BA2 Sociology - Paper 2

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BA2 Sociology - Paper 2

1. Women empowerment :
Women are considered the basis of every social organization and the source of culture. Both the organization and
disintegration of the society depend on their condition. People believe that women are a symbol of social progress
and progress. The society where the status of women is high and respectable is considered progressive. Not only this,
women provide unique contribution in socialization and personality development. As mother, sister, wife and friend,
they hold an important place in terms of human development. The name of Shatrapati Shivaji as a mother, Kalidas
and Tulsidas as the main factors of corruption as wives and the name of the sisters of Rajasthan in the form of
bravery and sacrifice are immortal. Hence we see that women influence the individual and the society.
It holds a different place from the point of view of development, progress and development etc. That is why women
are considered a great power, they are a symbol of civilization.
During the Vedic period, women had all the rights. Even during the Vedic period, their condition was good, but in the
medieval period, the condition of women became pathetic, which remained till pre-independence. In independent
India, many rights were provided to women in the Constitution, the impact of which is currently visible all over India.
First of all, while discussing the achievements of Indian women, Shri Sachan has written - "If we look at the Indian
society, we will find that in just a few years, women have raised such flags of success that the old stereotypes have
been shaken. Women There are about 30 judges in the judicial service. Women's police stations have been opened in
the army, there are women aircraft pilots, today women have entered the Indian military, apart from prisoner
medicine, women have started gaining a foothold in engineering. In 1995 Bharatiya Chawla was included in the team
of experts in NASA's mission. Today people's eyes are dazzled by the brightness in the world. Reimagining the origins
of the field Election - Indian Women's Commission.
2. Violence against women:
The problem of violence against women is not new. Women have been victims of harassment in Indian society for a
long time. Today, women are gradually being considered as important, influential and meaningful partners in the
lives of men. But just a few years ago their condition was worrisome. The norms, customs and traditions prevalent in
the social tradition, patriarchal family system etc. had contributed to the oppression of women. Some of the ancient
customs were practical and are still prevalent today. Despite the laws made for Indian women after independence,
expansion of women's education, gradually increasing economic independence of women, etc., today innumerable
women are suffering from violence. They get beaten up. They are seduced emotionally but then sold. They are
kidnapped, raped, burnt for reasons such as insufficient dowry, or murdered by poisoning their food.
Violence against women can be classified as follows - (1) Criminal violence - like rape, kidnapping, murder.
(2) Domestic violence - beating, sexual abuse, dowry related murder, Abuse of widows or old women.
(3) Social violence - molestation of women, obscene gestures or words etc. to girls, forcing the wife/daughter-in-law
to kill the female foetus, depriving the daughter-in-law of property, physically or mentally torturing the daughter-in-
law for dowry Etc.
According to Indian Government statistics, crimes against women have increased by 12% between 1996-98. The most
common crimes are harassment, followed by molestation, followed by kidnapping, rape and dowry death.
Dowry related deaths have increased by 50% between 1988 and 1998. Based on the survey, it is clear that every 33
minutes a case of atrocities against a common woman comes to light. If we look at the entire matter, we can have
some general idea about violence against women.
3. National Commission for Women:
National Commission for Women was formed in 1990. Constituted on January 31, 1992 under the National
Commission for Women Act, the main areas of activities of the Commission include review of constitutional and legal
measures for women, suggestion of remedial measures, redressal of grievances, study and investigation, promotion
And educational research, participation and consultation in the planning process and the work of advising the
government on all policy-related issues related to the welfare and development of women in the country. The major
issues within the scope of consideration of the Commission include the review of laws related to the empowerment
of women as well as the organization of Mahila Lok Adalats organized by non-governmental organizations. families
across the country by providing justice. Under legal awareness programs, police, NGOs and to make officials aware
about women and the laws and security related to them.
Efforts are being made to implement the measures in a better way. Apart from these women. Release and
rehabilitation of prisoners, providing justice to undertrial women prisoners, rehabilitation of widows, supporting the
prohibition movement, providing justice to women prisoners in jail, increasing participation of women in the
electoral process and prevention of violence against them are also on the agenda of the Commission are included.
4. Women's Social Act:
In any society, creation of social laws is necessary to keep the society controlled and regulated. Many evils related to
family and marriage were prevalent in India. To remove them, many acts were made during the British rule and
independent India which changed the social conditions of women, which are as follows -
Sati Prohibition Act 1829 - Before 1929, women in India were forced to burn themselves in the funeral pyre of their
husbands when they became widows. Therefore, with great efforts, Raja Rammohan Roy made this Act in 1929.
Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856: Before 1856, the condition of widows was very serious, neither could they
remarry nor had any right in the husband's property, hence through this Act they got legal recognition to remarry.
Hindu Women's Rights on Property Act 1937 - This Act was passed with a view to giving a Hindu woman the right to
inherit her deceased husband's property upon marriage.
Women's Act 1946 for separate living and maintenance - According to this Act,
According to this, Hindu women, under certain circumstances, get the right to maintenance if they live separately
from their husbands. Apart from this, the social legislations made in independent India are as follows-
Special Marriage Act 1954-This provides for marriages between different religions and castes was approved.
Hindu Marriage Act 1955 – This law applies to the people of the entire country except Jammu and Kashmir.
Hindu Succession Act 1956 – This Act was implemented for equal rights for men and women.
Hindu Minors and Guardianship Act 1956: Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1955, Immoral Traffic Prevention of
Women and Girls Act 1956, Dowry Prevention Act 1961-1984-86 etc. are social acts related to women.
5. Women Welfare Programme:
After independence, the Government of India constituted a committee in 1971 to improve the status of women,
which submitted its report in 1975. Based on the suggestions of this committee, many "women welfare programs"
were conducted. To give equal pay to women as men, the government passed the Equal Pay Act 1979. To improve the
condition of women, "Maternity" Act 1961-71 was passed. For the upliftment of women living in rural areas.
Women's groups were established. Due to 1975 being organized as International Women's Year, various socio-
economic welfare works were carried out. A training center was established for vocational training for handicapped
women aged 18-50 years. Women Development Corporations were established in 1986-87 to provide employment to
"Mahila Samridhi Yojana" was started in the entire country from October 2, 1993. In this, women from rural areas
deposit Rs 300 in the post office and if they do not withdraw it for a year, the government contributes Rs 75. 33.13/m
seats have been reserved for women in Panchayati Raj institutions and city councils. So that they can participate in
politics. “National Fund” has been established to provide credit facilities to the poor and needy. 1982 National
Commission for Women is formed. In 1982-83, Dwakara scheme was started for the development of women and
"Indira Mahila Yojana" was started in the development blocks from 20 August 1955. Its objective is to organize and
empower the lower level women.
The year 2001-02 was celebrated as women empowerment. Due to this, a disabled woman who is harassed for
dowry will be given employment and if a government employee tortures his wife, he will be dismissed from the job.
6. Concept of Casteism:
Casteism is a feeling that discriminates against members of a caste without any reason. Motivates people to take
sides, no matter how much this compromises the interests of other groups. In present life our society is not only
divided into four varnas, but each varna is divided into hundreds of castes and sub-castes. There is a stratification of
high and low among all these sub-castes and each sub-caste tries to give highest importance to its own interests. In
short, this narrow feeling of bias towards one's own caste is 'casteism'.
Dr. Sharma says that "Casteism or caste-devotion is that feeling of a person of one caste which, without keeping in
mind the interests of the country or the society, the person only wants to uplift his own caste, strengthen caste unity
and the social status of the caste." Inspires to."Shri Panikkar and Dr.Narmadeshwar Prasad have clarified the meaning
of casteism in the political context. Shri Panikkar says that "in the language of politics, casteism is the feeling of
loyalty towards a sub-caste." This makes it clear that casteism has been nurtured in political interests and its main
function is to generate loyalty in a person towards his own sub-caste.
Dr.Narmadeshwar Prasad has also supported this statement of Panikkar.
It has been said that "Casteism is such a blind and supreme group-devotion that ignores the healthy social norms of
justice, fairness, equality and fraternity." It is clear from this statement that casteism is a type of caste prejudice.
Dr.Narmadeshwar Prasad says that "Prejudice is a type of decision or attitude or belief, which people establish even
before they are acquainted with the real facts."
7. Reasons of casteism:
The following factors have contributed in the development of casteism -
(1) Indian philosophy - Various theories related to Indian philosophy such as reincarnation and karma.
The principle of etc. gives more importance to the fact that every person should do his work and perform his duties
by staying in his own varna. This principle of karma made the person fatalistic. This principle of karma later
transformed into the form of casteism.
Kaka Kalelkar threw light on the nature of casteism and its consequences.
(2) Traditional system-Professions have contributed in the origin of different castes. An organizational and ethnic
feeling is also found among the people working in different professions. Every person started giving importance to
the professions related to his caste and started ignoring others.
(3) Increase in means of transport – In ancient times, there were no transport facilities, hence the organization of
people of one caste could not be formed extensively. Today, people are establishing their caste organizations in every
city through ships and mobile phones. Caste consciousness is propagated through newspapers and magazines.
(4) Objective of progress of one's caste - Every person of every caste wants that the status of the people of his caste
should be higher, for this caste organizations and caste unions are formed.
(5) Priesthood-Brahmins composed Smritis, Puranas and Upanishads due to their selfish interests. In which the lower
castes were exploited while praising the Brahmins like this
priesthood promoted casteism.
(6) Organization of different castes – As casteism progressed, its roots became stronger, for this, different types of
organizations started being established so that casteism could be strengthened. Its objective is only for the progress
and welfare of the people of its own caste.
8. Problem of gender discrimination:
Gender discrimination means discrimination between men and women in society. gender disparity. It is used in both
biological and social senses. Gender in biology refers to a specific biological structure. It involves special physical and
mental conditions. Gender discrimination is socio-cultural. In gender inequality, men and women are studied from
socio-cultural perspective in the form of husband-wife, son-daughter, brother-sister. Gender discrimination means
parallel and unequal social division in terms of femininity and masculinity. Gender discrimination is a situation in
which discrimination is done on the following grounds.
(1) Role of men and women in family and social decisions.
(2) Opportunities for social participation available to men and women.
3) Freedom achieved in personal, social and economic life. ,
(4) Attitudes and actual behavior towards women.
(5) Limitation of women's rights in political life.
On the basis of social, cultural and psychological reality, from 1970 onwards, a distinction was made between men
and women. Inequalities are seen between men and women on the basis of their social status and role. The status of
women is bad in all areas like work, participation, education, health, property etc. The social condition of women is
more pathetic than that of men. Although women are called goddesses in Hindu society, far from being considered
superior, they are not even given equal status.
9. Due to gender discrimination:
What are the conditions of gender discrimination that have been encouraging discrimination between men and
women on the basis of gender for a long time? Except for some tribal communities, there has been a male-
dominated system in all the societies of the world. Such social systems continue to nurture those values and
attitudes which are not in favor of equality between men and women. If we analyze the causes of gender
discrimination on sociological basis, four reasons can be considered responsible for it - (1) patriarchal social system
(2) Rural system of India
(3) Lack of education among women
(4) Extreme tolerance in women
The social system itself determines our mutual relationships, nature of contact and attitudes. lived for a long time in
a male-dominated social system. Due to this, women themselves have started considering themselves subordinate to
men. The rural economy made more than three-fourths of the population here so traditional that they could never
develop consciousness about their rights.
Due to lack of education, the influence of blind beliefs and fabricated religious stories increased so much that even
thinking about equality with men started being seen as a sin. Considering women's qualities like extreme tolerance
as their weakness, men started exploiting them arbitrarily.
In today's changing environment, when women have started demanding equal rights, no power can suppress it for
long. In this context, Trostky says that "There is no limit to man's ego. To understand the world, it is necessary that
we see it from the women's point of view."
10. Concept of generation gap or generation gap:
When mutual conflict between two generations increases to such an extent that one generation starts suppressing
the people of the other generation through pressure, threat or harassment, then such a situation is called inter-
generational problem.
The circumstances prevailing between the old and new generations have created a situation of conflict. Behavioral
patterns and attitudes that the older generation adopts to maintain social conformity and consider ideas important.
The young generation starts opposing them considering them conservative, opposed to individual freedom and
discriminatory. This problem is not very old in Indian society. After independence, when education spread rapidly,
egalitarian values started being encouraged in the democratic system. Due to industrialization, economic freedom
started increasing among men as well as women, the influence of western values started increasing, then the
younger generation opposed the rules, customs and ways of behavior of the society which had been maintaining the
social system of India for a long time. Example: The youth of the new generation today do not want to be under the
control of the elders in the family. In the matter of marriage, the youth not only want freedom but also consider it
appropriate to oppose their parents. As a result, love marriages and inter-caste marriages are increasing. While the
older generation was bound by the rules of caste, the new generation does not believe in caste stratification. The
views of the old and new generations are different from each other in the matter of children's education. Women
demand the right to freedom inside and outside the family and not under the veil. Whereas such freedom is
considered indecent by the older generation and is opposed.
11. Reasons for generation gap:
Various scholars have explained the problem of generation gap in terms of several reasons:
Sorokin - Falling social values, sensual culture and individualistic attitudes are held responsible, while Dr. Damle - The
new generation wants its independent existence in the society, but Traditional values are a hindrance in this.
(1) Western Values - At present, the influence of Western values has increased rapidly in India. The desire for
personal selfishness, freedom and material happiness has been cut off on the basis of the logic of superstitions. As a
result, the thoughts of the new generation differ from those of the old generation.
(2) Increase in mobility – Mobility means change in the social and local status of a person. When mobility increases,
the social and economic status of the new generation is acquired rather than given. Due to this, tension starts
increasing between two generations.
(3) Change in the structure of the family - Till some time ago, today nuclear families are prevalent where elders are
absent or most of their families are in joint family situation. Inter-generational conflict starts getting encouraged at
the mental level could. Efforts made to inculcate values like equality, independence, self-reliance, self-confidence are
ineffective due to which the new generation considers the traditional values as backward or useless and the older
generation (4) inculcates the new paradigm of socialization in the child right from the beginning of life. . I express
(5) New standards of morality: The relation of morality to the sense of right and wrong and gives importance to the
values of achieving something which can lead to material success.
(6) Logical and vocational education – The present education system is based on logic and not on faith. Today a
person's dependence on his family and community has reduced. Today the person has become self-reliant. Hence a
problem has arisen between the new and old generations.
Behaviors that were considered appropriate some time ago are no longer appropriate in the present era.
12. Juvenile delinquency:
Juvenile crime has been defined differently by sociologists, jurists and criminologists depending on the age and
nature of the crime. It is about the question of what age should the anti-social behavior committed by a teenager be
called a juvenile delinquency. There are differences in the laws of different countries. In most countries, crime
committed by a child below 7 years of age is not considered illegal or anti-social. Because till that age the child does
not develop the understanding to differentiate between good and bad, the age of juvenile delinquency is between 18
to 20 years. Any anti-social act done by a person after this age is counted as youth crime.
According to Sethna, "Child crime includes wrongful acts of a child or a young person who falls within the age limit
specified by the law of the concerned place."
According to Friedkander, "A juvenile delinquent is a child whose behavior leads to breaking the law or indicates
breaking the law."
According to Glynn and Glynn, "From a sociological point of view, a juvenile delinquent is a person whose behavior is
considered harmful by the society and is therefore prohibited by it."
The following facts are important in determining juvenile delinquency in India -
(1) Any child who commits any act against the law under the age of 7 years is not considered a juvenile delinquent
because these children are considered delinquent.
(2) Crimes committed between the age of 16 to 18 years come under the category of juvenile delinquents.
(3) Not only the age of the crime but also the seriousness of the crime is an important aspect.
Following are the characteristics of juvenile delinquency in India-
(1) Of the juvenile crimes committed every year in India, only 2% are detected by the police and Come under the
notice of the court.
(2) Juvenile crimes are more in cities than in villages.
(3) In India, 50 thousand juvenile crimes are covered under IPC and 85 thousand are covered under local and special
(4) Boys commit more juvenile crimes than girls.
(5) Highest number of juvenile delinquents are Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh
respectively. Occur in Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan. , In which 81% people would be first time offenders.
(6) Most of the juvenile crimes in India are of economic nature and are mostly found in the age group of 12 to 16
7) More crimes are committed by uneducated teenagers than educated ones. It is mostly done by people belonging
to Scheduled Castes and Tribes
(8) Most of the teenagers in India are abused by friends and peers. It is done by brothers forming a group.
13. Prevention of juvenile delinquency:
Two types of measures have been taken to reform juvenile delinquents - first, by making new laws, second by
reforming institutions and schools.
(1) Legal measures – Efforts were made to protect children who behave anti-socially and from ill effects under the
Children's Act. For them, instead of punishment, they accepted reform and asked for their immediate release. In
1987, it was decided that juvenile delinquents would not be kept in jail but would be kept in welfare centres.
(A) Children's Court-Child Justice Act was enacted in 1986. This Children's Court consists of a First Class Magistrate,
one or two Honorary Lady Magistrates, juvenile delinquents, parents,Guardians, probation officers, police in plain
clothes, court clerks sometimes lawyers are Its meetings are held in a simple manner by arranging tables and chairs.
Its hearing is 24 hours It takes place within.
(B) Correctional Institutions-Remand Home-When a child is caught by the police after a crime, he is kept in a remand
home. Here the background of the probation officer child, Studies the social environment, physical and mental
conditions. After the report of the certified school-examination officer, if the court feels that there is a need to keep
him in a reform institution, then he is kept in this school. It can be kept here for about 3-7 years. After completing the
term, it is released under someone's protection.
(2) Bostel School – In this place people are kept from 18-21 years till somewhere around 23 years. People up to 23
years of age are kept somewhere else. Walllessvostals were developed in the 1930s. Here moral, social, mental and
physical development is done in the poor environment of the criminal. This school contributes to the reintegration of
criminals into the society.
(3) Probation Hostel – When a criminal does not have a guardian or parents, he is kept in a probation hostel. Here the
criminal has freedom to roam around during the day but has to come at the right time at night.
(4) Juvenile Prison - In this prison, criminals are given training in various professions. They are allowed to go out of
the prison and study and there are arrangements for canteen and panchayat for them. Complete details of the
progress of the prisoners are kept here.
(5) Correctional Home – In this, criminals below 16 years of age are kept. The objective of this school is to reform and
rehabilitate the delinquent child. Here they are employed as per their education and interest. From here criminals
are kept for 3-7 years.
(6) Post-Protection Institutions - When a juvenile delinquent stays in a correctional institution for six months and his
conduct is good, then such children are sent to a post-protection institution. Apart from food, education, health,
training etc., arrangements are also made in this institute. A parole officer takes care of these children. The objective
of this organization is to provide protection to the child.
14. Meaning and definition of crime:
Anti-social behaviors are called crimes and the person who commits them is called a criminal. This means that
behavior that deviates from rules, morality and general interests is called crime. In fact, crime is a relative concept
which is related to the country, time and values. Criminologists believe that the correct explanation of crime is legal.
of view, violating the law of a particular state is a crime.
According to Dr. Sethna, "Crime can be defined as any act or error which is punishable according to the law of a state
or society at a particular time. Whether it is related to sin or not."
In the words of Hackerwal, “From the legal point of view, crime is to violate the law.” Maurer has written - "Crime is
any action that violates the law." Giving a brief definition of crime, Tafed has written, "Crime is legally an act which is
punishable according to law." As such
While giving sociological definition of crime, Wanners and Teeters have said - "Technically, crime means anti-social
behavior which violates public sentiments to such an extent that it is prohibited by law."
In the words of Elliot and Merrill, “Crime can be defined as an anti-social behavior which is ostracized by the group
and for which it prescribes punishment.”
Manheim has given the most concise definition by saying that "crime is anti-social behavior."
15. Reasons for crime:
There are some common factors of crime which are as follows -
(1) Personal and psychological factors - This includes age, gender, alcoholism, Emotional conflict is included. Most
crimes are committed during adolescence and youth. Sexual crimes are committed in old age. People of mature age
commit crimes like forgery, embezzlement, fraud etc. Men commit more crimes than women. Due to alcoholism, a
person does not know what is right and wrong and he kills others or even commits suicide. A person commits crime
to get relief from emotional conflicts. Example: Love is an emotion. When it is not fulfilled, the emotion of hatred
arises and the person even kills someone.
(2) Economic reasons – This can include industrialization, business cycle, agricultural condition, poverty and
unemployment. Due to industrialization, people leave their families and live in slums in cities and easily turn to
crime. If agriculture is good and economic condition is good, the possibility of crime remains less but if there is no
crop, the possibility of crime increases. With the ups and downs of business comes ups and downs in crime. An
unemployed person easily turns to crime to provide for his family. Poverty and unemployment are seen together.
(3) Social factors-Social problems like ban on widow remarriage encourage sexual crimes. Women commit suicide
due to mismatched marriages and dowry system. Caste system creates conflict between upper caste and lower caste.
Surrendering a girl as a Devdasi is indeed a heinous crime. Illiteracy makes a person superstitious and the person
commits crimes.
(4) Family and cultural factors - It is clear from many studies that broken families give rise to crimes. Such as divorce
or voluntary separation between parents or death of one of the two (husband and wife), abuse of children by
stepmother or stepfather, etc. Movies increase the nerve impulses of a person and to become like that the person
commits crime. Apart from this, newspapers, political corruption, moral degradation, penal system etc. are such
systems due to which a person is not afraid of committing crime.
16. Concept of Poverty:
Poverty is a social and economic problem. This is a ubiquitous problem. Considering the large number of poor
countries in the world, they are called the third world. Even in India, most of the families are suffering badly from
poverty. This poverty causes hunger and death. The Industrial Revolution has had a special contribution in giving rise
to the severe inequality of poverty today.
Poverty is an economic condition but it also reflects the social position because the economic condition of a person is
closely related to the social category and class. In common language, poverty means economic inequality, economic
dependency and economic inefficiency.
According to Gillin and Gillin - "Poverty is that condition in which a person, either due to insufficient income or
unwise expenditure, is unable to maintain his standard of living high enough to maintain his physical and mental
capabilities and prevent him and his dependents from being able to live in the society. To be able to remain capable
of working productively as per the levels.”
Dr. Yogesh Atal has defined poverty as being deprived of national income in comparative terms. You write that "the
concept of poverty is related to relative. It's about the fact of being deprived." Thus poverty is a relative term. Money
is important in determining poverty and those people who lack money are considered poor. But there are many
people who lack money yet their standard of living is high. On the other hand, even though many people have
abundance of money, they live a low standard of living, still we can call them poor. Therefore, it is clear that poverty
is not only an economic fact but also a social fact because poverty is determined on the basis of the customs and
standard of living of that country. Goddard also wrote that "Poverty is the lack of those things which are necessary to
keep a person and his dependents healthy and strong." In this way, when a man cannot even gather the means to
keep his family healthy, then he will be called poor.
17. Due to poverty:
Poverty does not arise as a result of a single event but is a result of many factors.
There are consequences for mutual actions.
(i) Personal factors- Illness occurs when a person suffers from illness, accident, mental disability, moral degradation,
(ii) Geographical factors - In a place where there is lack of natural reserves and minerals and lack of fertility in the
