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Practice Packet 1

Name: ______________________________ Score:

Standard and Expanded Form

Write in expanded form:

1) 9.2 ___________________________________________________________________

2) 62.45 ___________________________________________________________________

3) 63.857 ___________________________________________________________________

4) 10.002 ___________________________________________________________________

5) 7.357 ___________________________________________________________________

6) 9.24 ___________________________________________________________________

7) 13.049 ___________________________________________________________________

8) 47.2 ___________________________________________________________________

Write in standard form:

1) 10 5 0.7 0.05 ________________________________

2) 50 2 0.3 0.08 0.001 ________________________________

3) 70 6 0.8 0.02 0.006 ________________________________

4) 4 0.1 0.02 ________________________________

5) 0.5 0.04 0.003 ________________________________

6) 80 2 0.007 ________________________________

7) 4 0.5 0.06 0.007 ________________________________

8) 70 2 0.8 0.05 ________________________________

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Practice Packet 1

Name: ______________________________ Score:

Expanded Form

Write each number in expanded form:

1) 46.91    

2) 0.784 ___________________________________________________________________

3) 29.601 ___________________________________________________________________

4) 97.38 ___________________________________________________________________

5) 51.8 ___________________________________________________________________

6) 65.295 ___________________________________________________________________

7) 21.6 ___________________________________________________________________

8) 41.852 ___________________________________________________________________

9) 6.04 ___________________________________________________________________

10) 0.95 ___________________________________________________________________

11) 17.6 ___________________________________________________________________

12) 9.3 ___________________________________________________________________

13) 25.94 ___________________________________________________________________

14) 77.7 ___________________________________________________________________

15) 83.706 ___________________________________________________________________

Page 2 Printable Math Worksheets @

Practice Packet 1

Name: __________________________ Score:

Place Value of Decimals

Write the place value of the underlined digits:

1) 32.718 _______________________ 2) 0.5384 _______________________

3) 529.672 _______________________ 4) 0.686 _______________________

5) 25.684 _______________________ 6) 935.2502 _______________________

7) 76.625 _______________________ 8) 1.813 _______________________

9) 96.3215 _______________________ 10) 2.978 _______________________

11) 267.246 _______________________ 12) 108.5001 _______________________

13) 6.802 _______________________ 14) 12.4325 _______________________

15) 562.167 _______________________ 16) 0.5643 _______________________

17) 1.3568 _______________________ 18) 846.247 _______________________

19) 0.0005 _______________________ 20) 4.582 _______________________

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Practice Packet 1
Name : Score :

Greater Than / Less Than / Equal To

A) Write <, > or = in each box.

1) 12.14 10.14 2) 0.7 0.7

3) 24.3 34.3 4) 5.62 5.64

5) 7.8 7.8 6) 9.5 8.5

7) 3.04 3.02 8) 23.1 23.1

9) 18.19 18.91 10) 5.46 54.6

B) Write out the words “is greater than”, “is less than” or “is equal to” on
each line.

11) 3.5 3.3

12) 2.04 20.4

13) 5.38 5.38

14) 74.6 74.2

15) 6.94 7.94

Page 4 Printable Math Worksheets @

Practice Packet 1

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Arrange and Add

326.132 + 2.3 + 38.98 54.2 + 90.23 + 19. 672 + 23. 5678

Answer: ___________ Answer: ___________

673. 1 + 70. 0005 + 1.65 + 9. 634 230.33 + 27.2 + 1.89 + 0.2321

Answer: ___________ Answer: ___________

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Practice Packet 1

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Arrange and Subtract

982.574 – 45.45 56.0007 – 18.987

Answer: ___________ Answer: ___________

3.7251 – 0.78 92.2132 – 6.4364

Answer: ___________ Answer: ___________

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Practice Packet 1

Student Name: __________________________ Score:


1) 732 2) 376 3) 211 4) 786

× 61 × 34 × 89 × 57

5) 667 6) 978 7) 268 8) 932

× 45 × 28 × 16 × 75

9) 526 10) 697 11) 932 12) 876

× 84 × 31 × 62 × 53

13) 159 14) 842 15) 658 16) 441

× 99 × 26 × 74 × 38

17) 263 18) 354 19) 558 20) 873

× 12 × 97 × 69 × 32

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Practice Packet 1

Name: ________________________________ Score: ________________


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Page 8                                      
Packet 2

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Decimal Addition

1) 54.98 + 76.16 = 9) 88.05 + 40.79 =

2) 41.87 + 14.49 = 10) 79.12 + 20.51 =

3) 70.88 + 52.81 = 11) 54.45 + 49.5 =

4) 27.64 + 78.66 = 12) 31.76 + 61.12 =

5) 33.75 + 90.52 = 13) 95.62 + 85.39 =

6) 44.65 + 19.98 = 14) 22.68 + 14.04 =

7) 83.26 + 53.07 = 15) 11.37 + 52.31 =

8) 85.43 + 31.67 = 16) 12.35 + 67.68 =

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Packet 2

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Subtracting Decimals

1) 98.39 − 22.67 = 2) 65.45 − 18.76 =

3) 89.25 − 75.67 = 4) 47.62 − 21.58 =

5) 40.06 − 39.28 = 6) 91.28 − 30.07 =

7) 55.02 − 10.38 = 8) 93.85 − 19.39 =

9) 22.58 − 11.27 = 10) 77.78 − 48.75 =

11) 12.68 − 11.06 = 12) 83.54 − 33.47 =

13) 78.94 − 27.73 = 14) 76.08 − 60.44 =

15) 89.13 − 17.94 = 16) 98.46 − 37.29 =

Page 2 Free Math Worksheets @

Packet 2

Basic Arithmetic Skill

Multiplying Decimals by Powers of 10
Multiply each decimal by the specified power of 10.

1) 2.135 10 2) 3.524 0.1

3) 37.275 100 4) 99.001 1000

5) 137.038 0.01 6) 822.019 0.0001

7) 0. 8942 10 8) 0.978 100

9) 0.31156 10000 10) 0.4891 0.001

11) 0.00816 1000 12) 0.000794 10

13) 0.000567 10000 14) 0.12346 0.01

15) 6.8 0.00001 16) 3.78906 0.1

17) 0.000079 0.1 18) 0.00000986 10000000

19) 0.002003 100000 20) 0.00070096 10000

Page 3
Packet 2

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Dividing Decimals
Divide by Head: No long division or calculator

1) 1.05 ÷ 10 2) 0.3 ÷ 100 3) 22.5 ÷ 1000

= = =

4) 112.4 ÷ 100 5) 0.08 ÷ 10 6) 368.32 ÷ 1000

= = =

7) 0.012 ÷ 10 8) 0.025 ÷ 1000 9) 0.056 ÷ 100

= = =

10) 0.00001 ÷ 10 11) 1.004 ÷ 100 12) 125.48 ÷ 1000

= = =

13) 8.07 ÷ 100 14) 3.999 ÷ 10 15) 1.6 ÷ 1000

= = =

16) 2.684 ÷ 10 17) 50.2 ÷ 1000 18) 8001.3 ÷ 100

= = =

19) 256.46 ÷ 10 20) 0.009 ÷ 100 21) 2.14 ÷ 1000

= = =

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Packet 2

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Decimal Multiplication

1) 2.34 2) 0.45 3) 1.75

× 9.3 × 2.9 × 4.6

4) 2.22 5) 7.97 6) 6.35

× 9.4 × 6.6 × 1.1

7) 4.67 8) 8.13 9) 3.87

× 7.8 × 3.6 × 2.1

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Packet 2

Student Name: __________________________ Score:


M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5

ht t p: / / www. m at hcom pos er . c om ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com

(a) 2 3.6 (b) 7 4.9 (c) 4 13.2 (d) 9 8.1

M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5

ht t p: / / www. m at hcom pos er . c om ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com

(e) 5 23.5 (f) 6 21.6 (g) 3 7.8 (h) 4 33.6

M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5

ht t p: / / www. m at hcom pos er . c om ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com

(i) 8 12.0 (j) 5 5.5 (k) 2 8.2 (l) 6 52.8

M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5 M at h Com poser 1. 1. 5

ht t p: / / www. m at hcom pos er . c om ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com ht t p: / / www. m at hcom poser . com

(m) 7 22.4 (n) 3 4.8 (o) 4 9.2 (p) 8 41.6

Page 6 Free Math Worksheets @

Packet 2

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Fill in the Missing Numbers

ଷ ଶ ଼ ହ
a) = b) = c) =
଺ ଵ଼ ସ ଵ଴ ସ଴

ଵ ଷ ଵଶ ଵ଼
d) = e) = f) =
଻ ଵସ ଵ଺ ସ ଼

ଵ଴ ଷ ଽ ଼
g) = h) = i) =
ହ ଶହ ଼ ଵଵ ଶଶ

ଵ ଻ ସଶ ହ
j) = k) = l) =
ଷ ଶ଻ ଷ଺ ଽ ସହ

ଷ଺ ସ ଶ଼ ଶ
m) = n) = o) =
ସ ଵଶ ହ ଵଷ ହଶ

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Packet 2

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Simplify the Fractions

4 2
6 4

12 6
15 8

6 9
10 15

3 9
9 12

4 4
12 10

3 6
12 15

2 10
16 12

6 5
14 10

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Packet 3

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Estimate the Sum

Estimate the sum by rounding each number to the nearest thousand:

