Escape From Wheloon v1.0

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The walled city of Wheloon holds the criminal population of Cormyr. The residents
of that place are bound to it forever and cut off from the outside world. Inside, plans
are made and malcontents pool their resources – and outside, forces influence the
innocent to ensure that a dire plot can be realized without interference from the
knights and mages that guard the realm. Now you’re here with no memory of what
brought you to Wheloon, and all you can think of is finding out why!

A Four- (or More-) Hour Adventure for 1st Level Pregenerated Characters
Optimized For: APL 1

Adventure Author: Alan Patrick Layout and Graphic Design: Rich Lescouflair
Editing: Ginny Loveday Cover Art: Mark Behm
Organized Play: Chris Lindsay Interior Artists: Additional art provided by Wizards of
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Adam Lee, the Coast and used with permission.
Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett Cartography: Elven Tower, Adam Wood
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Lysa Chen,
Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Greg
Marks, Alan Patrick

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is ©2018 and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


ou hold in your hands an experience by
the name of Escape from Wheloon. This
D&D adventure can be used to teach new
players the ins and outs of the game, but for
more experienced players there is a greater
reward: an exploration of the storylines that
drive the game.
In these pages we will gain insight about the conflict
between the dwarves and their cousins, the duergar –
the dark dwarves. We will see the soured relationship
between the duergar and the mind flayers, and we will be
faced with the stark realization that even in the Faerunian
kingdom of Cormyr, not all individuals are treated equally.
This adventure is designed for four pregenerated
characters of 1st level. More experienced players may
choose to use characters of their own creation; if this is
the case, they must be of levels 1 through 4.

Adjusting This Adventure

This adventure provides suggestions in making
adjustments for smaller or larger groups, characters of
higher or lower levels, and characters that are otherwise
a bit more powerful than the adventure is optimized for.
You’re not bound to these adjustments; they’re here for
your convenience.
To figure out whether you should consider adjusting the
adventure, add up the total levels of all the characters and
divide the total by the number of characters (rounding .5
or greater up; .4 or less down). This is the group’s APL. To
approximate the party strength for the adventure, consult
the following table.

Determining Party Strength

Party Composition Party Party Strength
3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
3-4 characters, APL greater than Average
5 characters, APL less than Weak
5 characters, APL equivalent Average
5 characters, APL greater than Strong
6-7 characters, APL less than Average
6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong

Some encounters may include a sidebar that offers

suggestions for certain party strengths. If a particular
recommendation is not offered or appropriate for your
group, you don’t have to make adjustments.

Before Play at the Table

Before you start play, consider the following:
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of anything
you’d like to highlight or remind yourself of while
running the adventure, such as a way you’d like to
portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in a combat.
Familiarize yourself with the adventure’s appendices
and handouts.

• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in extreme distress. They rarely pay much attention to it and
running this adventure--such as notecards, a DM screen, more often than not, the guards posted here are either
miniatures, and battlemaps. new recruits or serving some form of penalty themselves.
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant character On rare occasions the commanding officers of the Purple
information, such as name, race, class, and level; Dragon Knights arrange for champions or senior enlisted
passive Wisdom (Perception), and anything specified as knights to travel into Wheloon and run the guards through
notable by the adventure (such as backgrounds, traits, training activities and exercises.
flaws, etc.) Unbeknownst to the knights, something sinister plots
behind the walls. Amidst the residents, a mind flayer has
• Determine how familiar the players are with D&D rules.
been slowly building its powerbase and seeks to commit
There are several points in the adventure that call out
an unfathomable atrocity upon Faerûn.
some scripted events; if your party does not need those
events, feel free to adjust the story as you see fit.
Location and NPC Summary
Playing the Dungeon Master The following elements are featured in this adventure:
You have the most important role—facilitating the Wheloon. This city in southern Cormyr was once a
enjoyment of the game for the players. You provide the peaceful farming community and trading post, but just
narrative and bring the words on these pages to life. before 1400 DR the king of Cormyr ordered the city
To facilitate this, keep in mind the following: to be physically and magically sealed. The crown had
You’re Empowered. Make decisions about how discovered that many residents were worshipers of Shar
the group interacts with the adventure; adjusting or and feared that the city had become a hub for Netherese
improvising is encouraged, so long as you maintain the spies. Nearly 100 years later, there are nearly 3000
adventure’s spirit. This doesn’t allow you to implement residents and the streets are ruled by gangs.
house rules or change those of the Adventurers League, Ossten Delaire (OSS-ten dell-AIR). Ossten Delaire is
however; they should be consistent in this regard. a human sergeant in the Purple Dragon Knights and
Challenge Your Players. Gauge the experience level serves as the commanding officer for the garrison at
of your players (not the characters), try to feel out (or Wheloon. Ossten was forced to leave his husband in
ask) what they like in a game, and attempt to deliver Suzail when he was assigned to the closed garrison at
the experience they’re after. Everyone should have the Wheloon. Courteous but coarse in his mannerisms,
opportunity to shine. Ossten simply wishes to prove his worth here so that he
Keep the Adventure Moving. When the game starts to can return to the capital city.
get bogged down, feel free to provide hints and clues to Grundar Gristlespit (GRUHN-daar GRIS-sell-SPIT).
your players so they can attempt to solve puzzles, engage Grundar is a duergar metalsmith that now resides in
in combat, and roleplay interactions without getting too Wheloon. Despite the fact that he’s only been in the city
frustrated over a lack of information. This gives players a few weeks, he has already assembled his own gang,
“little victories” for figuring out good choices from clues. known as the Screamers. He was planted by agents
Watch for stalling—play loses momentum when this of the mind flayers in a dual quest to sow discord and
happens. At the same time, make sure that the players don’t chaos in a controlled environment, and to work to bring
finish too early; provide them with a full play experience. the aberrant horrors to the surface in a safe environment.