land, then in such a situation the people there have to face difficulties in fulfilling their needs due to lack of natural
resources. Flood, famine, excessive rain, drought, epidemic, earthquake etc. also cause poverty.
(iii) Social factors- Many factors come under this. Such as educational shortcomings, lack of housing facilities, lack of
health care, lack of knowledge about marriage and parenthood, disharmony with circumstances etc.
(iv) Political factors- Political instability also gives rise to poverty. such a situation Profiteering, discontent, black
marketing, hoarding etc. flourish in it. government economic policies also influence.
(v) Economic factors – Inadequate production, unequal distribution,, economic fluctuations, unemployment,
recession, vicious cycle of poverty etc. give rise to poverty.
(vi) Cultural factors- “Simple living, high thinking” has been said in Indian culture. Therefore, people do not run after
cubes and feel satisfied in fulfilling at least their needs.
(vii) Increasing population – The population in India increases by one crore every year and the means and facilities for
living do not increase at that pace which gives rise to poverty.
(viii) Backwardness of agriculture - Due to poor condition of agriculture, lack of means of irrigation, lack of improved
seeds, fertilizers and resources, the yield is not so much that the farmers can save something to feed their families for
the whole year. . Hence one has to face poverty.
(ix) Illiteracy and Ignorance- Most of the people in India are illiterate. Landlords and moneylenders take advantage of
the illiteracy and ignorance of the villagers and exploit them which creates poverty. Apart from this, capitalist system,
laziness, social evils, money lending and landlordism, war etc. also contribute to giving rise to poverty.
18. Poverty alleviation program:
Special efforts have been made by the Government of India to eradicate poverty. From five-year plans to various
programs, the aim of the government has been to eradicate poverty. The efforts made to eradicate poverty are as
-From the Fourth Five Year Plan to the Ninth Five Year Plan, provisions have been made for poverty alleviation and in
these plans, provisions are being made to increase employment opportunities for poverty alleviation.
-Efforts are being made to eradicate poverty by creating new possibilities in the field of employment and making
people self-reliant through the Food for Work Scheme and Antyodaya Scheme.
-For the development of agriculture, the government is giving priority to the work of making barren land fertile and
plowing fallow land. Efforts are also being made to solve these problems by providing irrigation facilities.
-Family welfare programs are being promoted with the aim of controlling population to eradicate poverty.
-To eradicate poverty, along with the development of small scale industries, big industries are also being developed
so that more and more people can get employment.
-Small scale industries and cottage industries are also being developed to eradicate poverty because cottage
industries are also helpful in providing employment opportunities to millions of people.
-Besides, various types of power schemes are helpful in the economic development of the country and are helpful in
eradicating poverty in the society.
-Nutrition programs are also helpful in removing malnutrition of villages and backward people which reduces their
efficiency. Therefore, the government has set this program to overcome this problem.
19. Side effects of poverty:
Following are the main side effects of poverty:
(1) Physical and mental effects – Poverty gives rise to physical deficiencies. Due to lack of money, poor people are not
able to get medical facilities and balanced diet. As a result the death rate increases. Besides, it also affects mental
development due to malnutrition. L.J. Roberts mentally tested many poor children and found that their intellectual
level was low.
2) Social impact-Poverty means low social status and low social status in a society where the open class system
affects the individual. Most of the criminals, juvenile delinquents, fugitives, vagabonds and mentally unbalanced
persons are from poor families.
(3) Poverty creates poverty – Poverty is a vicious circle, people are sick because they are poor, people are poor
because they are sick. A poor person does not get enough food, hence his efficiency decreases. Prof. Narkse says that
a country is poor because they are poor.
(4) Poverty and Crime - People commit crimes due to poverty. It has been confirmed by many studies that the people
who committed crimes generally belonged to poor families and they did not have adequate facilities for food, shelter,
education and medical etc. There were no facilities.
(5) Poverty and family disintegration – Due to poverty, all the members of the family have to work. Due to parents
being busy, control over children becomes loose and as a result the chances of children going on the wrong path
(6) Beggary-Poverty is also responsible for beggary. Because poor people do not have sufficient resources, there is
lack of vocational training and education. Due to lack of physical ability, people are not able to do hard work.
Therefore, they earn their living by begging.
(7) Increase in addictions and degradation of character: Due to poverty, people suffer from mental anxiety and
despair, hence, to get relief from it, they resort to many evils. Also, due to poverty it is not possible to maintain high
character. Therefore, people are forced to live by sacrificing morality and character to earn their living.
Thus, poverty is a serious socio-economic problem which causes physical and mental illness in people, reduces
efficiency, gives rise to hunger and unemployment, and degrades the standard of living.
20. CONCEPT OF UNEMPLOYMENT: Unemployment refers generally to a situation in which
• It is a condition in which a person, despite having the desire and ability to work, is not able to get work at a
reasonable salary rate. In other words, it is related only to those people who have the physical and mental strength
and desire to do the work. On the contrary, if some people in the society are not capable of working or are not willing
to work despite being capable, then such people will not be called unemployed because Sanaz is not at fault for this
situation but they themselves are at fault. On this basis, Florence has said that "Unemployment means the absence
of people who are capable and willing to work."
Fairchild has defined unemployment as "the state of forcibly and involuntarily removing a person from wage work
under normal conditions and at normal pay rates." According to this definition, unemployment means a situation in
which a person is in a position to work but is unable to get work at a fair wage in the market.
According to Carl Pearson, "Unemployment is that condition of the labor market under which the supply of labor
power exceeds the places of work." That is, according to you, when the supply of workers in the labor market
exceeds the demand, then the problem of unemployment arises. Thus, it is clear from these definitions that
unemployment is a condition of the society in which Despite people having the desire and ability to work and making
efforts to get work, they are not able to get work at reasonable pay rates so that they can be successful in
maintaining a decent standard of living for themselves and their families. Dr. Ram Ahuja Sociological the situation of
unemployment from Bush's point of view, it has been written that "It is the forced exclusion of a member of the
general work force from paid work against his will at normal wages during normal tenure and under normal
Thus, the concept of unemployment includes these three elements -
(1) The person has the ability to work
(2) the person has the desire to work and
(3) making efforts to find work. Thus, a physically or mentally capable person, a rich person who does not consider
work as humiliating and a healthy and capable beggar who does not try to find work cannot be called unemployed.
21. Reasons for unemployment:
There are many reasons for unemployment in India which are as follows -
(1) Increase in population - India's population is increasing rapidly. According to the 1961 census, the total
population of the country was around 44 crores, which has today increased to more than 100 crores i.e. the growth
rate is 25 percent. It is a difficult task to provide employment to so many people. Hence unemployment is increasing.
(2) Destruction of rural industries: Due to industrialization, cottage industries got destroyed due to which most of the
people became unemployed.
(3) Backwardness of farming – Farming is the main means of livelihood for Indians. Production in agriculture is not
increasing and population pressure is increasing. seasonal nature of farming Also helpful in increasing
(4) Slow pace of economic development – We are not able to exploit our natural resources properly, hence the
means of employment have not been developed. economic development in indiaThe pace is slow.
(5) Lack of labor mobility – Most of the workers in India are uneducated and unskilled, at some places they are
available in big organizations and at other places they are lacking. This increases unemployment.
(6) Defective education system – Our education system is faulty. An educated person moves towards clean work, shy
away from labor, avoids adopting independent business or taking risks.
(7) Lack of training facilities – There is a lack of means of vocational education and training in the country. Therefore,
there is a glut of unskilled workers and a shortage of skilled and trained workers, this imbalance increases
(8) Arrival of refugees – Lakhs of displaced people have come to India. Overseas Indians have had to return home.
Due to this the problem of unemployment has become acute. (9) Erroneous planning - The fault of planning is that it
did not give prominence to employment oriented policy, hence planningism also increased unemployment.
22. Types of Unemployment:
Various types of unemployment or underemployment are as follows-
(1) Seasonal and casual unemployment – There are some businesses in which there are ups and downs throughout
the year, sometimes workers are needed and sometimes not. Like sugar industry, wool industry, agriculture etc. there
is no need of work throughout the year. Therefore, casual unemployment or seasonal unemployment is found among
(2) Technological unemployment - As a result of industries, mechanization and new inventions, the use of manpower
has decreased, many production tasks have started being done by automatic machines and the number of people
engaged in them is decreasing. As a result unemployment is increasing.
(3) Temporary unemployment : after completing education or training until the person. Till the time he does not get
any work, he remains idle, but as soon as he gets a job,
He comes into the category of employed persons.
(4) Frictional unemployment - This type of unemployment arises due to people's ignorance of employment
opportunities, lack of mobility among workers, wear and tear of machines and shortage of raw materials in
industries, etc. Such unemployment is the specialty of developed countries.
(5) Cyclical unemployment – It is of this type. Recession occurs due to reduction in effective demand in relation to
the cycles of ups and downs in Jones's unemployment. If effective demand increases then unemployment goes away.
(6) Semi-unemployment - When a person does not get work as per his qualification, he starts doing other work at
low salary, then it is called semi-unemployment. Partially employed people will also be called semi-unemployed.
(7) Voluntary and hidden unemployment - Laziness is less even if a person has qualifications and ability.
If work is not available due to wages or reduction in wages etc., it is called voluntary unemployment and in rural
areas, less land or agricultural area and more number of people employed in it explains hidden unemployment.
Because here all the people appear to be working while there is no increase in their production.
(8) Educated unemployment – When people remain unemployed even after getting education and training.
So they are kept in the category of educated useless people.
(9) Structural unemployment-The root cause of this type of unemployment is the structural change in the economy
of a country. For example, due to decrease in import of goods exported from India to foreign countries or decrease in
demand for exports, those businesses become unemployed.
(10) Open unemployment – Such unemployment mostly occurs in cities. people coming from village Remain idle due
to lack of work. Educated useless people are also included in this category.
23. Suggestions to eliminate unemployment:
Two types of measures can be adopted to solve the problem of unemployment-
(1) Long term plans,
(2) Short term plans
(1) Long term plans:
(i) The increasing population should be controlled effectively. For this, the family welfare program should be made
(ii) The pace of economic development of the country should be accelerated, in which emphasis should be given on
accelerating the pace of industrialization, providing work to the educated unemployed and agricultural production.
iii) Education should be made employment oriented.
(iv) Services like transport, education, health, public welfare, medical etc. should be expanded.
(v) India's youth power should be trained and put to work.
(vi) The evils related to Indian traditions like child marriage, purdah system, joint family etc. should be eliminated.
(vii) Good technology, raw materials, machines, capital etc. should be made available. So that employment
opportunities can increase substantially and people can become happy.
(2) Short term plans
(i) Intensive farming- Farmers should be encouraged to grow more and more crops on their land by giving them small
pieces of land, improved seeds, fertilizers, crop protection drugs etc.
(ii) Development of cottage industries - Industries which can be done along with agriculture, such as animal
husbandry, dairy farming, poultry farming, fish farming, bee farming, pig farming etc. should be developed. Along
with this, clay work, leather industry, spinning and weaving should be developed.
(iii) Arrangement of health facilities – prompt treatment of sick people so that they can be brought back to work.
Arrangements for mobile hospitals and free medical care facilities should be made available.
(iv) Vocational education – Such education should be provided to the students so that they can prepare for life be
able to. Therefore, education should be made business oriented.
(v) Arrangement of adequate salary - Minimum salary of workers should be fixed, salary should be given during
illness to earn a living
(vi) Rehabilitation facilities for disabled people – Useful institutions should be opened for the people who are
physically disabled or suffering from genetic diseases.
(vii) Individual disability should be eliminated – physically ill and handicapped persons should be provided the benefit
of social insurance scheme.
24. Corruption:
In corruption a person deliberately violates social rules. To fulfill one's selfish interests one has to disregard the
interests of others. Corruption involves a person misusing his powers for personal gain, adulteration, bribery,
favouritism, etc. Corruption has increased in India after independence, many committees are being established to
prevent it, but instead of eradicating corruption, it has only increased. The word corruption has been used in a broad
sense; due to the many types of corruption, its definition seems difficult.
According to the Anti-Corruption Committee 1964, “a public
Corruption is the improper or selfish use of power and influence associated with a position or a special position in
public life.
1. Short cut for a selfish person.
2. Bribe is given in the form of cash or kind.
3. There is injustice towards the deserving.
4. It is based on the principle of give and take. 5. Paisa is not only a means but also a purpose.
6. Rules are disregarded in corruption.
7. A person violates his duties and that too for direct or indirect gain.
Reasons for corruption-
1. Large size of political units.
2. Close relationship between business and politics
3. Currency system.
4. Wide scope of government functions.
5. Inadequate enforcement.
6. Tendency to accumulate capital.
7. Defects in democratic governance system. 8. Lack of education.
9. Uselessness.
10. Administrative difficulties.
11. Unequal opportunities for development.
12. Character and moral decline.
13. Ignorance of law.
14. Excessive competition.
Types (areas) of corruption -
(1) In the political field.
(2) In the field of business.
(3) In the field of education.
(4) In the religious field.
(5) In the field of medicine.
(6) In the field of administration.
(7) In the courts.
(8) In social sector etc.
25. Due to corruption:
There are following reasons for corruption which are as follows-
(1) Change in social values – Social values are changing in the present time, now more importance is given to
personal and material benefits. Today a person's importance (identity) is based on wealth.
(2) Currency system – Due to currency system, it has become easy to collect money and hide it.
(3) Unequal opportunities for development – Because all people do not get equal opportunities for development,
people resort to corruption to achieve their development.
(4) Moral and moral decline-There is a crisis of moral and character in the country which is due to corruption is
(5) Poverty- Poverty also encourages a person to behave corruptly.
(6) Lack of education - The percentage of education in India is low, hence the officers and employees take advantage
of their ignorance and collect money from them in some way or the other.
(7) Unemployment-At present unemployed person wants to get a job by giving bribe.
(8) Inadequate salary – Employees who get less salary earn money through corrupt means to meet their needs.
(9) Ignorance of the law - People who are not considered protectors of the law by the general public and are not
familiar with the intricacies of the law, take bribe by taking advantage of the ignorance of the people.
26. Types (areas) of corruption:
Corruption is seen in- In the following areas in India:
(1) Political corruption - political parties and leaders resort to corrupt methods to gain power and remain in office.
They take donations from industrialists and businessmen for elections and in return give them permits, price hike,
hoarding etc. Politicians are used for the selection, transfer, removal and success of government employees in
competitive examinations. Defection and nepotism are also examples of political corruption.
(2) Crime of whitewashing – In this category, high class people like doctors, lawyers, etc. Professors, engineers,
administrators, industrialists etc. come. Who adopt corrupt practices in the course of their work.
(3) Educational corruption - giving out papers, cheating in exams, increasing marks etc.
Forcing children to take tuition, paying less salary and getting them to sign more etc. is educational corruption.
(4) In the police department corruption- prostitution, gambling, theft, alcoholism, black marketing, smuggling and
various other types of crimes are protected by the police. Many times they even have a hand in a robbery. People are
openly engaged in corruption by giving or giving bribes to the police.
(5) Court corruption- Bribes are given to the judges and related people for changing the date of corruption case in
the courts, giving false testimony, getting the decision taken in their favor, violating labor laws, not following the law
properly etc.
(6) Corruption in the religious sector - People collect donations for building temples, mosques, dharamshalas,
orphanages, cow shelters etc. and embezzle the money donated. In religious places, Pandits, priests and Mahants
adopt evil methods related to drugs and sexual immorality.
(7) Corruption in the social sector - Various methods related to receiving dowry, collecting dowry, illegal sex trade,
public construction work, untouchability, use of alcohol and drugs etc. are adopted and the amount is recovered by
the officials.
(8) Corruption in the field of medicine - taking money by doctors for illegal abortion or foeticide, manufacturing of
fake medicines, charging more money for treatment and operation, any Collusion by taking money from
pharmaceutical companies for selling medicines of a particular company, giving certificates related to false illness or
injury, etc.
Thus we see that corruption has taken its roots in all areas and no area is untouched by it.
27. Efforts and suggestions to eradicate corruption:
Immediately after independence, “Anti-Corruption Act” was passed to tackle corruption. This law was limited only to
government employees. Therefore, Sattanam Committee was appointed in 1962, its recommendations were so
idealistic that it was not implemented. When corruption became widespread between 1960 and 1975, this demand
began to gain momentum. That commissioners should be appointed to investigate against senior ministers and
officials. Therefore, Lokpals were appointed in many states. Even with the above mentioned efforts, there has been
no reduction in corruption because the roots of corruption are very deep spread. On the other hand, the inefficiency
of the administration is responsible for this. Making a permanent plan for prevention of corruption after finding its
causes and trying to eliminate it practically will have to do. The following suggestions can be useful to prevent
corruption -
(1) It is necessary to change the tax structure to prevent corruption in the business class.If the government collects
the entire tax at the point of production, then the administrative expenses of the government will also be reduced.
This will have to be done and the possibility of tax evasion will be reduced.
(2) Small employees must be paid such a salary that the essential needs of the family can be met, then corruption at
the lower level can be reduced.
(3) Corruption like bribery by simplifying the working process in government offices will end.
(4) Important decisions should be published among the general public. rules of each office And the procedure should
be publicized so that the visiting customer does not get misled by the babus.
(5) Appointments to higher administrative posts should be made for some time so that
Every person will try to increase his efficiency.
(6) The annual income and expenditure accounts of political parties should be published for the general public so
that political parties fear corrupt behavior at the time of elections.
(7) To eradicate corruption, the punishment process should be made stricter. A person caught in corruption should
not get bail. Corruption should be kept in the category of heinous crime.
(8) Along with the above efforts, a secret anti-corruption government organization should be created in the country
which can detect and report the corrupt internally.
28. Meaning and characteristics of social problem:
The structure of every society is based on certain rules and values by which the people living in that society can
interact with each other and keep fulfilling their various needs. Sometimes, in the event of social change, the needs
and aspirations of the members of a society change but the necessary change does not take place in the social
structure. As a result, it definitely strengthens the social balance. In short, the conditions that hinder social progress
and adversely affect social life are called social problems. When any obstacle gets attached to the social structure in
such a way that due to it the lives of many people start getting adversely affected, then only we call it a social
problem. Various scholars have clarified the meaning of social problem from this perspective.
According to Samuel Cowing, "Social problems are those circumstances or conditions that a small society considers
harmful and in which society needs improvement."
Laurence Frank states that "Social problems are those difficulties related to the lives of most or a large number of
people in the society or those who want to do or improve them."
Characteristics- Social problems have the following characteristics-
1. All social problems are social in origin.
2. All social problems are deviations from the ideal situation.
3. Social problems create obstacles in the fulfillment of human desires.
4. The consequences of all social problems are social.
5. Social problems pose a threat to the entire society.
6. All social problems are interrelated.
29. Types and Approaches to Social Problems: Most of the social problems are man-made and cannot be solved
through true collective efforts Can be solved by. Different sociologists have divided social problems. It is done like
John J. Kane has described two types of social problems – anticipated social problems and unexpected social
Clarence Marshall Case-divided social problems into four parts on the basis of their origin, on the basis of natural
basis, on the basis of population, on the basis of weak social organization and on the basis of cultural values.
Harold A. Phelps - has divided it into four parts on the basis of sources: biological, psychological, economic and
Fuller and Myers- have divided social problems into three parts: natural, reformative and moral.
Apart from this, some common social problems are as follows – Alcoholism, gambling and prostitution are the major
social problems at present. These trends are increasing among the youth, lower class and urban areas.
Unemployment, poverty and population explosion – Overpopulation is a major social problem in India and this
problem is responsible for the increase in unemployment and poverty in the society. Beggary is also a result of
poverty, unemployment and traditional caste system in India.
Due to many bad habits in immature children, they get inclined towards bad tendencies like crime, juvenile
delinquency, prostitution etc., hence these are also included in the category of social problems.
Ignorance and illiteracy is a big problem in itself which is linked to many other difficulties. Religious communal
diversity also gives rise to tension and conflict.
Dowry system, child marriage are also Indian social problems, despite the Child Marriage Restraint Act, Dowry
Prohibition Act, this problem is giving rise to adverse situations today, increase in the number of child widows, dowry
harassment etc. are due to these problems.
30. Scheduled Castes:
According to the census, the population of Scheduled Castes in India is 14.5 percent of the total population of the
country. They are called by many names. Like- untouchability, antyaj, dalit Class, Outer Castes, Harijans and
Scheduled Castes etc. Untouchable caste refers to those communities which are considered impure on religious
grounds. They are backward and suffer from many disabilities.
According to Dr. K.N. Sharma, "Untouchable castes are those castes whose touch makes a person impure and makes
him pure.To become one, one has to perform some action." Dr. Majumdar is of the opinion that, on the basis of
disabilities, "untouchable castes can be considered superior. Social rules are harsh for them and they are also victims
of social, religious, economic and political disabilities.
Scheduled castes have been victims of exploitation for centuries, have been brought up in superstition and
ignorance, their life is plagued with many problems. After independence, many schemes and programs were
prepared to improve their condition. On the basis of which government and voluntary organizations are trying to
improve their lives and make them at par with the rest of the people. In independent India, to remove all the
problems and disabilities of the Harijans, untouchability has been declared a punishable offense. Panikkar has
written that, "It would be wrong to say that with the announcement of abolition of untouchability, the social
disabilities of the untouchables have been removed." There is still a lot of work to be done in this direction. The
upliftment of these castes has been considered the main goal of the national policy.
31. Measures for the welfare of Scheduled Castes:
For the welfare of the Scheduled Tribes of Uttar Pradesh, many programs have been decided under 'Tribal Scheme' in
the Seventh and Eighth Five Year Plans. These programs are as follows-
1. Educational Programme-Under this, projects are run by the Central and State Government. Apart from the
following Scheduled Tribes, the schemes summarized by the Center are also applicable for the Scheduled Castes.
Scholarships, women's hostel, book bank, training services in educational programmes.
State level programs include pre-matric scholarship, book grant, payment of fees in non-government recognized
educational institutions, technical training centres, women's and men's ashram colleges, industrial training institutes
(2) Economic Development Programme-The centrally protected program for Scheduled Tribes only is cooperative
related. Following are the programs for Scheduled Castes and Tribes by the State Government - Grants for
agriculture, horticulture and household industries.
(3) Health, housing and other programs – The following are the programs run by the Center and the State for the
Scheduled Tribes:
1. Research and Training
2. Integrated Tribal Development Projects and Modified Regional Development Approach,
3. Development of Primitive Groups
4. Funding of Voluntary Institutions 5. Establishment of Tribal Development Corporations
5. Distribution of TV sets for hilly areas
6. Establishment of offices for resolution of land transfer
7. Development of small populated tribes.
(4) The Social Welfare Department is running a scheme to make people of Scheduled Castes, Backward Castes and
Liberated Castes literate and to provide scholarships. (5) Scheduled Caste, Tribe students/students in medical,
engineering, veterinary, Due to lack of funds in courses like Agriculture and Polytechnic, all the books are not
Therefore, a book bank has been established to provide text books to them.
(6) To provide education, clothing, housing and other facilities to the poor children of Scheduled Castes and Tribes.
Arrangements have been made for free food in Ashram style school.
(7) The government has made arrangements for government hostels for Scheduled Castes.
(8) Coaching centers have been established by the government to provide support to the Scheduled Castes and
Tribes for their welfare.
(9) Model Pre-Examination Training Center has been established under the Social Welfare Department for the
Scheduled Castes and Tribes residing in Uttar Pradesh.
Scheduled castes have to face many disabilities in the society. Disability means that a class or group is not eligible to
receive certain rights or facilities. Accept. Scheduled Castes are facing disabilities or problems which are as follows:

