A Study On Traditional Market Decline and Revitali

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A Study on Traditional Market Decline and Revitalization in Korea

- Improving the Iksan Jungang Traditional Market -

Sungkyun Lee*1

Professor, Department of Architecture, Wonkwang University, Korea

Traditional markets have played essential roles in local distribution in Korea, but such roles have declined
as large department and discount stores have appeared, providing convenient parking and various services
in new town centers. Dramatic changes in distribution, diet, and lifestyle are other reasons for the traditional
market decline, which has also caused the local economies to decline. Recently, however, some traditional
markets are trying to overcome these challenges through localized marketing strategies and improvements
in traditional brands, marketplaces, product quality, and distribution efficiency. They are not only providing
improved local distribution to residents and visitors, but are also promoting urban regeneration as cultural
centers. This study analyzes traditional markets that successfully revitalized through various methods,
conducts a literature review to investigate floor plans, photos, and statistical data, and creates case studies by
visiting specific markets. We selected five successful traditional markets to study their utilization of space and
revitalization methods. We also analyzed previous case studies similar to ours. We then selected a severely
declining traditional market in a small city to analyze the status of its basic elements, such as its complex
buildings, usage, and spatial characteristics, and finally, to propose a method to revitalize it.

Keywords: traditional market; market decline; market revitalization; culture; signage; group marketing

1. Introduction in which those cities' cultural characteristics are well

1.1 Research Background and Purpose represented. Therefore, visitors to those cities often
The local traditional markets in South Korea used to visit traditional markets to experience the local life and
play very important roles in local distribution, but they no culture.
longer function in this way. There are many reasons for Table 1. Total Number of Traditional Markets in South Korea
the decline of these traditional markets; their facilities are Year 2006 2008 2010 2012 2013
very old, distribution systems, dietary, and other lifestyles Number 1,610 1,550 1,517 1,511 1,502
have changed dramatically, and many department stores
and massive discount stores have appeared all over
the country. Consequently, the decline of traditional
markets is also leading to the decline of local economies.
The Small Enterprise and Market Service organization
examined the total number of active traditional markets
and their annual profits in South Korea from 2006 to
2013; in that time, the number of markets decreased from
1,610 to 1,502 (see Table 1.), and profits also decreased. Table 2. Total Gross Sales of Traditional Markets in South
On the other hand, nearby large marts, department stores, Korea (Unit: trillion won)
supermarkets, convenience stores, and online-based Item 2010 2011 2012 2013
stores increased profits during this same time frame (see Traditional Market 21.4 21.0 20.1 19.9
Table 2.). Traditional markets are usually adjacent to Large Store 38.0 42.1 44.2 45.1
local residential areas, and have shaped the communities Department Store 24.7 27.5 29.0 29.7
Supermarket 29.9 32.4 34.0 35.8
Convenience Store 7.8 9.2 10.8 11.7
*Contact Author: Sungkyun Lee, Professor, Non-Store Retailer 29.1 32.2 35.8 38.4
Department of Architecture, Wonkwang University,
#460 Iksan-daero, Iksan City, Jeonbuk, 54538, Korea Recently, a number of traditional markets have tried
Tel: +82-63-850-6966 Fax: +82-63-850-7315 to use their advantages to compete with the larger
E-mail: skl3724@naver.com stores. In other words, they aim to attract visitors and
( Received October 6, 2016 ; accepted July 12, 2017 ) residents by displaying their unique culture, creating
DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/jaabe.16.455 locally specialized strategies, improving their image,

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering/September 2017/462 455