Adventure Primer Adventure Options

"I was an entertainer once. It was great: adoring crowds, The adventure can be experienced in a number of
bountiful food and drink, endless travel and exploration. manners:
And then the passion got the best of me. I lost control, and Fast play/ new players. This option requires the use
now I have Wheloon to call home. Never mind the blue of the provided pregen characters. The characters begin
sky; watch the stones and mind the gap. My songs now play inside Wheloon and must figure out how to escape
are hollow and but an echo of what they once were." and clear their names. This option should take two to
four hours.
— Janneth Houlesque, Waterdhavian bard
Down the Rabbit Hole. This option precludes the
incarcerated 1455 DR
use of the provided pregen characters. The characters
have been contracted by the Purple Dragon Knights to
enter Wheloon and give the streets their once-weekly,
Adventure Background cursory patrol. The DM will need to adjust and weave the
For nearly a hundred years, the city of Wheloon has lurked four scripted encounters into their explorations as the
behind Cormyrian-built walls and spells. It is stuffed beyond opportunities present themselves.
capacity with ne’er-do-wells, criminals, deviants, and anyone I Live Here Now. The characters may already live in
else that the crown of Cormyr has decreed should be held Wheloon or may choose to remain in the city after the
captive in this lawless place. Once over the wall, anyone in core events of this adventure have been resolved. If this
the city is there for life as there is no escape, even with the is the case, feel free to create additional adventures using
aid of powerful magic spells and items. the city guide included in this bundle. While not ideal
The Purple Dragon Knights of Cormyr are tasked with for a structured play experience, this can lead to some
the token effort of keeping watch over the city. They know awesome games over the weeks and months to come!
there is no escape from that place, and as such they
are not motivated to enter the city except for matters of

Backstage Disaster. If using the provided pregen
Story Beat: Dwarves, Duergar, and Mind
characters, the intended adventure hook is that they wake
Flayers in an unfamiliar space and have jarring holes in their
As discussed in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, the memory. The last thing they each remember is performing
dwarves and duergar were once one and the same. in Suzail and taking part in a huge party. See the section
That book provides a lot of detail, but in short: several entitled Quick Start. Perhaps We’ve Partied Too Hard…
dwarven clans parted ways and pursued the path to Prisoners Already. The characters have offended the
power that was offered by the mind flayers; these clans crown of Cormyr or have been found guilty of crimes
were enslaved by the mind flayers and had their minds against the nation and have been thrown into the prison
and bodies irrevocably changed; later, these dwarves city of Wheloon. This option is troublesome and requires
– now called the duergar – staged a revolt and earned the lost memories to be removed from the story; however,
their freedom from their mind flayer masters. Even so, a it can still provide a fun experience if the DM is adept at
few clans remain in thrall to the aberrant horrors. modifying storylines on the fly.
This adventure requires the DM to be mindful of Looking for Work. Adventurers still have bills to pay,
these relationships and works best when the animosity and between adventures they may take up short-term
between the dwarves and duergar is highlighted and mercenary work. In this case, the Purple Dragon Knights
massaged into the narrative. Although the mind flayer have posted a lucrative opportunity for enterprising
influence isn’t fully realized until the final scene, there are individuals that aren’t averse to entering the prison city
a few hints beforehand that can serve to build these story and performing routine tasks. This option represents the
points into the beginning of an ongoing narrative should most work for the DM, as it requires a significant number
your players choose to pursue it! of adjustments to the content.

DM’s Note!
Adventure Hooks As the characters participate in events inside the city
Use the adventure options above to determine what kind of Wheloon, you may notice that that there are no gold
of game you plan to run. If needed, consider one or more rewards. This is intentional. The city has sworn off the
of the following story hooks: use of standard currencies and works on a bartering
system instead. Only in specific areas are coins even
accepted in trade for goods or services; these areas are
denoted in the adventure text.

Quick Start:
Perhaps We’ve Partied Too Hard…
This option requires the use of the included pregenerated
Character Spotlight: Everyone
After a few minutes of pondering, the characters recall
Guiding the Characters that a tiny person kept handing them drinks that were
If you are using this section to run the game, feel free to increasingly potent.
guide the characters through the narrative. Help them This prompts Thaeldrun to remember that the
understand their character sheets, reward creativity (be masked person never spoke but smelled faintly of salted
sure to read up on the inspiration rules!) and encourage chestnuts and raw meat.
everyone to remain involved in the story! Garriden recalls that the tiny person spoke with a
If some of the players are bringing their own characters strange accent that used a lot of long ‘s’ sounds like a
and one or more of the pregenerated characters are snake’s hiss.
still being used, consider using this section to start the Bharnum identifies everyone’s gear, including
pregens and the next section to start the remaining weapons, as being stashed in two small chests in
characters. They’ll cross paths soon enough! the room. Included is a list of charges against them,
• Public intoxication
Coming to our Senses • Jaywalking
The characters awake to find themselves on cots in a • Worship of Shar
sparsely furnished room. Their heads are pounding and • Promotion of anti-Cormyrean activities
with a quick glance around, they can see through the • Refusing to pay for services rendered
cracked window that the morning sun has just broken the After flailing his arms for a few moments in a
horizon. A door stands slightly ajar nearby. panicked pat down inspection, Bhailee finds that
The characters already know each other, as indicated on everyone has a new small scar behind their ear. The scar
their character sheets. They are free to discuss as much is purple-blue and about half an inch across.
or as little of that information as they like.
The characters may spend some time trying to recall
exactly what brought them to this place. In truth, the last When they’re ready to move on, they may leave the
thing they recall is performing at a seedy tavern in Suzail, room and explore the city. Provide some or all of the
the capital city of Cormyr. The drinks were plentiful and information, as roleplaying or time allows:
the food abundant, and the characters find it difficult to
piece together full details as the night progressed.