(1) Religious disabilities - 1. Restrictions on temple entry and use of holy places. The untouchables are considered
impure and have not been given the right to enter temples, use holy river ghats, visit holy places and worship deities.
2. They have also been deprived of religious comforts, that is, they do not have the right to worship, worship
Bhagwat, bhajan, kirtan and Brahmins have also not been allowed to conduct worship, Shraddha and Yaj at their
3. Considering the untouchables as impure from birth, no rituals have been made to purify them. Is. To perform most
of the 16 sacred rites of Hindus. Not allowed.
(2) Social disabilities - 1. Untouchables were not allowed to socialize with upper caste Hindus. There is no right to
keep in touch or participate in functions etc. They are not allowed to eat and drink with the upper castes.
2. Untouchables are not allowed to use the wells, schools etc. used by the upper castes.
And did not have the right to enter.
3. They have also been deprived of education and entertainment facilities.
(3) Economic disabilities - 1. Untouchables have not been given the rights to do their traditional occupations like
farming, business, job etc.
2. Apart from professional disabilities, the untouchables were given 'property-related' rights i.e. land. Rights and
accumulation of wealth are not allowed.
3. The untouchables have been forced to take up abominable professions.
(4) Political disabilities - The untouchables were deprived of all kinds of rights in the field of politics, they were not
given the right to participate or interfere in politics and they were not protected against unfair practices, common
crimes. There was a system of harsh punishment for this also.
Thus, these disabilities of the untouchables are related to the medieval social system. At present the main problems
of Scheduled Castes are social and economic.
33. Problems of backward classes
The main problems of backward classes are as follows-
(1) Problem of employment- Backward classes which are generally landless labourers, marginal and small. As
farmers, their lack of regular employment is a major problem. Almost their entire life is full of unemployment,
poverty, exploitation, oppression and uncertainty. of agriculture
Mechanization has also increased unemployment.
(2) Low income – Agricultural laborers have to remain idle for a long time in the year and even during working days
they get very little wages and the average income of these people in the country is also very low.
(3) Working conditions – A large section of the backward classes earn their living by doing hard work in harsh
conditions like harsh sunlight or heavy rains. Due to their working hours being uncertain and irregular, their health,
life and efficiency are affected.
(4) Low standard of living- The standard of living of people belonging to backward classes is also very low. Due to low
income, these people are able to spend very little on consumption and are not able to fulfill their essential needs
easily. They do not have enough clothes to cover their bodies and adequate houses to live in. There is a severe lack of
medical and other facilities.
(5) Indebtedness-Most of the backward class people are suffering from the problem of indebtedness because they
have to take loans even to fulfill their essential needs. Therefore, mostly these people suffer from indebtedness.
(6) Pathetic social condition – Most backward The social status of this class is low and they are exploited in various
ways and are deprived of many rights.
(7) Lack of supporting businesses - There is a lack of supporting businesses in the villages, hence people of backward
classes have to face economic problems if there is no harvest due to natural calamities.
34. Causes of youth stress:
Following are the factors of youth dissatisfaction or stress-
(1) Family factors-At present the joint family is disintegrating. The family's control over the individual is weakening. Its
important role in the socialization of children is decreasing and as a result stress, dissatisfaction and independence
have arisen. The family had no control over the children.
(2) Educational factors: Lack of adequate facilities in educational institutions, examination system and admission
related policies, medium of teaching in the classroom, constant manipulation of rules and curriculum etc. Today the
relationship between student and teacher is not sweet but full of tension. Due to increase in student to teacher ratio,
control over students has become looser. Due to the present education system not being employment oriented,
students are getting lost. Education has failed to socialize students.
(3) Economic factors - The economic conditions found in the Indian society are also responsible for youth stress.
Poverty is the empire of unemployment in India. There is a huge difference in the ratio of educated people seeking
jobs and available employment opportunities. Most of the people in the country are poor. If there is no guarantee
about the future after getting higher education, then the youth. It is natural to feel dissatisfaction.
(4) Political factor-Political factor is also responsible for youth stress. Today the youth is influenced by the events
happening in the country and abroad. Student movement is a worldwide phenomenon. There were movements
against the government and to change the government, there were demonstrations demanding rights. Today there is
a deep connection between politics and student tension.
(5) Environmental factors - Youth stress is the result of the influence of social environment. Presently the socio-
economic, political and cultural environment is changing, this is a state of transition. We are abandoning ancient
Indian values and adopting Western modern values. There is a conflict between these two values which puts the
youth on the double edge.
(6) Generational difference – The difference found between the new young generation and the old elderly generation
is responsible for youth stress. There is a lot of difference in the values, beliefs and behavior patterns of the old and
new generations. The main reason for this is the time difference between the two generations. At present, the pace
of social change is very fast, but the people of the old generation expect behavior according to the old beliefs from
the new ones. And this is where youth dissatisfaction and tension arise
35. Integrated Rural Development Programme (I.R.D.P.):
Many rural development programs were run under the Integrated Rural Development Program (I.R.D.P.) Community
Development Program.
By 1980, small farmer development agencies were transformed into Integrated Rural Development
Programme(LR.D.P). Now community development programs are conducted under it. Its main objective is to raise
people above the poverty line. Program related to drought prone areas to the poorest families in villages - its
objective is conservation and development of land and use of land resources in land production, livestock and
humans. Of tribal development. In this, projects were started in six selected tribal areas. Practical Nutrition
Programme-This program is run in collaboration with Center Adiva and United Nations Children's Aid Fund, World
Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization. Development Program for Hill Areas-It has been launched to
improve the living standard of hill farmers. Complete Rural Development Programme- Its objective was to remove
inequalities in the rural areas. Animal Husbandry - Its objective was to create awareness among the villagers about
the good breed of animal income, health and family welfare program - small families of the villagers and family
welfare. To give. Voluntary work and public cooperation program - Under this, voluntary organizations of villages are
established in which Mahila Mandal and Yuvak Mandal are prominent. Its . Its objective is to provide training to the
associations. The primary objective of organizing women's leadership is to provide training to officers and workers
related to community development programs. Training centers have been established in every state for training.
Apart from this, rural leaders, youth teachers etc. have to be trained through awards, seminars, conferences and
publicity means.
36. Concept of backward class:
Scheduled castes, tribes and backward castes are included under backward classes. The term backward class is used
for the weaker sections of the society. Generally backward classes include scheduled castes, tribes, landless laborers
and small farmers. Generally, backward classes include scheduled castes, tribes, landless laborers and small farmers.
The backward class includes those people who are below the Brahmins in the caste system, but above the
untouchable castes. Many provisions have been made in the Indian Constitution for the social, educational,
economic and political welfare of the Scheduled Castes and Tribes, and reservation arrangements have been made
for them. Only special provisions were made in the Constitution for the backward classes in the field of education
and employment, there was no provision for reservation which is now being done Has been given.
Andrebitai - considering the peasant class to be the essence of the backward classes, says that the backward classes
have definitely lagged behind the upper castes in education, business and government jobs.
Renuka Study Group has emphasized on including the following sections among the backward classes – farmers with
very little land, landless laborers, very small artisans, scheduled castes, upper castes, etc.
Poor women of different castes, helpless people like widows, orphans, old people and unemployed etc. Thus, it is
clear that the backward class is that part of the society which is socially, educationally and economically backward
and earns its living through agriculture. It mainly includes those castes which are considered higher than the
untouchables and lower than the Brahmins. In other words, this category includes middle class castes. Backwardness
is not of the individual but of the group. Mandal Commission has considered three bases of backwardness - social,
educational and economic. Have symptoms.
37. Communalism is a problem:
Communalism poses a threat to national unity; feelings of hatred and distrust intensify among people. Communalism
is 5. As a result, emotional unity creates mutual discord and hostility between Hindus and Muslims.
communalism is the cause of distrust, hatred, prejudice and conflict between Due to communalism, feelings of
distrust, hatred, prejudice and conflict arise between different communities. Communalism itself gives rise to
excitement and violence.
As a result of communalism, people have to suffer loss of life and property.
Political instability is also a problem related to communalism. only because of communalism
People lose faith in administration and government. Communalism is also a hindrance in economic development
because during riots, construction work in many factories and industries stops due to vandalism and arson.
Communalism is also responsible for creating social and cultural disintegration. Whenever there are communal
conflicts, the efforts made for social and cultural unity go to waste.
Thus, due to communalism many types of communal problems arise. Abuse against minority communities increases
and community life gets corrupted.
38. Side effects of communalism:
Communalism is a process hindering the development of the entire nation. Its main side effects are as follows-
(1) Social disintegration- Communalism creates a feeling of separation between different communities. Hindu-
Muslim discrimination, Hindu-Sikh, Muslim-Sikh tensions are the result of this. In creating and spreading division,
hatred, distrust, tension and conflict in the country. Communalism is the main factor.
(2) Tension and conflict – communalism leads to neglect, distrust. Problems like hatred, conflict etc. arise.
Communalism itself has created tension between different communities. Has created challenges for administration
and system. of communalism
Due to this, excitement and violence broke out in different parts of the country and many people committed suicide.
The incident in Gujarat, the Godhra massacre is an example of this.
(3) Loss of life and property – Due to communal riots thousands of people in the country lost their lives and property.
Have to bear the loss. Many have been beaten and treated unethically.
(4) Political consequences: Communalism is also a factor responsible for political instability in the country. This
reduces people's trust in administration and government and gives people the opportunity to criticize political
parties or the government. These criticisms give rise to tensions, problems of justice and order arise, a feeling of
insecurity also arises among the people and national unity is disrupted.
(5) Obstacles in economic development - Communalism is an obstacle in economic progress, during communal riots,
many factories and industries indulge in acts of vandalism and arson, which hinders construction work, which hinders
economic development.
(6) Increase in anti-social elements – During communal conflicts and disturbances, anti-social elements get a chance
to play openly, they take advantage of the opportunity so that communalism flares up and they can loot. When such
elements are not controlled by the government, they continue to engage in criminal and anti-social activities even
after disturbances.
39. Suggestions for prevention of communalism:
To solve the problem of communalism, National Unity Council has been formed at the central level, whose meetings
are held from time to time. To solve communalism, it is necessary to pay attention to the following suggestions -
1. The importance of every person should be recognized on the basis of democratic values.
2. Complete arrangements for social security should be made for the entire population of the country.
3. No political party should be given freedom to spread animosity on religious grounds.
4. Mutual harmony should be promoted among people through compulsory education.
5. Strict action should be taken against spreading communal tension.
6. To prevent communalism, communal harmony should be propagated through radio, films, television, newspapers
and magazines.
7. Anti-social elements should be dealt with strictly.
8. Efforts should be made to improve the condition of minorities.
9. Elections fought on the basis of communalism should be declared illegal.
10. Equal social legislation should be made for all the countrymen.
11. The facilities given to minorities should be abolished.
12. Dr. Rajendra Prasad has suggested people of different communities to live together in harmony to end
13. Gandhiji and Vinoba Bhave had suggested creating a peacekeeping force. which communalism will work to end.
14. Communal tolerance should be propagated.
40. Mandal Commission:
After the presentation of the report by the Mandal Commission, the Congress (I) government was formed. The
recommendations of the Board report were again postponed. The political system of the country kept changing in
such a way that till 1989 the report remained in confusion. Meanwhile, some state governments had started planning
work under the reservation system for backward communities. Therefore, the issue of services at the central level did
not arise again among the public. In the last months of 1989, some parties again talked about implementing the
recommendations of the Mandal Commission in their general election manifestos. In December 1989, under the
leadership of V.P. Singh. National Front government was formed. The terms of the Mandal Commission were
implemented in July 1990. In this, backward classes have the facility of 27 percent reservation in government
In the middle of the year 1989, the government of Shri N.D. Tiwari in Uttar Pradesh, keeping in mind the decision of
the Supreme Court, re-implemented the system of giving reservation to backward castes. Making minor changes in
the list of backward castes, the Uttar Pradesh government promulgated an ordinance on June 26, 1989 in the
services of the first three categories. 15 percent reservation and 10 percent reservation for class IV was given to
backward castes. The reservation policy of Tiwari government is still applicable in Uttar Pradesh. Under this, overall
50 percent reservation for various sections of the state remained in place till mid-1994. At present, the total
reservation in various services for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes is 50 percent. There is a
provision of 2 percent reservation for Scheduled Tribes, 21 percent for Scheduled Castes and 27 percent for Other
Backward Class communities.
41. Kalelkar Commission:
Article 340 of the Constitution gives the right to identify those socially and educationally backward classes which are
especially in need of enabling activities. In this context, on January 29, 1953, the President K. Appointed the first
Backward Classes Commission under the chairmanship of Kalelkar. The following issues (term of reference) were set
for the Kalelkar Commission and the government was requested to make recommendations on these issues.
(1) The Commission should determine the criteria which can be adopted to decide who are the people who can be
called backward class from social and educational point of view. In this, the Commission had to prepare a list of
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe groups under Sections 341 and 342 of the Constitution. The Commission also
had to give their details and estimated population.
(2) To find out the needs and difficulties of all those socially and educationally backward classes and to state
(a) what steps the Union or any State Government should take to remove such difficulties and improve their
condition and (b) they Provide judicial assistance. Do it.
(3) To find out about other similar related matters which the President may implement
(4) To submit a report to the President containing details of the facts and recommendations accordingly in the view
of the Commission.
The above four issues are interrelated but a special thing has been said in each.
Kaka Sahib, with the help of his members, completed the work in two years and presented the report to the
President on March 30, 1955. In the report, 70 percent of India's population was declared backward. A total list of
2399 backward castes was made, out of which 837 castes were declared extremely backward.
The Commission decided the following basis for determining backward class:
1. Low social position in the caste hierarchy
2. Lack of educational progress
3. Inadequate representation in government services
4. Inadequate representation in the field of trade and industry.
42. Problem of child labor:
Child labor is an important problem in the present times. Our government and voluntary organizations should work
together to solve this problem. There is a lot of exploitation of child labor in our country. They face the risks of being
unemployed and are paid low wages for long hours of work. Being forced to leave education, they fulfill more
responsibilities than their age and become worldly people at that age. Whereas other children of their age have yet
to leave the protective shield of their parents. These children never know what childhood is? It is clear in the
Constitution that a child below the age of fourteen years cannot be employed to work in any factory or in any
hazardous employment (Section 24).
Childhood and adolescence will be protected from exploitation and moral and physical abandonment. (Section 39-1)
It is clear at the beginning of the Constitution that the State shall endeavor to provide free and compulsory education
to all children of the age of 10 years until they complete the age of 14 years. (Section 45)
Most working children are concentrated in rural areas, of which about 60 percent are below the age of 10 years. 23
percent are involved in trade and business while 36 percent are involved in domestic activities in urban areas. The
number of children who work in canteens and restaurants or who are engaged in picking up rags and hawking goods
is huge, but it is unrecorded and there is no record of them anywhere.
43. Problem of backward class:
The main problems of backward classes are as follows-
(1) Problem of employment- Lack of regular employment is a major problem for the backward classes which are
generally landless labourers, marginal and small farmers. Almost their entire life is full of unemployment, poverty,
exploitation, oppression and uncertainty. Mechanization of agriculture has also increased unemployment.
(2) Low income – Agricultural laborers have to remain idle for a long time in the year and even during working days,
they get very little wages and the average income of these people in the country is also very low.
(3) Working conditions- A large section of the backward classes earn their living by doing hard work in harsh
conditions like harsh sunlight or heavy rains. Due to their uncertain and irregular working hours, their health, life and
efficiency are affected.
(4) Low standard of living: The standard of living of people belonging to backward classes is also quite low. Due to low
income, these people are able to spend very little on consumption and are not able to fulfill their essential needs
easily. They do not have enough clothes to cover their bodies and adequate houses to live in. There is a severe lack of
medical and other facilities.
(5) Indebtedness-Most of the backward class people suffer from the problem of indebtedness. Most of the time
these people suffer from debt.
Because they have to take loan also to fulfill their essential needs. Hence
(6) Pathetic social condition: The social condition of most of the backward classes is low. And they are exploited in
various ways and are deprived of many rights. Finance
(7) Lack of supporting industries – There is a lack of supporting industries in the villages, hence backward have to
People of different classes face economic problems if there is no harvest due to natural calamities.
To get rid of rural unemployment, hunger and poverty, the Central Government's ambitious National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA) was launched on February 2, 2006 in Andhra Pradesh. It was done by the
Prime Minister in Anantapur.
After becoming a law in the Parliament, this scheme was implemented in the first phase in 200 selected districts
across the country. Under this scheme, a minimum of 100 days of work is given to every rural family's capable and
willing person in a year. Under the scheme, permanent assets or infrastructure are created in the village, which can
later help in the livelihood of the villagers. Notable among the various features of the scheme is the fact that if work
is not available, wage allowance is given. The place of work is not more than 5 kilometers away from the worker's
home and women workers are also given the facility to keep their children with them. Panchayats have been given
this right under the scheme. Study the applications of people seeking work completely and ensure that they are
given work within 15 days. The food-for-work program has now been subsumed into the National Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme, which was expanded to 330 districts in the year 2007-08. Presently it has been expanded to the
entire country. Through this scheme with a potential expenditure of Rs 33,000 crore allocated for the budgetary year
2012-13, it will be possible to develop infrastructural facilities in rural areas and it will be possible to carry out
important works like creation of sustainable values and permanent assets in the villages. An annual report on various
aspects of the scheme is prepared every year and its shortcomings are also reviewed. The objective of this scheme is
not only to provide employment to the people but also to change the geography of the villages.
Today, in a country like India where millions of people are struggling with poverty and unemployment, MNREGA
(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) is a revolutionary step. If this scheme is
implemented honestly in rural areas, there will be peace and pleasant changes in the country by the year 2020.
45. Programs and government policies for the elderly:
Today, awareness about the problems of the elderly has arisen all over the world. The Declaration on the Rights of
Old Age was prepared in 1948. The association has prepared a program for the National Convention of Old Age
Associations to be held in Vienna in 1982. 1999 was declared the International Year of Older Persons. In the month of
November 1992, a comprehensive program to provide assistance to old people was prepared by the Ministry of
Social Justice. In 1999, it was named Integrated Program for Older People (I.P. For O.P.). Such programs are organized
by the Ministry of Social Justice itself so that awareness can be created in the society towards the elderly. This
program has the following types -
(1) Old Age Home - This is a residential unit in which 60 or more 25 poor destitutes are kept. Here, along with the
physical and mental security of the elderly, health related tests are also conducted.
(2) Mobile medical services – Voluntary organizations which have the experience and ability to provide medical
facilities to the elderly people of different categories are given financial assistance by the government.
(3) Elderly Care Centres- In these homes, elderly people can spend their time from morning to evening and go to
their homes at night. People aged 60 or above live here and registration of 50 people is mandatory. The main
objective of this center is to fulfill the essential needs while keeping in touch with the family.
(4) Non-institutional services - Under this, work like legal counseling to old people, eye examination, distribution of
spectacles, hearing aids, help in getting pension and Regarding elderly people, Schloss has said that - "Old age is a
form of disease. It is a disease by which every person remains afflicted and this disease is found in almost all the
people and which occurs in the living condition. All other diseases are called this disease. Takes hold absolutely."

Problems of old people - In old age, the body becomes decrepit and weak, Dima's senses also become weak, the
person wants to join the family but due to generation gap, this is not possible. There is no source of income. Elders or
old people are not given respect by the family members. They have to spend their days alone, separated from other
people. They are considered an unwanted burden by family members. Since there is no use for his Sama, he lives in
old memories all day long due to which he finds himself in trouble.

It starts to feel like a burden.

47. Due to terrorism

There are many reasons for terrorism in India which are as follows-

(1) The seeds of terrorism in India are the legacy of the British rule. The British policy of divide and rule gave birth to
many dissatisfied groups in India. After attaining independence in India, when all these disgruntled groups were not
successful in achieving their objectives peacefully, they resorted to terrorism to achieve their objectives.