product quality, distribution efficiency, and their use of management courses for merchants. However, because
space to revitalize their traditional markets. the characteristics of each traditional market were not
In this study, based on a review and analysis, we thoroughly considered in these projects, such measures
propose a method to revitalize a traditional market. were not enough to attract the numbers of customers
1.2 Research Range and Methods needed for revitalization. Thus, the lesson learned was
To suggest a method to revitalize traditional markets, that there is a need to consider the characteristics of
we selected the five most successful traditional each market, including reflecting local cultural needs
markets and visited them to analyze their spatial to revitalize each traditional market.
organization and methods of revitalization. We also
conducted literature reviews of previous studies on the 3. Case Studies on Revitalization of Traditional
revitalization of traditional markets. Additionally, we Markets
selected a traditional market in a severely declining 3.1 Criteria for Case Selection and Case Studies
small to medium-sized city with a population between The Small Business Corporation organization
0.3 to 0.35 million. We studied the basic elements of introduced important methods to improve traditional
this traditional market such as its buildings, use, and markets in its 'Plans to Vitalize Traditional Markets
the spatial characteristics of the business in the market. and Shopping Districts' (2014). These included the
Finally, we analyzed its decline and proposed a method modernization of facilities to improve the business
to revitalize this traditional market. environment, joint marketing, online sales for
improved distribution, and more diverse programs
Table 3. Literature Review of Previous Studies such as creative business centers, participation of
Author Year Research Area younger generations in traditional markets through
Ki Cheol Song 2012 The Significance of Traditional cultural and tourism markets including regionally
Markets and Methods of Vitalizing
specialized designs and cultural products. We selected
Them Based on Case Studies
five traditional markets for analysis in this study (see
Hyo Jin Jung 2014 Case studies of space utilization
for amenities and cultural facilities Table 4.) where the marketing concept was introduced
in traditional markets and study on into traditional markets for the first time, selected
the utilization of rooftop spaces from five perspectives of the seven elements of service
Creactive, Inc. 2014 Plans to revitalize traditional marketing: People, Place, Process, Promotion and
markets and shopping districts Physical Evidence. The remaining two of the seven,
Product and Price, were excluded.
2. Theoretical Considerations
Table 4. Successfully Revitalized Traditional Markets
2.1 Definition of the Traditional Market Market Reason for case selection
The traditional shopping district is a dense
 Place The first commercial mart-type
shopping area of agricultural and marine products, Gunsan public market traditional market (2012)
meat packing, clothes, and other wholesale and retail ‚ Process Launched online shopping and
goods. The market is usually categorized into three Seoul Junggok market delivery for the first time (2005)
types, depending on its geographic range; namely, ƒ Promotion First craft-centered creative
regional, local, and neighborhood. The market can also Seoul Sindang market arcade in the market (2009)
be categorized according to when it is open: daily or The first mall for youth in the
„ People
periodically (every 5 days). The traditional markets Jeonju Nambu market
traditional market (2012), and the
are usually located at the center of transportation night market (2013)
hubs, where there are local residents, and where there Physical Evidence Linked with train travel and local
G a n g w o n J e o n g s u n festivals for the first time in the
are cultural activities in the cities. However, these
market traditional market
traditional districts lack amenities and parking lots, and
are not sensitive to changing consumer demands. 1) Jeonbuk Gunsan public market
2.2 Current Efforts to Revitalize Traditional The market has 100 years of history beginning in
Markets 1918. The Gunsan public market has been improved
There are two main government projects to revitalize and modernized, unlike most other traditional markets,
traditional markets: the modernization of facilities in by establishing a garage using the latest parking ramps,
traditional markets and the innovative management key-hole shaped cross-sectional structures for better
of traditional markets. The modernization project recognition of stores, elevators and escalators for better
has improved the physical environment at 1,084 vertical circulation, and cart rentals, moving walkways,
traditional markets by building entry ramps, improving heating and cooling systems, and rest areas to create
arcades, adding parking lots, and other amenities. a pleasant and convenient environment. Furthermore,
The innovative management project enabled ICT- daycare centers and relaxation facilities were
based transactions, better management strategies, introduced to successfully attract more customers and
and marketing and advertising through innovative keep them in the market for a longer time (see Fig.1.).