• It looks peaceful. The characters are in Wheloon, a Bharnum’s Memories
city in southern Cormyr. There’s a general air of unease
but in general the city is peaceful – even though law Memory Description
enforcement appears to have no presence here, which is 1 The stage crew at the tavern in Suzail all had
because… curious scars behind their ears.
• It’s a prison. Any character that is proficient in History 2 Your drinks in Suzail were free, and extremely
recalls that Wheloon is the prison for most Cormyrian strong.
criminals. Sure, the high-powered offenders get placed
3 You recall a pinch and a sharp pain behind your
somewhere else but anyone that’s not a powerful
ear, and the phantom image of an evil-looking
adventurer is likely to be tossed here if (or until) they’re
duergar clouds your mind.
proven guilty.
• It’s busy. Despite – or perhaps because of - the air of 4 You recall a muffled conversation in which two
duergar voices talk about how “it’s happening
unease, Wheloon is a busy place. Thousands of people
right below their very noses. The Knights won’t
live here, and they’re all eager to tell you just why they
know what hit them!”
can’t leave.

So How Do We… ? Garriden’s Memories

The characters should have some time to interact with Memory Description
the city and some of its residents. Procuring a map is not 1 The stage crew at the tavern in Suzail kept
difficult, as several are plastered on the walls of shops and referring to “Screamers”, as if in reference to a
on city fixtures. group or another band.
The characters should have one of these scripted
2 Your drinks in Suzail had a slightly bitter
encounters every 20 minutes or so, as they help to fill taste. By the time you realized that they were
in some of each character’s background details and poisoned, you were already falling unconscious.
memories. Additionally, whenever a character rolls a 1 or
a 20 on a d20, that character recalls one of their missing 3 You recall seeing a duergar pull a glowing
memories. They should have recalled one of the missing substance out of your ally’s head through a
memories before they enter Indiglow Metalworks. small hole behind their ear. This substance was
placed into a vial and wrapped in cloth.

It’s more of a Suggestion, Really 4 You recall a muffled conversation in which two
duergar voices talk about how “Gristlespit is in
This adventure expects both the players and the thrall to that thing but I’m not going to tell him
Dungeon Master to be comfortable role playing and that – he killed the last of us that did!”
making decisions on the fly. If the Dungeon Master
does not take time to guide the characters and make
appropriate hints, this adventure may go on for a Thaeldrun’s Memories
significant amount of time. If that’s good with everyone Memory Description
involved, awesome, explore to your heart’s content!
Otherwise, the following points can be used (with a
1 The stage crew at the tavern in Suzail kept
referring to their boss as “Gristlespit”.
little modification) to give the characters a sense of
completion without a lot of time invested. 2 Every time you took a drink, the stage crew
If you decide to modify these encounters, feel free to would snicker and laugh.
grant the magic items and other described benefits to 3 You recall seeing a duergar drink a glowing
your characters as you deem appropriate. substance from a vial and can plainly hear him
say “These memories are delicious. Gristlespit
was right, these are the right people.”
Bhailee’s Memories 4 You recall a muffled conversation in which two
Memory Description duergar voices talk about how “these ones
1 The stage crew at the tavern in Suzail were all will do nicely. Hand me the extractions; I have
duergar. blades to make. Dump them in the city, eat
them, I don’t care.”
2 Every time you turned around, your drinks were
3 You remember seeing one of your allies
Animal Magnetism!
shivering and shaking as a duergar jammed a As the characters leave the shack that they woke up in,
large needle just behind their ear. they are immediately accosted by two human thugs and a
shaggy mastiff. The humans want to take whatever they
4 You recall a muffled conversation in which
can from the characters. Before initiative is rolled they
two duergar voices talk about “forging those
demand tribute. If the characters succeed on a DC 14
memories into more blades”.
Charisma (Persuasion) check, the thugs can be bribed
and will require at least 3 gp worth of gifts each before
walking away. Offering 5 gp or more worth of gifts to each
of them grants advantage on this check.

Character Spotlight: Bharnum
I Know a Girl
If this encounter ends peacefully, the mastiff whines and This event can take place at any time during their
pulls against her leash. It snaps free and she runs to exploration.
BA’s side. She’s terribly hungry, but for some reason she As the characters become more familiar with the
is keen to remain by Bharnum’s side. residents of Wheloon, a dirty dwarven woman (N dwarf
Alternately, Bharnum can attempt to make a DC 14 female commoner) approaches them. In a high-pitched
Charisma (Animal Handling) check during combat lilting voice she asks if any of them need “goods, services,
with the thugs. If successful, the mastiff breaks loose or just a guide”.
from the thugs and joins Bharnum’s side. Exception If the characters attempt to brush past her or ignore her,
roleplaying or offering treats grants advantage on this she will attempt to pick their pockets as they walk by. Any
check. character with a passive Perception of 16 or higher will
If Bharnum ends this encounter with the mastiff at his detect her attempt.
side, he regains some memories and becomes a level 2 • “The Screamers have been working with agents
bard. Be sure to share the mastiff’s stat block! throughout Cormyr. They need more test subjects.”
• “The Screamers draw the memories and experience
from those that are drawn here. Yank that stuff right out.
Yeah, I’m Gonna Need You To… I hear that they eat it. Or smelt it. Reports vary pretty
As the characters explore their second point of interest
in Wheloon they are approached by a cloaked halfling. • She is saddened that Bhailee does not remember their
This halfling introduces herself as Gimble (N halfling time together in Suzail. She weaves a complex tale
female commoner) and confides to Thaeldrun that she of how they were a two-person band, and that every
too has made a deal with unknowable powers. She has show they hosted featured dozens of costume changes
no interest in speaking with anyone but Thaeldrun but is for each of them. A Wisdom (Insight) check at DC 14
unafraid to share her knowledge so long as she can speak confirms that she is telling the truth, though Bailee has
directly to the warlock. She is rushed and clearly worried, no memory of it. (This is because the Screamers have
but has the following to impart: pulled this memory from his head)
• “That fat miscreant of a duergar wanted your memories, Just before she is out of sight, she looks wistfully over one
but those are mine. He just don’t know!” With this, shoulder and yells “Check your pockets!”
Gimble tugs a previously-undiscovered ring from the Treasure
mats in Thaeldrun’s beard and slides it on the dwarf’s
With this said, Bailee detects a lump in one of his vest
pockets. Near a seam and sewn into the lining is a
• “Wheloon is a place of strangers, but it’s no place for gleaming mithril harmonica – an instrument of illusions –
strangers. Get friendly!” engraved with the following phrase:
• “The Screamers are worse than you’ve heard. They’re
Shandira & Bailee
in your brain, rockhead. They live there. THEY’RE
Suzail, 1492 DR
After Gimble shares his three bits and reclaims the ring,
he scurries away. The characters can attempt to catch up,
but he melts into the crowd as if he never really existed at
all. With exceptional roleplay or skill checks, they find that
the halfling’s cloak has been discarded, and a lingering
scent of sulfur is in the air.
Once the runes stop crawling around (See the Character
Spotlight: Thaeldrun sidebar below) Thaeldrun
recognizes the spellbook as an enduring spellbook.

