General Senses
General Senses
General Senses
❖ General
o distributed over large part of body
• Somatic
o touch, pressure, temperature,
proprioception, pain
• Visceral
o internal organs and consist mostly of pain
and pressure
❖ Special senses
o smell, taste, sight, hearing, balance
• nerve endings, or specialized cells capable of
• Sensation or perception responding to stimuli by developing action potentials.
o the conscious awareness of stimuli received Several types of receptors are associated with both
by sensory receptors the general and the special senses, and as previously
▪ sensation enables us to mentioned, each of these sensory receptors respond
understand what is happening to different types of stimuli.
around us. It is an awareness of
• Large complex organs (eyes, ears)
something and knowing that
• Localized clusters of receptors (taste buds, olfactory
something exists or is actually
• smell
• taste • Mechanoreceptors
• sight o Compression, bending, stretching of cells
• hearing • Chemoreceptors
• “touch” = temperature + pressure + pain of skin, o Smell and taste
muscles and joints • Thermoreceptors
• Equilibrium (in the ear) o Temperature
• Photoreceptors
• For a number of years, the sense of touch is considered o Light as vision
a special sense. New pieces of evidence and literatures, • Nociceptors
however, suggest that it is part of the General Senses. o Pain
Action and equilibrium or balance is now considered as • Exteroreceptors
the fifth special sense to replace the sense of touch o Associated with skin
under the division of the special senses • Visceroreceptors
o Associated with organs
• Proprioceptors
o Associated with joints, tendons
• Carries sensations of
o Two-point discrimination
o Proprioception
o Pressure
o Vibration
• Tracts
o Fasciculus gracilis
o Fascículus cuneatus
• also called medial lemniscal system because of the
apparent ribbon like passage that the impulse have to
travel through as it makes its way to the brainstem