456 JAABE vol.16 no.3 September 2017 Sungkyun Lee

large stores. To recover from such decline, the Sindang
crafts arcade was established in 2005. This new arcade
replaced old lighting to modernize the building, and
the unused spaces in the underground shopping area
were made available for craft activities. There are
Panoramic view Escalator Roof parking
General Established 1918 (registered in 1990)
now 40 small studios, exhibitions, and collaborative
Status Market type Permanent, general, public workspaces along the 390 meter underground shopping
No. of stores 199 (0 owned, 199 rented, 0 area1. This area has been supporting the creative
stalls) activities in the field of craft and design since 2009. It
Amenities Daycare center, information has earned a very good reputation for revitalizing the
center, rest area, carts, parking traditional market by combining a traditional market
structure, escalator, elevator with art spaces. These art spaces can be used by anyone
Success Better vertical circulation (escalator, elevator),
factors improved spaces (amenities including key- who wins the market's contest; the winner can use an
hole section, car-park building, cultural center) art space, common space (collaborative workspaces
and other modernizations of facilities for better and photo rooms).
shopping environment

Fig.1. Gunsan Public Market in Gunsan-si

2) Seoul Junggok (Jeil) market

As more single households go shopping in traditional Panoramic view Crafts showroom Common space
markets at night and on weekends, Junggok Jeil market General Established 1962 (registered in 1990)
launched online shopping and delivery services for the Status Market type Daily, general, corporate
first time in 2005 to attract younger customers to the No. of stores 341 (0 owned, 341 rented, 0
market and started a coupon system to keep customers stalls)
coming back. Moreover, the market implemented Amenities Information center, rest area,
cooperative marketing among the merchants who were crafts business center
not familiar with new market environments, such as Success Crafts, design-focused collaborative workspaces,
packaged delivery services and call center cooperation, factors other innovative fusion programs rather than
existing traditional programs
to improve the shopping environment. Particularly,
the coupon system, which offered points that could be Fig.3. Seoul Sindang Jungang Market
redeemed for any purchase in the market, and many
events in the central event square in the market, such 4) Jeonbuk Jeonju Nambu market
as an arm-wrestling and singing contest, encouraged Established in 1905 as a periodic public market, the
customers to stay longer and to come back more Nambu market was in a recession for several years
often. Furthermore, a small town business, called ari- and did not recover until 2012 when the government
cheongjeong, was established to provide traditional began supporting start-up business projects in the
goods with high quality and lower costs online (see market. As a result of these efforts, many young men
Fig.2.). started establishing and marketing businesses together,
forming a special space in the market called the youth
mall, they succeeded in attracting many young people
to the traditional market. The youth mall is located on
the second floor of the market where most stores had
Panoramic view Coupon Smart delivery been empty before. Today, there are 17 active stores
General Established Unknown (registered in 2004) in total. They try to attract young people by using
Status Market type Daily, general, public market creative marketing methods that existing merchants do
No. of stores 144 (4 owned, 136 rented, 4 not generally think of such as developing food menus
stalls) for younger people, modernizing interior designs, and
Amenities Event square, customer
encouraging board games and musical performances.
information center, rest area,
carts, bicycle rack In particular, Jeonju Hanok village, which is one
Success Joint marketing (joint sales and purchases), online of the most popular tourist attractions near Jeonju
factors sales (internet shopping mall, market free WIFI), Nambu market, helps to attract more visitors to the
shopping service, coupon system, etc. market. Consequently, the night market has also been
revitalized. (see Fig.4.).
Fig.2. Seoul Junggok Jeil Market
5) Gangwon Jeongsun market
3) Seoul Sindang (Jungang) market The market is in Jeongsun, which is a mountainous
The market was first established in 1962. Like other region. It used to be a periodic, five-day traditional
traditional markets, this market lost 80% of its local market. The market flourished until the 1980s. Prior
business due to urban redevelopment and the spread of to that, many underground resources in Jeongsun,