Character Spotlight: Thaeldrun

After Gimble leaves the characters, Thaeldrun can
feel his connection to his magic strengthening. The
unmistakable childish giggle of an imp rolls around his
brain as new arcane powers are unlocked. Thaeldrun
regains some memories and is now a level 2 wizard,
and ‘imp’ is added to his list of potential familiars when
casting find familiar.
Normally a wizard would choose new spells during
the level up process, but these are already indicated
on the pregen’s character sheet. Infernal runes flare
on the pages and become the familiar spidery crawl of
arcane sigils shortly thereafter across the pages of the

Character Spotlight: Bhailee
The halfling has gone by many names in her life and is a
master of disguise. Bailee recognizes her immediately and
knows that her name is Shandira Archfall; pass a note to
Bailee with this information. If Shandira is called by name
her eyes go wide and she feigns surprise, saying “Well,
well, well. Let’s get comfortable somewhere shall we?”
At the end of this encounter and the discovery of the
instrument of illusions, Bhailee regains one memory and
becomes a level 2 bard.

Plans Within Plans

This should be the last planned event. This must take
place in a location that could feasibly hold two statues and
passers-by; while an outside location is tempting, Redbeard
Rental, Storage, and Shipping is ideal for this encounter.
Any character may attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check
at DC 12. Those that succeed can feel that someone
is watching them. Knowing this, the characters can
attempt a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check; succeeding
means that they notice the two duergar hammerers as
they begin to stride forward, intent on attacking! Each
hammerer has a duergar trapped within its chest cavity,
and once the hammerers are defeated the duergar can be
interrogated, but they die to their wounds and the terrible
magic of the hammerer at the end of the next round.
Healing, magical or otherwise, does not prevent this – the
physical stress is just too great.
If questioned, or if provoked during combat, the duergar
know the following (only spoken in Undercommon):
• “Your extracted memories have already been forged!”
• “Grundar Gristlespit is ETERNAL! HE LIVES IN OUR

One of the duergar has a mystery key on a cord around
his neck. The head of the key sports the emblem of a
bellows on one side and tongs on the other. This emblem
matches the carving on the stone near Rathool’s Pond
(area 25 in the Locations section).
The next social encounter or two that the characters
have should include references to how some citizens of
Wheloon have noted that the Screamers just seem to
disappear into thin air around Rathool’s Pond.

Character spotlight : Garriden

By this time Garriden (and likely the others as well)
has begun putting together that the Screamers are
responsible for the dwarves being brought to Wheloon.
After the hammerers are defeated, Garriden receives
a flash of insight: a hazy memory of a duergar process
that extracts memories and reforges them into potent
weapons that cause psychic damage.
With this knowledge granted and the mystery key in
hand, Garriden regains one memory and becomes a
level 2 rogue.

Highlights of the Lowlife
Estimated Duration: 60-120 minutes The General Area
As the characters explore the area, two things become
Escaping Wheloon immediately apparent: first, that the wall of force effect is
a modified spell and blocks sound as well as teleportation
The War Mages of Cormyr, along with the Purple effects from passing through; and second, that a ten-foot-
Dragon Knights, have constructed walls around the tall brick wall surrounds the city itself inside the magical
city. The physical wall that surrounds the city is only ten bubble. The buildings outside of the city, both inside and
feet tall and is built of standard stone and mortar, but outside of the magical barrier, are abandoned.
the magical wall that extends above and below it is far As they explore the city, they should quickly become
sturdier. Once someone is branded a criminal in Cormyr aware of the presence of the Screamers. These psychic
and they have been committed to Wheloon, there is no miscreants are led by a morbidly obese blacksmith named
escape. The magical wall is treated as a wall of force, and Grundar Gristlespit; this horrific beast of a duergar only
it forms a barrier that completely encloses the city – it walks the streets at night and is rumored to cause the
even cuts through the stone and soil below. eyes of his enemies to explode if they view him directly.
The War Mages can provide charms to those that Nobody knows where his shop is – or at least, they’re
are approved to travel in and out of the city. These not talking about it. Anyone that has one of the scars
charms are generally bestowed to mercenaries that have is generally considered to be a member of the gang or
passed their background checks, and the War Mages already dead.
can remotely disable the charm if sufficient need is
discovered and the mercenaries need to be trapped in • Population. roughly 4,000
the city. • Inhabitants. Humans (90%); dwarves (all kinds; 5%);
In short, there is no escape and no shortage of halflings (all kinds; 3%); other races combined (2%)
residents that are eager to leave. But they’re all innocent • Economy. Poor to lower middle class with a rich 1%
– they’ll tell you!. due to organized crime. The city does not use standard
currencies except for a small number of businesses, and
instead uses a service bartering system in exchange for
goods and services like room and board.

