30 231306561915 SHIMAL TUDU Photonic crystals and their
applications 31 231306561916 SUMIT MARDI Photonic crystals and their applications 32 231306561917 SUPARNA PATRA Photonic crystals and their applications 33 231306561918 SURESH MAHATO Photonic crystals and their applications 34 231306561919 TARAK KUMBHAKAR Photonic crystals and their applications 35 231306561920 VIJAY MAHATO Photonic crystals and their applications 36 231306561921 ALKA NAYAK Photonic crystals and their applications 37 231306561922 AMIR PRAMANIK Photonic crystals and their applications 38 231306561923 ANKIT KORAH Photonic crystals and their applications 39 231306561924 ANKIT MAHTO Photonic crystals and their applications 40 231306561925 ARUP PATI Superconductivity