Parent Bulletin 9 July 2021

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Colchester County High School for Girls

Parent Weekly Bulletin

9 July 2021

Term Dates 2020 – 2021

Dates for Your Diary
Summer Term
Monday 12 April
Saturday July 10 Yr 11 DofE Bronze Group A Qualifying Expedition
Wednesday 21 July Sunday July 11 Yr 11 DofE Bronze Group A Qualifying Expedition
Bank Holiday
Monday 3 May Monday July 12 Yr 8 Progress Check to Parents
Half Term Week A Yr 10 Assessment Results to Parents
Monday 31 May Tuesday July 13 Sports Day – Field Events
Friday 4 June Yr 12 Wellness Reboot Breakout Day
Wednesday July 14 Sports Day – Track Events
Non-Pupil Days Yr 12 Internal Assessment Results to Parents
Monday 19 July 2021
Thursday July 15 Yr 9 Progress Check to Parents
Academy Days
Tuesday 20 July 2021
Wednesday 21 July 2021 End of Term Assemblies – Period 5
Saturday July 17 Yr 11 DofE Bronze Group B Qualifying Expedition
Sunday July 18 Yr 11 DofE Bronze Group B Qualifying Expedition

Covid-19 Code of Conduct

We urge students to continue to wear masks in communal areas and corridors, to hand
wash/sanitise, and follow the one-way system. We thank them for all they are doing to
Term Dates 2021 – 2022 keep our school community safe until the end of term.
Autumn Term
Wednesday 1 September Home Testing
Friday 17 December It is very important that students continue to take their LFD test and report the
Half Term results. This will help to keep our whole community safe.
Monday 25 October Testing should continue twice weekly, please register student results via
Friday 29 October and
Students are encouraged to continue testing during the summer break, however the
Spring Term school will not operate Test and Trace from Monday 19 July.
Tuesday 4 January
Friday 1 April ParentPay Meal Account
Bank Holiday
Monday 3 January As we approach the end of the school year please ensure your child’s meal account is in
credit. Thank you.
Half Term
Monday 14 February
Friday 18 February
End of Term
Students will continue to be in lessons through to Friday 16 July. End of Term
Summer Term Assemblies led by Year Leaders, with students in Form Classes, will take place during
Tuesday 19 April Period 5.
Friday 22 July
Bank Holiday School Uniform
Monday 18 April All students should resume wearing correct uniform from September.
Monday 2 May
Please refer to the letter sent to parents this week. To clarify, the current school blazer
Half Term is acceptable, there is no need to purchase a new jacket until your child grows out of
Monday 30 May their current one.
Friday 3 June

Non-Pupil Days Yr 12 Wellness Reboot – Tuesday 13 July

Wednesday 1 September This is an opportunity for Yr 12 to learn how to engage with themselves and others to
Thursday 2 September obtain optimal health in all areas of their wellbeing. They will do this by getting involved
Thursday 21 October in a variety of wellness activities, including listening to guest speakers from wellness
Friday 22 October charities and thus start their journey to Yr 13 in a positive and sustainable way.
Friday 17 December We would welcome a minimum donation of a £2 to support our charities, this does not
Tuesday 4 January include our Key Note Speaker as they have volunteered their time and expertise for free.
Thursday 21 July
Other welcome donations to support our sustainability and environmental aspects of the
Friday 22 July
day include; clean old T-shirts (any size), clean jars with the labels removed, plant pots
and any colourful decorations.

Sports Day
Field events will be taking place on Tuesday 13 July and track events on Wednesday 14
July, for competitors only. Students taking part will need to wear their PE kit and bring a
NSPCC helpline to report refillable water bottle. Students are advised to bring and apply a high factor sun cream
abuse in education on 0800 and may wear an appropriate cap except while running.
136 663 or email
Parent Weekly Bulletin – 9 July 2021

The High Jump, 1500m and Triple Jump (Yr 10 only) events have taken place this week. The current points for each year
group are:
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
1st – 7L 41 points 1st – 8E 38 points 1st – 9H 31 points 1ST – 10L 39 points
2nd – 7H 35 points 2nd – 8C 25 points 2nd – 9E 24 points 2nd – 10H 35 points
3rd – 7O 32 points 3rd – 8O 22 points 3rd – 9O 22 points 3rd – 10C & 10O 32 points
4th – 7C 26 points 4th – 8L 16 points 4th – 9C & 9E 15 points 4th – 10E 30 points
5th – 7E 22 points 5th – 8H 10 Points
6th – 7S 18 points

Healthy Living Sessions

The last Healthy Living session with Mrs Webb will be students in 7H for a catch-up session on Monday Periods 4 and 5
We hope they enjoy the Healthy Living session.