The city is self-governing and has worked for the last
14 Dirty broadsheets, obviously exposed for some time,
several decades to eliminate the need for any type of flutter in the breeze. One of the headlines reads
mayor or burgomeister; it’s a mostly-peaceful anarchy that “Crime Still High; Cormyr Cares Not”
the residents of Wheloon have now. The Dragon Knights
and War Wizards occasionally bring deliveries into the 15 Three of the characters regain one memory each.
city, but this is the only contact with the outside world for 16 A young human child is panhandling for money. If
people that live here. the characters give her 1 gp or more, she tells them
that she saw a group of evil dark-skinned dwarves
Street Life (duergar) dropping the characters in the shack they
For every location that the characters visit in Wheloon, woke up in. They laughed as they walked away and
determine a random result from the following table. Re- spoke of how they were going to bring Cormyr to
roll previously discovered results if necessary or use them ruin.
to drive home certain facts about this place! 17 A second-story window is thrown open as a chamber
pot is violently thrown into the street. The characters
Encounters, Observations, and Rumors must each succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
throw or else be poisoned for one minute due to the
d20 Result
horrific smell.
1 One character regains a memory.
18 A distraught young man is chugging what passes for
2 An acolyte of Hoar preaches a doom-filled sermon on dwarven spirits in Wheloon. He is consumed by grief
a street corner. “Retribution is divine!” for the actions that brought him here – he stole the
3 One human cult fanatic of Shar and two human day’s earnings from a merchant in Suzail. The young
cultists accost the characters, demanding that they man has been sentenced to this place for life and
submit to their dark goddess. They won’t take no for will never see his family again.
an answer. 19 Roll twice on this table, ignoring any result of 19.
4 Three human thugs confront the party and demand 20 Each character regains one memory.
tribute of 5 gp. They can be negotiated down to 3
gp, but the characters only have one attempt before
the thugs attack. They all have the mark of the
Where are We Going?
Procuring a map isn’t difficult, as they are often found
5 A nearby building is completely boarded up.
attached to sign posts, nailed to walls, or crumpled and
Warnings that read “Contaminated!” have been
discarded in the street. Nearly all of them are crudely
painted on the outside. Inside, two duergar
made and include an advertisement of some form. Use
are speaking in Dwarvish about “the four fresh
these flyers to create a trail the characters to follow!
deliveries” and “how much fun they’ll be”.
6 A dwarven beggar holds a sign that says “Will drink 1. The Wyvern Watch Inn
for gold”
Situated at the western end of the ferry that brings the
7 A halfling with one hand and three fingers runs up to convicted into Wheloon, the Wyvern Watch Inn serves as
you. “I can count to five, lemme show you!” the receiving house for all new residents. A pair of human
8 A well-dressed dwarven woman walks briskly down brothers named Eyvan and Brahl Standlesmith (LN
the street. They refuse to make eye contact with human male thugs) work and live here; while they are
anyone, and her thickly-muscled dwarf veteran not officially Purple Dragon Knights, they are something
bodyguard shoves away anyone that would slow their more than squires. They are assisted by a War Wizard
pace. She has no time for social niceties but offers named Haelie (N half-elf female Guild of Masons mage)
this: “You’re not meant for this place. Convince the who declines to provide a last name and sneers whenever
Knights to release you before you truly become one anyone asks too many questions – especially about why
of… them.” she smells like pine trees and tends to leave small piles
of potting soil where ever she goes; on a DC 18 Charisma
9 Three children are seen playing in the street. They
scatter when a wagon rumbles by. (Persuasion) check she will share that “it was a horrible
chaos sorcery accident”.
10 Two of the characters regain one memory each. If the characters desire it, they can procure temporary
11 A signpost lies on the ground. On it is a sign with an lodgings here for 1 sp per person per night.
arrow pointing to “House of Midnight” with Shar’s
holy symbol. 2. Route of the Ferry
12 Two human young adults are chatting animatedly A rope hovers some fifteen feet above the surface of
about “The Beast”; apparently one of the taverns has the water. The Purple Dragon Knights use this rope to
a gigantic dwarf chained in the basement and offers haul their ferry across the river for both patrols as well
weekly blood sport events. as deliveries of prisoners and goods. The flat barge is
typically moored on the east side, well away from the city.
13 A slim-framed human boy is thrown out the front
door of a house. As he stands, an elderly woman
throws a very full chamber pot at him from the
upstairs window while yelling “And stay out!”

3. The Wyvernflow River 8. Redbeard Rental, Storage, and
The Wyvernflow River flows from the heart of the Shipping
kingdom of Cormyr, south past Wheloon and into the
western edge of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It is outside the Redbeard (N dwarf male Guild of Masons veteran)
wall and cannot be accessed by the residents of the city. specializes in moving materials around the city without
asking too many questions (often none, if the money is
4. Oldstone Hall good). He has a small workforce of 15 other dwarves and
humans and relies on a halfling woman named Matilde
The Guild of Masons have taken Oldstone Hall as their Bustleblossom (LE halfling female cultist of Shar) to
core lodgings. Oldstone Hall used to be the center of operate the front desk, plan the day’s deliveries, and so
government for Wheloon, but with the Guild in charge on. As he was born in the city, some of the Purple Dragon
of the building it has slowly become a testament to Knights have taken him as a sort-of ally, and while they
extravagance. Gilded carvings can be seen on the exterior can’t release him they occasionally find ways to slip him
and intricate carvings dance around the stonework; all some extra coin; most commonly this means that they
of this is in sharp contrast to the generally-rundown deliver medicine, food, clothing, and other necessary
appearance of the remainder of the city. goods from the outside world to Redbeard’s warehouses
The Guild of Masons rarely bothers to post guards, for later delivery.
as the thick stone doors and wrought-iron bars in the This place is an ideal location for the Plans Within
windows are an effective enough deterrent for would- Plans scripted encounter.
be intruders. Nobody gets in without being invited and What does Redbeard know? If the characters engage
delivered a key by an existing member. The contents of Redbeard on the topic of the Screamers, he attempts to
the Hall are not explored here, but you can improvise and remain professional and coy. If the characters succeed on
use it to expand this adventure as you see fit. a DC 14 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check, he
admits that:
5. Lord Sarp’s Paddock • He sometimes moves large boxes around the city for
The identity of Lord Sarp has been lost to the decades them, and describes the most recent as being the boxes
(though it is widely believed that Lord Sarp was an that brought the characters into Wheloon
extremely successful businessman and noble), but the • The boxes show up on the ferry, and he swears that he
residents have turned this paddock into a pasture for knows nothing further about their operations.
mules, horses, and donkeys. There are less than a dozen • He finds them too chaotic and troublesome to deal with
of the creatures remaining, but their presence serves as regularly
entertainment for the children that call Wheloon home.

