −7.85 1.76 µM −0.05 −9.36 843.097
Piperic acid −4.99 220.60 µM −0.11 −5.85 510.071
Piperlonguminine −6.35 22.23 µM −0.02 −7.87 730.405
Piperine −7.30 4.42 µM −0.01 −8.12 681.293
Calotropin −7.43 3.60 µM −0.09 −7.70 839.405
Amyrin −4.16 898.23 µM −0.01 −5.66 505.359
Methotrexate −6.98 7.65 µM −0.05 −8.46 867.078
*Indicates significant inhibition, **Indicates more significant inhibition

Table 3: The docking parameters of herbal lead compounds along with standard against the target tumor necrosis
Compounds Binding free energy Inhibition constant Ki Electrostatic energy Intermolecular energy Total interaction
(kcal/mol) (µM) (mM*) (nM**) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) surface
Beta‑sitosterol −6.94 8.23 µM −0.01 −8.55 663.017
Piperic acid −4.13 940.43 µM −0.84 −4.98 412.666
Piperlonguminine −3.84 1.52 mM* −0.06 −4.73 418.338
Piperine −6.01 39.10 µM −0.01 −5.96 458.191
Calotropin −7.86 1.73 µM −0.03 −8.13 630.035
Amyrin −6.81 10.16 µM −0.03 −7.11 562.457
Tacrolimus −9.26 161.91 nM** −0.12 −8.48 726.708
*Indicates significant inhibition, **Indicates more significant inhibition

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Thiyagasundaram, et al.: Molecular docking of Swasa Kudori Mathirai against inflammatory cytokines

acid residues including Asp71, Ser72, Val91, Ser119, 119 Ser, 122 Ser, 123 Leu, 124 Thr) with the target
Pro121, Ser122, Thr124, Thr125, Thr120, Pro117, and protein IL‑6, followed by this the compound calotropin
His70 are identified as key interaction sites in processing ranked second with a max of 8 interactions (69 Leu, 72
the ligand binding; hence, the ligands that are capable of Ser, 90 Leu, 119 Ser, 120 Thr, 122 Ser, 123 Leu, 124
hosting these significant active sites are considered to act Thr) and piperlonguminine ranked third with a max of
as an anti‑inflammatory candidate.[27] 7 interactions (69 Leu, 72 Ser, 90 Leu, 92 Asp, 93 Val,
119 Ser, 122 Ser) when compared to that of the standard
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Binding interaction analysis against the target IL‑6

reveals that compound beta‑sitosterol exhibits max of drug methotrexate with a max of 10 interactions (69
9 interactions (69 Leu, 72 Ser, 90 Leu, 92 Asp, 93 Val, Leu, 72 Ser, 90 Leu, 92 Asp, 93 Val, 119 Ser, 122 Ser,
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Figure 4: Docking conformation of lead compound’s with interleukin 6 (PDB)‑1N26

Figure 5: Docking conformation of lead compounds with tumour necrosis factor‑alpha (PDB)‑2AZ5

Table 4: Sequential amino acid residue binding analysis of herbal lead compounds along with standard against the
target interleukin 6
Compounds Interactions Amino acid residue
Beta‑sitosterol 9 46 Pro 69 Leu 72 Ser 90 Leu 92 Asp 93 Val 119 Ser 122 Ser 123 Leu 124 Thr
Piperic acid 3 69 Leu 93 Val 95 Pro 96 Glu 115 Trp 117 Pro 119 Ser 121 Pro 125 Thr 175 Val
Piperlonguminine 7 69 Leu 72 Ser 90 Leu 92 Asp 93 Val 96 Glu 119 Ser 122 Ser 125 Thr
Piperine 5 69 Leu 93 Val 95 Pro 96 Glu 115 Trp 117 Pro 119 Ser 121 Pro 122 Ser 123 Leu 125 Thr
Calotropin 8 46 Pro 69 Leu 72 Ser 90 Leu 119 Ser 120 Thr 122 Ser 123 Leu 124 Thr
Amyrin 4 93 Val 95 Pro 96 Glu 115 Trp 117 Pro 119 Ser 121 Pro 122 Ser
Methotrexate 10 69 Leu 72 Ser 90 Leu 92 Asp 93 Val 119 Ser 120 Thr 122 Ser 123 Leu 124 Thr

190 Journal of Ayurveda ¦ Volume 17 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2023

Thiyagasundaram, et al.: Molecular docking of Swasa Kudori Mathirai against inflammatory cytokines