(2) The growth and development of terrorism in India was facilitated by the encouragement of foreign powers. In the
north-eastern regions, China not only provided assistance but also provided resources. Similarly, America and some
western countries showed sympathy to the terrorist cause of Punjab.

(3) Economic and social dissatisfaction prevailing among various sections of the society is also a reason for terrorism
in India. After independence, India made progress but the public did not get the benefit of it, hence the dissatisfied
sections turned towards terrorism.


(4) Party policy is also encouraging terrorism. The parties in power receive the help of political terrorists. hod yeh sah

(5) Religious sectarianism has also been a contributing factor in the origin and development of terrorism in India.
Terrorists get public sympathy and support in the name of religion, but in Punjab the main basis of terrorism is the
misrepresentation of sentiments related to Sikhism

To be stirred.

48. Social Problems and Sociology

There are three problems regarding social problems and sociology which need to be analyzed - (1) In what sense
does sociology observe social problems? (2) Which theory does sociology adopt for social problems? (3) To what
extent is the study of social problems by sociologists objective and concrete? Bho

Sociologists believe that social problems arise due to the functioning of the systems and structures of the society.
The study of social problems gives the sociologist the ability to discover logical and valid legal rules by which Cook
can become a theorist. Sociological knowledge of social problems remains incomplete. Sociologists think that their
role is only for analysis, that is, they have complete knowledge about the problems but have no interest in solving the
problems. Other sociologists think that along with the study of social problems, appropriate and new methods are
necessary to solve them. Methods should be adopted and information should be obtained to reduce social problems.
according to one opinionbringing and depositing their money from the bank if needed.
(5) Other facilities – Facilities provided to the elderly by the government and many other institutions.
Extensive efforts have been made to provide. (A) All state governments run 100 to 300 old age pension schemes for
destitute elderly people.
(B) Under Annapurna Yojana, 10 kg food is given to the destitute.
(C) All persons above 60 years of age are given 0.50 to 0.75 percent more interest in nationalized banks.
(D) Income tax exemption is given to those above 60 years of age.
(E) People above 60 years of age are given 30 to 50 percent discount in rail and air fares. The aim of all these efforts
is to solve the financial problems of the elderly.
46. Problems of the elderly:
In the countries of the world, people between the age of 65 to 70 have been categorized as elderly. But in India,
people above 70 years of age are considered under the category of old people.
Due to many social security schemes in developing countries, there is no problem of old age. There are many social
schemes for the elderly in India also. At the same time, due to poverty in some countries, it becomes difficult for
elderly people to collect money. Also, there is no place for elderly people in single families to live. In such a situation
a serious problem arises.
At present, joint families are disintegrating and nuclear families are emerging. Social and cultural values of families
are changing due to materialism. As a result, frustration is spreading among older people. This frustration is their
own product because they are not able to adjust with the new generation and the new generation is not able to
adjust with them. In such a situation, the elderly feel isolated and cut off from the family.
Regarding elderly people, Schloss has said that - "Old age is a form of disease. It is a disease by which every person
remains afflicted and this disease is found in almost all the people and which occurs in the living condition. All other
diseases are called this disease. Takes hold absolutely."
Problems of old people - In old age, the body becomes decrepit and weak, Dima's senses also become weak, the
person wants to join the family but due to generation gap, this is not possible. There is no source of income. Elders or
old people are not given respect by the family members. They have to spend their days alone, separated from other
people. They are considered an unwanted burden by family members. Since there is no use for his Sama, he lives in
old memories all day long due to which he finds himself in trouble. It starts to feel like a burden.
47. Due to terrorism:
There are many reasons for terrorism in India which are as follows-
(1) The seeds of terrorism in India are the legacy of the British rule. The British policy of divide and rule gave birth to
many dissatisfied groups in India. After attaining independence in India, when all these disgruntled groups were not
successful in achieving their objectives peacefully, they resorted to terrorism to achieve their objectives.
(2) The growth and development of terrorism in India was facilitated by the encouragement of foreign powers. In the
north-eastern regions, China not only provided assistance but also provided resources. Similarly, America and some
western countries showed sympathy to the terrorist cause of Punjab.
(3) Economic and social dissatisfaction prevailing among various sections of the society is also a reason for terrorism
in India. After independence, India made progress but the public did not get the benefit of it, hence the dissatisfied
sections turned towards terrorism.
(4) Party policy is also encouraging terrorism. The parties in power receive the help of political terrorists.
(5) Religious sectarianism has also been a contributing factor in the origin and development of terrorism in India.
Terrorists get public sympathy and support in the name of religion, but in Punjab the main basis of terrorism is the
misrepresentation of sentiments related to Sikhism To be stirred.
48. Social Problems and Sociology:
There are three problems regarding social problems and sociology which need to be analyzed -
(1) In what sense does sociology observe social problems?
(2) Which theory does sociology adopt for social problems?
(3) To what extent is the study of social problems by sociologists objective and concrete?
Sociologists believe that social problems arise due to the functioning of the systems and structures of the society.
The study of social problems gives the sociologist the ability to discover logical and valid legal rules by which Cook
can become a theorist. Sociological knowledge of social problems remains incomplete. Sociologists think that their
role is only for analysis, that is, they have complete knowledge about the problems but have no interest in solving the
problems. Other sociologists think that along with the study of social problems, appropriate and new methods are
necessary to solve them. Methods should be adopted and information should be obtained to reduce social problems.
according to one opinion Sociologists should take direct interest in public practices and we have to accept the view
that sociology is a science. Which was studied to get its results. Even though no major work was done by sociology in
the ancient era, this science has been developed by it in the last five-six decades. Why are India's top sociologists
concerned about the emergence of insurgency in the North-East, fear of terrorists in Punjab, linguistic organization in
Assam, cultural polarization in Mizoram, outbreak of communal riots in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
Gujarat and Maharashtra, police in Bihar 2 They are living a depressing life entangled in problems like brutality,
torture and political crimes. This is because they are afraid of displeasing the government with their unbiased and
critical assessments and do not want to lose their positions in councils, committees and commissions. This statement
is not meant to criticize scholars, only to believe that sociologists should take interest in bringing about change in
society if both sociologists and sociology are concerned with immediate social problems.
If we turn our backs, our fight will become irrelevant for the nation and humanism. Develop theories on topics
related to social problems. Explain each problem and take new necessary steps to solve the problems and create
Meditate, think, understand about the consequences of the plans.
49. Concept of child labor:
Those engaged in employment at facilities available in the society are called child labourers. The beginning of the
Industrial Revolution in 1760-1840 also marked the beginning of child labour. Child labor started in India in the
middle of the 19th century.
Those children who are deprived of education from the age of 14 years or less. It was caused by children working in
factories, mills and mines. How did the issue of children become neglected in the agenda of national politics after
This can be gauged from the fact that it took 27 years for the national policy related to children to have an impact.
The development of children is not separate from the development of the nation. The development of the nation
depends on the development of children. But the harsh truth is that none of the programs related to child welfare
were seen from the perspective of national development. Children and their rights were not given due priority in the
political agenda of development. Advocacy and protection of child interests never mentioned in election manifestos.
It was not discussed openly.
Child laborers are trapped in the clutches of labour. At the age when they should go to school, spades and hoes are
handed over to them. They are forced to carry mud on the roads and wash plates in hotels. These innocent people
work under the burning wood and scorching sun to heat the tar and spread it on the roads, while ordinary adults do
not even go out of the house in such a state of mind. Likes. For the sake of money, he has to sleep on the ground and
eat half-fed, and work even at night on the instructions of the contractor.
A vivid example of exploitation of child labor is that underage children can be seen doing hard work in roadside
dhabas, tea shops and small and big factories located in markets etc. Be it freezing cold weather or scorching heat,
there is no fixed period of their work. Children are seen shouting on private vehicles, buses and taxis running in all
seasons to call and seat the passengers. Shop owners work in shops from five in the morning to ten at night. When it
comes to bedding provided by the owner for sleeping, it is available in the form of rags. Whom they are forced to
spend the night wearing. The leftover food of two Junes as salary and some Rs 200, some Rs 220, that too is not
received on time but after deductions.
50. Measures (suggestions) to prevent child labor:
Famous former judge Shri Ranganath Mishra had once said, giving birth to a child and not bringing it up properly is a
clear violation of human rights. Because the Constitution of India declares the country as a public welfare state in
which the responsibility of welfare of every citizen, especially the Dalits, backward, helpless, disabled and elderly is
considered as the moral responsibility of the administration. The instructions to provide special assistance and
protection to women and children by the state are also mentioned in the policy guidelines of the state.
The old policy of completely banning child labor has now been amended, according to which it is a crime to employ
child laborers in hazardous industries and to employ them without minimum safety in other industries.
The Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986, which has come into force from December, has the above
mentioned provision. There is also a provision to give strict punishment to those who break them. The problem of
child labor is not only in India but in all the developing countries, although this problem is not eradicated from its
roots. But if efforts are made, we can provide relief to children to some extent. Some time should be devoted to
teaching such children who cannot go to school because they have to go to work during the day. Efforts should be
made that the owners reduce the burden of the children. This can be done by reducing their working hours and
giving them appropriate remuneration for their work.
Today our society is exploiting children considering them as the cheapest means of labour, but tomorrow it will have
to pay a heavy price for it. According to a report 'State of Children in the World' published by the United Nations
organization UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), the amount that is being spent on weapons and military
power in the world in six weeks, if it was spent on adequate protection of women and children. Expenses spent on
food, child birth, primary education, cleaning etc. can get relief. Before the age of 50 years, 50 crore women and
children of the world would be deprived of mother's care and children.
Thus, to eradicate the problem of child labour, conscious efforts of the common citizens and the government are
required, only then the solution to this problem is possible.
51. Ways to remove youth stress and dissatisfaction:
Some of the following measures to solve youth stress are as follows-
(1) There is a need to remove the shortcomings found in the present education system. Examination system,
curriculum, methods of evaluation etc. are the things which need to be corrected. with proper implementation
(2) Efforts should be made to bring closeness between teachers and students and a qualified person should be made
the education officer who should stay away from political influence.
(3) In educational institutions, students should be given such opportunities which help in enhancing their leadership
abilities in a recognized manner.
(4) Such changes should be made in the educational system so that it can socialize according to new ideals.
(5) Greater participation of teachers and students in educational activities should be encouraged.
(6) Education should be made employment oriented so that the youth are provided economic security.
(7) Emphasis should be given on moral education which can help in building the character of students.
(8) There should be a code of conduct for teachers and students so that their behavior can be controlled and
deviations can be prevented.
(9) There should be a system of controlled entry in educational institutions so that crowded environment can be
prevented. Crowded environments contribute to increasing youth dissatisfaction.
(10) Student unions should be elected by indirect system. Factionalism can be eliminated through indirect election
(11) Today the tendency of cheating has increased among the youth, hence there is a need for change in the
examination system.
Apart from all this, various commissions have also given suggestions from time to time like Radha Krishnan
Commission had given three suggestions. Acharya Narendra Dev gave 10 suggestions to remove youth stress. The
Kothari Commission (University Education Commission) 1964–65 described two measures. Mudaliar Commission
gave seven suggestions to reduce youth stress. But today the need is that education should be used as a powerful
medium of social, economic and political change. Education should be such that students can be cultured in such a
way that they can understand their role in national life.
52. Concept of terrorism:
The term terrorism was first used in the Third Conference in Brussels in 1931 to consolidate or guide the penal
legislation, according to which terrorism means the deliberate act of causing harm to life, physical integrity or human
health or causing damage to property on a large scale. To create an environment of tax fear.
In literal sense, terrorism is made up of two words terror and ideology. Terror means fear and Vaad means idea or
principle. Thus, terrorism is an idea or principle that believes in achieving its goal or objective through fear. In fact,
terrorism is a violent expression of the feeling of rebellion and indiscipline against dissatisfaction, bigotry, economic
inequality, linguistic discrimination, apartheid, regionalism, foreign exploitation etc. - In practical terms, today
terrorism has become an infallible means for achieving political interests.
In the words of Heinz Ulan, “Terrorism is the systematic use of terror as a means of oppression.” In the 'Encyclopedia
of Social Sciences', terrorism has been defined as "Terrorism is a term used to describe the method, or the principle
behind the method, in which an organized group or group is engaged primarily in achieving its stated goals. through
the systematic use of violence."
In the 'Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English', terrorism has been defined in these words - "Terrorism is
the use of violence and intimidation to achieve political objectives." Similarly, Grist Wardlaw, while defining terrorism
in the context of politics, has written that "Political terrorism is the use of violence or the threat of use of violence by
an individual or any group in favor of or against the government."
Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the definition of terrorism has been given by the Government of India in three words -
"Exploding bombs, using firearms, destroying property, etc. with the aim of terrorizing the government or the people,
increasing enmity between different classes and disturbing the peace." Any act done with the aim of using chemical
or chemical weapons and disrupting essential services will be considered as terrorist act."
Many suggestions have been given from time to time to eliminate casteism. But unless there is a change in the
attitudes of the people, no significant change in the law can be achieved. In such a situation, we will have to consider
some other measures which are as follows-
53. Measures to eliminate casteism: Many suggestions have been given from time to time to eliminate casteism. But
unless there is a change in the attitudes of the people, the law cannot succeed in bringing about any significant
change. In such a situation, we will have to consider some other measures as follows-
1. Encouragement to inter-caste marriage – Dr.Dhuriye suggests that inter-caste marriage should be encouraged to
end the caste system.
2. Proper education- Dr. P.H. Prabhu believes that casteism can be eradicated through education. Education should be
such that it promotes secularism and creates healthy public opinion about casteism.
3. Formation of alternative groups - Dr. Rao believes that the formation of alternative groups i.e. various socio-
cultural organizations will give an opportunity to people of different castes to come closer to each other, which will
develop a feeling of equality among them and the problem of casteism will end.
4. Boycott of the word caste - In September 1955, a seminar was organized in Delhi in which it was said that the use
of the word caste should be minimized and the word caste should not be used in shops, schools, dharamshalas and
application forms.
5. Ban on caste based organizations - Regional and provincial organizations formed in the name of caste should be
banned because these organizations are the responsible factors in raising the sentiment of casteism.
6. Making practical laws – To end casteism, it is necessary to make practical laws. High ideals and go further.
Impractical law remains a bookish beauty.
7. End of caste politics - From Panchayats to MPs, elections are fought on the basis. In elections, candidates of the
expected caste are selected on the basis of caste and votes are also given. In such a situation, the leader works for
the people of his own caste and is biased towards them. So how will casteism end? Therefore, first caste politics
should be stopped.
8. Economic development - If there is economic development and employment is created then unemployment will
end and people will not have to go to the MP or MLA of their caste.
Section 'B' (long answer questions)
Answer any one of the following questions:
Question 2. Problems of weaker sections and welfare schemes for weaker sections in the society. Describe the
programmes. Or
Discuss the basic problems of Scheduled Tribes. Or
Explain the programs run by the government for the upliftment of Scheduled Tribes.
Answer: Weak class is the Hindi version of the English word 'weaker section'. According to the Concise Oxford English
Dictionary, the word 'Weaker' means weak, powerless, less in number, ineffective, logically incapable, etc. In the
social structure, a human group 'class' which is different in some way or the other from other human groups or
classes and has its own separate existence.
The sociological meaning of the weaker section is the relative analysis between prosperity and poverty. The depiction
of rich-poor, rich-poor, strong-weak, master-slave, king-subject, etc. is clear in the whole world
From the constitutional point of view, 'weaker class' or Dalit class includes Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
minorities etc. In this, all the resourceless sections of the society have been included. The Indian Constitution
emphasizes on equality, hence the framers of the Constitution made development plans to uplift the Dalits, weak
and weaker sections and bring them at par with the upper castes.
Made arrangements to provide facilities. Main characteristics of weaker section-
1. Those people whose income is far below the poverty line and who are not able to fulfill the minimum needs of
their life like food, clothing, shelter and medical facilities.
2. Those persons who are completely dependent on daily wages and that too are irregular and dependent on change
of seasons.
3. Those people who do not have enough capital with which they can buy raw materials and other manufactured
4. Small and marginal farmers who are deprived of irrigation facilities etc.
5. Those people who are in debt even after working continuously and who are exploited Is made.
6. Those people who live only with the help of human energy and animal energy.
Problems of weaker section:
1. Social disabilities - (A) Restrictions on social contact (B) Public goods Restrictions on the use of (C) Restrictions
related to residence (D) Restrictions related to education and entertainment
2. Economic disabilities - (A) Vocational restrictions (B) Property related restrictions
(C) Economic exploitation.
3. Religious disabilities - (A) Restrictions on entry into temples (B) On religious facilities
Restrictions (C) Deprivation of religious rites.
4. Political disabilities – They were deprived of all rights in the field of politics.
Program for Scheduled Castes in Uttar Pradesh:
Educational Assistance Program:
(i) Scholarship Scheme - Social Welfare is running a scheme to increase literacy among the people of Scheduled
Castes and Vimukti Castes and to make them literate at par with other people of the society, to give scholarship to
their children in pre-10th and post-10th classes.
(ii) Establishment of Book Bank : for Scheduled Caste/Tribe students Medical
To provide the textbooks to courses like Engineering, Veterinary, Agriculture and Polytechnic, which are unable to
purchase complete books due to lack of funds, a book bank has been established in their colleges. In this book bank,
one set of books is distributed between two students. were determined.
(iii) Ashram system: school for poor parents of Scheduled Caste/Exempt Caste. For free provision of education,
clothing, accommodation and food etc. to the children of the parents. The department has established 32 schools for
scheduled caste students and 9 schools for reserved caste students in the state. 5300 students are availing the
benefit of residential facilities and education in these residential schools. Primary schools, libraries and hostels
subsidized by the department and run by voluntary organizations are also available.
To provide proper education to the children of Scheduled Caste persons. For the operation of 586 primary schools, 85
libraries and 145 hostels by the department. Grants are being given to voluntary organizations.
(iv) Government Hostel - 164 hostel buildings have been constructed by the department for residential
accommodation of Scheduled Caste students and 95 have been operated. 26 hostels.The building is under
construction. The proposal for arranging staff and equipment for the operation of 69 hostels is under consideration
of the government. 5700 students are availing residential facilities in these hostels.
(v) Establishment and operation of Model PCS Coaching Center – Earlier, Vishar had sanctioned pre-service training in
Lucknow, Bareilly, Meerut and Dehradun but it could not yield the expected results. Therefore, at all these places, a
center named Adarsh PCS Coaching Center was established in Lucknow in 1993-94.
(vi) Adarsh Pre-Training Center Lucknow - Educated boys/girls belonging to Scheduled Castes and Tribes residing in
Uttar Pradesh, along with filling up the reserved seats in the State/Higher Subordinate Services Examinations, along
with the priority list of selected candidates. With the aim of attaining higher positions, Adarsh or Pre-Examination
Training Center has been established by the State Government under the Social Welfare Department.
Problems of scheduled tribes:
(1) Social problems - Due to the contact between urban and civilized society, many social problems have given rise to
(1) Problem of girl child
(2) Decline of education centers or youth groups
(3) Prostitution and rise of venereal diseases.
(2) Problems related to education - There is lack of education among the tribals and as a result they are surrounded
by economic beliefs, evil practices and bad values. Those who are receiving education are Moving away from culture.
(3) Economic problems-Tribes who are engaged in farming do shifting cultivation, they first set fire to the forests and
then do agricultural work on that land. When after a few days this land becomes uncultivable, they go somewhere
else. The result is that soil erosion increases and wild forests get destroyed. Due to the new land system and lack of
cultivable land, the tribals lost their rights over the land and now they have to face new laws transferred according to
There is no permission to do farming.
(4) Cultural problems- If some tribes were influenced by Hindu religion then they became Hindu.
Tribal culture was hurt and discrimination among themselves increased. Due to contact with outside culture, they are
also facing the problem of language, people of one tribe
Some people were influenced by Christianity and accepted Christianity. As a result, people have left the language and
started speaking foreign languages, thereby forgetting their own language, which has led to cultural differences
among their people.
Barriers to exchange have started to arise.
(5) Health related problems – Due to poverty among the tribals, they are a couple
They always wear them and do not wash them, as a result they suffer from many skin related diseases. They do not
even believe in medicine and doctors, they treat diseases through exorcism, as a result, after suffering from many
infectious diseases or skin diseases, they die untimely after taking treatment with Pahari herbs. They do not even
have the knowledge of balanced food or beverages, they eat whatever is available, consume alcohol in excess, as a
result health deteriorates and work efficiency decreases.
There is a decline and many tribes have even become extinct.
(6) Problem of political consciousness – After independence, all the citizens of the country have been given
democratic rights by the Constitution and have been made stakeholders in the governance. Today, representatives
from Panchayat to Parliament are elected by the public, political parties play an important role, about which they are
gradually becoming aware and now they have started raising the voice of their rights.
Question 3. Define backward class? What are the main criteria for determining backwardness? Or What are the main
problems of backward classes? Describe. Or mention the welfare programs for backward classes in Uttar Pradesh.
Answer: Backward classes are not given political representation through reserved constituencies. In the caste
hierarchy, the backward classes are higher than the Harijans in terms of caste rank and occupation. The backward
classes are the middle peasant and business castes.
Andrevetai considers the farming castes to be the essence of backward classes. The backward classes have lagged
behind the upper castes in education, business and government jobs. Some people are of the opinion that those who
belonged to Shudra class were considered backward but it is not so. The backward classes are below the Dwija
castes. The word backward class implies that there is also a forward class. The advanced class looks at the backward
class with inferiority.
The term backward class first appeared in 1917-18 and was used specifically in 1930-31. In 1937, the Travancore
state used the term backward communities for educationally and economically backward communities. In 1948, it
was considered to form a commission for backward classes. The work of this commission was to travel across the
country and find out the actual educationally, socially and economically backward classes among Hindus and
Muslims and for this the commission was appointed in 1953.
According to the Indian Constitution, the basis of backward class is the social and educational backwardness of the
citizens. According to Section 340, the President of India has the right to appoint a commission to inquire about the
condition of backward classes in different parts of the country. Under Section 15 (4) and 16, state governments also
appoint commissions in their states for various purposes.
Can get information about the economic and educational problems of backward castes. such commissions
On the basis of the report, state governments should make reservation in educational institutions and government