6. Sendever’s Stables 9. Mill

The mill has a water wheel and grinds nearly all the
The halfling Sendever family was in Wheloon when it
wheat for the residents of Wheloon. Some darker rumors
was sealed on the orders of the king of Cormyr and they
persist inside the city that the mill’s employees can be
continued to rear horses as they had for generations.
convinced to grind other things if the money is right.
Now that the city has been sealed for many decades, the
number of horses is dwindling as their breeding options
have become more and more limited. The few remaining 10. Cormyeran Coins Coster
animals are stabled here and released each morning into Once upon a time this building was a tax hall and temple
the paddock (area 5. Lord Sarp’s Paddock). Depending dedicated to Waukeen, but now it is in disrepair. The
upon the time of day and the needs of the story, anywhere Purple Dragon Knights use it as a meeting space and
from one to ten halfling commoners can be located here. nothing else.

7. Haldos the Butcher 11. Falconstar Wayshipping

This all-meat restaurant has long been a favorite of the This warehouse once served as a busy shipping facility
residents of Wheloon. Over the years their clientele has and was responsible for many of the larger shipments
treated it as a safe meeting space where even violently up and down the Wyvernflow River, but now the dock is
opposed residents and gang leaders can enjoy a brief almost entirely unused. Once a month the Purple Dragon
respite from the daily nature of their incarceration and Knights and War Wizards receive a shipment of food and
activities. Some rumors claim that Haldos brokered this goods that is intended to be split between them and the
peace by means of a permanent calm emotions spell residents of Wheloon as-needed, but that is the only traffic
though other, darker rumors exist as well. Haldos has known to come here.
been dead for nearly 50 years, but his name is still on the
establishment out of respect. 12. The Lantern Inn
Due to the inherently peaceful nature of the place,
The Purple Dragon Knights stationed at Wheloon use this
any Charisma (Persuasion) checks that the characters
large inn as their base of operations. The commanding
make here have advantage and Charisma (Deception
officer is a broad-shouldered, mustachioed man known as
or Intimidation) have disadvantage. If the characters
Sergeant Ossten Delaire; his soldiers commend him for
have not already experienced the I Know a Girl scripted
his service and dedication but quietly wish that he wasn’t
encounter, this is an ideal place for it to occur.
so stiff and stuck on protocol.

The inn does take in the occasional traveler or merchant Sparrowsong (N human male bandit captain, retired)
that happens to be passing through, and the soldiers don’t purchased the space and renovated it. It now serves
hesitate to pay for the room if the visitor can regale them as the primary stopover for visiting merchants and can
with tales of the outside world or leave behind some of support up to a half-dozen stalls for those that wish to stay
their more exotic goods. here for a tenday (by contract, of course).
Daelon sold his business to Fai Chen Enterprises a
13. Hanno’s Herbs & Medicines few years ago and has agreed to stay on in a supervisory
capacity. Whether or not the fabled Shou merchant is
Nobody knows who (or what) Hanno is, but the two
present is entirely up to Tymora’s capricious will.
women that own and operate this apothecary are named
Soleil Brightly and Jaleen Baneir (they are secretly
green hags that are waiting in human disguises for… 15. “Hawkmasster”
something; they don’t recall exactly what anymore). Soleil Several weather-worn wooden signs stand around this
is white-haired and in her middle years, with a firm, no- open field, all sporting the same gray-black script that
nonsense personality, while Jaleen is dusky-skinned and reads: “Hawkmasster”. The residents of Wheloon don’t
appears to be in her early 30s. Jaleen always has a hint know what exactly this place was before the city was
of a smirk on her face and adores interacting with her sealed up, but any character that is proficient in Nature,
customers. Both women have horrible, greenish teeth. possesses the Nature domain, or has levels in either druid
The shop contains medicine kits, various plants and or ranger automatically identifies that this area used to be
herbs, and offers classes on how to create holistic used for falconry.
poultices once per month. Most of their customers are All of the tall posts have scratch marks that indicate that
drawn from the number of Cormyrian soldiers that are birds of prey once perched here, and even to this day the
stationed here, but travelers are welcome as well. occasional skeleton of a smaller animal can be turned up
in the dirt. Sadly, those birds are no longer able to enter
14. The Silvery Sembian Snail the area surrounding Wheloon, so this place is unlikely to
be used again for that purpose.
When the Silvery Sembian Snail was first built it was
a tavern of near-legendary repute. Sadly, this business
crumbled when the king had the walls erected around
16. The Scarlet Sheaf (Tavern)
Wheloon long ago. Despite sitting empty for several The Scarlet Sheaf is a tavern of ill repute, even among
decades, an enterprising merchant named Daelon the residents of this city. It’s said that anything that

someone desires can be had here, for a price. The gangs What Does Tinker Know? If the characters engage
of Wheloon do not conduct official business here. Tinker on the topic of the Screamers, she shares:
Once a week the tavern hosts a fighting competition, • that Moradin tells her that they’re bad news
where everyone is welcome to come so long as their
• she sometimes has very visceral nightmares about
coin is good. The Guild of Masons is quite proud of
duergar and tentacles
their sponsored champion, a slathering beast of a dwarf
nicknamed “The Beast” (N dwarf champion, AC 16 • she adds that Redbeard may be in league with them
leather armor, wielding a greatclub) in reference to his
guttural sounds and tendency to dismember his foes. All 20. Rathool’s Pond
combats are one-on-one and to the death. Rumor is that This large pond is a peaceful zone in Wheloon. The
the Beast was assaulted by Screamers and left for dead occasional child may be seen playing, often with a parent
and is now driven by pure rage. or older sibling nearby. A huge stone stands in the field a
If the characters witness his ferocity they should get a short distance to the east of the water; upon it is an old
clear impression that entering combat with him is not a weather-worn carving of tongs, like what a blacksmith
wise decision. Should one of the characters manage to would use. Most residents neither know nor care what
eke out a victory, they are celebrated throughout Wheloon it represents, though a few around the city have their
as a powerful fighter and, at the DM’s discretion, may be suspicions. Nobody outside of the Screamers knows
the target of adulation, adoration, and daylight assaults that it is part of the mechanism that reveals Indiglow
by other fighters seeking to make a name for themselves. Metalworks, nor that it can only be opened with a
Interfering with the fights in any way will earn the mystery key (this specific key is carried by the Duergar
interloper and the fighter a severe and immediate penalty, Hammerers in area 8. Redbeard Rental, Storage, and
up to and potentially including death. Shipping).