120 Thr, 123 Leu, 124 Thr) as depicted in Table 4 and Conclusion
Figure 6.
Based on the results of the computational analysis, it was
The sequence of residue comprises 57 Leu, 59 Tyr, 119 Tyr, concluded that the bioactive compounds such as piperine,
121 Gly and 151 Tyr are majorly involved in hydrogen and amyrin, beta‑sitosterol, piperic acid, piperlonguminine,
hydrophobic bonds which seems to be critical in binding and calotropin present in the siddha formulation SKM
for binding of drugs belongs to the category of TNF‑α reveals significant binding affinity against the target
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antagonist.[28] Amino acid residual interaction analysis proteins (IL‑6 and TNF‑α) by interacting with active
against the target TNF‑α projects that the compound amino acid present in the active site of the receptor,
piperine (57 Leu, 59 Tyr, 119 Tyr, 151 Tyr, 155 Ile) and whereby it was concluded that these compounds may exert
amyrin ranked first (57 Leu, 59 Tyr, 61 Gln, 119 Tyr, promising anti‑inflammatory and immuno‑modulatory
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151 Tyr) with the max of five interactions, followed by properties. Further in vivo and clinical studies need to be
this other compounds such as beta‑Sitosterol, piperic carried out prior to the clinical recommendation of the
acid and calotropin ranked second with the max of three formulation to the said indications.
interactions (59 Tyr, 119 Tyr, 151 Tyr) when compared to
that of the standard drug Tacrolimus with the max of 7
interactions (57 Leu, 59 Tyr, 61 Gln, 119 Tyr, 149 Gln, 151 We wish to acknowledge my thanks to The Tamil Nadu Dr.
Tyr, 155 Ile) as listed in Table 5 and Figure 7. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Figure 6: 2D interaction plot of lead compounds with residual amino acids on with interleukin 6 (PDB)‑1N26. 2D: Two‑dimensional

Figure 7: 2D interaction plot of lead compounds with residual amino acids on tumour necrosis factor‑alpha (PDB)‑2AZ5. 2D: Two‑dimensional

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Table 5: Sequential amino acid residue binding analysis of herbal lead compounds along with standard against the
target tumor necrosis factor‑alpha
Compounds Interactions Amino acid residue
Beta‑sitosterol 3 15 His 59 Tyr 94 Leu 119 Tyr 120 Leu 151 Tyr
Piperic acid 3 15 His 59 Tyr 119 Tyr 151 Tyr
Piperlonguminine 1 94 Leu 96 Ala 98 Lys 119 Tyr 120 Leu
Piperine 5 57 Leu 59 Tyr 119 Tyr 151 Tyr 155 Ile
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Calotropin 3 15 His 59 Tyr 94 Leu 119 Tyr 120 Leu 151 Tyr
Amyrin 5 57 Leu 59 Tyr 61 Gln 119 Tyr 123 Val 151 Tyr
Tacrolimus 7 57 Leu 59 Tyr 61 Gln 119 Tyr 149 Gln 151 Tyr 155 Ile
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192 Journal of Ayurveda ¦ Volume 17 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2023

Thiyagasundaram, et al.: Molecular docking of Swasa Kudori Mathirai against inflammatory cytokines


परिचय: हजारों मनुष्यों की भंडार में स्थित hit molecule अणु की पहचान करने में कम्यूटेशनल स्क्रीनिंग के साथ आर्टिफिशियल
इं टेलिजन्स दोनो के साथ कर सकते हैं । पारम्परिक चिकित्सा के साथ प्रतिकूल घटना पर विचार करके वैकल्पिक, पारम्परिक
चिकित्सापद्धति में पाये गयें मूलस्रोत विषयों की ओर ध्यान बढ़ता जा रहा हैं । कई शताब्दियों से वनस्पति औषधियों की प्रायोगिक सुरक्षा
और सफलता का फार्माकोलॉजिकल एक्शन्स प्रसिद्ध हैं । युग युग से मानवजाति की सेवा में अपनी पारम्परिक विरासत के कारण सिद्धा
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चिकित्सा पद्धति प्राचीन चिकित्सा पद्धतियों मे मुख्य स्थान प्राप्त किया हुआ है । विधियाँ: स्वास कुडोरी गोली (सकुगो) – सिद्धा चिकित्सा
पद्धति में पाए गये शोथ संबन्धित विकारों के प्रबंधन के लिए प्रसिद्ध औषध के रूप में वर्णित हैं । इसलिए वर्तमान अध्ययन का उद्दे श्य
आटो डॉक वर्चुवल स्क्रीनिंग टू ल का उपयोग करके अर्पुद परिगलन कारक ‑ अल्फा (TNF‑α) और इं टरल्यूकिन‑ 6 (IL‑ 6) जैसे
nYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8KKGKV0Ymy+78= on 10/30/2023

इं फ्लेमेटरी साइटोकाइन के खिलाफ फॉर्मूलेशन सकुगो से प्राप्त फाइटोकेमिकलस की विरोधी इं फ्लेमेटरी क्षमता की जां च करना है ।
परिणाम: कम्प्यूटे शनल विश्लेषण के परिणामों के आधार पर यह निष्कर्ष निकाला गया कि बायो‑एक्टिव कंपाउं ड जैसे पैप्रिन, एमिरिन,
बीटा‑सिटोस्टेरॉल, पाइपरिक एसिड, पैपरलाग्योमिनिन और कैलोट्रोपिन, जो सिद्धा फॉर्मूलेशन सकुगो में मौजूद हैं , लक्ष्यप्रोटीन (IL ‑ 6
और TNF‑α) के खिलाफ महत्वपूर्ण बंधन महत्वपूर्ण बाध्यकारी संबंध प्रकट करते हैं । IL ‑6 और TNF ‑α रिसेप्टर की सक्रिय साइट पर
मौजूद सक्रिय अमीनो एसिड के साथ परस्पर प्रभाव करके, जिससे यह निष्कर्ष निकाला गया कि ये योगिक एं टी इं फ्लेमेटरी और इम्यूनो
– मॉड्यूलेटरी के गुण है । निष्कर्ष: उक्त संकेतों के अनुसार क्लिनिकल से पहले इनविवो और क्लिनिकल अध्ययन किए जाने की आवश्यकता है ।

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