What is actually meant by backward classes is the middle castes between the Harijans and the upper castes.
Backward classes means those who have lagged behind or are left behind. The backward classes are small
landowners who depend on farming for their livelihood. They are very large in number but are not an integral group
from the social, cultural and economic point of view. According to the Mandal Commission, 52 percent of the total
population of India belongs to backward classes.
Since the Central Government could not reach a decision to accept uniform criteria of backwardness, it has given
freedom to the states to make their own criteria and list of backward groups. Only eight states have accepted the
policy of reservation for backward classes in services. Some states have made lists of backward classes due to local,
social and political conditions. In 1970, a list of 92 communities was made which are today in the category of
backward classes. Based on the recommendations made by Kaka Kalelkar Commission and Mungeri Lal Commission,
in 1978, the Bihar government implemented service reservation policy for 138 backward castes. Mungeri Lal
Commission was formed by the Government of Bihar. Today 25% jobs in Bihar are reserved for backward classes.
Major problems of backward class-Backward class is also a class like other sections of the society. For this reason,
their problems can also be classified like other classes -
(1) Economic, (2) Educational, (3) Social, (4) Problem of exploitation.
(1) Economic problem – The economic condition of not only the Dalit class of Indian society but also of other
backward class people was very weak. The reason for which was that that class has been a laboring class for
centuries and has been living by selling its labor to others to earn its livelihood. For example, the farmer class of the
feudal system, which is today also known as Bhumihar, similarly the artisan class of the rural society. Like the Dalits,
this class also did not have ownership rights on property. Mandal Commission has also considered the main problem
of the backward class and the economic basis for including these tribes in the backward class.
(2) Educational problem – Only that person or group of the society can get education whose economic condition
allows doing so. That is, a person who is financially prosperous can improve his life by getting education as per his
wish. At the same time, there are such people who have been victims of exploitation for a long time. They are
economically weak and remain uneducated and are forced to live a low class life in the society.
(3) Social problems-People belonging to the backward class of the society have to live a low standard of living and do
not easily get respect in the society and opportunities to live as per their wish. Due to which their marriages and
family relations have to be done within their own caste and this class continues to exist. rural areas of india
In India, these backward class people do not get respect and acceptance like the upper caste people.
(4) Problem of exploitation-History is witness to the fact that the weak and helpless. Individuals have always been
exploited and exploited. The laborers of the society have mostly been backward classes who have been working for
the upper class or resourceful class of the society. This labor class has always been exploited and has been present in
every society. With the change in time and system, their outline and name kept changing. The 'craftsman' of the
feudal system became the working class of the capitalist system. Because this class has been suffering from
exploitation for centuries.
Wanted liberation and as a result of industrialization, they leaned towards it and the present day. They are forced to
become middle class and get exploited. But now the form of exploitation has changed. The capitalist system has
freed them from being considered inhuman and not human.
Welfare programs for backward classes in Uttar Pradesh:
The Uttar Pradesh government was already aware of the welfare of the backward classes and through the Social
Welfare Department, various schemes were being run with the view of bringing people of this class forward in the
educational, social and economic fields. With the objective of effectively running the welfare schemes for the people
of this class, the Backward Classes Welfare Department was independently formed/created by the Uttar Pradesh
Government on 12 August 1955.
The work of the Backward Classes Welfare Department, which has been constituted independently, is mainly to run
the social, educational and economic development schemes of the backward classes, operation of the Backward
Castes Finance and Development Corporation by the state government, and the work of the Backward Classes
Commission. - Implementation of various programs run by the Government of India for backward class people at the
state level, compliance and implementation of new schemes and orders related to reservation in relation to
backward classes and the work being done by other departments of the government in this direction. . To establish
In this sequence, the Secretary of Backward Class Welfare Department was posted separately at the government
level. Went. Under him, officers and employees have been deployed at the secretariat level and field level. Till
regular arrangements are made, at the divisional level the Deputy Director of Social Welfare is working as the Deputy
Director of Backward Class Welfare and at the district level, the District Social Welfare Officer is working as the
District Social Welfare Officer of Backward Classes. It is expected that in future this department will start working
completely independently even at the lower level. In the field of education, the government has made arrangements
to give scholarships to OBC students who are studying in class 10th and whose parents/guardians have a monthly
income of up to Rs. 1000. Under the scheme to provide scholarship to backward caste students in post tenth classes,
this scholarship is provided to the students whose parents' monthly income is Rs. 6000 and in case of girl students it
is up to Rs. 9000. A scheme of non-recurring assistance for purchasing books and other equipment to other backward
caste students studying in medical engineering and technology classes is also being run by the state government.
Scheduled Backward Caste people living below the poverty line in the state.
Uttar Pradesh Backward Castes Finance and Development Corporation was established in the year 1990-91 with a
view to provide education and training and financial assistance for social, educational, technical and economic
upliftment and to provide self-employment opportunities to the backward castes. Students are trained in various
development schemes for backward caste people and The objective of this corporation is to provide relief to the
scheduled castes living below the poverty line of the state. To provide financial loans and assistance at relatively low
interest rates in the field of employment generation and small scale industries. The working area of the corporation is
in the entire Uttar Pradesh. At present, the corporation provides financial assistance and loans in the field of
agriculture related handicrafts and ancestral businesses, small scale industries and cottage industries, general other
businesses and transport services. At present mainly Margin Money and Turn Loan Scheme is being operated by the
Corporation. Under the Margin Money Loan Scheme, the beneficiaries have to invest a total of 10 percent of the
project cost from their own side and the remaining amount is made available by the Corporation from the bank at
concessional interest rates. Under the term loan scheme, the beneficiaries have to invest 7.5 percent of the total
project cost and the remaining amount is provided by the National Corporation and the State Corporation.
An independent department was created by the Government of Uttar Pradesh with the aim of removing the
educational, economic and social backwardness of the Other Backward Classes, hence the department is determined
to run new schemes in various sectors for the overall development of the people belonging to Other Backward
Classes. Is. In the current financial year, in addition to the currently running schemes, some more schemes can be
launched in the field of education and with the aim of removing economic backwardness. In which mainly the
revision of scholarship rates for students studying in post-10th classes, covering students with parents/guardians
living below the poverty line with maximum scholarships and providing training to other backward classes in pre-
examination training centres. This will include training the meritorious students of the caste and running a teaching
training scheme with a view to making backward caste women self-reliant. ,
Question 4. What are the main problems of the elderly? Mention the solutions to solve them. Or On the effects of
government policies related to the problems of old age. Comment.
Answer- Post-old age can be defined from a chronological and biological point of view. From the biological point of
view, with aging, there are gradual changes in the structure and functioning of the body which cannot be changed. In
modern society, chronological age, i.e. the amount of time one has lived, is considered a common indicator of old
age. In India, about 80% of elderly people live in rural areas and there is poor health.Health care and other related
facilities are available only in limited quantities. Many consequences are visible due to old age. , At the micro level, it
affects families and individuals. The whole nation is affected on a large scale by this. Among the elderly people, 33
percent are living below the poverty line while the other 33 percent are living slightly above the poverty line. The
economic condition of about 66 percent of the elderly belonging to the low income group is very weak. The main
reason for this is insecurity of livelihood. This insecurity is due to diseases like old age, physical disabilities, lack of
opportunities in gainful activities and lack of support from family etc. The condition of elderly women is even more
199 worrisome. 48.2 percent of the elderly are women and in the coming few years the number of women in the
elderly population of India may exceed that of men. Elderly women of India have to face three types of difficulties. -
(1) They are women in a patriarchal social system,
(2) They are economically dependent on others, (3) If they are widows then they Even more difficulties increase.
Major problems of the elderly - The problems of the elderly can be divided into the following categories - (1) Socio-
cultural problems, (2) Economic problems, (3) Health related problems, (4) Problems of changed attitude towards
Due to many reasons the mutual cooperation program is becoming quite weak. For this, stresses like urbanization,
modernization, terrorism, poverty and economic security are responsible, where due to lack of family resources, the
elderly are often seen as a burden. Due to poverty and low income in India, the elderly are dependent on their sons
and other family members. Done. The proportion of adult dependency is increasing day by day. The patronage ratio
of women is higher than that of men.
The major health related problems that arise due to old age are obesity, arthritis, anxiety, stress and constipation etc.
A person who smokes or is addicted to any other drug faces many types of diseases in old age, many of which can be
controlled. The reality is that the health of the elderly is not given as much importance as it should be. It is difficult
for an elderly sick person to reach primary health care.
Out of the total number of elderly people, about 33 percent are below the poverty line and 33 percent of the elderly
are slightly above the poverty line. The feeling of economic insecurity persists among such people. Many NGOs assist
such elderly people through income generation activities and rehabilitation projects. More than 30 organizations are
engaged in this at the local level. “Helpage India” with its projects at the national level. It is working through this
There are many forms and causes of emotional problems of the elderly. The attitude of elderly people towards life
changes with time. Elderly people are very sensitive towards the environment in which they live.
Apart from the above mentioned problems, there are some other problems like being childless, getting taunted in
one's own home and being a burden on the family.
One of the main problems of the elderly is their childlessness. In old age it becomes necessary to take support from
someone. At this artificial stage of age, life becomes painful without help. Life starts looking like a mountain and one
has to go through difficulties. These elderly people yearn for love, affection and sweet words from their family
members. Family members don't even talk directly. Due to which self-guilt arises in these old people. This happens
and they become helpless and go to an orphanage or old age home. The condition of elderly people from affluent
homes is even worse.
Elderly people start considering their own daughters-in-law and sons as a burden on them. Therefore, they are not
given breakfast, food etc. on time and whatever is given is met with rebuke or contempt, hence they remain isolated
and alone. Government efforts and suggestions made by the Government of India to solve the problems of the
National Policy for Older Persons announced in 1999. The Government of India has addressed the problem of the
Many programs have been run for solution like-
Old Age Pension (1) National Old Age Pension Scheme, (2) National Policy for Older Persons 1999.
Medical system - There should be a provision of a hospital in every city and village for providing health care to all the
elderly people of that area and providing health care to the elderly people of that area for free or at a minimal fee.
The arrangement of these hospitals should be run by voluntary organizations and based on financial needs,
government contributions and donations from the public. This should be completed from the amount received.
Old Age Homes - There should be provision of old age homes in every city in which there is provision for free or
minimal fee stay. Its economic protection should be done jointly by the Central Government and the State
Government. Where the elderly can spend the rest of their lives with dignity and peace. Employment system-There
are many elderly people in the elderly society who are physically and mentally ill.
He is healthy and is willing to do some work. They should be given opportunities to do less laborious work so that
they can spend their time and they can get the privilege of living with self-confidence and they can be free to spend
their time as per their capacity.
Arrangement of library-reading room-Reading room in every locality of the city. There should be a system which is
accessible to the elderly by walking. Which should be operated by the local people. The government should provide
its cooperation and financial assistance.
Income tax exemption - There are many elderly people whose children hold important positions, industrialists and
businessmen who pay taxes in the Income Tax Department and provide money to the elderly for living from their
own sources of income, or their elderly people depend on them. Live with them while living. They should be given so
much exemption in income tax so that the elderly do not feel dependent or feel insulted or become a burden on
their children.
Security arrangements- Special arrangements should be made by the government and administration for the safety
of the elderly. The complaints of the elderly should be heard on priority basis and their resolution should also be
done on priority basis, that is, they should be protected from all possible exploitation or harassment.
Establishment of a National Council for the Elderly – The Central Government is going to form a National Council for
the Elderly. According to an estimate, every tenth old person in the world is an Indian. This number is increasing.
Therefore, the Central Government plans to form a National Council for them which will look after their interests.
Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Maneka Gandhi has also made its outline. This council will have
well-known social workers, policy planners, public representatives and voluntary organizations. The government has
sanctioned Rs 20 crore for this organisation. The priority of the Council will be to remove the obstacles coming in the
way of post-retirement benefits, construction of group housing etc. for the elderly. Run mobile dispensaries to
provide them medical facilities. Apart from this, the government will ask various agencies of the state to arrange
travel for them. Give concession in fees. Will request the judicial institutions to deal with the cases related to the
elderly on priority basis.
But there are some other aspects of the problems related to the elderly who are becoming increasingly weak and
disabled as they move towards the last stage of their life, which cannot be ignored. There is a separate huge
department of pension. There is a pension scheme for the elderly. Also why do they have problems? There are health
centers at many places in the cities, but when the elderly die, they are not taken care of properly. The question is not
just about creating an institution but there is a need to improve their mentality and working style. Today in India the
elderly are left destitute and lonely. Elderly people are present in every society but unlike the western society, in
India they cannot be separated from the family. This process cannot be reversed but it can at least be reduced.
Question 5. What is meant by corruption? Head of corruption in public life. Discuss the factors. Or What do you
understand by corruption? Describe the causes of corruption and the measures to prevent it.
Answer: Corruption prevalent in public life is a serious problem. every part of life. We see corruption in the area. The
corrupt activities of the government machinery and politicians surprise the general public. In fact, the public is losing
faith in him because of these actions. Today the perception is that everyone is busy filling their own coffers and no
one is interested in listening to the pain and suffering of the people or in alleviating them.
Meaning and definition of corruption- In English language it is called 'Corruption'. Which originates from the Latin
word 'Corrutus', which means breaking of norms of manners and morality, taking bribe etc. Literally, 'corruption'
refers to a person's conduct which deviates from the socially expected behavior pattern. In the sociological sense,
corruption is the conduct of a person from public life by which he misuses his position or power for his personal
interest or gain. Following are some of its major definitions.
According to Robert Books, "It also includes illegal acts done for any tangible or intangible gain."
In the words of Rusek - "When the so-called elite people start giving priority to personal interests by abandoning
public interests and adopt means against society and law in the hope of enjoying unfair benefits, then it is called
corruption in public life."
In the words of Elliot and Merrill – “Corruption is the deliberate omission of duty to obtain any direct or indirect
personal advantage.”
According to the Anti-Corruption Committee 1962, "Corruption in the broad sense of the word is the improper or
selfish use of power and influence attached to a special position available in public office or public life."
Causes or factors of corruption in India – The following factors can be held responsible for corruption in India.
1. Special importance of money- Money has special importance in modern society. Nowadays a person's reputation,
respect etc. are evaluated based on the cube. Irrespective of the manner in which the person has earned the money.
Therefore, people try to get money through corrupt means to gain social prestige and respect.
2. Political structure - In the modern political structure, special importance is being given to partisanship. The person
who is elected by the political party, tries to benefit the people and supporters of that party through unfair means.
Like quota, licenses, permits, jobs etc. are provided on the basis of party affiliation. In such a situation corruption is
3. Employees from low income group – Low paid employees also adopt 'obvious methods' to overcome their age gap.
It has been observed that low level clerks and peons of many offices have been found taking bribes. If these people
are not given bribe, they do not work and delay. Employees of Railway Collectorate, Tehsil, Office, Municipal
Corporation etc. offices will get Rs. 2-4 each.
The bus keeps moving.
4. Excessive competition-Excessive competition also encourages the adoption of corrupt practices. Today's era is the
era of competition. There is cut-throat competition in the political and economic fields. In this race of competition,
when people are not able to achieve success through legal and proper methods, then they resort to modern and
corrupt methods, because the belief has developed among the people that everything is fine in the economic and
political fields.
5. Not having adequate knowledge of law – Most of the people of our country are illiterate. Therefore, they have no
knowledge regarding the reality of the law. Because of this, moneylenders, lawyers, police court employees etc.
extort more and more money by showing legal tricks to the ignorant public.
6. Lack of strict punishment: Lack of strict punishment system also encourages corruption and the corrupt. Apart
from immediately removing the corrupt employee from the job, there should also be a provision for strict
punishment of jail and fine so that people do not get inclined towards earning money through unfair means.
7. Shortcomings of the law - Sometimes there are shortcomings in the law, hence legal experts take advantage of
these shortcomings and extort arbitrary money from businessmen, industrialists, capitalists etc.
8. Commercial advertisements - Many people fool the public by seeing false and flashy advertisements and grab
money. For example, get a Swiss watch for Rs. (50) that always tells the time. They earn money by fooling the public
by watching this type of advertisement. Therefore, these types of advertisements also encourage corruption.
9. Court hassles - Many people get out of trouble by bribing police officers, income tax officers, sales tax officers,
octroi officers etc. to avoid court proceedings.
10. Demerits of democracy – The success of a person in the democratic system depends on the votes. Therefore, to
achieve success, a person wants to get maximum votes and to get more votes, people make the voters drink alcohol.
They provide them unfair facilities, give them many inducements and when such people win and come into
government, they further encourage corruption.
11. Cooperation of higher officials – Sometimes those who commit inappropriate acts get the cooperation and
support of child officials and political leaders. Therefore, such people use corrupt methods in doing their work. In this
way corruption is encouraged.
12. Diversity of population – Excess population is found in big industrial centres. People of different castes and sects
live here who recognize each other. Are not till. Therefore, do not hesitate in accepting bribe or gift from an unknown
person. Thus, diversity of population also encourages corruption.
Measures and suggestions to prevent corruption: Various scholars have presented various suggestions to prevent
corruption in public life. Here we will mention some major suggestions.
1. Spread of high moral education – Our education system needs immense reform to eradicate corruption. Education
should not be only theoretical but practical. Provision should be made for moral and religious education. Teachers
should present such ideals before the students.
2. Establishment of social welfare institutions - To eradicate corruption, it is also necessary that social welfare
institutions should be established in every city and village. Such persons should be taken into these institutions
whose character is high. They should take measures to stop corruption and take immediate action wherever they see
unfair and unethical activities taking place. We can benefit from these institutions only when the people running
these institutions are qualified, efficient and honest.
3. To raise the level of morality in the political field – Democratic governance system has been adopted in our
country. In a democratic system, the responsibility of eradicating corruption largely depends on the political parties.
Therefore, there is a need to raise the level of morality in the political field. Corrupt methods should not be resorted
to during elections. The policy of defection should be abandoned and election related rules should be strictly
followed. Every political party should make its candidates only those persons who Be capable, competent, efficient
and honest.
4. Establishment of Anti-Corruption Department – Anti-Corruption Department should be established to eradicate
the corruption prevalent in the administration. The officers and employees of the Anti-Corruption Department can
achieve success in eradicating corruption only when they themselves are honest and loyal.
5. Reforms in the industry and business sector - Strict and effective laws should be made to eliminate corruption in
the industry and business sector.
6. Simplification of law - Due to the complexity of the law, the common people are not able to understand it and as a
result they fall into the trap of lawyers and government employees and give useless bribes and gifts to get their work
done. Therefore, it is necessary that the law be made simple, so that even the common public can understand it. The
sources should also be determined. There should be strict and strict punishment should be given to the person
according to the seriousness of the crime.
Such administrative and judicial decisions should be publicized.
7. The tax system should be straight and simple - The tax system should be straight and simple and the tax collection
should be easy.
8. The culprits should be investigated as soon as possible: The culprits of corruption should be investigated as soon
as possible.
9. Immediate appointment of Lokpals – Appointment of Lokpals should be done without any delay and they should
be given investigative and judicial powers.
10. Improvement in the education system: specific institutions for character building of the coming generations.
Should be developed. In this the education system will have to be improved.
11. Clarity in values – There has to be clarity in the values of cultural areas. Social service organizations should do this
work through discipline and publicity.
12. Adequate salary - In every government and non-government organization, every person must get such a salary
that he can fulfill the minimum basic needs of himself and his family.
Question 6. What is meant by gender discrimination? Describe its cause and solution. Describe how gender
discrimination is a major problem at present.
Answer: In any society, when men and women are discriminated on the basis of gender, then in general terms this
condition is called gender discrimination. The term gender difference is used in both biological and social sense.
According to biology, gender means a special biological structure, whereas from the sociological point of view, there
are five main bases of gender difference - role of men and women in family decisions, opportunities for social
participation for men and women, personal, social, economic life. Freedom in India, attitudes towards women,
limitation of women's rights in political life. If evaluation is done on these grounds, there is a huge difference
between theory and practice. Except Muslim countries, no country believes in any difference between men and
women, but in reality there is no country where there is no difference in the status of men and women. The more
backward and uneducated a society is, the more insultingly women are treated. Even in the so-called egalitarian
societies of the 21st century, there has not been much reduction in atrocities against women. When the status of
women in society is determined unequally by considering them subordinate to men only on the basis of gender, then
this condition is called gender discrimination.
Reasons for gender discrimination: There are four main reasons for gender discrimination on sociological basis.
(1) Male dominated social system – The social system itself is responsible for our mutual relationships, Determines
the nature and attitudes of the contact. Due to living in a male-dominated social system for a long time, women
themselves also consider themselves dependent on men. Have started considering themselves subservient.
(2) India's rural economy - The rural economy has made more than three-fourths of the population here so
traditional that they never have their own Consciousness about rights could not be created.
(3) Lack of education - Due to lack of education, blind beliefs and fabrications. The influence of religious stories
increased so much that even thinking about equality of men started being seen as a sin.
(4) Hypertolerance - Women's qualities like hypertolerance are considered their weakness.
Understanding this, men started exploiting them arbitrarily. Gender discrimination problem and area: The problem of
gender discrimination can be seen in all areas like social, economic, religious, educational and mental etc.
(1) Inequality in social field - (A) Subordinate social status-social Cannot take any decision. (B) Social exploitation-
Women have to face various types of atrocities in the family. Her position in the family is no more than that of a
maid. The status of women is lower than that of men in all spheres of life.