17. Smithy 21. Shrine to Silvanus

The blacksmith shop has been abandoned for some A huge gnarled oak tree stands sentinel here. Deep sigils
time. Signs have been plastered on the walls that read denoting Silvanus’ name in multiple humanoid languages
“Shuttered by order of Gristlespit”. The roof has begun can be seen in the bark. The War Wizards of Cormyr tend
to sag in, and the floor has collapsed. Nothing usable the shrine but none of them truly worship Silvanus.
remains, and the interior has been smashed beyond
repair – including the anvils and forge.
22. The Watch House (Barracks,
18. Temple to Chauntea Armory, Jail)
Chauntea is one of the deities of nature and is sometimes The Purple Dragon Knights do not maintain any formal
known as “The Earthmother”. This temple serves as an presence in the city, so the presence of a barracks and jail
open-air market for the residents of Wheloon and even may seem curious at first. A little asking around reveals
though no clergy or priests are ever viewed, Chauntea’s that this building can be used by the residents for their
faithful – or just those that feel like paying their respects own citizen’s arrests and so forth, and while the Knights
– are always welcome to come and stay in peace. Any do not suggest this course of action they don’t prevent it
food that is stolen from this place immediately rots, and from happening.
if it was already eaten the creature becomes ill (as if The Guild of Masons maintains a watch on the building
poisoned) for 1d4 days; there is no saving throw for this and will generally provide watch services for those that
effect. are willing to pay their price. High Mason Arenson (LE
dwarf male knight) can be found here along with a group
19. Tinker’s Hardware of 2-3 dwarf scouts and 1 dwarf spy.
A no-nonsense dwarf woman runs this store. She calls
herself Tinker (N dwarf female acolyte of Moradin) 23. Shrine to Shar
“because of good fortune when tinkering and inventing Long ago a shrine dedicated to Mystra stood here. Those
things”, and if the characters ask she confesses that she is holy symbols have been removed and replaced with
in Wheloon because one of her inventions blew up when it the slightly-above-crude symbols of Shar which now
was operated by a nobleman in Suzail – “but those claims reside there. Although the worship of Shar is banned
about it being a bomb were totally fabricated”. in Cormyr – indeed, it is why many of the residents are
Any mundane gear from the Player’s Handbook can now in Wheloon at all! – six cultists and a dangerously
be found here, provided that the listed price is 20 gp or unhinged priest of Shar visit every night when the moon
less. She does not stock weapons or armor and refuses to is at its peak.
purchase such things as that is considered illegal trade in
the city.

Indiglow Metalworks Mindforge
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes The western wall is a glowering dwarven face carved into
This section should only be run after the city has been the stone, and its mouth is open to reveal the forge inside
explored so the characters have recovered all of their the face. The mouth can be opened and closed using
missing memories. controls on the outside of the construction. The fire inside
the face burns blue and white with wispy sparks of purple
Discovery and Access crackling off every few seconds. This flame is clearly
Once the characters have discovered that Indiglow magical in nature, and a DC 12 Arcana check, identify
Metalworks is located near Rathool’s Pond, they can spell, or similar action reveals that the flame is sustained
travel there. The stone in the field near the Pond only by psychic energy.
reveals the Metalworks if the mystery key (likely held by When the characters first arrive, Grundar is here
Garriden) is laid upon it. Without the key, the extraplanar hammering away on a wicked-looking purple metal
space where the smithy resides is simply inaccessible. dagger – the same that the characters may have seen
elsewhere in the city! The duergar is willing to speak with
Environs the characters for a few moments, but as soon as they
Indiglow Metalworks has long been closed, and its insult him, the Screamers, or make even the lightest of
exterior signage has been removed in days long past. threats he screams incoherently and attacks. He cannot
The boards holding the door shut are easy enough to pry be surprised in this place, and when reduced to 0 hit
apart, granting the characters easy access should they points his skull splits open as an intellect devourer
desire it. The windows are completely and snugly sealed. emerges, intent on destroying any remaining characters
Sights. Once inside, it is apparent that this place is though it will attempt to enter the first viable host.
used regularly. All the metalsmithing equipment has been Non-magical equipment that is placed in the forge
removed, and the interior walls have been reinforced to melts or ignites at the end of the turn that it is placed.
be three times thicker than normal. The only thing of note Magical equipment is similarly destroyed after 1 minute.
here is an open trap door and stairs leading down to the Any creature that ends their turn in the flames takes 14
basement. Many humanoid tracks can be seen in the dust (4d6) fire damage and 14 (4d6) psychic damage; a DC 20
and dirt on the floor. Constitution saving throw reduces this damage by half.
Smells. An acidic, briny smell lingers in the air. There Creatures that attempt this saving throw automatically fail
is a strong scent of superheated metal coming from the if they are wearing any metal objects.
Sounds. The unmistakable sounds of a bellows and Treasure
crackling forge can be heard in the basement, along with Gristlespit’s Mind-Poison Dagger can be taken by the
the sounds of a hammer striking soft metal. characters.
Light. Firelight from the forge dances wildly.
Once the characters have defeated Grundar and his
minions, the forge begins to flare and sputter ominously
– one minute later, it explodes causing 55 (10d10) fire
damage to any creature left in the building. When this
happens, the rest of the Screamers throughout Wheloon
simply keel over – Grundar was the host through which
the mind flayers were controlling their victims via
telepathy. The Purple Dragon Knights enter the city
within an hour of the end of the combat, having been
alerted by the explosion of the Metalworks. The metals
and previously forged equipment cannot be repaired but
provides enough evidence to exonerate them once it is all
investigated by the War Wizards.

