Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge
Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge
Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge
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Condition Monitoring of
Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters
Novizon1,2, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek1, Nouruddeen Bashir1 and Aulia1,2
1Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),
2University of Andalas (UNAND),
1. Introduction
Over voltages in power system may occur due to lightning, fault or switching operation.
These overvoltages could reach dangerous amplitudes for power system apparatus. To
protect the system electrical equipment and to guarantee an economic and reliable
operation, surge arresters are applied in almost all types of electrical power network.
Gapless zinc oxide (ZnO) surge arresters are widely used. The surge arresters are usually
connected between the phase and ground terminals. They limit the voltage level in
equipments such as transformers below the withstand voltage level.
Figure 1 shows the values of overvoltage which can be reached without the use of arrester in
per units. The time axis is divided into the range of lightning overvoltage in microsecond,
switching overvoltage in millisecond and temporary overvoltage in second. In the lightning
overvoltage and switching overvoltage range, the magnitude of overvoltage can reach
several per unit if the system is without arrester protection. Arrester could limit overvoltage
below withstand voltage of equipment. This phenomenon clearly shows the importance of
arresters for lightning overvoltage protection.
254 Practical Applications and Solutions Using LabVIEW™ Software
In this chapter, signal processing using LabVIEW is presented to separate the resistive
leakage current from ZnO arrester leakage current using a novel technique called the Shifted
Current Method for the purpose of monitoring the degradation of ZnO surge arrester.
Fig. 2. The cross-section view of a polymeric insulated distribution class ZnO surge arrester
The ZnO varistor block elements are the main component of the ZnO surge arrester. They
provide the desired non-linear characteristics and present a strong relation with the
temperature (low current range). The non-linear resistivity is an inherent bulk property of
the composite ceramic resistor, which consists of mainly ZnO with relatively small amount
of several additives of other metal oxides such as Bi2 O3, CoO2, MnO3, and Sb2O3 (Eda, 1989).
These additives essentially determine the electric properties of the block arresters element.
Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters 255
⎧⎪ φ − βE 0 .5 ⎫⎪
J = J 0 exp ⎨− ⎬ (1)
⎩⎪ kT ⎭⎪
where = (e0.75 π εεo), φ is the potential barrier (Â), E the electric field intensity (V/m), k the
Boltzmann constant, T the absolute temperature (K), e the electron charge (C), εo the vacuum
dielectric permittivity, and ε is the relative permittivity of the barrier substance.
Equation 1 clearly shows that, in low current region (I), the characteristics vary considerably
with the temperature T. This region is located at a point where the line-frequency voltage is
applied in applications for metal oxide arresters and it becomes important to pay attention
particularly to the characteristic change with energized time and the temperature dependence.
256 Practical Applications and Solutions Using LabVIEW™ Software
J = J 0 exp ⎜ ⎟ (2)
4 ( 2m ) 2
where γ = , m is the electron mass, and h=ĥ/2 π , with ĥ being the Planck's constant.
The nonlinearity is generally given by the following experimental expression:
I = CV α (3)
where = nonlinear exponent and C is a constant.
In applications of ZnO surge arrester this second region relates to protective characteristics
when a lightning impulse current has flowed through the arrester. The greater the value of
, the better is the protective characteristics.
In high current region (III), the resistivity of ZnO grain is dominant and the characteristic is
given by:
V ≈ KI (4)
where K is the resistivity of the ZnO grain.
Rz ( ρ = 10− 2Ωm)
Ir Ic
Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters 257
When R1 and C changes, the capacitive current (Ic), and the resistive current (Ir) also change.
The arrester’s leakage current, in particular, the third harmonic component of the resistive
leakage current, is known to be directly related to the degree of degradation of the ZnO
arrester (Lundquist et al., 1990; Spellman et al., 1997; Zhou et al., 1998; Tang et al., 1999). In
this work, in order to extract the resistive component from the total leakage current, the
shifted current method (Abdul-Malek, et al. 2008) was used. The algorithm to extract the
resistive component was implemented using the LabVIEW software.
The proposed method focuses on the ZnO arrester characteristic in low current region (I). In
the low current region, Rz is much less than R1 and the inductance L may be neglected.
Therefore, in the continuous operating voltage region, the ZnO surge arrester is modelled as
a non-linear resistor with a linear capacitive element in parallel as shown in Figure 6
(Haddad, et al. 1990).
Ir Ic
Ic It
Ir Vref
The resistive current component can be obtained simply by subtracting the capacitive
current component from the total leakage current as shown below:
258 Practical Applications and Solutions Using LabVIEW™ Software
When system voltage is applied on the surge arrester at continuous operating voltage, about
80% of the rated voltage, the arrester experiences some leakage current. The amplitude of
the leakage current depends on the condition of the surge arrester. The leakage current
consists of the capacitive and the resistive current component. The typical specific
capacitance of ZnO varistor block is 75 pF kV/cm2. Typical values of the capacitive current
range from 0.5 to 3 mA depending on the varistor diameter. For a complete surge arrester,
the capacitive current depends on the number of varistor columns in parallel, the stray
capacitances and actual operating voltage.