(C) Moral exploitation – Today, sexual exploitation of women is happening more than before in both rural and urban
areas. Harassment of women in trains, buses and markets is common. Her semi-nude pictures are common in movies
and advertisements. Widows are sexually exploited and insulted in the village.
(D) Educational inequality - Even today in the field of education, giving general and non-vocational education to girls
is considered sufficient. Even today in villages, it is considered against the decorum for girls to study more.
E) Marital inequality-Boys have the freedom to choose the life partner of their choice whereas girls are not given any
(2) Inequality in the economic field
(1) Economic dependence - Men have the freedom to use their earned money, whereas women have the right to
earn money from their father before marriage and husband after marriage. She cannot use it as per her wish.
(B) Separation from property rights – Although by law, both son and daughter have equal rights in the property of
their parents. But most of the women do not get this property after marriage. In rural areas, women are not even
aware of it.
(C) Role multiplicity – Women, after working outside the home for 8-10 hours, also fully fulfill the household
responsibilities. Before going to school or office, she is a former housewife and even after returning, she fulfills all the
responsibilities of her family. Bhumika Nimal
(3) Inequality in political field – Today three percent in rural areas and three percent in urban areas. There are ten
percent women in India who have information about political parties. Most women give their boat to someone they
call a family member. Purpose of voting. There is entertainment. Middle class families do not like to vote. Since 1992,
one-third seats in Panchayat, District Panchayat and Area Panchayat are reserved for women, but the reality is that
women are elected to various posts but they are not taken by them. The decision is indirectly taken by the husband.
(4) Inequalities in other areas – If we talk about religious area, men would still like it. That women should complete
all the fasts, fasting and religious activities. If educated women do not fulfill this then psychological conflict arises in
the family. Even today, upper caste people suffer from the misconception that they are inferior to them. Are superior
in comparison. Similarly, there is a feeling of superiority among men towards women in some form or the other.
Suggestions and efforts to remove gender discrimination - Since independence, the socio-economic and political
development of women has been the main basis of social welfare. In the 50 years since 1980, more emphasis has
been given on such programs. As a result, in this direction The efforts made are as follows -
(1) Employment and training - Since 1987, there are programs for women living below the poverty line such as
agriculture, animal husbandry, cottage and rural industries and improving their traditional skills, etc., which can
improve the status of women. Can be improved.
(2) Hostel and shelter facilities- Hostel construction scheme was started to provide safe accommodation to working
women in cities at cheap rates. Those girls and women who are victims of family, mental stress, exploitation or
harassment are kept under the shelter facility.
(3) National Commission for Women was established in 1992. Its objective is to empower women. Reviewing the
laws related to atrocities, intervening in cases of atrocities and helping them in getting speedy justice etc.
(4) Rashtriya Mahila Kosh-It was established in 1993. Its work is to provide loans to poor women.
(5) Indira Mahila Yojana – It is also called Mahila Samridhi Yojana. • It has been started in 1995. Its objective is to
organize lower level women so that they can become financially independent and lead a respectable life.
(6) Balika Samridhi Yojana - This scheme was started in 1997, in which a grant amount of Rs 500 is deposited in the
post office on the birth of a girl child, which is withdrawn with interest after she completes the age of 18 years.
Jagrukta Program - Its objective is to make women aware by organizing special camps to create a respectable place in
the family and society. This work is provided by NGOs by providing financial assistance.
Apart from this, International Women's Day is organized at the international level with Swashakti Yojana, action plan
against sexual harassment of women and children etc. The Uttar Pradesh government established the Directorate of
Women Welfare in 1989-90.
The objective is to improve the status of poor rural and urban women. Efforts are made are made to improve the
status of women through many laws in the Indian Constitution.
Has been done-
Special Marriage Act 1954, Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Hindu Succession Act 1956, Hindu Minor and Guardianship Act
1956, Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956, Prohibition of Immoral Traffic of Women and Girls Act 1956,
Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, Central Panchayat Raj Efforts are being made to eliminate gender discrimination by
passing Act 1992, aimed at awakening political consciousness among women etc.
Question 7. What is casteism? Discuss its causes and side effects. , Or
What is casteism? Casteism is a major problem in national integration. Explain.
Answer- Casteism is a narrow feeling in which individual, society and nation have special importance. Instead of
giving in, he considers his caste interests supreme and thinks from the point of view of his caste interests. Casteism
has contributed in making the castes internally powerful. currently
Educational institutions, dharamshalas, industrial institutions, dispensaries, temples and others in the name of caste.
Organizations are found. Through these organizations, efforts are made to raise the status of a particular caste in the
system of social stratification. Today, the importance of birth and caste in determining the social status of a person is
decreasing in relative terms and that is why today people having high social status try to elevate the people of their
caste. Casteism is the feeling which helps the members of one caste to uplift, unite and raise the social status of their
own caste. Due to this feeling, the loyalties of the members of a caste concentrate only on the people of their own
caste. They are able to think only from the viewpoint of petty selfishness of their caste. There is a feeling of
belongingness towards their own caste and a feeling of separation towards others.
Kaka Kalelkar has written about casteism that casteism is blind and unlimited group devotion, which ignores the
general social norms of justice, propriety, morality and the feeling of universal patriotism.
Dr. N. Prasad has explained that casteism is loyalty to a caste transformed into politics. Thus, it is clear that casteism
is a narrow feeling which inspires the members of one caste to give priority to the people of their own caste in
various spheres of life without caring about the general interests of others.
In this way, casteism becomes an obstacle to national unity by encouraging people to ignore national interests and
nurture their own caste interests.
Reasons responsible for the development of casteism:
There have been many reasons for the development of casteism, which are as follows-
(1) Marital restrictions- Under marital restrictions comes the practice of caste intermarriage. According to this
tradition, it is necessary for everyone to establish marital relations within their caste group. Due to such restrictions,
being limited to one's own caste or sub-caste creates the problem of choosing a life partner.
(2) Development of means of transport and communication – Development of means of transport and
communication has made casteism nationwide. There are not only provincial but also all India conferences among
the members of the caste community in which the protection of the interests of the members of their caste is
discussed. Rudolph and Rudolph have named such organizations formed on caste basis as para-communities.
(3) Desire to raise the caste status - The desire to raise the caste status and to improve the position of one's caste in
the system of social stratification has greatly helped in the development of casteism. Today, the importance of
earned status is increasing and that is why it has become necessary to provide opportunities to the members of the
caste to progress in various fields as per the new standards. The result is that the person is narrowed down. Thinks
and behaves from perspective.
(4) Disintegration of Jajmani system – Disintegration of Jajmani system encourages casteism have been found. This
practice bound different castes into unity on the basis of functional difference. Castes provided some essential
services to each other and received goods in return. Today, with the breakdown of the Jajmani system, vertical
relations have ended and mutual relations between members of the same caste, which are called horizontal
relations, have strengthened. As a result, casteism has been encouraged.
(5) Industrialization: Industrial development has contributed in increasing casteism. C. Due to industrialization, many
new professions have developed which have no connection with any particular caste. Due to industrialization the
hereditary professions of the family and caste have been harmed. As a result, economic security has ended. Today, in
order to provide economic security to its members through caste, people want members of their own caste to attain
higher positions Want to provide opportunities.
(6) Citizenship – The conditions in cities have also encouraged casteism. Cities have people of different castes,
religions, cultures and economic levels. based on different interests
There are organizations that encourage casteism.
(7) Differentiated development of castes – Some castes are getting privileges. And some suffer from multiple
disabilities. In such conditions, some castes do not get higher education. To do, to get into higher jobs and to earn
money and raise one's social status.
Opportunities have emerged through which some have gained economic and political power while others have Be
deprived. This encouraged bitterness among different castes. resulting ethnic organization Have become strong.
(8) Sanskritization- Through the process of Sanskritization, a feeling of casteism arises in the cultured caste. They
start considering themselves superior to other lower castes. Here the upper castes do not accept the new status of
the Sanskritizing caste. As a result, conflict arises between the upper caste and the culturalizing caste, which
promotes casteism.
(9) Caste organizations- Caste organizations also promote casteist tendencies.
(10) Politics- Vote politics has also given rise to caste sentiments, from Panchayat to Parliament elections, votes are
sought in the name of caste. In this way politics has promoted casteism.
ill effects of casteism:
(1) Obstacles in national and social unity - In a democracy, while there should be a feeling of unity in the country and
in all social moments, casteism definitely creates obstacles because on the basis of this, mutual discrimination and
prejudice and tensions increase. There is no mutual harmony among different castes which is very necessary for
(2) Increase in corruption- Casteism promotes corruption. Justice cannot be done because of casteism. Even if a
person is not skilled in any work, he is still appointed for that work because of casteism. Casteism causes personal
and social degradation.
(3) Hindering efficiency – People without any qualification or less qualification. Even if they get a job etc. in a superior
or higher position (which they get only in the name of casteism and they do not have to do any special hard work)
then - their efficiency is also not as much as is expected for them. .
(4) Hindrance in industrial efficiency - Due to casteism, filling of important positions in industries and other
professions is done on the basis of caste rather than on the merits of individuals = as a result of which unskilled
people often reach positions of responsibility, due to which Both administration and production decline.
(5) Obstacles in the general development of the country - As far as the hostility of the upper castes towards the lower
castes. The point of view is that the lower castes were not considered to have any significant contribution in the
religious, social, economic, educational and political fields. Just as it has been proved that the intelligence of the
Negroes is not inferior to that of the whites, in the same way the sentiment of the members of the upper castes to
consider the level of intelligence as superior to the caste has prevented a large section of the country's population
from participating in the progress of the country in any way. Didn't allow them to contribute, kept them away from all
(6) Educational and social welfare institutions – These are often run on the basis of caste. In libraries, schools,
colleges, dharamshalas, hospitals etc., attention is given only to the convenience and welfare of the members of a
particular caste without considering the public interest. There is caste bias in school-college admissions and
scholarships, which causes injustice to the really needy and bright students. On occasions like marriage etc., poor but
non-caste people are not allowed to use Dharamshala and it is given to more affluent but caste people for use.
(7) Frustration and mental hindrance - Due to casteism, when injustice is done to the deserving people in relation to
appointment and advancement, then despair arises in them which creates conflicts, conflicts and mental disorders.
Despair also gives rise to rebellion and violence. Which is fatal for the personality, and can be fatal for other
(8) Crime- In some incidents, casteism is also responsible for crimes. We often hear about the conflict between
Thakurs and Brahmins in villages. The reason for this is that the awakening of self-respect among the untouchable
castes after independence from casteism often inspires them to rebel against the higher castes and stop humiliating
them. It is natural to have a feeling of hatred against the upper castes due to centuries of exploitation by them.
(9) Moral degradation- Inspired by casteism, a person loses the distinction between right and wrong. He resorts to
dishonesty, lies and disloyalty for the welfare of the members of his castewhich leads to his moral degradation.
Question 4. What do you understand by inter-generational conflict? inter generation Describe the reasons and
measures to remove them.Or. Clarifying the concept of inter-generational conflict, its causes and solutions. Throw
light on. ,
Answer: Concept of inter-generational conflict: Inter-generational conflict means the conflict that occurs between
the new generation and the old generation. In other words, it can be said that at present there is difference in the
thoughts of young people and old people and the conflict that arises due to this difference is called inter-
generational conflict. In fact, these conflicts arise as a result of ideological differences between the two, because
ideological differences create differences in the basic social and cultural norms, attitudes, beliefs, methods of
behavior and ways of thinking of the new generation and the old generation. The main reason for this is the time gap
found between two generations. The personality of the people of the older generation was developed in an India
which was stuck in the chains of Gul, whereas today the times have changed. Today's new generation development is
taking place in independent India. This is the reason why the ideologies of the new generation are different from the
ideologies of the old generation. There is immense dynamism seen in the present society. Due to the rapid pace of
social change, social structure and functions have undergone significant changes. Earlier, elderly people had position
and prestige and on the basis of that they were respected in the society. A This situation has changed. In today's era,
respect is given only to the one who is very prosperous. Every youth of today's era wants to move forward, for which
he is making full efforts. Therefore, they want independence from the elders in their families and want to achieve
something on their own. In today's time, it is mostly seen that the old elders do not consider today's new generation
as rational and they definitely impose some restrictions on them, that is why they do not consider them capable of
taking any kind of decision. The life of today's generation has changed. Therefore, he prefers to stay away from
illiberal and inhumane practices while adopting a very liberal and humanistic approach. Due to modern education,
industrialization and urbanization, the life of today's generation has changed a lot. A vivid example of this is that in
earlier times, marriages used to take place only with the consent of elders, whereas today's generation wants to
choose its life partner on its own and does not allow anyone's interference in this task. Earlier there was a ban on
inter-caste and inter-religious marriages. There today. Marriages have been encouraged. Now love marriage has also
been given recognition in the society. Today, when a young man himself decides to get married, his elders get angry
and forbid him to do so. In this situation conflict arises between the two generations. The older generation asks their
children to work on the basis of their old social beliefs. Expect adaptation from them. In this situation, conflict would
arise between the two generations. Nowadays, this type of conflict has started happening over very small things.
Reasons for inter-generational conflict: Following are the reasons for inter-generational conflict:
1. Increasing power of youth – In the present time, the increasing power of youth is also a notable cause of inter-
2. Social evil practices-Social evil practices are also some reasons for inter-generational conflict are responsible till.
The older generation wants to remain tied to the ongoing bad practices.
3. Psychological reasons – There is definitely some psychological reason behind any personal or social incident.
4. Effect of modern education - Due to modern education, there has been a lot of change in the life of men and
women. Women have got new dimensions of employment. The generation considers the old generation to be
impractical and unimportant, due to this there is conflict between the new and the old generation.
Ways to remove inter-generational conflict: Following are the measures to remove inter-generational conflict-
New ideals, rules, values and expressions should be incorporated in the new generation. Because even today in India
there is faith in the ideals, rules, values and expressions of the older generation. Therefore, cooperation should be
created between the new and old generations.
New ideal values and ideal rules should be incorporated in the new generation with the cooperation of the old
generation, which will promote cooperation instead of conflict between the new generation and the old generation.
The new generation should be socialized in such a way that they can have faith in the values of equality and national
development. This will lead to cooperation instead of conflict between the two generations. Efforts should be made
to socialize the people of the new generation in such a way that equality in their personality and efforts to bring
about changes with faith in the ancient values should be considered so that there can be harmony between the two
generations and there is no conflict.
Joint family has been prevalent in India in which the ideals of the elders are followed by the new ones.
People of this generation have also been doing it. Presently the new generation prefers nuclear family instead of joint
family. Therefore, if coordination is established between the two generations, the conflict will also end.
Question 9. "Child labor is a problem." Describe the efforts to remove it. Or Explain “child labor is an evil”.
Answer: Those children who are deprived of the facilities available in the society and are engaged in employment
from the age of 14 years or less are called child labourers. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1760-1840 AD
marked the beginning of child labour. Child labor in India started in the middle of the 19th century with children
working in factories, mills and mines.
After independence, the extent to which the issue of children remained neglected in India's national policy agenda
can be gauged from the fact that it took 27 years to declare a national policy related to children.
Children's development cannot be seen separately from national development. The development of the nation
depends on the development of children. But the harsh truth is that none of the programs related to child welfare
were seen from the perspective of national development. Children and their rights have not been given due priority
in the agenda of development politics. Advocacy and protection of children's interests were never openly talked
about in the election manifestos. The United Nations Organization is continuously striving to brighten the lives of the
children of the world through 'UNICEF' and that is why, under the resolution passed by it in the Child Rights
Conference held in 1989, now nutritious food is being provided to the children of the world.
And they will be able to get minimum education, they will be kept away from violence and war. Generally there are
two forms of child labour-
(1) Helping children in their work along with parents.
(2) Children working to increase the family income.
At present child labor is an international problem. This is a challenge for all developed and developing countries
because begging can definitely be considered at risk for children whose primary activity is labour.
William Copper - said that "The most important periods of our lives are those spent in childhood." And now, if this
childhood is forced by economic, social and other family circumstances to engage in economic activities, then it
undoubtedly poses a danger to the society.
Child labor is considered a social curse. Child labor can be considered a social crime on the basis of the following
(1) Taking heavy and risky work from physically and mentally underdeveloped children at an early age.
(2) Unethical and inhuman exploitation of child labour.
(3) Wages and uncertain working hours.
(4) Contaminated and harmful working conditions.
(5) Being deprived of education and not being able to develop intellectually.
Thus, child labor gives rise to many social evils, which have adverse and far-reaching effects on the society. Child
labor has given rise to many social and economic evils in the society. Employment of skilled and mature people who
produce more than child labor is also blocked.
problem of child labor:
Despite this, there is no international problem related to children where Indian children can be said to be different
from other children of the third world or we can say with certainty that the children of our country are facing no less
than a particular problem. Not there. On the contrary, the truth is that whether it is child mortality or malnutrition,
child labor or education, India seems to be standing in the front row of problem countries in every matter. For
example, out of the huge army of 10 to 15 crore child laborers in the world, a very large part (more than 3 crore) is in
India alone, out of which countless children are in a state of complete bondage as far as health is concerned in
medical science. Despite the unprecedented revolution, out of about 2.5 crore children born every year in the
country, about 27 lakh children die before celebrating their fifth birthday. As a result, India ranks 40th in the
international list of countries with very high under-five mortality rate. Despite being the leading producer of food
grains in the world, India has the highest number of malnourished children under five years of age and out of the 19
crore babies born with less than expected birth weight in the world yesterday, 7.2 crore babies are Indians. And
education? It is said that the enrollment rate of children in primary schools has been achieved at 98 percent, but only
64% of them are able to reach the fifth grade. One university student is prepared here at the same cost that can be
provided to 60-70 children in primary education. That means higher education is spreading at the expense of primary
exploitation of child labor:
A vivid example of the exploitation of child labor is that underage children can be seen doing hard work in roadside
dhabas, tea shops and small and big factories located in major markets. Be it freezing cold weather or scorching heat,
there is no fixed period of their work. Children are seen shouting on private vehicles, buses and taxis running in all
seasons, calling passengers and making them sit. The feet and hands of children who wash glass plates in hotels and
restaurants just to get food and clothes rot due to exposure to water. Due to which they feel pain but the owner does
not care about it. While describing their heart-wrenching plight, child laborers in restaurants and hotels say that shop
owners usually take work from five o'clock to ten o'clock at night. Most suffering occurs during cold weather. When
working hurts too much. Because when everyone is in warm clothes then they are washing utensils and mopping.
Are there. Even when everyone is asleep, they continue to wash the floors. As far as the bed provided by the owner
for sleeping is concerned, it is available in the form of rags, covering which one has to spend the night. The food left
for two months as salary and some people get Rs 200, some Rs 150 per month, that too is not received on time but
after deductions.
Small children can be seen selling boot polish and neem toothpaste near railway stations and bus stands. They
support their families with this earning. These children sleep on the platforms at night after working all day. Some
people even make some innocent children who do not know anything about their parents and family beg. These
innocent children roam around the stations, bus stands and public places begging for alms throughout the day. In the
evening, the money received from begging is taken away by the people running this work and some part is given to
these children. The small amount given does not even fill their stomach.
suggestions and provisions:
Famous judge Shri Ranganath Mishra had once said, "Not giving birth to a child and not bringing it up properly is a
clear violation of human rights." The Constitution of India declares the country to be a public welfare state. In this,
the responsibility of welfare of every citizen, especially Dalits, backward, helpless, disabled and old people, is
considered as the moral responsibility of the administration. State directed to provide special assistance and
protection to women and children also
Described in the Directive Principles of State Policy.
- Article 15 (3) of the Constitution gives the state the right to provide for children Can make special arrangements.
- Article 39E and F requires the State to make such arrangements as to ensure the welfare of persons engaged in
hazardous work and prevent their exploitation. Also, no one should be forced to engage in such work which is not
suitable for his ability, strength and age.
- Articles 23 and 24 of the Constitution provide for prohibition of exploitation of child labour.
- Article 45 states that the State shall provide for all children up to the age of 14 years
- To make arrangements for compulsory and free education, the Government of India made the following
announcement on 22 August 1974 under the National Child Policy.
-Free and compulsory education to children below 14 years of age. Adequate health facilities and nutrition before
and after birth and during growing age:
-Children under 14 years of age are prohibited from performing risky activities.
-Not only India but also the United Nations has declared the rights of children since 20 November 1989. Had
-Health and nutrition (Article 24)
-Free compulsory primary education (Article 28)
-Protection against economic exploitation and child labor (Article 32)
-The resolutions of the United Nations were based on the declaration of the International Child Labor Convention
held by the Government of India in 1989. Provided in the following form-
-Right against exploitation (section 23)
-Opposition to child labor (Section 24)
-Health Protection (Section 39)
-Compulsory schooling (section 45)
In addition, the following Acts came into force for the abolition of child labour:
-The Factory Act of 1881 was enacted to control the employment and working hours of children. Child Labor Act
1933 which prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14 years.
-Some protections given to child labor by the Factory Act 1948.
-In 1986, the Child Labor Act was enacted in the Lok Sabha, through which a plan was made for the employment of
children in certain jobs and the conditions of work in hazardous jobs were controlled.
-The Juvenile Justice Act 1986, which replaced the Child Act and came into effect from 2 October 1987, provided
measures for the protection, safety and security of children.
-On 20 November 1989, the United Nations approved the Declaration on the Rights of the Child. It talked about
protecting children living anywhere in the world from exploitation, neglect and oppression. By 1993, 159 nations
gave their consent to this agreement and in that agreement, every person below the age of 18 years is considered a
child. The Government of India signed this declaration on 2 December 1992, but in the Indian Constitution only a
person below 14 years of age is considered a child. Four types of rights of children have been described in this
agreement. Right to life, right to development, right to security, right to participation. Thus, national and
