BizBuilder Blitz

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“BizBuilder Blitz”

Business Plan Proposal Competition

Organized by: Faculty of Commerce & Business Management

Sarala Birla University
Venue : A1 - 603, Sarala Birla University
Date: 22nd April 2024, Monday
Timings: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM


1. The 1st slide should have the name of the business plan and the name of the contestants

2. There should be a minimum of 12 slides and a maximum of 20 slides.

3. The time for the presentation given will be 6 minutes.

4. The judgment criteria will be based on the novelty of the idea, PowerPoint Presentation,
and on-spot presentation.

5. Participants have to submit their presentation to

6. The last date for PPT submission is 19th April 2024 by 04:00 PM.

7. The 20 finalists will be informed via email and messages on 20th April 2024, Saturday.

8. All participants will be awarded certificates.

9. There is no participation fee.

In case of any query, please contact Aakash Saphal, MBA Semester II, 07004472536.

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