Healthy Living – Focus on Food

This week Nina Webb is sharing recipes for ‘Quesadilla’. Quesadillas are perfect for quick meals and snacks try her Easy
Vegetarian Quesadilla or Breakfast Quesadilla.
Find the recipe on SharePoint, with all the other recipes so far, via Focus on Food.
Do send pictures to

Extra-Curricular and Enrichment Activities

Debate Club
There will not be a session of Debate Club next week but students can see the Teams page for details on becoming a Club
Leader next academic year: DebateClubTeams Those interested in becoming a Debate Club leader should prepare for a
debate on the topic of 'This House would make voting compulsory'. They will then be put into two camps to debate the

Historical Fiction Book Club – Talk Reminder

The talk with Lissa Evans on her book Crooked Heart, for the Historical Fiction Book Club will be on Tuesday 13 July at

English Department: Summer Reading Challenge – “Shelf Indulge”

A reminder of the reading challenge – see the poster at the end of the Bulletin for full details.

The Royal Society Summer Exhibition Online

The annual Royal Society summer science exhibition that focusses on UK break through science is being held online this
year, 8-11 July. There are some great live streamed talks, family quiz and lab tours, suitable for all of the family, all free of
charge. Full details here:

Yr 11 Sixth Form Preparation and Yr 13 Post A Level Activities

A range of subject learning and enrichment activities to begin Yr 11 students’ preparation for A Level studies can be
accessed via the school website under the Sixth Form tab entitled ‘Sixth Form Reading List’.
In addition, a range of resource links for academic reading and activities beyond Sixth Form can be accessed via the
school website under the Sixth Form tab.

Wellbeing Information
Any student who feels they need wellbeing support should contact their Year Leader who can advise and signposts
suitable resources and support organisations.
Sexual abuse or harassment can also be reported to

Wellbeing Ambassadors – 15 minute Self-Care Ideas

 Step outside to get some fresh air and sunlight
 Sit comfortably and play a guided meditation on your phone
 Grab a journal and do a small brain dump of what is on your mind
 Turn off your phone and drink a full glass of water
Parent Weekly Bulletin – 9 July 2021

Community Information
Suffolk Roadsafe: Free Family Cycling
Sessions are available for families who want to cycle more regularly, whether to keep fit, to commute to work or school, or
to go and visit friends; riding skills refreshed and gain strategies for dealing with road situations. For more information
please visit - Family cycling sessions or download the Free cycle sessions leaflet

Breakfast and Lunch Pre-Orders

Please pre-order using the links below (links change weekly). With breakfast service from 08.00 to 08.30 (without the need
to pre-order) and salad pots available to order along with sandwiches and paninis for service at the outside server, these
need to be pre-ordered by 09.00 on the day required
Hot food and other items continue to be available from the canteen at the allocated lunch time for each year group.
Yr 12 need to pre-order all food including hot food which will be served from the Sixth Form Refectory.
Students should keep their social distance when queuing in the Dining Hall and sit in their year bubble area.
Please ensure your child’s ParentPay meal account is in credit.

Student Lunch Order Form

Year 12 Lunch Order Form

Menu for w/c 12 July
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Cottage Pie with Lamb Fried Rice Pizza, Curly Fries & Spanish Chicken Beaded Cod with
Sweetcorn Salad Sauté Potatoes &
Green Beans
Vegetable Curry with Crispy Spiced Tofu Macaroni Cheese Mediterranean Pasta Homity Pie with Salad
Rice with Salad with Peas Salad
Main Meal £2.90
Chocolate Sponge Apple Crumble with Strawberries & Banana & Toffee Cornflake Tart with
with Chocolate Custard Cream Sponge with Custard Custard
Pudding £1.20
Panini £2.90
Soup of the Day (changes daily) £0.60 with Homemade Bread £0.40
Pea & Mint Tomato & Basil Vegetable Tomato & Lentil Carrot & Coriander