international efforts are going on to eradicate child labor and efforts are being made to overcome this problem.
Despite all these provisions and measures, recruitment, harassment and abuse of children continues. Therefore, it is
impossible to solve this problem because medical scientists and psychologists also accept that the all-round
development of children is possible only in an environment free from fear and pressure.
Question 10. What are the factors responsible for communalism in India? Do it. discussion or
Describe the definition of communalism and its factors.
Answer: A burning problem of India is communalism which is a hindrance in the path of national integration.
Communalism riots have taken place many times in India. The problem of harmony between Hindus and Muslims has
given rise to communalism.
According to Raymond House Dictionary, “Communalism is a feeling of intense loyalty towards one's own ethnic
group and not towards the whole.
According to Shri Krishna Dutt Bhatt, "communalism means the feeling of indifference, neglect, pity, hatred,
opposition and attack towards any community or community other than one's own religious community.
Communalism is based on the real or imaginary fear that The said community is determined to destroy our own
community and culture or cause harm to our lives and property."
According to Smith, a sectarian individual or group is one who "views his or her religious or linguistic group as a
separate political and social unit with interests distinct from those of other groups, who may often be hostile to
The following characteristics of communalism emerge from the above definitions.
(1) Communalism is related to religious groups.
(2) In communalism one's own religion is superior, one's own language and culture is superior.
(3) In communalism there is a feeling of contempt towards other people.
(4) Communalism creates social and political isolation.
factors of communalism:
(1) Historical factor-It is true that Muslims came from outside and resorted to force to propagate their religion in
India. People were forcibly converted to Islam, hence hatred arose in the minds of Hindus towards them. Muslim
League divided the country into two parts which people have not been able to forget even today.
(2) Psychological factors – There are feelings of hatred and animosity towards each other in both Hindus and Muslims
and doubts are expressed on their national loyalty. Mutual distrust also promotes communalism.
(3) Cultural differences – There is a lot of difference in the lifestyle, food habits, customs, clothing, religion and
ideology of Hindus and Muslims. Hindus are monogamous and idol worshippers, not in favor of divorce and widow
remarriage. While Muslims are polygamous, there is a practice of divorce and widow remarriage, among them there
is also a difference in the deities of gods, goddesses, national heroes etc. This cultural difference creates rift and
(4) Geographical factors - Mostly the pattern of residence in India is that of only one religion, Caste, language-
speaking groups reside in the same geographical area and as a result, a feeling of unity is found among them. But
feelings of hatred and opposition are found towards outside groups.
(5) Religious intolerance: is the basic similarity of all the religions of the world. But there are also minor differences.
Due to these differences, people who follow one religion consider their religion superior to the other. Violence has
taken place in the country even due to wrong statements made by religious leaders.
(6) Political selfishness – Political parties field their candidates in elections from Panchayat to Parliament and ask for
votes on the basis of communalism. At the time of selection of candidates, special care is taken to ensure that a
person from that community contests the election from the community where it is in majority. To get votes and fulfill
political objectives, these leaders fan the flames of communalism.
(7) Communal organizations-Many communal organizations are found among Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Jains. They
organize the followers and instigate them against others, which leads to conflicts and riots.
(8) Abuse of secularism – The Indian Constitution declares India as a secular state. This means that every religion will
get equal opportunities in the country. All religions are equal for the state. Many a times, taking unfair advantage of
secularism, religious groups tried to impose themselves on others, resulting in tensions and conflicts.
(9) Anti-social elements and vested interests – There are some people in the society who create situations of tension
and conflict. On the occasion of Holi, Diwali, Ramnavmi, Eid etc., such people throw stones, set fire, sprinkle colors
etc. on processions etc. to create nuisance.
(10) Temple-Mosque dispute- A mosque was built by Babar by demolishing the Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya, which
was demolished by a group of people on 6 December 1992 and the construction of the temple started. At present
this matter is in the court but this dispute has given rise to tension between the two communities.
All the relevant factors make it clear that communalism in India is the result of many factors which require sincere
efforts to remove it.
Suggestions to prevent communalism:
Considering the seriousness of the ill effects of communalism, from time to time many social scientists, social
reformers, politicians and religious gurus have given many suggestions for the prevention of communalism. This issue
has been discussed in conferences, seminars and workshops organized on various occasions. The following
suggestions may be important to solve this problem-
1. To eradicate communalism, it is essential that there should be uniformity in social laws for all religious groups in
the entire country because separate social systems increase their isolation and social distance.
2. All communal organizations working in the country should be banned and communally indicative names of all
organizations and institutions should be banned because those communal organizations pollute the social and
political environment in the name of religion.
3. There should be a strict ban on the use of communal forces in elections such as communal election slogans, postal
speeches and articles etc.
4. National integration should be encouraged through education. Correct knowledge regarding narrow notions like
communalism, casteism, regionalism, linguism etc. through education.
These can be resolved by getting it done.
5. Strictest action should be taken against anti-social elements active during communal riots. For this, special courts
should be established in such areas so that such people can be tried quickly and effectively. Can get harsh
6. The faulty classification of minority and majority on the basis of religion and sect should be abolished and on this
basis the arrangements for giving special facilities to any particular religious group should be abolished.
7. To prevent communalism, efforts should be made to propagate true literature through means of communication
like newspapers, books, magazines, radio, television, movies etc. Such articles, speeches and programs should be
presented through them which can prevent the spread of mutual hostility, opposition and hatred.
8. To promote communal tolerance, celebrations and festivals of different communities should be celebrated at the
national level, this will help in developing mutual relations and harmony among them.
9. To end communalism, it is necessary to make efforts to eliminate administrative laxity and interference of
politicians in administration.
10. Controversial religious sites should be declared as archaeological monuments.
11. Political leaders should not be involved in the inauguration of religious gatherings, etc.
Question 11. Describe the definition and types of terrorism. Describe the types and ill effects of terrorism. Terrorism
is a curse for human society. Discuss.
Answer: Terrorism is that ideology or method of action under which a group or organization does not take even the
slightest care of public interest or national interest and resorts to violence or threat of violence to achieve its
objectives. To spread terror among the people and cause immense loss of life and property by indiscriminately killing
innocent people.Terrorism does not sell. It is the Hindi version of the English word Terrorism which is derived from
the Latin word Terror. Which means to scare people in Hindi?
Or does the terrorist organization have a definite goal behind creating terror? This goal can be political, religious,
economic or even personal. Which can be accepted as king in today's society. Terrorism is not an ideology or principle
but a method. Using which any state, political organization, ethnic or religious organization can Want to achieve the
The Encyclopædia Britannica defines terrorism as "the systematic use of fear, intimidation, or violence against
governments, populations, or individuals to achieve political objectives."
Prof. S.D. Singh has written - "Terrorism is an organized method of creating fear under which political goals are
achieved by the planned use of remote and inhuman violence or by the threat of use of violence."
Types of terrorism- Shri Mahendra has mentioned 5 types of terrorism. (A) State terrorism, (B) Group sponsored
terrorism (C) Crime related terrorism, (D) Narco terrorism, (E) Issue driven terrorism
Dr. S.S. Srivastava has also described five types of terrorism. (A) National and international terrorism, (B)
Revolutionary and sub-revolutionary terrorism, (C) Repressive terrorism, (D) Bio-terrorism, (E) Nuclear terrorism.
GK Aggarwal has mentioned three types of terrorism - (A) Terrorism organized by the state, (B) Economic terrorism,
(C) Terrorism organized by separatist groups.
Nature of Terrorism - (1) National Terrorism, (2) International Terrorism, (3) Economic Terrorism, (4) Naxalite
Terrorism, (5) Religious Terrorism, (6) Intellectual Terrorism, (7) Cyber Terrorism , (8) Molecular, biological, chemical
Characteristics of terrorism - Terrorism has the following characteristics - (1) It is illegal or illegal, (2) It is against the
state and society, (3) It has a political objective, 4) Its victims are women, old people. Innocent children can be
helpless people of any caste, religion, age and class. (5) Terrorist activities are sudden and terrible in which even the
government becomes helpless and helpless - for example - bomb blasts in Mumbai and Delhi, the process of
destroying a plane by colliding with America's World Trade Center, etc.
Terrorism in India - India, like other nations, is fully committed to protecting its sovereignty, unity and integrity. but
Due to the constant involvement of neighboring countries in conspiracies and anti-India activities, we are facing
terrorism and terrorists. On the other hand, due to regionalism, communalism, strong religious-cultural linguistic
sentiments and narrow mindset of politicians, people intend to get their demands fulfilled through terrorist
activities. Today no area of the country is untouched by terrorist activities. Terrorist organizations like Jaish-e-
Mohammed, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Hizbul Mujahideen etc. operating in India are fearlessly not desisting from targeting
religious places, railways, important hotels and national institutions. Be it the Charare Sharif Dargah of Kashmir, the
Ramjanmabhoomi in Ayodhya, the Sankat Mochan Temple in Varanasi, the attack on Akshardham Temple in Gujarat
or the attack on Hotel Taj Overai.
As far as internal terrorism in India is concerned, these include Sikh terrorists demanding a separate Khalistan in
Punjab, Bodos and ULFA demanding Bodoland, Mizoram National Front Organization in Mizoram, Naga militants in
Nagaland, All Tripura Peoples of Manipur in Tripura, etc. Terrorist organizations etc. can be mentioned. Apart from
this, Naxalites and Maoists nurtured by China can be mentioned.
Efforts and suggestions to end terrorism:
Indian constitutionalists did not make any article explicitly for the eradication of terrorism but Article 22 in Chapter 3
of the Indian Constitution, which is known for the fundamental rights, provides some such provisions which can be
used as a deterrent. The first Anti-Violence Act was enacted on 26 February 1950 in exercise of the powers vested in
Article 22 of the Constitution. Just two years after its abolition, the second detention law was revived in the form of
MISA, the Maintenance of Internal Security Act 1951. After this, the third Act came into existence in 1990 in the form
of National Security Act (RASUKA). After this, to deal with terrorism, the Terrorism and Disruptive Activities Act was
enacted in 1987, which was generally known as "TADA". “TADA” law in 1997. was abolished. At present, the Anti-
Terrorism Act 2002 was enacted, which is applicable everywhere except four states.
Terrorism Act POTA A 2002 POTA A has six chapters and 64 sections. In comparison to the pre-existing law, POTA has
given more and wider powers to security forces and law agencies. In this Act, a person who is engaged in terrorist
activities has been called a terrorist.
This definition is given in Section 3 (1) of the Act which is as follows. No person is willing to threaten the sovereignty,
security, integrity and unity of India.
Use of chemicals or other substances, poisonous gases, weapons, non-dynamite, other explosives, inflammable
substances, bombs or any such act with full intent or with lethal intent. If it spreads terror among the public and
causes death of someone or loss of property or disruption in service delivery or creates obstruction in government
work, then action can be taken against the person or organization doing so under POTA.
Suggestion (1) If all the nations stop the terrorists from acting as terrorists towards their enemy enemy countries. If
we stop training and encouragement, terrorism can definitely reduce.
(2) A code of conduct should be created at the global level which all countries should follow. This will help in
identifying the terrorist.
(3) All the countries of the world will have to take a pledge not to promote terrorism.
(4) Education and employment should be provided to the youth.
(5) A special commando team should be prepared for terrorist activities like kidnapping or hostage taking.
(6) Any country which does not follow the code of conduct made at the global level should be declared a terrorist
(7) The mutual tension, conflict and animosity between different countries should be resolved through frank talks
and not by resorting to terrorism.
(8) The international community should sever relations with the country that promotes terrorism.
(9) Article 370 of the Constitution should be abolished so that the people of the country can live in Jammu and
Kashmir, this will increase brotherhood.
(10) Self-defense to deal with terrorismarmed the villagers for Village Defense Committee should be formed in every
village which can protect the village from terrorists
(11) Public awareness campaign should be run towards education in developing countries.
(12) Belief in existentialism, that is, human beings should be understood as human beings.
(13) All countries should end relations with such countries which prepare terrorists or provide them protection.
(14) To try to increase national unity and international unity by adopting the values of life. Detail and importance
should be presented.
(15) Nuclear energy should be disarmed with the cooperation of the United Nations.
Today the entire world seems to be burning in crime, selfishness and lust for cultural enjoyment. In such a situation,
to deal with terrorism, corruption will have to be eliminated from the world at all costs.
Question 12. Explain the concept of poverty and explain the causes or causes of poverty.
Describe. Giving definition of poverty and describing the measures for poverty alleviation in India. Do it.
Answer: North-Indian economy is underdeveloped despite being the seventh largest economy in the world. Despite
progress in various fields after independence, natural and human resources have not been fully utilized here.
Poverty is a social and economic problem. This is a ubiquitous problem. Considering the large number of poor
countries in the world, they are called the third world. Even in India, most of the families suffer terribly from poverty
and this poverty gives rise to hunger and death. The Industrial Revolution has had a special contribution in giving rise
to the severe inequality of poverty today.
Poverty is an economic condition but it also reflects social status because a person's economic condition is closely
related to social rank and class. In simple language, poverty means economic inequality, economic dependence and
economic inefficiency.
According to Gillin and Gillin, "Poverty is a condition in which a person, either due to inadequate income or unwise
expenditure, is unable to maintain his standard of living high enough to maintain his physical and mental capacity
and to prevent him and his dependents from being able to live in the society. To be able to remain capable of working
productively as per the levels.”
Beaver also defines poverty as a standard of living "in which a person's physical capabilities are not maintained at an
adequate level." You write that "Poverty can be defined as a standard of living in which health and physical
capabilities are not maintained." Would have remained."
Dr. Yogesh Atal has defined poverty as being deprived of national income in comparative terms. You write, "The
concept of poverty is related to the fact of relative deprivation."
Thus poverty is a relative term. Money is important in determining poverty and those people who lack Yas Ghan are
considered poor. But there are many people who lack Ghan, but still their standard of living is high. On the other
hand, many people live a low standard of living even when they have abundance of money. they can still be called
Therefore, it is clear that poverty is not a social fact or an economic fact but is a general determination based on the
customs and standard of living of that country.
Major causes of poverty in India
(1) Disease- Hund has written that "poverty and disease form a complex agreement so that each helps the other to
increase the sufferings of the most unfortunate of human beings" while on the one hand a person cannot work and
His income reduces, while on the other hand, a large part of his income is spent on the treatment of the disease. This
type of disease increases poverty. On the other hand, poverty also increases disease. Due to lack of nutritious food,
diseases like tuberculosis are more prevalent among those who work hard and live in dirty streets or among poor
labourers. In this way both poverty and disease increase each other.
(2) Illiteracy- Poverty and illiteracy are also related to each other. Poverty increases due to illiteracy, because a
person's ability to earn money remains very low. On the other hand, many people are unable to read and write due
to poverty and remain illiterate. In this way poverty and destitution help each other and increase the suffering of the
(3) Lack of natural resources – In the absence of natural resources like good land, water, minerals etc., no country can
become prosperous and remains poor. Thus, people living in deserts and high mountains are mostly always poor.
(4) Natural Disasters - Apart from the natural weather, natural disasters like volcanic eruption, earthquake, flood,
lightning etc. in Japan cause huge damage to thousands of houses and even a few crops and property are destroyed
within minutes. In China, many agricultural crops are destroyed by the severe floods of the Wanghao River. These
disasters cause loss of property as well as human power and thousands of people become beggars from door to door,
thus poverty increases due to natural disasters.
(5) Agriculture-related reasons – Agriculture-related economic reasons are good manure, improved land. Farmers
always remain poor due to the effect of good seeds, means of irrigation, good animals etc., lack of proper
arrangements to protect the farming from pests and diseases, exploitation of farmers by superstitious landlords,
small pieces of land, indebtedness etc.
(6) Unequal distribution of income - Even if the production is sufficient, in many countries millions of farmers and
laborers live a life of poverty due to unequal distribution of income. In the capitalist system, the rich get richer and
the poor get poorer. Are.
(7) Unemployment- Unemployment is the biggest economic cause of poverty. extreme poverty. It is caused by
unemployment. Unemployment is the biggest cause of poverty in a country like India.
(8) Marriage related evils- Due to the practice of dowry in India, many families Remain poor throughout life. Many
families who pay more dowry than expected become very poor.
(9) Increase in population- Continuous increase in population in India is the main cause of poverty. Today India's
population is more than one billion. It is impossible for the government to provide all the resources for such a huge
population. Due to population growth, unemployment is spreading among the people, due to which most of the
people are becoming poor.
(10) War – War is also a cause of poverty. War causes huge loss of manpower and property of the country. Thousands
of working youth are forced to serve in the war and their families are plunged into poverty. Due to this the ratio of
number of men and women deteriorates. This increases moral degradation. War spoils the entire social and
economic system, life The level falls. And international trade suffers huge losses. Epidemic levels are frequent after
the war. Spreads and grows. Many people's mental balance gets disturbed. Poverty in the country due to all these
Efforts made to eradicate poverty in India:
Special efforts have been made by the Government of India to eradicate poverty. To improve the condition of
villages, planned efforts have been made in various five-year plans to provide new opportunities for development in
various sectors like agriculture, animal husbandry, cottage industries, small scale industries, cooperative societies,
education, transportation etc. and various programs have also been launched by the government for this purpose.
Efforts made to eradicate poverty are as follows:-
Food for Work Scheme – This scheme was started by the government in 1977-78 to eliminate poverty. Rs 29 crore
were spent in 1977-78 and Rs 120 crore were spent in 1978-79. In 1980 it was renamed National Rural Employment
Programme. Its objective is to provide employment to rural workers in their free time.
Antyodaya Yojana- Under this scheme, five families, who are poor, are selected from each village. By the government
to make them self-reliant and do business etc. Assistance is given. Development of agriculture- To eradicate poverty,
the government has given top priority to the development of agriculture. For this, efforts were made to plow the
barren land and make the barren land fertile Have gone. Irrigation facilities have been developed. On agricultural
development in the seventh plan
Rs 12,729.6 crore has been spent and Rs 54,933 crore has been spent in the Eighth Plan.The program has been
launched. These schemes include land improvement, irrigation facilities, animal husbandry, poultry, health,
education, drinking water etc. Water, electricity, roads and housing facilities, development of desert etc. poverty in
villages and Integrated Rural Development Program was started to solve unemployment. from this plan
In 1996-97, Rs 1,31,53 crore was spent and 18.96 lakh families were benefited.
Family Welfare- To control the population for poverty control, Family Welfare
Rural Development- Community development schemes were started for the development of villages.
Development of big industries: The government has established big industries to eradicate poverty. Prominent
among them are the fertilizer factory of Sindri, the railway engine factory of Rourkela, Durgapur, Bokaro, Bhilai,
Chittaranjan and others. In various five-year plans, funds were also allocated for the development of big industries so
that poverty could be eradicated.
Development of cottage industries: While the government established big industries for poverty alleviation, it also
encouraged cottage and village industries. Rs 3,249 crore was spent for this in the Seventh Plan and Rs 6,334 crore
was spent for their development in the Eighth Plan. Provision was made to do so.
Twenty Point Program- Mrs. Gandhi announced a 20 point program for poverty alleviation on 1 July 1975. Presently a
new twenty-point program is going on, under which strengthening and expanding the overall rural development and
national rural employment program, accelerating the programs related to the development of scheduled castes and
tribes, improving the environment of slums and settlements, Major programs are housing arrangements for weaker
sections, abolition of bonded labour, forced labour, irrigation system, promotion of power generation, training and
employment of educated people, facilities to students etc. All these programs have been made to remove the
problem of poverty and unemployment.
Hydroelectric Power Schemes- To generate electricity, the government has also prepared various schemes like
Nangal, Bokaro, Mowar, Chambal, Damodar, Machkund etc.
Nutrition Programme- Malnutrition is found among poor and backward people which shows lack of efficiency.
Therefore, to eradicate the problem, the government has started a nutrition program. Under this, vitamin and
protein rich food is given to children, pregnant women and lactating women.
Apart from these programs, the government has provided agricultural land and housing to the landless and
houseless people, has made plans to solve the problems of slums in the cities and to build houses and also to help
the educated, unemployed, rural youth, women etc. Various programs have been run for the welfare of castes, tribes,
backward classes etc. Efforts are also being made to eliminate poverty through special employment programs.
Question 13. Describe the definition of crime and its causes. Or . What are the causes of crime and what steps have
been taken to prevent it? Explanation
Answer: The sociological explanation of crime is very ancient. From the social point of view, those behaviors which
are anti-social are called crimes. In sociological explanation, more emphasis is given to circumstances. Whereas
according to legal interpretation, all those acts which have been declared contrary to the Constitution, Criminal Code
or rules of the state at any particular time in any state will be called crimes. In this, emphasis is laid on consequences
and punishment.
social definition:
According to Mavor, “Crime is the violation of social norms.”
Dr.Hackerwal - "Crime is an act of an individual which disrupts the system of relations which the society accepts as
the primary condition for its existence."
Clinard-"Considers crime as deviation from social rules."
Legal definition:
"Sethna- "Crime is that act or error for which the law punishes."
In the words of Taft - Scientifically, crime is a process which is punishable according to law.
Hackerwal-From the point of view of law, crime is violation of law.
Causes of Crime: Crime is not caused by any one cause but is the result of many causes.
(1) Physical reasons - (A) Paternity - It has been found in various studies that the children of criminal parents were
also criminals. These children may stay away from their parents but they commit the same crimes that their parents
used to commit.
(B) Physical disability – Physical condition is responsible for crime, like deformity creates inferiority complex in
individuals, which is compensated by crime.
(C) Illness- Prolonged illness causes despair and irritability in a person, which in turn gives rise to criminality.
(D) Age- There is a correlation between age, crime and age. Generally, people between 20-24 years of age commit
more crimes in childhood and less in old age.
(E) Gender: Men commit more crimes than women. The main reason for this is the work area since women's work
area is limited to home whereas men have contact with outsiders.
(F) Endocrine glands - There are some glands in our body which secrete a special type of juice, if it is more or less
then it affects the physical functions.
(2) Mental factors - (A) Mental instability - A mentally retarded person is unable to differentiate between right and
wrong or the physical age of the person increases. But mental age is short. Such persons are inspired to commit
(B) Emotional instability: When a person becomes overly emotional, he gets easily agitated and restlessness develops
in him. As a result he commits crime. Emotions, fear, or mental stress motivate a person to commit crime.
(3) Family conditions – Family members or environment decide whether the child will be a criminal or a civilized
(A) Unbalanced family - When there is no balance in the family, the child will go out unbalanced and when he
becomes free, he gets involved in criminal activities.
(B) Broken families - Families break in two ways - physically and mentally. When a person struggles even while living
together, the family breaks mentally whereas the mother or father. If one of the parents dies, the family physically
breaks up.
(C) Immoral families – Those families where morality is not given importance, there are criminals.
(4) Economic circumstances – There is a close relationship between crime and economic circumstances.
Poverty: A poor person commits crime out of compulsion when he is unable to support his family.
Unemployment- An unemployed person starts committing crimes to support himself and his dependents.
Economic Competition - In the age of competition, every person is in some way or the other.
He wants to expand his business, hence he does things like selling adulterated goods etc.
(5) Entertainment has become commercialized: Today in cinema, the criminal is presented as an attractive and
