21®+oilfield TDS English

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JET-LUBE 21®, an environmentally friendly, double- Thickener Complex
duty drill collar and tool joint compound, has been Type Petroleum
formulated to provide a superior level of performance Dropping Point (ASTM D-566) 450°F (232°C)
for the increasing demands of today’s oilfield market. Specific Gravity 1.1
The lead-free formulation contains copper flake as the Density (lb. /gal) 9.0
only metallic component and is fortified by a unique Oil Separation (ASTM D-6184) <5.0
blend of natural, inorganic, extreme-pressure, and Wt. % Loss @ 212°F (100°C)
anti-wear additives. 21 utilizes our EXTREME base Flash Point (ASTM D-92) >430°F (221°C)
grease which is resistant to invert or high-pH muds NLGI Grade 1
and provides better pipe storage properties. Penetration @ 77°F 310 - 330
(ASTM D-217)
• Not classified as a marine pollutant - DOT Copper Strip Corrosion 1A
Approval CA2006100003 (ASTM D-4048)
• Contains no lead or zinc. 4-Ball (ASTM D-2596)
• Very good running & storage capability. Weld Point, kgf 620
• Formulated with a proprietary blend of copper, Friction Factor* 1.15 (standard service)
graphite, and other additives for protection and (Relative to API RP 7G)
prevention of excessive circumferential makeup in Service Rating 0°F (-18°C) to 450°F
hostile drilling environments. (232°C)
• Inhibitors protect against rust and corrosion.
• Sticks to wet joints. * Many factors such as pipe size, thread geometry, drilling mud
• Special complex base for brushability and stability over contamination, etc. affect the friction factor. This is a relative
number and in all applications experience and prior knowledge
a wide temperature range. should be used to adjust make-up torque accordingly.
• Consistent rig floor makeup.
• Excellent resistance to makeup downhole.
• Available in Arctic, Thermal, and Specialty grades. Environmental Rating:
JET-LUBE 21 should be utilized with the torque
charts in API RP7G by multiplying the torque For package types and part numbers
value by 1.15 API RP7G. In the more severe drilling
situations such as higher speeds, higher penetration contact sales@jetlube.com.
rates, deviated holes, or harder formations, drill collars
and other rotary shouldered connections should be
made up an additional 10%. Friction factors for JET-
LUBE 21 were developed using full scale API tool Joint


JET-LUBE 21 is recommended for the entire drill
string in most drilling conditions. Typical applications
would include geothermal wells, high angle holes, and For warranty information please visit
problem holes involving high temperature, whip stocks, http://www.jetlube.com/pdf/Jet-Lube_Warranty.pdf
and horizontal drilling applications. JET-LUBE 21
prevents high stress in drill pipe connections which
shortens their useful life.

www.jetlube.com • An ISO 9001 and 14001 registered company

Revised 3/2020 kc

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