ART293 Artwork Fall 2020 4

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1. What type of animal is a natterjack?

a. Fish
b. Bird
c. !Toad
d. Insect

2. The Ceratosaurus, a dinosaur known for having a horn on the top of its nose, is
also known to be a decendent of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
a. True
b. !False

3. Hippocampus is the Latin name for which marine creature?

a. Octopus
b. !Seahorse
c. Dolphin
d. Whale

4. A bear does NOT defecate during hibernation.

a. !True
b. False

5. What is the scientific name of the Budgerigar?

a. Nymphicus hollandicus
b. Ara macao
c. Pyrrhura molinae
d. !Melopsittacus undulatus

6. The now extinct species quot;Thylacinequot; was native to where?

a. !Tasmania, Australia
b. Baluchistan, Pakistan
c. Wallachia, Romania
d. Oregon, United States

7. The average lifespan of a wildcat is only around 56 years.

a. !False
b. True

8. Cats have whiskers under their legs.

a. !True
b. False

9. What dog bread is one of the oldest breeds of dog and has flourished since
before 400 BCE.
a. Bulldogs
b. Boxers
c. !Pugs
d. Chihuahua

10. What is the common term for bovine spongiform encephalopathy BSE?
a. Weil039;s disease
b. Milk fever
c. Footandmouth disease
d. !Mad Cow disease

11. What is the collective noun for bears?

a. Drove
b. !Sloth
c. Husk
d. Tribe

12. What is the collective noun for rats?

a. !Mischief
b. Pack
c. Drift
d. Race

1. The word quot;newsquot; originates from the first letters of the 4 main
directions on a compass North, East, West, South.
a. True
b. !False

2. What did the Spanish autonomous community of Catalonia ban in 2010, that took
effect in 2012?
a. Fiestas
b. Flamenco
c. !Bullfighting
d. Mariachi

3. The average woman is 5 inches 13 centimeters shorter than the average man.
a. !True
b. False

4. The French word to travel is quot;Travailquot;

a. True
b. !False

5. Which of the following card games revolves around numbers and basic math?
a. Twister
b. !Uno
c. Go Fish
d. Munchkin

6. Where does water from Poland Spring water bottles come from?
a. Bavaria, Poland
b. Hesse, Germany
c. !Maine, United States
d. Masovia, Poland
7. Dihydrogen Monoxide was banned due to health risks after being discovered in
1983 inside swimming pools and drinking water.
a. !False
b. True

8. The likeness of which president is featured on the rare 2 bill of USA currency?
a. John Quincy Adams
b. !Thomas Jefferson
c. Martin Van Buren
d. Ulysses Grant

9. What fast food chain has the most locations globally?

a. KFC
b. McDonalds
c. Starbucks
d. !Subway

1. This Greek goddess039;s name was chosen for the dwarf planet responsible for
discord on Pluto039;s classification amongst astronomers.
a. Dysnomia
b. Ceres
c. !Eris
d. Charon

2. Who was the King of Gods in Ancient Greek mythology?

a. Hermes
b. Poseidon
c. !Zeus
d. Apollo

3. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the serpent which eats the roots of the
ash tree Yggdrasil?
a. !Nidhogg
b. Bragi
c. Ymir
d. Odin

4. Which Greek amp; Roman god was known as the god of music, truth and prophecy,
healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more?
a. Artemis
b. !Apollo
c. Athena
d. Aphrodite

5. In Greek Mythology, who killed Achilles?

a. Pericles
b. Hector
c. Helen
d. !Paris
6. According to Greek Mythology, Atlas was an Olympian God.
a. !False
b. True

7. In African mythology, Anansi is a trickster and storyteller who takes the shape
of which animal?
a. !Spider
b. Crocodile
c. Wild dog
d. Monkey

8. Janus was the Roman god of doorways and passageways.

a. False
b. !True

9. The Norse god Odin has two pet crows named quot;Huginnquot; and
quot;Muninnquot;. What do their names mean?
a. !Thought amp; Memory
b. Power amp; Peace
c. War amp; Learning
d. Sleeping amp; Waking

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