prestigious person. Semi-nude pictures etc. provoke the emotions of the person, who are responsible for committing
sex-related crimes.
(6) industrialization: Due to industrialization joint families broke up and community life declined, conflicts with
employers and workers increased, strikes, demolitions, sieges, lockouts etc. started taking place, capitalists started
exploiting the workers. As a result, crowded places, slums etc. gave rise to crime.
(7) Urbanization-Industrialization and urbanization are interrelated processes
All the conditions of industrialization occur in urbanization, hence urbanization is also responsible for crime
(8) Political institutions – When control is relaxed in Parliament, culture, law, government departments etc. then
crime takes birth. When leaders or government officials become corrupt. Gives birth to crime.
Prevention of crimes- Many measures have been taken from time to time to free the society from crimes. Emphasis
was laid on efforts to improve the condition of the criminal and the society by considering the society itself
responsible for the crime. Efforts were made through the prison system, probation, parole, post-protection services,
(1) Jail system- Jail is a means where the criminal is kept separate from the society and a feeling of repentance for the
crime is created in him. The prison reform program in India started in the 19th century. Three types of jails are found
in present-day India. Vault less prisons, juvenile jails, high security prisons.
Jails without walls - Dr.Sampurnanand set up a camp for criminals on the Chandraprabha river in 1952-53. In this,
those criminals were kept who have spent 1/3 of their sentence in ordinary jails, show good conduct, are physically
and mentally healthy, live with their families and manage their expenses by earning money themselves. The age of
these criminals should not be a watchman, their age should be between 21 to 50 years.
(2) Juvenile prison - Child criminals are kept in this prison and efforts are made to improve them by mentally
analyzing them.
(3) High security prisons - In these, those criminals who are serving punishment and cases against them are going on
in the courts are kept. There are three types of reform prisons:
(A) Central Jail
B) District Jail
(C) Sub-jail.
(2) Probation - In probation, the criminal is released conditionally in lieu of punishment and he is expected to
maintain his conduct during the period of probation. In this, the criminal is released on probation after sentencing.
The probation officer is on probation. Takes care of released criminals. Probation officers perform two functions: one
is social screening of the released criminal and second is to take care of him.
(3) Parole - Those criminals are released on parole who have been sentenced for a long period and have served some
part of it. If his conduct remains good while serving his sentence, he gets relief from the remaining sentence on the
recommendation of the officer. The purpose of parole is to reform criminals. The criminal released on parole is
expected to follow certain conditions. If he did not do so, he was asked to face punishment again goes. The purpose
of parole is to free the criminal from the polluted environment of jail and get an opportunity to integrate with the
(4) Post-protection services-Post-protection services are related to the life of the criminal after his release from jail.
After being released from jail, the criminal faces the problem of what to do? If the society does not accept him then
he commits crime again. Post-protection services have been started with the aim of providing social, mental and
economic security to the criminal. , Its objective is to treat the criminal as a patient and treat him in such a way that
he does not turn to crime again and can establish harmony in the society.
Some suggestions for prevention of crimes-
(1) Guidance-Criminals should be guided.
(2) The conditions of jail should be improved - health, medical care, service, accommodation in jail should also be
improved. Proper arrangements should be made. Criminals should be treated sympathetically.
(3) Determination of punishment – The punishment should be determined considering the circumstances of the
Justice should be quick and cheap – Justice should not only be cheap but arrangements should also be made to
provide it quickly
(4) Help of psychiatrists and sociologists – to reform criminals. Help of doctors and sociologists should be taken so
that they can prevent crimes in future.
(5) Different types of prisons - There are different types of prisons for different types of criminals - like first time
criminals, living with habitual criminals give them more chances to get disturbed.
(6) Changing public opinion – Such tendencies should be boycotted by changing public opinion which give rise to
anti-social activities.
(7) Facility of conduct and training - Criminals should be given the facility of loan.
Question 14. What is unemployment? Describe the types and causes of unemployment. Or explain the definition of
unemployment and what should be done by the government to control it. Review the measures taken.
Answer- Today almost all the countries of the world are facing the problem of unemployment. This problem is not
only of backward countries but also of developed countries. Unemployment is not only an economic problem but
also a social problem. Prof. Pigu says - "Unemployment is one of the various words which are used by common
people. Its common meaning is almost universal but it is difficult to explain it properly.
G.R. Madan – “Unemployment is that country in which healthy persons who want to work cannot find work at
normal levels of wages.” Fair Child - "A person is not forced to work under normal conditions and at the normal rate
of pay." The state of being involuntarily removed from paid work."
Florence - "Unemployment can be defined as the inactivity of those persons.
Those who are capable and willing to work."
The five elements of unemployment become clear from the above definitions And complete the work as per (1)
desire, (2) ability, (3) effort, (4) economic objective, (5) ability. Types of unemployment – The following types of
unemployment can be clearly seen – (1) Seasonal casual unemployment, (2) Technological unemployment, (3)
Frictional unemployment, (4) Semi unemployment, (5) Hidden or disguised unemployment, ( 6) Educated
unemployment, (7) Open unemployment.
due to unemployment:
(1) Personal reasons (A) Age – The problem of unemployment among children and old people is more serious than
that of young people. Young people are not given priority in new businesses due to lack of experience.
Unemployment reduces in 25 to 40 years. Unemployment is not found more among people between 50 and 60 years
of age.
(B) Professional Ability-Many times a person does not know what work he should do and what his interests are. What
work can he do competently? Many times Shakti is ready to do any work. Despite having more trained and skilled
workers than required, they have to face unemployment.
(C) Illness and physical disability – Persons who are physically handicapped also become unemployed due to physical
disability. Persons who are ill permanently or for some time have to face unemployment.
(2) Depersonalization (A) Increase in population: An important reason for unemployment in India is the rapid
increase in population. As population increases, supply of work also increases. But businesses and employment are
not increasing in the same proportion as the population is increasing.
(B) Limited land – Population is continuously increasing but land is limited, hence the burden on agriculture is
increasing. The land is divided into many small pieces. Due to this, hidden unemployment flourishes.
(C) Backward condition of agriculture and lack of training - Even today, old methods are prevalent in agriculture. Poor
and uneducated farmers are not familiar with scientific methods, hence they are not successful in reporting the
production. Due to lack of training among Indian laborers, they are unable to become farmers or laborers.
D) Defective education system-Lord Macaulay started the English education system in India, at present an educated
person hates physical labour. Today's education does not prepare a person for livelihood. Therefore an educated
person has to face unemployment.
(E) Decrease in mobility, decline of cottage industries - Lack of mobility is found among Indians. They do not want to
go out due to being bound by religion, region, language, kinship and traditions. When industrialization took place in
India, people engaged in cottage industries became unemployed.
(F) Imbalance in demand and supply: When there is less demand and more supply of workers in agricultural and
industrial sectors, then people have to face unemployment.
(G) Government policy and increase in taxes – Every political party has its own industrial policy. The amount of
import or export of any item depends on the policies of the government. If there is excess import, industries do not
flourish and employment is not available. If exports are more then the industry grows. Employment opportunities are
available. When the government increases the tax burden on a particular business, the prices of goods increase.
When an item is expensive, it is used less. Demand decreases and production decreases. It falls and unemployment
(H) Industrial stress, business change, job prestige – when workers lose their When they demand salary, dearness
allowances, working hours, medical treatment, residence etc., then there is strike or lockout on the basis of labor
unions, then in such times the workers have to face unemployment. When a person is engaged in a business and is
fired, he has to remain idle in the meantime to do other business. Nowadays people like jobs more. Job is an
indicator of prestige. Therefore, until people do not get a job, they remain idle.
(1) Indifference towards labor – Nowadays people have no interest in physical labour. People look at it as inferior.
Instead of doing physical labour, people prefer to remain idle.
(J) High wages – When the wage rate becomes high then the demand for workers decreases. As a result,
unemployment increases among workers.
side effects of unemployment:
The consequences of unemployment are as follows-
(1) Personal disintegration and unemployment - When unemployed, a person sleeps late, gambles and drinks alcohol.
In case of unemployment, he starts begging, loitering, hooliganism etc. All these reasons lead to loss of position and
(2) Unemployment and health – A person's health deteriorates during times of unemployment. They become victims
of malnutrition, and due to lack of balanced diet, they suffer from many diseases. Due to lack of money, a person
starts living in low rented houses which are dark and damp. All this has a bad effect on all the members of the family.
(3) Unemployment and family disintegration – Due to unemployment, the savings of the family gradually gets
exhausted. The family's jewellery, land etc. get mortgaged. The family becomes debt-ridden. Due to poverty, both the
parents of the house go to work. Therefore, due to lack of a caretaker at home, children become stray and become
immoral and social evils.
They start working in opposition to each other. Sometimes women get involved in immoral activities. Tension and
conflicts arise among family members.
(4) Unemployment and social disintegration – An unemployed person starts becoming harsh. Uncertainty and anxiety
creep into the family and disappointment creeps in among the members. People's attraction towards work starts
decreasing. It impacts the community. The community itself has to feed and treat them. In such a situation,
prostitution, adultery, corruption, bribery, dishonesty and beggary start flourishing in the society.
(5) Unemployment and economic effects – Unemployment affects work efficiency, resulting in reduced production.
National income starts declining. The closure of industries leads to industrial unrest and economic crisis. In such a
situation, natural resources cannot be fully exploited.
(6) Unemployment and cultural decline – Cultural development in any country takes place only in the condition of
economic prosperity. Art, language, science, literature, music, religion, science etc. cannot be promoted in a country
full of poverty and unemployment which does not have adequate resources and cultural development will be
difficult there. The culture of a hungry person revolves around bread.
(7) Unemployment and political impact – Countrywide unemployment gives rise to political rebellion and revolution.
Useless people organize protests, strikes etc. Governments come to a standstill, the foundation of democracy begins
to shake. Anarchy spreads all around, vandalism, looting and riots begin and people's lives become endangered.
(8) Unemployment and psychological effects – An unemployed person develops inferiority complex. He loses interest
in work. He continues to struggle with mental struggles. He becomes irritable, aggressive and quarrelsome. He loses
his courage, determination and self-respect. The tendency of defeat and helplessness is born in him. As a result his
ability and efficiency decreases. his friends and family. Relations with members begin to break down.
(9) Unemployment and moral degradation - Unemployment leads to moral and character degradation of a person.
He loses his sense of self-confidence and self-respect. He supports his family through immoral activities. He starts
running away from his responsibilities and the ultimate result is suicide.
Efforts (measures) taken by the government to remove unemployment:
(1) Five Year Plans - Through the Five Year Plans, establishment of many new industries in India, irrigation, electricity,
construction of dams, land reform laws, new technical tools of agriculture, fertilizers, seeds etc. were encouraged.
Health and education facilities were increased.
(2) Nationalized Banks- Credit scheme was started in nationalized banks through which there is a provision to provide
financial assistance to self-employed people. To remove educated unemployment, various ministries of the Center
have presented their schemes.
(3) National Rural Employment Programme- This scheme has been started to eliminate rural poverty, unemployment
and underemployment. This program was started in 1980. In this, the central and state governments bear half the
expenses. In this, 50 percent of the money is for agricultural laborers and marginal farmers and 50 percent is spent
on the rural poor. This increased employment opportunities in villages.
(4) Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme- This scheme was started in 1983-84 with the objective of
landless agriculture in April 1989. To provide employment to laborers outside agriculture, “Jawahar Rojgar Yojana”
was prepared by combining both “National Rural Employment Programme” and “Rural Landless Employment
Programme”. Its main objective is to provide employment to unemployed and semi-unemployed people in rural
(5) Unemployment Expert Committee - The Government constituted the Unemployment Expert Committee. This
committee suggested spending to remove unemployment by imposing taxes on income tax, company tax and
(6) Self-Employment Scheme- This scheme was announced on 15 August 1983. This is for the urban educated
unemployed, whose age is between 18-35 and who have studied more than high school. Loan up to Rs 35,000 is
given to them by the District Industries Office from any bank.
(7) Unemployment insurance allowance and employment to disabled people – Scheduled Castes and Tribes
Unemployment insurance and unemployment allowance schemes were started for undergraduate and postgraduate
students respectively. An employment office for physically disabled people was established. 1981 was declared the
year of the disabled.
(8) Rural Landless Employment Programme- Under this programme, at least one member of a landless family will be
given work for 100 days in a year. This is a part of the new 20-point programme. Under this, rural connection roads
and drains will be built in the fields for irrigation.
(9) Nationalization of banks, bonded labor system – By nationalizing the banks, they were instructed to give loans to
the educated and uneducated unemployed for new industries on liberal terms. By making an Act in 1976, workers
were freed from exploitation and they were given relief by fixing the minimum wage rate.
(10) Self-employment training to rural youth - Under this program, technical training in various professions is given to
prepare people of 18-35 years for self-employment. They are provided training in agriculture and agriculture related
industries, services and trade. Every year, 40 youth are selected from each development block.
National Program for Training of Urban Poor Youth - Under this programme, unemployed young men and women of
the urban areas of the country will be given training in various works. Such as nursing home, kindergarten, teaching,
health, inspection, nursing, home services, building construction, electricity fitting, work of small savings and
insurance organizations etc.
Thus, it is clear that the Government of India is aware of this serious problem and is trying to solve it.
Question 15. Meaning of social problem and its characteristics and types. Describe.Or
Define social problem and tell the ways to solve it. Or What is social problem? Its reasons and theoretical
Answer: Social problem is a sociological concept. It is an aspect of social life. It is an integral part. Today, due to the
spread of education and means of communicationsensitivity towards problems has increased. Therefore, today the
society has become aware of the behavior of dissatisfied people. Social problem includes three elements. First-social
problem There is a situation in which relatively many people are entangled. Second - From the point of view of most
of the people, this condition can be considered a threat to the welfare of the society is third-collective effort. In this
way, the existence of social problems can be reduced by creating awareness among the public about them. A social
condition can be considered a social problem only when it is generally seen as a threat from the values of most of the
people and many people of the society are affected by it and they become aware of it and make collective efforts for
it. Social problem is a condition which gives rise to emotional and mental disturbance.
In this problem, anxiety is found as a dynamic element and the problem forces the person to think of a solution.
changing circumstances to get rid of it Is necessary.
According to W. Bayless Weaver, "Social problem is a condition that creates anxiety, stress, conflict or depression and
hinders the fulfillment of needs."
Rao and Selznik – considered the social problem as one related to human relationship.
It is considered a problem which poses a threat to the society. or which is important for humans.
Creates obstacles in the attainment of aspirations." Walls and Farke believe that social problem is a deviation from
social ideals, whose solution is possible only through collective effort.
It is clear from the above definitions that social problems are those conditions which are considered a threat to the
society. For which many people become aware and make collective efforts to solve it and to solve any social problem
there is public awareness Is spent from.
Characteristics of social problems -
1. All social problems are deviations from the ideal situation.
2. All social problems have their origin on a common basis.
3. All social problems are social in origin.
4. All social problems are interrelated.
5. The consequences of all social problems are social and actually affect all sections of the society.
6. Social problem is a troublesome problem which hinders the development of both individual and society.
7. Responsibility of social problems is social and it is collective responsibility to solve them.
8. To call any social condition a social problem, it is necessary that the public is aware of it.
Social action and control is required to prevent disharmony and its consequences.
Causes of Social Problems – Three reasons to know about social problems:
1. The number of causal conditions is very less, however, they can be divided into two groups. First those who meet
as individuals. Second, which are obtained from the social environment. Complete elements are not found in social
problems, that is, causal elements are found differently in every problem.
2. Social problems have been considered to be the basis of causal elements,
3. Social problems are interdependent or they help each other to develop.
Types of social problems-India is a country of problems. There are many problems prevalent here which are the
major obstacles in the progress of the society and the nation. Due to these problems, proper development of the
society is impossible, there are many social problems in India which are as follows.
1. Alcoholism - The nature of alcoholism is increasing day by day, especially among the youth. This is very harmful for
youth and students. Nowadays, drinking alcohol, smoking ganja, charas and cigarettes has become fashionable.
Drinking has become a symbol of high status.
2. Gambling: This problem is growing rapidly in gambling cities, especially among the lowest class people, working
class and those living in slums, the main reason for this is poverty.
3. Child crime- Immature children develop many bad habits like pickpocketing.
People become spoiled by cutting, smoking beedi, loitering, roaming around etc. The environment of home,
neighborhood, school, friends etc. are responsible for this.
4. Unemployment-The problem of unemployment exists in the entire country, although unemployment in the
country. If efforts are made to remove it, it cannot be completed due to population growth.
5. Population growth - The increasing population of India is the main problem of India. Due to lack of food grains in
the country, hunger, poverty and unemployment are continuously increasing.
6. Poverty-in India: Poverty is more than other countries Decrease in average per capita income and rising social
status is the basis of general poverty of the country. Many problems arise due to poverty like indebtedness, beggary,
unemployment, suicide etc.
7. Beggary-Indians believe in religion, that is why they do charity. In India, giving charity is considered virtuous, hence
laziness and inactivity have increased and people earn their living by begging.
8. Ignorance and illiteracy - The main reason for ignorance and illiteracy has been the British rule. At that time people
believed in religion, hence all other things were unimportant to them, because even today one can easily explain
one's point of view to an ignorant person. Most of the villagers put thumb impression.
9. Child marriage - Child marriage, purdah system, lack of freedom of divorce in India. There are many problems like
dowry system etc.
10. Caste system – The feeling of superiority and inferiority is also found in the caste system. The upper caste person
gives preference to upper caste people in jobs which hinders unity.
11. Religious problem-People of many religions, castes and sects live in India. In which there remains tension among
themselves. One religion calls the other bad. And declare their religion superior. Example-Hindu Muslim communal
Ways to eliminate social problems:
Following are the measures to eliminate unemployment:
1. Measures to remove unemployment - Unemployment is a national problem and to remove it, government
industries should be set up. Every person should get employment through employment program. Education should
be industrial. One should protect others from bad tendencies through moral education. Population growth should be
controlled by adopting family planning.
2. Alcohol ban-Alcoholism is badly prevalent in the society. To end it, the government should impose strict legal
3. Eradication of beggary - There should be awareness in the society that it should be physically capable. Under
Section 109 (B), there is a provision to give various types of punishment to the monks.
4. Complete ban on gambling - Gambling has been played in India since time immemorial, which is dangerous for the
family and society. The government should set strict rules and punishments for this and also give punishment for
making mistakes.
5. Eradication of Prostitution - Prostitution can be eliminated only by eliminating social evils like child marriage,
widow remarriage, dowry system etc. Women should be prevented from becoming prostitutes in the hands of
brokers. There should be arrangements to send prostitutes who want to come out of this profession to a reform
home. The government has also enacted the "Immoral Trade Act" to end prostitution.
6. Cottage Industries - Poverty can be reduced by greatly encouraging cottage industries and by imposing restrictions
on unproductive accumulation of capital and also by improving the level of health.
7. End of untouchability – Untouchability is the curse of Indian society and it is necessary to remove it. This curse has
been present in our society since time immemorial.
8. Feeling of casteism: Make proper education system to remove the feeling of casteism. Encourage inter-caste
marriages. Casteism can be eliminated by eliminating caste related names to promote healthy public opinion.
9. Poverty alleviation-To remove poverty. For this, the economic condition of the entire country will have to be
improved. The government is expected to bring balance between imports and exports. The safety of workers should
be ensured by fixing minimum wages. This can also be overcome by implementing unemployment insurance scheme.
This will increase the work efficiency of workers.
Theoretical approaches to social problems - Although social problems are considered individualistic, yet they can be
studied scientifically. To understand them on an individualistic basis, the following theoretical approaches have been
(1) Individual deviation approach - Under the individual deviation approach, we study about the motivation and
behavior of those people who have become instruments in creating problems.
There are two reasons for changing individual deviations - (A) Inability of an individual to follow recognized norms.
(B) Failure of an individual to measure up to the human rules of society. This shows that individual deviations are
found in people who have not been socialized in appropriate ways.
(2) Theory of cultural delay - While clarifying the approach of cultural delay, Aagavarna has said that the tension that
occurs between two interrelated aspects of culture which change at an unequal pace, can be considered as delay in
this aspect, which Change slowly, because one lags behind the other. For example, according to the structure of
Indian social system in industrial societies, even in the present era of technological development, no Hindu is easily
attracted towards religious conversion. Although the average Indian person uses machines, means of transport etc.
at a relatively fast pace.
Although they have adopted it, even today they have not been able to leave behind the conduct, religion, thoughts,
customs, traditions, fatalism, purdah etc. Agaverna called this the approach of cultural delay. Thus, it can be easily
seen how cultural delay creates social problems.
(3) Social disintegration approach - Elliot and Merrill, while defining the social disintegration approach, have written
that "It is the process by which the mutual relations of group members break down or merge." Social economies
expand when forces become imbalanced and social claims diverge and these structures of social control cease to
function effectively. This disintegrative state of society indicates role conflict, social conflict, destruction of accepted
rules, etc., which leads to increase in social probl which leads to increase in social problems.
(4) Value conflict approach – If we want to see the society in a strong form, then its basis is a value system. Social
values remain the same standards in a person's behavior; right or wrong, good or bad work is measured by values,
which brings control and regularity in the behavior of the members.
The value system is not found to be of the same type in the entire society, members of all groups are not found to be
the same, rather there is variability in values according to time. Due to this variability, conflicts, differences, mutual
conflicts etc. keep arising. For example, the problem of divorce can be a result of value conflict. But problems like
white collar crime cannot be termed as a conflict of values. Not all family problems arise due to differences between
husband-wife, parents and children. Opinion, advice and consent are necessary to maintain strong relationships in
the family Can prove helpful on prices.
(5) Standard void approach or lawlessness - Through social structure, the power of social system and organizations is
developed and uniformity is also created in the behavior and conduct of the members. On the contrary, according to
the opinion of some sociologists, social structure is the lawlessness of the society. Or even develops dissonant or
deviant behavior. The first social behavior of man helps in the stability of the social structure. But the exact opposite
behavior causes damage to social organization and system.
The no-standard approach has immense importance in the context of social problems. This type of approach was first
presented by Merton. Lawlessness is a situation by which the recognized rules and values of a society or group
disappear comparatively.
In conclusion, it can be said that standard void or lawlessness is a disorderly and idealless irregular condition of the
society. It is a situation in which all the patterns of conduct in front of the people either disappear or become useless
or the behavior of the people becomes against the social ideals. The ultimate result of which is inconsistency,
irregularity or deviant behavior.

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