A Millennial Ism and Augustine of Hippo

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Amillennialism What's That

Amilllennial is divided into two syllables, A-

millennial. The "A" in the Greek means "NO" and
"Amillennial" means "1,000." Hence, "Amillennial"
means "NO 1,000" and refers to Revelation chapter
20:1-6, where "Amillennialist" claim the 1,000 year
reign of Messiah upon the earth in person, is a
false doctrine."

Notes on Chiliaism: Chiliaism is divided into two

syllables Chilia-ism. The word "chilia" comes from
the Greek word for 1,000, "chilioi," Strong's 5507.
"Ism" means in a sense, a doctrine or study of a
particular belief or held tenet of Faith. Hence,
"AChilianism" means the study or belief in the
1,000. This refers to Revelation 20:1-6 and the
1,000 year literal reign of Messiah upon the earth.
That Amillenialism was an Augustine attempt to
"REPLACE" the much older "Chilianism," is admitted
by William E. Cox, in his book: Amillennialism

"Chiliasts of the early centuries after Christ had no

teachings about a secret rapture [Cox p 9]." Here,
the amillennialist admit that the "Chiliasts" existed
early in the Church as if it was the ORIGINAL view
of the Apostles and Saints [some references and
commentary from the writings of the Ante-Nicene
Fathers will follow later in this examination].

"Augustine (A.D. 400) usually is credited with

having crystallized amillennial teachings [Cox p
8]." "Amillennialism, ...is the historic Protestant
view, as expressed in the creeds of the
Reformation period including the Westminster
Standards [p. 39, Biblical and Theological Studies,
Benjamin B. Warfield, as written by Samuel G.
Craig, in the biographical chapter]."

Anyone with clear perception can see the obvious

connection between Catholicism and Protestantism
in regards to the doctrine of amillennialism. From
the days of Augustine until the Reformation, the
doctrine of Catholicism was amillennialism.
Because of hatred against John's Revelation by the
Catholic Church, brought on by those who alleged
the Catholic Church was the great whore, coupled

with denial of the doctrine of the millennial by the
antichiliasts, Rome refused to Canonize the book of
Revelation. Although they were fearful not to
include it among the accepted writings because of
the threats within it, it was not until the Council of
Trent [1545 AD], that the book of Revelation was

Martin Luther, like the Catholics, did not hold that

the book of Revelation should be among the
Canonical books. Therefore, Lutheranism attempts
to continue Augustine-Catholicism and prove what
is in the book of Revelation by other Scriptures,
while at the same time saying that their
interpretations are the true de-coding of what is
symbolized in the book of Revelation. To them, all
of Prophecy was fulfilled by the end of the year in
70AD, and this negates the value of the book of
Revelation in its entirety after the 70AD date. They
also believe water baptism is the first resurrection
of Rev. 20:1-10. So the Jesus name Pentecostal
Apostolics who adopt these Catholic novations are
just as much in error as if they believed in the
trinity doctrine.

When Lutherans, Presbyterians, Catholics, and

other amillennialists see or hear of anyone who
believes the book of Revelation contains unfulfilled
prophecy, they snicker, and with a chagrin, cover
their mouths, and with gestures of thumbs down,
indicate that such a person is utterly stupid for not
embracing the Augustine-Catholic doctrine as they
have done. Martin Luther died a few months after
the Council of Trent Canonized the book of
Revelation as a useless but historical book of the

When Luther [1483-1546], began what we know as

the Reformation, he did not change from the
doctrine of Augustine amillennialism, he in fact
enshrined it more harshly among his followers. To
this day, the amillennialist do not hold the book of
Revelation as a holy book. They still treat it with
the pre-Trent hatred of the Catholic Church. The
proof, is the way they insist on reinterpreting it and
spiritualizing its contents into the most wildest and
crazy tales since the Gnostics of the first century.
Thus, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, and
Catholicism, are staunchly amillennial. This
attitude forces them to interpret events after 70

AD in the wrong light of Scripture. Events that will
lead up to the appearance of the man of sin, will be
pooh poohed as foolish and hair-brained
sensationalism, incited by a few apostates not in
the main-stream Churches. This turns attention
from the antichrist system and focuses upon those
who might condemn their Augustine
reinterpretations. This leads to the amillennialist
openly condemning everyone who is a millennialist,
while at the same time ignorantly endorsing the
antichrist movement, because they believe it was
already destroyed by the end of the year in 70 AD.
This is a dangerous posture, and will cause many
millions to be deceived and lost. Believing that
antichrist has already come and Revelation 13 has
already been fulfilled, they have no doctrinal
reason to expect or to attempt to identify the man
of sin or the antichrist, which is soon to appear. It
is so easy to deceive millions when the devil can
change the interpretation of the Word of God, like
he did with Eve: "Ye shall NOT surely die," adding
one word, and changing the true interpretation of
what God had said. Jesus told John there would be
a millennial. The devil comes along and says:
"There will NOT be a millennial. Same trick word
used each time to deceive God's children.

One of the catalyst that has cemented world-wide

unity among a number of Protestant
denominations, is their doctrine of amillennialism.
By uniting upon the basis of all believing in
amillennialism, they have for a central theme of
unity, that they can bring the Kingdom of God upon
the earth, to fulfill their theory of how the Church
age will end just prior to the end of the world and
the judgment. Being thus deceived, they fulfill the
plot of antichrist to set up the world to accept
seen recently, explains what "MONOTHEISTIC
UNIVERSALISM" means. It read: "God is big enough
to accept all religions." Many look for antichrist to
set up one religion world wide. But what we are
finding, is that in the doctrine of monotheistic
universalism, antichrist is teaching multi-
culturalism, return to pagan religions, and that
these are all equally acceptable ways and means to
reach the ONE TRUE GOD [the meaning of
monotheism]. Most, if not all of the amillennial
churches, now believe in multi-culturalism and
acceptance of pagan nature religions, thus

universal monotheism, or ONE GOD over all
religions. Instead of uniting to bring into being the
Kingdom of God and convert pagans to Christ, they
have brought into being the antichrist world
movement of universal monotheism, out of the
midst of which, will come the man of sin to rule all
multi-cultural nations and religions from Jerusalem.