Correspondence Sent Out This Week

Yrs 7-10: School Uniform at CCHSG for 2021-2022
Yrs 7 – 12: CCHSG 500 Club
Yr 10: GCSE History Revision Sessions
Yr 11: DofE Bronze Group B Qualifying Expedition
Yr 12: Wellness Reboot Day

Deadline for Replies and Payments

Year Group Trip or Event Deadline for Response
Yr 10 Purchase of GCSE Science Revision Guides Monday 5 July
Yr 10 GCSE History Revision Sessions Thursday 15 July
Yr 11 DofE Bronze Group A Qualifying Expedition Monday 5 July
Yr 11 DofE Bronze Group B Qualifying Expedition Monday 12 July
Yr 12 A Level German Text Purchase Wednesday 14 July

This Week’s Brainteaser

A car has travelled 80 miles at 50 mph.
It started its journey with 8 gallons of fuel, but its tank has been leaking throughout the journey and is now dry.
The car completes 24 miles per gallon.
How many gallons of fuel does the car leak per hour?
Last week’s answer: H - From the end of the alphabet take 4 letters, miss 4 letters, take 3 letters, miss 3 letters and so on.

Word of the Week for w/c 12 July

Next week the word is: EPITOME – a person or thing that is typical of a whole class.
Colchester County High
School for Girls
9 July 2021

1. Diary Dates for Autumn Term (2021/2022 Academic Year)

 PTFA Annual General Meeting - Monday 27 September (19.30 – 21.00)
Subject to government guidance with regards to Covid-19, the Annual General Meeting take place at the CCHSG
Dining Room Extension. If restrictions on public gatherings remain, the meeting will take place via Zoom. The
AGM will be followed by Ordinary PTFA Committee Meeting. All are welcome
 Annual Christmas Market - Saturday 27 November (12.00 – 15.00)
Save the date for this popular annual fundraising event hosted by CCHSG PTFA which is open to our local

2. Beresfords Estate Agent’s Advertising Boards to Promote the Christmas Market

This year, once again, we are delighted to have our Christmas Market advertised by Beresfords Estate Agents. We will
be back in touch with all those parents, grandparents and friends who previously registered their addresses in Colchester
to confirm that they are happy to host a board again this year. This time, we are pleased that the advertising will also
cover Chelmsford. If you own a property in Colchester or Chelmsford that is in a prominent location with public access or
visibility and would like to volunteer your address, please let us know. Boards are installed no more than 3 weeks before
the event and removed during the week afterwards. Family and friends can also volunteer.
Contact: Agness O'Brien on Classlist or email with your full address, preferred email and contact
telephone details.

3. Appeal for Uniform

Our next Second Hand Uniform Sale will be during the Annual Christmas Market on Saturday 27 November.

Please continue to support us with donations of uniform. Kilts that are no longer fit for use are also welcome as these can
be recycled to make scrunchies. Buttons from blazers, cardigans and kilts are also recycled. Please ask students to
deposit items in the wheelie bins until Thursday 15 July only. This is to allow 72 hours for the clothes to become sterile.
They will be collected by the PTFA every Monday morning. Thank you in advance for responding to this appeal.

4. Year 11 Students – Uniform & Revision Book Donations

Year 11 students are asked to bring items for donation in to school on GCSE results day – Thursday 12 August, these can
be left in the wheelie bins for collection as usual.

5. Good Quality Revision Books & General Interest Reading (Child or Adult)
The PTFA will be running a bookstall at the Christmas Market. If you are decluttering over the summer break, please hold
on to any good quality revision materials or fiction and non-fiction books, which are suitable for resale.

6. PTFA Virtual Market

CCHSG PTFA now has a Virtual Market on Facebook. We are delighted to offer this new opportunity, during these
challenging times, for local business and individuals to promote their products and services, for a nominal fee, in our
Virtual Market Place. Facebook Business Pages and Individual Members can apply to be registered advertisers with this
group. Membership is subject to Admin approval.

To register as an advertiser, complete this Google form:

The Group's Rules can be found here:
Every penny raised through membership fees goes directly to support the school. Why not invite your friends and
acquaintances to join the group?

Chair: Agness O'Brien
Tel. 01376 573694 or 07951 511653
For all enquires related to the PTFA, email

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