MKT905 - Ca2 2
MKT905 - Ca2 2
MKT905 - Ca2 2
Analyze the content management system for potential SEO troubles and
provide solutions to optimize it for search engines.
What Is Technical SEO?
When we talk about technical SEO, we’re referring to
updates to a website and/or server that you have
immediate control over and which have a direct (or
sometimes indirect) impact on your web pages'
crawlability, indexation, and ultimately, search
1. No HTTPS Security
Site security with HTTPS is more important than ever.
How to Check:
• Type the following into Google’s search bar:
“” and instantly view the
count of indexed pages for your site.
3. No XML Sitemaps
XML sitemaps help Google search bots understand
more about your site pages, so they can effectively
and intelligently crawl your site.
How to Check:
Type your domain name into Google and add “/
sitemap.xml” to the end, as pictured below.
This is usually where the sitemap lives. If your website
has a sitemap, you will see something like this:
How to Check:
To determine if there are issues with the robots.txt file,
type your website URL into your browser with a “/
robots.txt” suffix. If you get a result that reads "User-
agent: * Disallow: /" then you have an issue.
(Photo credit for robots.txt bad file.)
How to Check:
• Right click on your site’s main pages and select
"View Page Source." Use the "Find" command
(Ctrl + F) to search for lines in the source code
that read “NOINDEX” or “NOFOLLOW” such as:
◦ <meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX,
• If you don’t want to spot check, use Site Audits
technology to scan your entire site.
How to Fix It:
• If you see any “NOINDEX” or “NOFOLLOW” in
your source code, check with your web developer
as they may have included it for specific reasons.
• If there’s no known reason, have your developer
change it to read <meta name="robots" content="
INDEX, FOLLOW"> or remove the tag altogether.
Recommended Reading: The Best SEO Checklist to
Boost Search Visibility and Rankings
How to Check:
• Use Google PageSpeed Insights to detect specific
speed problems with your site. (Be sure to check
desktop as well as mobile performance.)
• If you don’t want to spot check, use
seoClarity's Page Speed to pull in scores monthly
or bi-weekly to monitor and identify page speed
issues across your site.
How to Fix It:
• The solution to slow page load can vary from
simple to complex. Common solutions to increase
page speed include image optimization/
compression, browser caching improvement,
server response time improvement, and
JavaScript minifying.
• Speak with your web developer to ensure the best
possible solution for your site's particular page
speed issues.
7. Multiple Versions of the
Remember when you discovered “”
and “” go to the same place?
While this is convenient, it also means Google may be
indexing multiple URL versions, which dilutes your
site's visibility in search.
8. Incorrect Rel=Canonical
Rel=canonical is particularly important for all sites with
duplicate or very similar content (especially
ecommerce sites). Dynamically rendered pages (like a
category page of blog posts or products) can look
duplicative to Google search bots.
9. Duplicate Content
With more and more brands using dynamically
created websites, content management systems, and
practicing global SEO, the problem of duplicate
content plagues many websites.
When it comes to SEO, it might be much more than you think. Your domain
name identi es who you are, what services you provide, and how you appear
in the marketplace. Depending on what you choose to register, your online
presence could appear more or less friendly to curious human visitors.
Today, global competition for ranking a good domain is increasingly
competitive: worldwide expenditures for SEO jumped to $80 billion in 2021.
Ranking highly for SEO matters more than ever, especially when it comes to
your domain name. Domain SEO impacts almost everything published on
your websites—your content, your landing pages, and even your products.
Understanding exactly how your domain name a ects page rankings and
web tra c is critical to the success of your brand. Let’s explore the basics of
domain SEO, starting with its actual de nition.
Put simply, search marketing is the process of gaining traf c and visibility from search
engines through both paid and unpaid efforts.
So how do SEO and SEM differ? Technically they aren’t different – SEO is simply one-
half of SEM:
Today, many people use SEM interchangeably with PPC (which we’ll talk about in the
next section).
This idea seems to undercut SEO. However, SEO is marketing, just like PPC is
Imagine SEM is a coin. SEO is one side of that coin. PPC is on the ip side.
Basically, advertisers bid on speci c keywords or phrases that they want their ads to
appear for in the search engine results. When a user searches for one of those keywords
or phrases, the advertiser’s ad will appear among the top results.
So again, if we think of search marketing as a coin, SEO and PPC are two sides of the
same coin – SEO is the unpaid side, PPC is the paid side.
Another key point: it’s important never to think of it as “SEO vs. PPC” (i.e., which one
is better) because these are complementary channels. It’s not an either-or question –
always choose both (as long as your budget allows it).
As we mentioned before, the terms SEM and PPC are used within the industry
interchangeably. However, that isn’t the case here on Search Engine Land.
Whenever we mention “SEM,” it will be because we’re referring to both SEO (organic
search) and PPC (paid search).
If you’re curious about the history behind how “SEM” came to mean “PPC” at the
exclusion of SEO, you can dig deeper into these articles:
Employ site analytics tools to track user behaviour, traffic sources, and
other key performance indicators (KPIs) for the website. Create a
comprehensive analytics report to analyse the website's performance
and identify areas for improvement.
Utilise SEO tools and reports to conduct a thorough SEO audit and
identify opportunities for enhancing search engine compatibility.
Implement strategies to improve conversion rates on the website and
increase user engagement.
