The Tartan

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The Tartan

WEDNESDAY Nov. 2, 2011

Radford Universitys Student-run newspaper |

Volume 119 Issue 8

News update:

63 | 38
High Low
For more, see page 2

RU Professor ventured to North Pole to gather facts on global warming

After numerous complaints from customers, Bank of America has lifted its ve dollar fee for debit card usage. The fee was to be implemented in January, according to the Washington Post.

The Tartan is now on stands Wednesday afternoon, as opposed to Tuesday afternoon.

Featured Stories

An attempted robbery took place on Monday, Oct. 31 at the CVS on Radfords Main St. Derek Adam Stevenson, 26, of Radford was charged with attempted armed robbery, use of a firearm while committing a felony, possession of a firearm as a convicted felon, wearing a mask in public and carrying a concealed weapon.

Courtsey of DANIEL BLAKE

Suspicious activity around Cook Hall was reported on Sunday, Oct. 30 at 8:19 p.m. after a girl contacted police. The female student claimed that two men ran towards her from opposite directions.


r. Rhett B. Herman, a physics professor at Radford Universiy, went on an excursion to the arctic. There was a physics major that wanted to get RU involved in environmental studies. One thing lead to another; I took him and another student to go on a trip that was sponsored in part by NASA. A fact finding trip to the North Pole, said Herman. That sparked my Arctic research interest. I did this first arctic research class in the spring of 2006, but it was an independent study class. Then in 2008, 2010 and this coming spring its just a regular class that students can sign up for. Regular class might not be what most students would call the class that Herman has started. It isnt what you would expect from a regular Physics class. Around 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29, the re alarm went off in Muse. It was reported that a hanger was placed on a sprinkler on the 7th oor. Although, the ofcial cause of the incident was undisclosed at the time. The sprinkler system caused ooding and the 6th and 7th oors were evacuated. Residents were allowed back in Muse around 6:00 p.m.

Justice album
Electronic duo creates dance worthy and awe-inspiring album.

Page 5

See Expedition, 3

JON HUFF | The Tartan

On Friday, Oct. 28, at 12:30 a.m. an assault occured involving a 20 year old Radford University student. The incident took place on the 1100 block of Fairfax St. Although attempts were made to find the suspect the police were unable to catch the suspect. The victim was treated for minor injuries.

Field Hockey
Field Hockey prepares for NorPac Championship.

Page 8

Fright Night gave students a break from studying

PRSSA and the Ad Club hosted a Halloween social in the Bonnie
students made their way to the Bonnie for the festivities. It would have been better if it wasnt so cold, because half of the events were supposed to be outside including a couple games of corn hole,said Taylor Bikowski, PRSSA president. However, we rolled with the punches, put it all inside and made it work. Pizza, pumpkin pie, cider, and other goodies were available free in the Bonnie during the event, but werent the only things to keep stu-

Campus Number
The number of males in the first co-ed class at Radford University.


The Ad Club and the student-run Public Relations firm, also known as PRSSA, held a Halloween event Thursday, Oct. 27. Fright Night ran from 8 p.m. to midnight and had a nice turn-out. Especially for a Thursday, a lot of people came out. It was a great turn out for the costume contest, said Robyn Weatherholtz. Even in the cold and slightly rainy weather,

See Fright, 3

The winners of the costume contest were Deadmau (middle), a robot (left), and a baby doll (right).

Campus Quote:
It was the first time doing a social with another club and I think that worked out great. I loved getting some experience working with another president and her members.

In November of 1973, Richard Gordon became the first male to graduate from Radford University. The enrollment of males in 1972 marked a change from the previous all-female college. According to the May 1997 edition of The Magazine of Radford University, the first co-ed class consisted of 92 males. Thirty-six members of the class lived on cam-

-Taylor Bikowski

The Magazine of Radford University

Richard Gordon was Radford Universitys first male graduate.

pus in Norwood Hall. Danny Link, a member of the first male class who lived on campus, said in the magazine, It was a crazy time. It was a hard adjustment for a lot of people. We kind of busted the door wide open as far as rules were concerned. The change from a single sex college to a coeducational institution also changed a lot of the already existing rules. According to the magazine, the women and men were restricted to

limited social hours with the opposite sex and were intensely supervised. Women were also restricted to only date men from a list of acceptable dates. First dates were limited to the dating parlor or if they were going on a double date they could gather at some other approved location on campus. The president of Radford College at the time, Dr. Donald Dedmon, made the decision to accept male

See Switch, 2
Check out The Tartan website for more information.

Whats Inside...
News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Crime Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Scene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Insights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12 Our Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tartan Comic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sudoku. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

The Tartan
P.O. Box 6895 Radford, VA, 24142 540-831-5474

P.O. Box 6895 Student Media Advertising 540-831-6051

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