⎡ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
I tshifted ( t ) = I t cos ⎢ω ⎜ t − ⎟ ⎥ (8)
⎣ ⎝ 4f ⎠ ⎦
⎡ ⎧ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎫⎤
Isum (t) = I t ⎢ cos(ωt) + cos ⎨ω ⎜ t − ⎟ ⎬⎥ (9)
⎢⎣ ⎩ ⎝ 4f ⎠ ⎭⎥⎦
where It(t) is the total leakage current, Itshifted is the shifted total leakage current (by a quarter
of period of waveform), and Isum is the summation of the total leakage current and the
shifted current wave form. By signal manipulation technique, from this summation current,
the capacitive component of total leakage current can be determined, and thereafter the
resistive component of the leakage current can also be obtained by subtracting the capacitive
component from the total leakage current.
Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters 259
Based on the above proposed technique, the algorithm to separate the resistive leakage current
from the total leakage current was built. The algorithm for the shifted current method could be
summarized as follows. Firstly, the arrester total leakage current is measured, and then a new
waveform is introduced by shifting the measured arrester total LC by a quarter period of its
operating frequency. Next, both the two total leakage currents are summed together and their
peak time determined. The amplitude of summed total leakage currents at time Tp, where Tp is
the time corresponding to the peak value of the summation waveform, is the peak value of the
resistive current. The peak time obtained is used to determine the peak time of the capacitive
current component which is equal to a quarter of period before or after the peak time of the
resistive component. The peak value of the capacitive component is also determined from the
original leakage current waveform. The capacitive leakage current is then generated based on
the peak time, the peak value and the frequency detected. Finally, the resistive leakage current
is obtained by subtracting the capacitive leakage current from the total leakage current. The
block diagram of the algorithm for calculating the resistive leakage current using the shifted
current method is shown in Figure 8.
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Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters 261
t= (10)
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The result of this process which is the resistive component of the total leakage current can be
seen in Figure 27. This resistive current contains harmonics because of the non linear
characteristic of the ZnO material as well as the ageing effects. The third order harmonic of
this resistive leakage current could be extracted using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
4. Experimental results
Experimental work was conducted on a new zinc oxide (ZnO) arrester block in the
laboratory. The ZnO arrestor block had a diameter and thickness of 40 mm and 21 mm
respectively. Its rated voltage and discharge currents were 3 kVrms and 10 kA. The arrester
block’s maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) was 2.55 kVrms.
The total leakage current of the arrester block was measured using a 10 kΩ resistive shunt
(power resistor) and the voltage using a capacitive divider with a ratio 686:1.
The total leakage current of surge arrester block or element that has not deteriorated will be
dominated by capacitive LC thus having small resistive LC. When the zinc oxide element or
block starts to experience degradation, the resistive LC gradually increases. In this study, for
the zinc oxide block sample to experience increased resistive LC, voltages above the MCOV
were applied (Shirakawa et al., 1998). The applied voltage was increased from 1 kV to 3.5 kV
in steps of 0.5 kV. The results of measurement are presented in Table 1 and Figure 29 shows
the graphical result for 3 kV displayed by the LabVIEW program.
Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters 267
268 Practical Applications and Solutions Using LabVIEW™ Software
It can be seen from Table 1 that the resistive current of the arrester block had low harmonics
within nominal operating voltage (1 – 2.5 kV), suggesting it had not undergone degradation.
As the voltage was increased beyond MCOV, the resistive LC as well as the LC harmonics
especially the third harmonic increased exponentially indicating degradation.
Fig. 29. Front panel of ZnO surge arrester monitoring system (applied voltage 3kV)
5. Conclusion
The new shifted current method technique to determine ZnO ageing was successfully
implemented in LabVIEW software and proven useful for on-site measurement purposes.
Field tests on the whole measuring and analysing system was successfully carried out. The
developed program provides not only convenience in system management but also
provides a user-friendly interface.
Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters 269
6. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to thank Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)
Malaysia and Research Management Centre (RMC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, for the
financial and management support.
7. References
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Spellman, C.A. et al. (1997), A Technique for on-Line Monitoring of ZnO Surge Arrester,
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270 Practical Applications and Solutions Using LabVIEW™ Software
Wenjun, Z. et al (2008). Design of on-line monitoring device for MOA used in 10kV
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Practical Applications and Solutions Using LabVIEW™ Software
Edited by Dr. Silviu Folea
ISBN 978-953-307-650-8
Hard cover, 472 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 01, August, 2011
Published in print edition August, 2011
The book consists of 21 chapters which present interesting applications implemented using the LabVIEW
environment, belonging to several distinct fields such as engineering, fault diagnosis, medicine, remote access
laboratory, internet communications, chemistry, physics, etc. The virtual instruments designed and
implemented in LabVIEW provide the advantages of being more intuitive, of reducing the implementation time
and of being portable. The audience for this book includes PhD students, researchers, engineers and
professionals who are interested in finding out new tools developed using LabVIEW. Some chapters present
interesting ideas and very detailed solutions which offer the immediate possibility of making fast innovations
and of generating better products for the market. The effort made by all the scientists who contributed to
editing this book was significant and as a result new and viable applications were presented.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Novizon, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Nouruddeen Bashir and Aulia (2011). Condition Monitoring of Zinc Oxide
Surge Arresters, Practical Applications and Solutions Using LabVIEW™ Software, Dr. Silviu Folea (Ed.), ISBN:
978-953-307-650-8, InTech, Available from: