Cambridge International Examinations: 0417/12 Information and Communication Technology

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education



Paper 1 Theory May/June 2016

2 hours

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

No Additional Materials are required.


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Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

No marks will be awarded for using brand names of software packages or hardware.

Answer all questions.

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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The syllabus is approved for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a Cambridge International Level 1/Level 2 Certificate.

This document consists of 14 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

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1 Write down the most appropriate input device which matches the following descriptions:

(a) This is provided with a laptop to imitate the functions of a mouse.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) This is not a mouse but is used to manoeuvre objects around the screen in computer video

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) This is used to type in text.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) This is used for direct input of hard copy images.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

2 Tick whether the following statements are true or false.

true false
(✓) (✓)

A microphone is an output device.

The Control Unit is part of the Central Processing Unit.

The Arithmetic and Logic Unit is part of the Central Processing Unit.

A temperature sensor is an input device.


3 Tick whether the following statements would most appropriately apply to the internet or an intranet.

internet intranet
(✓) (✓)

A public computer network.

Is easier to protect sensitive data from hackers.

The content is more easily controlled.

Exists within a single organisation only.


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4 Complete the following sentences.

(a) A piece of programming code which maliciously deletes files is called

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) The scrambling of data to make it unreadable by unauthorised users is called

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) An internet protocol for delivering private messages using cryptography is called

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) An attachment to an electronic message used to verify the identity of the sender is called

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

5 Describe four methods you could use to minimise the likelihood of receiving spam emails.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


3 ................................................................................................................................................


4 ................................................................................................................................................



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6 A school’s Science department has a network which uses WiFi. A teacher has a laptop computer
and whilst in school wishes to connect to this network.

(a) Write down the name of this type of network.

........................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) In order to access the network the laptop must be within range of a type of WiFi network device.

(i) Write down the name of this type of device.

................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Describe how this device is connected to the network using an ethernet cable.


................................................................................................................................ [1]

(c) WiFi networks can be limited in their range.

Describe one other disadvantage of a WiFi network compared to a cabled network.


........................................................................................................................................... [1]

7 (a) Explain what is meant by VOIP.




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Name two items of computer hardware that are needed in order to make a VOIP phone call
from one computer to another.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................


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8 There are many microprocessor controlled devices used in the modern home.

Describe two drawbacks in terms of lifestyle changes this has produced for the users of such

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................



9 A customer wishes to check the balance of their bank account and inserts their card into the ATM.

(a) Describe the computer processing which takes place at the ATM.








........................................................................................................................................... [4]

(b) Describe the computer processing which takes place at the bank’s computer.






........................................................................................................................................... [3]

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10 When a bank cheque is presented to a bank it is sent off to a cheque clearing centre.

(a) (i) Give three items of information that are pre-printed on the cheque in magnetic ink.

1 .............................................................................................................................


2 .............................................................................................................................


3 .............................................................................................................................



(ii) Describe how MICR is used to read these details from the cheque.






................................................................................................................................ [3]

(b) Explain why magnetic ink is used rather than bar codes on a cheque.




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

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11 Name and describe three methods of implementing a new computer system. For each one describe
the type of situation where each method might be used.

1 ................................................................................................................................................





2 ................................................................................................................................................





3 ................................................................................................................................................






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12 Maria is the principal of the International Municipal school. She has employed Paulo, a systems
analyst, to create a new database system to store records of her final year IGCSE students.

Examples of the details of the students which will be stored are:

Velia Grimaldi, A3058, Female, 161, Leaving

Giuseppe Campo, A3072 , Male, 177, Staying on to 6th form

Nicola Donati, B3085, Female, 173, Staying on to 6th form

Giovanni Agnelli, C3102, Male, 172, Leaving

(a) Complete the following table by entering the field names and most appropriate data type for
each field.

For any numeric field, specify the type of number.

Field name Data type





(b) Paulo wishes to save storage space. He does not change the Name field, but decides that two
other fields could have their data shortened.

Apart from the Name field, identify the two other fields and describe how the contents will be

Field 1................................................................................................................................

Shortened form 1...............................................................................................................

Field 2................................................................................................................................

Shortened form 2...............................................................................................................


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(c) There is no key field set. Maria’s secretary typed in the data to the database in this order:

Giuseppe Campo, A3072, Male, 177, Staying on to 6th form

Giovanni Agnelli, C3102, Male, 172, Leaving

Nicola Donati, B3085, Female, 173, Staying on to 6th form

Velia Grimaldi, A3058, Female, 161, Leaving

Maria can get the database back in to the original order by sorting the data using one field.

Write down the name of this field and the order in which it will need to be sorted.




13 FTP is an internet protocol.

Explain what is meant by FTP and how it differs from HTTP.








.................................................................................................................................................. [4]

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14 Below is a spreadsheet showing contributions to a charity from different regions.


1 The Manta Conservaon Project

2 Regional analysis
3 Region RCode Currency Regional income Date Rcode Amount
4 Africa AF Rand ZAR 65.00 20/01/2016 AF 15.00
5 Asia AS Yuan ¥3,752.50 20/01/2016 AS 150.00
6 Australasia AU Dollar $142.50 20/01/2016 NA 2000.00
7 Europe EU Euro €1,076.00 20/01/2016 EU 25.00
8 North America NA Dollar $2,240.50 21/01/2016 NA 120.50
9 South America SA Real R$75.75 21/01/2016 SA 50.00
10 21/01/2016 AF 50.00
11 21/01/2016 AS 25.00
12 21/01/2016 EU 15.00
13 22/01/2016 AU 140.00
14 22/01/2016 EU 1000.00
15 22/01/2016 NA 20.00
16 23/01/2016 SA 25.75
17 23/01/2016 EU 16.00
18 23/01/2016 NA 100.00
19 23/01/2016 AS 55.00
20 24/01/2016 AS 12.50
21 25/01/2016 AS 10.00
22 25/01/2016 AU 2.50
23 26/01/2016 EU 20.00
24 26/01/2016 AS 3500.00
26 Number of donaons 21

(a) Cell E4 contains the formula =SUMIF($H$4:$H$24,B4,$I$4:$I$24)

Using cell references explain what this formula does.






........................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) What formula would you expect to see in cell E8?

........................................................................................................................................... [3]

(c) The formula in I26 only refers to the values in column I. Write down the formula you would
expect to see in cell I26

........................................................................................................................................... [2]

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15 Information on the internet can sometimes be unreliable. Discuss ways you could minimise the
chance of finding unreliable information when searching the internet.












.................................................................................................................................................. [6]

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16 Describe what is meant by the following file formats.

(a) .txt




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) .gif




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) .pdf




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

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17 The following is an external stylesheet which contains a number of mistakes.

h1 {
colour: #000040;
font-family: Arial, sans serif;
font-size: 18 px;
text-align: center;
h2 {
color: 000000;
font-family: Times New Roman, serif;
font-size: 15px;
text-align: centre;

body {
background-image: url(;
background-color: #025fb4;

table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border-width: 4px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #000000;

td {
border-width: 2px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #000000;

Write down five mistakes which would prevent this stylesheet from working properly and, for each,
give the correction.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................


2 ...............................................................................................................................................


3 ...............................................................................................................................................


4 ...............................................................................................................................................


5 ...............................................................................................................................................



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18 Discuss why different user interfaces require the use of different types of input device.
















.................................................................................................................................................. [8]

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be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge International
Examinations Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download at after
the live examination series.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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