But I Don’t Wanna Leave

Nothing is forcing the characters to leave. It’s possible
that they would like to explore the city a bit more, or
that they have an interest in getting involved in the
gang politics. While outside the scope of the adventure,
please use the provided text and city guide to build
more material for your players. There is no limit to what
stories can be told from here!.

Personae Dramatis:
The Gangs of Wheloon

hile it’s true that some characters may
express a desire to join a gang, the groups
indicated here should be portrayed as vile
and repugnant. Their details are shown
here so that you can develop a deeper
understanding of how Wheloon operates,
and if a character should go “off book” in their pursuit of
such information and allegiance, you are well within your
rights to tell them that such a thing is not very heroic –
and may well lead to an extended stay in the city!
Each gang has an indicated leader, a desired goal, one
or more allied group, and one or more opposing group.
This information is presented in a minimal state so that
you can adjust as your games and groups require. This
information could even be used as a foundation for a
series of urban adventures as your characters infiltrate
and assume control of one or more groups! Feel free to
add additional groups as you see fit; with more than 4,000
residents, there’s a lot of opportunity for growth.
Street “Cred”
It is important to note that the gangs here are known to
the Purple Dragon Knights and War Mages of Cormyr.
As they’re all stuck inside the city and behind the walls,
the Cormyrians aren’t generally concerned with them
– but if the characters become too entangled in the
operations of these groups, they run the risk of not being
allowed to leave the city. The gangs are quite protective
of their members and often mark their agents for easy

Guild of Masons
The Guild of Masons work hard to keep the buildings of
Wheloon in good repair, but they do this through extortion
of the residents and charging a “protection” fee of the
business owners. They are not entirely reviled in the city,
but their economy-crushing habits haven’t exactly won
them many favors.
Leader. High Mason Arenson
Goals. Protection, as we define it. Rebuild Wheloon!
Allies. Purple Dragon Knights (peripherally)
Foes. Screamers

The Screamers
Every member of the Screamers bears at least a minor
level of psychic talent. Some say that it’s natural and they’re
drawn together, though others whisper that a darker force
grants these abilities for reasons known only to itself.
The Screamers follow some chaotic purpose known
only to them. They make no allies and though the entirety
of Wheloon is opposed to them, they manage to stay
away from outright conflict simply due to their terrifying
reputation: word on the street is that they devour the brains
and eyes of those that cross their paths. It’s said that they
gain new knowledge and powers through this method.
Leader. Grundar Gristlespit
Goals. complete subjugation of the population of
Allies. none
Foes. non-Screamers

Appendix A. Monster & Item Statistics
This appendix provides statistics for monsters and items that do not appear in the Monster Manual

Duergar Hammerer
Medium construct, lawful evil Mind-Poison Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage and 10 (3d6)
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) psychic damage, or 1 piercing damage and 14 (4d6) psychic
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) damage while reduced.
Speed 20 ft.
Invisibility (Recharge 4 - 6). The duergar makes two melee
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attacks. It can replace one of those attacks with a use of
17 (+3) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) 5 (-3) 5 (-3) Mind Mastery.
Mind Mastery. The duergar targets one creature it can see
Damage Immunities poison within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 12
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Intelligence saving throw, or the duergar causes it to use its
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned reaction either to make one weapon attack against another
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 7 creature the duergar can see or to move up to 10 feet in a
Languages understands Dwarvish but can’t speak direction of the duergar’s choice. Creatures that can’t be
Challenge 2 (450 XP) charmed are immune to this effect.
Reduce (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1 minute,
Engine of Pain. Once per turn, a creature that attacks the the duergar magically decrease in size, along with anything
hammerer can target the duergar trapped in it. The attacker has it is wearing or carrying. While reduced, the duergar is Tiny,
disadvantage on the attack roll. On a hit, the attack deals an reduces its weapon damage to 1, and makes attacks, checks,
extra 5 (1d10) damage to the hammerer, and the hammerer can and saving throws with disadvantage if they use Strength. It
respond by using its Multiattack with its reaction. gains a +5 to all Dexterity (Stealth) checks and a +5 bonus to
Siege Monster. The hammerer deals double damage to objects its AC. It can also take a bonus action on each of its turns to
and structures. take the Hide action.

A Dangerous Passenger
Multiattack. The hammerer makes two attacks: one with
Grundar is no longer himself. When he is reduced to
its claw and one with its hammer.
0 hit points his skull splits open with a sickening wet
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. crunching noise and an intellect devourer emerges. This
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. creature is an emissary of the mind flayers and desires
little more than the destruction of the characters,
Hammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
though it will attempt to take possession of the first
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage
suitable host that it can.
Because of this, Grundar has the following
Grundar Gristlespit, adjustments to his stat block:
• He is immune to psychic damage, and cannot be
Duergar Mind Master charmed or stunned
Medium humanoid (dwarf ), lawful evil • He is wielding a magic dagger (see Mind-Poison
Dagger, below).
Armor Class 14 (leather armor)
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12 • These changes are only in effect while Grundar is alive,
Speed 25 ft. and they are not applied to the intellect devourer.


11 (+0) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) New Magic Item
Saving Throws Wis +2 This magic item is unique to this adventure.
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances poison
Mind-Poison Dagger
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 12 weapon (dagger), rare
Languages Dwarvish, Undercommon The metal of this dagger possesses a wavy pattern of
Challenge 2 (450 XP) blue, white, and black. You can use your action to cause
the blade to exude a pale nimbus of light. This nimbus
Duergar Resilience. On each of its turns, the thief can use a remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon
bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC 15
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the duergar has Wisdom saving throw or else take 2d10 psychic damage
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom and be poisoned for one minute as feelings of extreme
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. pain and misery race through the creature’s mind. This is
a fear and charm effect. The dagger can’t be used this way
Actions again until the next dawn.
Multiattack. The duergar makes two melee attacks. It can
replace one of those attacks with a use of Mind Mastery.

Appendix B. DM's Map of Wheloon
Appendix C. Player's Map of Wheloon
Appendix D. Map: Indiglow Metalworks

Appendix E. Poster Handout


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