6893 + 4288  _____________

9306 + 3972  _____________

1591 + 6100  _____________

5707 + 7815  _____________

8001 + 2621  _____________

4321 + 5505  _____________

6283 + 7266  _____________

1472 + 2463  _____________

3590 + 8918  _____________

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Packet 3

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Estimate the Difference

Estimate the difference by rounding each number to the nearest thousand:

7392 – 2042 ൎ __________

9589 – 7936 ൎ __________

3621 – 1038 ൎ __________

6727 – 4894 ൎ __________

5322 – 2429 ൎ __________

4929 – 4113 ൎ __________

9185 – 3323 ൎ __________

7621 – 2832 ൎ __________

2982 – 1482 ൎ __________

Page 2 Free Math Worksheets @

Packet 3

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Estimate the Product

Estimate the product by rounding each number to the nearest hundred:

523 x 281 ൎ ____________

972 x 378 ൎ ____________

828 x 109 ൎ ____________

184 x 631 ൎ ____________

425 x 975 ൎ ____________

389 x 434 ൎ ____________

628 x 371 ൎ ____________

888 x 482 ൎ ____________

204 x 532 ൎ ____________

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Packet 3

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Estimate Division Worksheet

Estimate the division by rounding each number to the nearest ten:

Work Space

837  24  ___________________

409  11  ___________________

545  46  ___________________

963  22  ___________________

275  41  ___________________

182  18  ___________________

715  89  ___________________

774  13  ___________________

Page 4 Free Math Worksheets @

Packet 3

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Decimals Multiplication Word Problems

Questions Workspace

Hamlet ordered 9 pizzas. Each pizza costs

$13.95. How much does he need to pay?


A broken scale is used to measure the height

of the plant. The length of the broken scale is
12 cm. The height of the plant is 14.15 times
greater than the broken scale. What is the
height of the plant?


The height and volume of a rectangular box is

one inch and 56.23 inch3 respectively. What is
the volume of the box if the height is
increased to 13 inches?


David and Dora are close friends studying in

the same school. David’s home is 6.87 miles
away from school. Dora’s home is 7 times as
far as David’s home from school. Find the
distance between Dora’s school and her


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Packet 3

Student Name: __________________________ Score:

Decimals Division Word Problems

Questions Workspace

Catherine split rope that was 49.4 inches into

4 equal parts. What is the length of each part?


Serene paid $35.01 to buy 9 hot dogs. How

much did each hot dog cost?


Diana sells 12 garlands for $12.12. What is the

cost of each garland?


A shop keeper bought 26 apples from a fruit

vendor for $37.70. How much did each apple


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Packet 3
Name : Score :

Order of Operations

1) 8 + 96 ÷ 2 2) 23 × 4 – 28

Ans = Ans =

3) 42 ÷ 6 – 3 4) 17 × 3 + 2

Ans = Ans =

5) 79 – 12 × 4 6) 3 × 5 – 10

Ans = Ans =

7) 90 ÷ 2 + 4 8) 8 +10 × 5

Ans = Ans =

9) 3 + 5 × 7 10) 42 – 15 ÷ 5

Ans = Ans =

Printable Math Worksheets @ Page 7

Packet 3

Name : Score :

Order of Operations

1) 85 ÷ 5 + 3 2) 42 – 27 × 5

Ans = Ans =

3) 6 × 2 + 1 4) 70 ÷ 10 – 12

Ans = Ans =

5) 73 – 9 × 7 6) 1 + 39 ÷ 3

Ans = Ans =

7) 20 ÷ 5 – 29 8) 8 × 6 + 5

Ans = Ans =

9) 5 × 3 – 46 10) 26 + 18 ÷ 9

Ans = Ans =

Page 8
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Practice Packet 4 Name _____________________________
Practice Packet 4
Practice Packet 4
Practice Packet 4
Practice Packet 4
Practice Packet 4
Practice Packet 4
Practice Packet 5 Name ________________________
Practice Packet 5
Practice Packet 5
Practice Packet 5
Practice Packet 5
Practice Packet 5
Practice Packet 5

Practice Packet 6 Name __________________________
Practice Packet 6
Practice Packet 6
Practice Packet 6
Practice Packet 6
Practice Packet 6
Practice Packet 6

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