KPF Disability Income Cover RSA
KPF Disability Income Cover RSA
KPF Disability Income Cover RSA
Most people rely on their ability to earn an income. Make sure you’re able to provide
for yourself and your family if you’re unable to work or care for yourself because of an
illness or injury. Old Mutual Protect Disability Income Cover pays a monthly tax-free
amount from R6 000 to R250 000. It can be used to replace any lost income or cover
the costs of adjusting your lifestyle when you can’t work.
This is a summary of the key features of Old Mutual • You choose the date to receive the monthly
Protect Disability Income Cover to help you to payment to help you financially.
decide if you want to buy this product.
• You’re covered up to 30 days before your first
premium is payable.
Please read this with the About Old Mutual
Protect key features document to understand the
common product features, exclusions and other
insurance terms we use.
These documents do not replace the legal terms and Income Extender Benefit – extends the monthly
conditions in the Product and benefit rules, which payment from 24 months until:
we will send to you if we accept your application. - you recover and can work again or
- you die.
• aren’t employed.
Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (SA) Limited is a licensed FSP and Life Insurer.