Ytl Corporation BHD
Ytl Corporation BHD
Ytl Corporation BHD
Business Ethics:
Ethics and Business Conduct The Companies Commission of Malaysia created the Code of
Ethics for Company Directors, which the directors follow and abide by. It includes guidelines
for corporate accountability that are designed to create a moral workplace culture. YTL Corp.
has a proven track record of moral behavior and sound governance. Following the adoption
and implementation of the YTL Group's Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, as outlined in the
following section, the YTL Group of Companies formalized the Code of Conduct and
Business Ethics, which also outlines the whistleblowing policy and procedures, on June 30,
2019. The Code was further updated during the current year under review.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (“ABC Policy”)
The ABC Policy was formalized for the YTL Group during the reviewed financial year. In
order to guarantee that all Directors and staff members are aware of their obligations in
accordance with the YTL Group's zero tolerance for bribery and corruption within the
company, the ABC Policy aims to further enforce the YTL Group's Code of Conduct and
Business Ethics. The new corporate responsibility clause in Section 17A of the Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (the "MACC Act"), which went into effect on June 1,
2020, is consistent with this.
All YTL Group directors and employees must read and comprehend the ABC Policy as well
as the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics. They must also successfully finish the online
training modules to solidify their knowledge of the policy and acknowledge their
responsibilities by signing the YTL Group's Integrity Pledge.
Social Responsibility:
Global disruption of life has been caused by the emergence of COVID-19. YTL
Communications jumped in right away to collaborate with YTL Foundation to develop an
unparalleled CSR program to support Malaysians nationwide in staying at home and
learning from home, following the introduction of the Movement Control Order ("MCO") to
stem the spread of infection. The division swiftly continued with a new phase in the program
to distribute free cellphones complete with free data and phone service to assist the most
impoverished of its fellow citizens, based on feedback from the ground that many low-
income families do not even have a device for their children.
The CSR initiative "Learn from Home" has gained a lot of popularity and improved the lives
of a whole new generation of young users. Over 100,000 free 4G cellphones have been
provided by YTL Communications thus far to provide them with an excellent digital learning
environment through the use of the YES network.
Environmental Sustainability Engagement:
In the Hangzhou (China) market, one of the main suppliers is the Group's Chinese facility. It
is among the sustainable and ecologically favorable plants in the area.
In the UK Environment Agency's annual environmental performance assessment (EPA),
Wessex Water received a "leading" rating after reducing the number of pollution incidents to
76 and raising the percentage of events that were self-reported to 85%. Strict environmental
regulations were met by 96% of swimming waters this year; two beaches, Burnham Jetty
and Weston-super-Mare Uphill Slipway, are still being rated as having subpar water quality.
Wessex Water is still dedicated to giving its consumers the best-quality drinking water
possible, and in 2019 it complied with drinking water regulations in 99.97% of cases.
Business Ethics:
Business Ethics and Conduct The Companies Commission of Malaysia established the
Code of Ethics for Company Directors, which the directors observe and abide by. It includes
corporate accountability principles that are developed to create an ethical business
environment. YTL Corp is known for its ethical behavior and strong governance. The YTL
Group of Companies formalized its Code of Conduct and Ethics, which outlines its
whistleblower policy and procedures, during the financial year under review. A copy of the
code is available on the company's website,
Independence and Other Ethical Responsibilities.
According to the Malaysian Institute of Accountants' By-Laws (on Professional Ethics,
Conduct and Practice) and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code
of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the "IESBA Code"), they are independent of the
Group and the Company, and they have complied with our other ethical obligations in line
with the By-Laws and the IESBA Code.
Social Responsibility:
- No social responsibility
Business Ethics:
The Companies Commission of Malaysia created the Code of Ethics for Company Directors,
which the directors follow and abide by. It includes guidelines for corporate accountability
that are designed to create a moral workplace culture. YTL Corp is currently updating and
formalizing the code of conduct for all employees within its group of firms in a consolidated
employee handbook. The company has a well-established track record of excellent
governance and ethical conduct. The handbook also outlines the company's whistleblower
policy and procedures.
Independence and Other Ethical Responsibilities.
According to the Malaysian Institute of Accountants' By-Laws (on Professional Ethics,
Conduct and Practice) and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code
of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the "IESBA Code"), they are independent of the
Group and the Company, and they have complied with our other ethical obligations in line
with the By-Laws and the IESBA Code.
Social Responsibility
YTL Corporation Berhad was awarded the Company of the Year Award 2018 under the
Conglomerate category for championing IT education in schools and welfare initiatives.
YTL Hotels also received the Platinum Award for CSR Leadership at the Global CSR
Summit and Awards 2018 for Gaya Island Resort’s Senior Resident Naturalist, Justin
Juhun’s wildlife care and conservation work at the resort.