It is obvious that from Augustine in 400 AD to the

death of Martin Luther in 1546, the doctrine
enforced with death from the throne of Rome was
amillennialism. Although the amillennialist admit
where their doctrine came from, they also deny it,
when it is convenient to keep those who might be
alarmed at its Catholic womb, from fleeing from
their Churches. By covering this chilling detail up,
they are in fact lying to their congregations, by
inferring and claiming that amillennialism was the
original doctrine of Christ and the Apostles. They
attack dispensationalism, calling it a novation,
while elevating amillennialism, which is admitted
by them to be an Augustine novation. The fact is,
both are wrong. Millennialism as taught by the
early Church was neither dispensationalism nor
amillennialism. For either group to claim otherwise,
openly exposes either a lack of integrity concerning
Truth, or they are simply ignorant of the facts,
relying rather on the authority of Church traditions
and not the Testimony of Scripture.

It is true that most Roman Catholic theologians are

amillenarians [Cox p. 2]." "There is no connection
between Protestant amillennialism and Roman
Catholicism [Cox p. 2]." "Most if not all of the
leaders of the Protestant Reformation were
amillennial in their eschatology, following the
teaching of Augustine [Cox p. 7]."

Unless amillennialism was a new Protestant

invention, how could anyone claim that the
Protestant Reformers did not get their doctrine
from the Catholic Church? Let us not lose sight of
the fact that amillennialism, like the trinity
doctrine, is a Catholic novation, a reinterpretation
by Augustine [354-430 AD]. Although Augustine's
mother was supposed to be a Catholic, his father
died an unconverted pagan. Augustine followed his
father's footsteps and was a pagan and sought
education in philosophy, science, and rhetoric.
Plato was his mentor. He rejected religion until

converted to Manichaeanism which in one aspect
many were Monarchian. He rose in the sect of
Manichaeans from a hearer to a teacher and then a
wonderful debater. In 383 at the age of 29 he went
to Rome with the encouragement of his
Manichaean friends to debate the trinity and on
other issues. There, he became acquainted with the
doctrine of Neo-Platoism (Plato he loved), that the
Catholic Church had adopted in 325 AD as an
explanation of the trinity. He gave up his
Monarchian (oneness) doctrine for this new trinity
doctrine. Within three years of his visit, in 386 AD
he converted to the papacy and was promoted
quickly as one of the Pope's greatest theologians
and neo-Platonic philosophers. Augustine left his
wife and became a monk and founded the
Augustinian Benedictine Monk Order (Martin
Luther's). While he altered many of his views to
those of the papacy, he also brought to it many
Manichaean ideas and theories which he adopted
over into and applied these to his new Catholicism.

Remember, that other fermenting events were then

shaping Catholicism: 1.) The doctrine in 325 AD, of
the Father and the Son being co-eternal and of the
same substance [Spirit], but different persons; 2.)
The addition of the Holy Ghost as a co-eternal and
equal separate person, completing the Neo-
Platonic concept of the Trinity, done at the Council
of Constantinople in 384 AD; 3.) And at this time,
Jerome was in Israel consulting with several Jews
on his commission from Rome to rewrite and
retranslate the Bible into Latin, taking into
consideration new newest Jewish and Catholic
slants on Biblical reinterpretation [this is noticed in
the first person written form in the Gospels being
replaced with third person written form, and
additions and changes in the text, two of which are
John 5:7 and Matthew 28:19, the first now proven
not to be in any of the ancient manuscripts, and
the latter not at all like it was fabricated in the
Vulgate and then in the King James Version.
Trinitarian language was injected into the sacred
record in hundreds of places to reinforce the new
Neo-Platonic doctrines of Rome]. Augustine came
among the mix at a time when Catholicism was ripe
for novation and reinterpretation from within the
abyss of paganized Christendom, which birthed out
of the midst, the DARK AGES!

In Augustine's day, much of the doctrine of the
Catholic Church was not in any creed or statement
of faith. The amillennial doctrine was one of them.
It is this writers belief and contention that
amillennialism, clearly a Manichaean doctrine, and
having wide-spread acclaim by reason of the
saturation of the nations with Manichaeanism, was
brought into Catholicism by Augustine from his
former religion. No one denies that amillennialism
rose within Augustineism and then existed against
the Chiliaist or believers of the future 1,000 year
reign of Christ upon the earth. What is still being
debated, is whether those who held the amillennial
theory were not in fact originally the Manichaeans.
The fact that amillennialism existed and was wide-
spread in opposition to "historic" Chiliaism, is no
proof that it was the doctrine of the Apostles. The
earliest we have traced it is to Clement and Origen,
both of whom were gnostics. Until the root of
amillennialism is discovered, the only conclusion
that can be drawn is that until Augustine, it was
not an established doctrine of the Catholic Church
or he would not have been the one to establish it,
but would have received it in an already accepted
form as would have been held in all Catholic
Churches in fellowship with Rome.

The doctrine of amillennialism is couched in the

Catholic Church's denial of the existence of a literal
and physical 1,000 year earthly reign of Christ on
the earth, after the Church age.

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