JAABE vol.16 no.3 September 2017 Sungkyun Lee 457

the region's specialties. These markets thoroughly
analyzed their advantages and disadvantages as they
looked to improve their disadvantages and utilize their
advantages, including existing local infrastructures, for
Panoramic view Night markets Performance their successful revitalization (see Tables 5. and 6.).
General Established 1905 (registered in 1990) Taking a similar approach, we propose this method
Status Market type Daily, general, public market to revitalize the Iksan Jungang traditional market by
No. of stores 350 (235 owned, 115 rented) analyzing its regional advantages and disadvantages.
Amenities Information center, rest area,
carts, parking, youth mall Table 5. Success Factors
Success Participation of young people in the market by Success factors
factors establishing youth stores in the unused spaces,  Improvement in shopping environment through
performance, cultural spaces, and night markets modernization
Fig.4. Jeonju Nambu Market ‚ Improvement in distribution environment through joint
marketing and online sales
such as coal, attracted many people to the city. As ƒ Regeneration through fusion with other programs such
the coal mining industry dramatically shrank in the as craft workspaces
1990s, however, the Jeongsun market also declined „ More participation of the younger generation in the
rapidly. To recover from this decline, Jeongsun-si markets through youth stores and night markets
entered into an agreement with Korai,2 along with the Cultural tourism markets based on local specialties,
special designs, and tourism products
city's tourism organization, to attract visitors from the
capital areas by operating tourist trains. The market Table 6. Success Factor for Each Market
also made the best of its regional characteristics by Market  ‚ ƒ „
selling seasonal specialties, developing a local food Gunsan public ◌ ◌ ◌
tasting program for products such as buckwheat, and Seoul Junggok ◌
having local traditional music performances such as Seoul Sindang ◌ ◌
Jeongsun Arirang;3 all to attract more visitors and Jeonju Nambu ◌
make them stay longer at the market. Consequently, Gangwon ◌
this market flourished and is now open seven days a Jeongsun
week. Moreover, the local characteristics are very well
reflected at the entrance to the market, in store signs, 4. Status of the Iksan City Jungang Market
and in its auditorium (see Fig.5.). 4.1 Jungang Traditional Market Background
The Jungang traditional market, as one of the
oldest and largest traditional markets in Iksan, which
was designated as one of the ancient city districts
in 2012 along with Gyeongju, Gongju, and Buyeo.
Iksan is also the first area to have a train station
Panoramic view Performance Tour trains on the Honam high-speed railway, which was
General Established 1966 (registered in 2006) completed in 2014, and has historical, cultural, and
Status Market type Daily and periodic, general, transportation infrastructures. The Iksan Jungang
public market traditional market is a retail market based on a small
No. of stores 300 (40 owned, 120 rented, 140 community model, located at Changin-dong, Iksan-
si, and was established as a second-story commercial
Amenities Event square, theme street,
customer information center, rest
building in 1947. The structure of the building is made
area of reinforced concrete, is 3,024 square meters, and
Success Cultural and tourism markets associated with the number of daily customers visiting the space is
factors local products such as local specialties, local around 800 (see Table 7.). There are clothing, hanbok,
special designs, and tourist train programs accessories, and agricultural and marine products on
the first floor, and medical herbs, rice cakes, meats,
Fig.5. Gangwon Jeongsun Market
restaurants, chicken stores, and health care centers on
3.2 Case Studies: Conclusion the second floor (see Table 8.). To date, efforts have
We found five main methods to revitalize traditional been put in place to improve the market environment,
markets in these case studies: the modernization of such as street renovation, canopy installation, and
facilities for convenient shopping, joint marketing signboard improvement, but these have not yet proved
for improved competitiveness of small shopkeepers, successful.4 In addition to the physical status analysis
development of cultural and tourism markets using of the traditional market in Iksan, the humanistic status
cultural tourism infrastructures in the local region, of the traditional market was investigated through a
and development of the market's brand based on social research report of Iksan in 2016.