NUMBER OF SESSIONS a s a u s e r, w h e r e b y a
distinction is made between
new users and returning
How does the website visitors. In addition, each
tra c develop? user who visits the website
also generates a session. A
Our rst two Google single user can open
Analytics KPIs form the several sessions, whereby
fundamental basis for the tracking of a session is
monitoring the traf c to the terminated after 30 minutes
tracked website: the number of inactivity on the one hand
of sessions and users in the and at midnight on the other.
considered period. In Therefore, the number of
Google Analytics (GA), each users can never be greater
visitor is initially referred to than the number of
Performance Indicators
Monitoring the quantitative
development of website
traf c is the cornerstone of
website performance and an
important component for
further analysis.
NEW AND RETURNING business model, the
USERS industry, the marketing
channel responsible for the
How often do users return initial rst contact, the
to the website? user's intention and many
Performance Indicators
Analyze the behavior of new
and returning visitors in
more detail in order to gain
valuable new insights to
improve performance. With
the help of remarketing, you
can increase the number of
The distinction between returning visitors.
new and returning visitors is
very helpful, as these two
user groups often di er
greatly in their website BOUNCE RATE
behavior, which can then be
viewed separately. As a rule,
returning visitors already
have an increased interest
in the o ered website
content or brand and can,
for example, be guided to
the desired target actions
with the help of dynamic,
individualized content. The
relationship between new
and returning visitors to a
website is in uenced by
numerous factors: the
Are the visitors' average session duration
requirements being met? and a higher number of
Our third Website KPI is the pages viewed per session.
bounce rate, which
describes the percentage of
sessions in which a single GOAL CONVERSION RATE
page on the website (the
"landing page") was visited. Do visitors perform desired
Usually, the bounce rate is a target actions?
good indicator of whether
the visitor nds the desired
content on the website and
whether the respective
demand has been satis ed.
If this is not the case, the
visitor often leaves the
website without further
interaction and "bounces".
Please note that you can
also de ne bounces in GA
individually, for example,
when a session with certain In online marketing, a
actions on the landing page conversion is the execution
(e.g. events) is not counted of a desired target action by
as a bounce even if no a website visitor. For
further page is visited. example, an online
Performance Indicators purchase, a newsletter
For an initial, quick subscription or a contact
evaluation of the quality of registration. In Google
the website tra c, the Analytics you can create
bounce rate is helpful. A low a maximum of 20
bounce rate usually conversion goals, or target
correlates with a higher actions, which are tracked
from the time they are
created. You can also
attribute a monetary value
to these conversions.
Detailed conversion tracking
is the basis for in-depth
analyses and sustainable
optimization of website
performance to achieve the
de ned business goals.
Conversion rate
optimization (CRO) plays a
central role in increasing the Our next 3 Google Analytics
goal conversion rate.
Performance Indicators KPIs focus on the so-called
De ne and create target "page tracking", i.e. the
actions in Google Analytics performance measurement
to cover all relevant of individual pages of a
business goals. View them website.
from di erent angles in your
analytics, such as for The time on page shows
di erent marketing how long visitors have
channels, landing pages, stayed on average on an
product categories or individual page or URL. Like
geolocation. the bounce rate, it is a good
indicator of the quality of
AVERAGE TIME ON PAGE the tra c on a page and
re ects how well the
How much time do visitors visitor's needs are met. In
spend on a page? our visual KPI template you
will nd the average time
spent (74.8 seconds) as well
as the times for the 5
landing pages with the How important is the page
highest time duration. Such speed, actually?
an overview helps you to
quickly identify the most The average page load time
interesting content on the or page speed is
website. undoubtedly a key success
Performance Indicators factor for your website
The time on page and performance, and in many
average session various aspects:
duration are very often
misunderstood. Be sure to 1) Users: long loading
consider the way these times are no longer
metrics are calculated when tolerated by most
interpreting them. visitors in the digital age
Relevant Showcase and lead to an increase
Dashboard in the bounce rate.
2) Search engines: loading
times are a relevant
PAGE LOAD TIME BY ranking factor for the
COUNTRY organic search.
3) Paid advertising: the
loading time for Google
Ads, for example,
indirectly in uences the
quality factor via the
landing page experience
and thus the click
4) Mobile rst: especially
for the constantly
increasing number of
mobile accesses, short
loading times are critical Are there issues with certain
for success browsers?
5) Data volume: measures
to optimise loading A high level of browser
times (minimisation of compatibility is nowadays a
images, CSS, JS, HTML, central requirement for a
etc.) inevitably lead to successful web presence. In
lower data tra c. practice, however, browser-
based problems occur
again and again, which can
lead from harmless minor
display errors to the total
loss of function of individual
pages or functions.
Create and execute an SEO campaign, setting clear objectives and defining
tasks and milestones to achieve the desired SEO goals
How to Create an SEO-Friendly
Website: 14 Tips for Long-Term
Organic Growth
4. Include Keyword-Rich
Anchor Text in Your Links
Suggested Reading
Check out our article on How to Design a
Website for more tips on web design best practices.
6. Optimize Images
Optimizing images for SEO is a great way to
improve the visibility of your website in search
engines. You can take several steps to ensure that
your images are SEO-friendly and help boost your
SEO performance.
Last but not least, don’t forget to add referral links and
calls to action (CTAs) to your pro le and posts.
Creating attractive CTAs with clear messages can
help drive more traf c to your website.