NBC Building Classification

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Classification of Buildings

as per National Building Code of India (NBC) 2016

National Building Code of India (NBC)
Year: 2016

Publisher: BIS

It provides valuable information, references
and guidelines related to planning, design
and construction of buildings and related

Parts: 11

Pages: 1157
Occupancy Classification Types of Construction
A. Residential (according to fire resistance)
B. Educational Type 1
C. Institutional Type 2
D. Assembly Type 3
E. Business Type 4
F. Mercantile (will include both
Buildings retail and wholesale stores)
G. Industrial (will include low,
moderate and high fire hazards)
H. Storage

Ref Notional Bulding Code af ndia 2016 Aart 0 Clause 7.1.1. and 7.12. Pgr No 22
Occupancy Classification

Group A: Residential

A-1. Lodging or rooming houses

A-2. One or two-family private dwellings
A-3. Dormitories
A-4. Apartment houses (flats)
A-5. Hotels
A-6. Hotels (starred)

Aef: National Building Code af india 20I6 Part 4Clouse l2 Poge Na 9


Occupancy Classification

Group B: Educational Buildings

B-1. Schools up to Secondary Level SCHOOL

B-2. Allothers / training centres

Group C: Institutional Buildings

C-1. Hospitals and Sanatoria

C-2. Custodial Institutions
C-3. Penal and Mental Institutions
Ref: Notional Building Code of india 2016 Part 4Clouse 313 and 314. Pgr No. 10
Group D:Assembly Buildings

D-1. Buildings having a theatrical or motion picture or any other stage and fixed seats or
over 1,000 persons.

D-2. Buildings having a theatrical or motion picture or any other stage and fixed seats up to
1,000 persons.

D-3. Buildings without a permanent stage having accommodation for 300 or more persons
but no permanent seating arrangement.

D-4. Buildings without a permanent stage having accommodation for less than 300 persons
with no permanent seating arrangement.
Arf. Notional Building Code afindio 2016 Part 4 Clouse 113 ond J.14 Puge No 10
Group E: Business Buildings

E-1. Offices, banks, professional establishments, like offices of architects, engineers,

doctors, lawyers and police stations.

E-2. Laboratories, research establishments, libraries and test houses.

E-3. Computer installations

E-4. Telephone exchanges BANK

E-5. Broadcasting stations and TV. stations.

Arf Notional Buildirg Code a ndia 2016 Purt 4 Clouse AL6 Pge No 11

Group F:Mercantile Buildings

F-1. Shops, stores, departmental stores markets with area up to 500 m^2.

F-2. Shops, stores, departmental stores markets with area more than 500 m^2.

F-3. Underground shopping centres, storage and service facilities incidental to the sale of
merchandise and located in the same building shallbe included under this group

Aef: Notionaf BuildingCode aindia 2016 Port 4Clouse3L7. Page No 11

Group G: Industrial Buildings

G-1. Buildings used for low hazard industries.

G-2. Buildings used for moderate hazard industries.

G-3. Buildings used for high hazard industries.

Group H: Storage Buildings &Group I: Hazardous Buildings

No Sub-Clossifications
Ref: Notional Building Code o india 2016 Part 4Couse 31& Poge No. 1!
Table I Fire Resintance Ratings of Structural and Non-Structural Flements (Hour)
(Clause 3.3.1)
Mrectural Eiment Type f Cunstrate
Type Type Tyre TyN4
(4) (6)
Esenr walls
a) Pee scpurtion kathan 17m Bearng
b) oe-benng
b) Noe.bcanng
C) Rre sparatkon of 9 m or more 4
b) Noe-beanng
B) Rr Ssting walh
Hre separatn senblies l e hr
chock doon)

) Re cndouanes of c ys haltwys 2
and stainays
SAat hr than a t m ckve
v Etway acce cndon
vi) Vertkal separn f teant spaces
vi) Dwelliag unil separion
Non-koad beanny partitie AL lcast half an hour
i I e hcaring al, arng a) Spputing mere than cn 2
partite atumns, girden ses b) Sucputing ooe foor oaly
(er ban uot truses) and tramung c Sppting a x oly
Sanatral nemhen suppot walls
R cuatrstn inctedng walls
LS) Rof comstrction Smor ks in heigt kot monhet
Moee than Sm hut less han 6.7mn
hcigts k t member
67 re n height knwct

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