458 JAABE vol.16 no.3 September 2017 Sungkyun Lee

Table 7. Iksan Jungang Market Background generally over run by the market merchants, and thus
Location 137-1, Changin-dong 1-ga, Iksan-si customers have to use paid parking lots. Therefore,
Established November 1947 (remodeled in June 1977) the parking structures and traffic plan need to be
Structure Two stories above ground RC structures properly modified; the entrance should be easier to
First floor: 2292 m2, second floor: 502 m2, find; the parking traffic flow should be improved; and
Area fish market: 228 m2, total area: 3023.82 m2 handicapped parking lots should be established.
Parking: 111 vehicles 2) Types of businesses and environments in each
Agricultural and marine products, livestock, district
Sales items
clothing, and other groceries
The size of each store in the Jungang market is
Amenities Parking structures, public restrooms
smaller than 100 square meters. The commercial
Character Retail market based on small communities
buildings on Jungang-ro are relatively larger, whereas
Customers 800/daily
the buildings on the backside of the streets are smaller
Table 8. Status of Each Business in size. Furthermore, those backside streets are very
narrow, with the natural sunlight largely blocked, thus
making these districts darker and less appealing to
customers. In particular, wastewater comes down from
the chicken stores and butcher shops onto the second
floor of the market due to the lack of appropriate
drain maintenance. Moreover, the wastewater flows
on the uneven surface of the first floor where there are
electrical lines that are exposed to this wastewater.
In addition, the facilities in general are very old, and
many stores are empty as a result.
Floor Type No. of stores Both the stores on the backside streets and on the
Clothing (Men, Women, Children) 36 second floor are very hard to recognize from outside
Furnishings for weddings (Hanbok, the market (see Fig.6.). These do not have appropriate
Bedclothes, paebaek) or enough signage at the entrance, and, moreover, have
Alteration 18 steep ramps without safety handrails, thus lessening
Health care 3 their appeal to customers. Therefore, appropriate
Chicken 3 changes need to include better recognition of the
Raw food (agricultural and marine market, better lighting, better traffic flow plans, and
products, butcher shop)
overall improvements.
Health care center 3
Medicinal herbs 5
Raw food (agricultural and marine
products, butcher shop)

4.2 Jungang Market Status Analysis

4.2.1 Physical Status Analysis Front side Back side Second -floor
1) Vehicles and pedestrian traffic flows Fig.6. Recent Photos
a) Pedestrian accessibility
Iksan daero 20-gil in the north, and Iksan daero 3) Surrounding streetscape
16-gil and Jungang-ro 3-gil in the south are used for The cultural street development project was
pedestrians to access the market (see Table 8.). There conducted on Iksan daero 16-gil to the south of Junang
are also ramps east and west of the market because market, and completed in 2013; electric wires were
there is a five meter difference with the ground level, buried underground, the pavement was replaced,
however, these ramps need to be secured with safety landscape lighting was installed, and sewer pipes were
handrails. Additionally, both vehicles and pedestrians repaired. In addition, a market modernization project
can use Iksan daero 20-gil; therefore, the road needs was conducted on Jungang 3-gil, which is the main
to be separated for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. street of the Jungang market; signboards and trade
Finally, the roads to the market are very rough, stands were repaired. Iksan daero 20-gil to the north,
meaning these roads need to be patched and paved for however, has not been improved yet. This area is still
a safe customer environment. struggling with many safety problems, such as the steep
b) Vehicles and parking structures ramps due to the five meter level difference between the
Vehicles usually reach the market via Iksan daero 20- east and west sides of the market, and roads that can be
gil and enter on the north side of the parking structure; used by both vehicles and pedestrians. Therefore, safety
however, it is very hard to find this north entrance due handrails need to be constructed on the steep ramps,
to it being overly narrow and lacking clear directional and the roads need to be reconfigured so that vehicles
signs. Furthermore, the small parking structures are are separated from pedestrians on the same road.

JAABE vol.16 no.3 September 2017 Sungkyun Lee 459

4.2.2 Humanistic Status Analysis As a result of investigating 'necessary measures to
The humanistic environment analysis was based revitalize traditional markets', they were found to be in
on the Iksan City Social Research Report of 2016 the order of 'expansion of convenient facilities in the
for the traditional market in Iksan. In terms of 'place market', 'card payment', 'secure parking lot', 'service
to purchase products', large marts, supermarkets, improvement', 'price policing system', 'expansion of
traditional markets, village supermarkets, internet traditional market gift cards', and 'others'. By gender
shopping malls, and others appeared in that order. and occupation, 'expansion of convenience facilities
Compared to 2014, the proportion of traditional in the market' was the highest reported measure in
markets decreased by 3.9% and that of village all gender and occupation groups, and by age, 'card
supermarkets decreased by 1.4%, while that of large payment' was the highest in the age group of 20 to 29
marts increased by 3.6% and that of supermarkets and 'expansion of convenient facilities in the market'
by 1.2%. Regarding the characteristics of 'place to was the highest reported as necessary in all the other
purchase products', both male and female respondents groups. Investigation by income level also showed that
visited large marts most frequently, while by age, those 'expansion of convenience facilities in the market' was
from 15 ~ 19 and those from 50 ~ 59 reported visiting the highest in all groups except 'parking lot' for the
supermarkets the most, whereas those from 60 ~ 70 group earning over KRW 6,000,000.
or older visited large marts the most. By income, the
traditional market was reported most in the group of
less than KRW 500,000, supermarket was in the group
of KRW 500,000 ~ 1,000,000, and the large mart was
reported in the remaining groups.

Fig.9. Necessary Measures to Revitalize Traditional Markets

4.3 Jungang Market Status: Conclusion

From the humanistic and physical status analysis,
the number of visitors to the traditional market in Iksan
Fig.7. The Place to Purchase Products by the Year has declined mostly among younger generations, and
it showed that expansion of convenience facilities
As to the use of traditional markets, 'no' was the in the market is the most needed factor among other
highest reported answer, followed by 2 to 3 times a various factors for market services. We found that
month, 1 to 2 times a week, 3 to 4 times a week and the stores on the second floor of the market and on
5 to 6 times a week. Compared to 2014, the use of the backside streets of the shopping districts were in
traditional markets constantly decreased. No use of a much worse environment, had poor signage, and
traditional markets was reported most among men. For poor accessibility compared to the front side shopping
women, 2 to 3 times a month was the highest reported, district on the first floor. This implies that these stores,
and by age, over 50 years olds reported the most with in particular, need modernization that includes better
2 to 3 times a month, and by income level, groups vehicle and pedestrian roads, better maintenance of the
making KRW 500,000 ~ 2,000,000 and more than parking structure, and better customer amenities such
KRW 6,000,000 reported 2 to 3 times a month, which as more shopping carts. The market does not boast
was higher than other groups. any stores or environment for the younger generation,
thus the market needs to add such facilities as well as
new distribution methods such as the joint marketing.
The market should also focus efforts on improving
its brand image. To revitalize the traditional market
and recover its former glory, as our precious heritage
deserves, practical methods need to be proposed and

5. Improvement of Jungang Market

5.1 Basic Methods
Fig.8. Use of Traditional Markets by the Year The basic methods we propose here to improve the
Jungang market are designed based on the previous
case studies and analyses, and the improvement

460 JAABE vol.16 no.3 September 2017 Sungkyun Lee

methods from each case are presented with perspective Table 9. Summary of Methods to Improve Jungang Market
views and examples. Five methods in marketing  ‚ ƒ
(People, Place, Process, Promotion, Physical Evidence)
to improve Jungang market can be summarized as
1) Place – Spatial environment improvement
The spatial improvement of the market to configure
the surrounding environment; we propose overall
maintenance plans for the parking structures. The plans
include better parking structure signs, an improved
parking entrance for better recognition, leveled and
paved parking structure floors, handicapped parking
lots, handrails for pedestrian safety, and an electrical
access control system for reduced waiting times to
enter. Compared to the front of the Jungang passage, „
the stores on the second floor of the market and on
the backside street shopping districts are very old and
receive little attention from customers. Therefore, to
solve this, we propose a key-hole section, escalators,
and stairs for improved vertical traffic flow, better
recognition, and greater accessibility from the first to Status Improvement Methods
the second floor. We also propose an increase in the . More visitors
. Local specialties
accessibility from Jungang-ro to the backside street  due to Iksan
. Traditional designs
Local KTX station
shopping districts by expanding the entrance passage that reflect the regional
specialization and Iksan
and width and increasing the lighting in the backside characteristics (entrance,
(Physical being selected
streets through the ceilings. signboards and trade stands)
Evidence) as one of the
. Local traditional
2) Process – Distribution environment improvement ancient-city
performances and events
Distribution improvement by reflecting consumer districts
trends; we propose to reflect various consumer . Joint marketing such as
joint exhibitions, group
needs and new trends. More specifically, we propose ‚
purchases, and sales
to strengthen advertising capabilities along with Distribution . Traditional
. Online sales using
management and trade, improve supply systems environment face-to-face
electronic commerce and
improvement trade
through joint exhibitions, group purchases, and sales, (Process)
shipping centers
revitalize online sales through professional offices for . Branding the market
through Internet homepages
joint marketing and electronic commerce, and create
shipping centers and market branding through Internet . Cultural spaces: galleries,
theaters, and exhibitions
homepages. ƒ . Only
. Rest areas: cafés, rooftop
3) Promotion – Program improvement Program traditional
gardens, and food courts
improvement trade
Fusion of the traditional market with cultural (Promotion) programs
. Business spaces:
spaces, rest areas, and craft spaces; we propose that workshops, craft workspaces,
empty, unused, or rooftop spaces in the market are and business centers
reconfigured to be used for cultural events, such . Maintenance of walkways
. Poor
for cart passage and
as exhibitions and small music theaters, rest areas, pedestrian
pedestrian safety
such as cafés and rooftop gardens, craft spaces, and roads and
. Parking structure
business centers, to encourage customers to stay longer „
improvements, making
in the market and to come back. This will make the Spatial handicapped and women's
. Poor
traditional market more attractive to customers based environment parking lots and parking
improvement control systems
on the variety of activities taking place other than just (Place)
and access to
. Improvement of
shopping. the second
recognition and
floor and
4) People – Participation of younger generations backside street
accessibility to the second
Methods to attract younger generations to visit floor and backside street
the traditional market; we propose that younger districts
generations should be encouraged to use the unused . Youth mall using unused
spaces on the second floor
spaces on the second floor of the market and the Old merchants and backside of shopping
backside street shopping districts to create a youth Participation
and buyers district
of younger
mall and youth business spaces, and to attract more generations
and lack of . More support for youth
young people to visit the traditional market by opening vitality stores
periodic flea markets and night markets. . More flea markets and
night markets

JAABE vol.16 no.3 September 2017 Sungkyun Lee 461

5) Physical Evidence – Local specialization References
Strengthening of specialization through the 1) Jong Su Park, (2010) A study on vitalizing Iksan-si traditional
markets, Master's thesis, Wonkwang University.
promotion of local specialties, special designs, and
2) National Institute for Market Management. (2011) A study on
events; we propose the development of local specialty aerial support system of traditional markets in small towns.
goods such as foods and delicacies, along with an 3) Ki Cheol Song (2012) The meaning and vitalizing methods of
entrance design, signboards and trade stands that traditions markets based on case studies, Seoul Economy, pp.15-
reflect the characteristics of the region and the stores, 26.
4) Yoon Hyung Nam, Tae Chang Lyu, and Kyung Koo Hong (2010)
and local traditional performances and events to attract
Methods to vitalize traditional markets and shopping districts, City
visitors. Information Magazine, (345), pp.3-18.
5) Iksan Cultural Foundation, (2012) Designing a cultural art street to
5. Conclusion have regional identity, 4th ed. Iksan Eullim Cultural Forum Book.
As many new towns were developed in recent years
due to large housing developments, old downtown
shopping district areas and traditional markets have
been declining rapidly, and significant effort has been
made to revitalize these traditional markets. Through
our evaluation of case studies over the last few months,
we have found many traditional markets that have been
successfully revitalized. As a result of our findings,
we believe that there is the potential to revitalize
other traditional markets as well through continuous
attention and support from the cities and the country,
the cooperation of merchants in the traditional markets,
greater local community spirit, and the development of
historical, cultural and tourist programs.
The Jungang market, a representative traditional
market in Iksan-si, has been declining due to a lack of
competitiveness. Even after the market's redevelopment
project in 2005, the backside street shopping districts
and the second floor of the market were still failing to
attract customers due to the unappealing environment.
Fortunately, Iksan-si was selected as an ancient-city
district in 2012 and the Honam high-speed railway was
completed in 2014. Based on these two advantages,
a historical and cultural heritage and convenient
transportation, along with the proposed methods
detailed in this study, we believe that the Iksan Jungang
traditional market can be revitalized and recover its
former reputation in the near future.

This paper was supported by a Research Fund, from
the Wonkwang University.

A contest handbook for artists to reside in Sindang crafts
arcade by Seoul Culture Foundation, 2016.
Korail (Korail Rail Company).
Jeongsun Arirang; traditional fork song in Jeongsun area.
Jong Su Park, A study on vitalizing traditional markets, Wonkwang
University, 2010.

462 JAABE vol.16 no.3 September 2017 Sungkyun Lee

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