រឿង ក្រៃថោង ក្រពើឆារ៉ាវ៉ាន់
រឿង ក្រៃថោង ក្រពើឆារ៉ាវ៉ាន់
រឿង ក្រៃថោង ក្រពើឆារ៉ាវ៉ាន់
cutn ft t run
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~ilfll1ti '1 ilfltlt5 WI tfHl
t t1 ruuu ruum n
ru~ 9nrumJ t m~WI ~ tlntnUJlin 1 n
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U~ Ltl~ 13 tlnt~ tltJ tllJBm tlq ~ HlLWBJ UtU1 UJt rul nL~ n t 9
ewilHumtm'1 .....,
Long long ago, there lived a family with a son named Chharavann.
Chharavann fancied swimming and playing in the water since he
was a young child even if he was told not to do so by his parents. His
parents sent him to learn various martial arts and mantras with a
well-known martial arts grandmaster. Chharavann was the most
senior among all the students. One day, came a newcomer called
Kraithaong. The grandmaster arranged him for a practice of
traditional long-stick martial arts with Chharavann. Over many
years, they both were grown up and learnt martial art skills together
peacefully. One day, the grandmaster was invited to heal an illness of
a millionaire's wife in a district.
The grandmaster told all the students, "Please follow my advice!
While I am leaving today for a distant place, Chharavann will be
responsible for all affairs here, so you all should respect his words
because he is your senior." Before the departure, the grandmaster
asked Chharavann to take proper care of
the tabernacle and shrines as well
as the hermitage.
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101fl116 H~Hlilm "B1>Ht{f tUtuJilfj1UHIlLntn UnwilLm~
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'" '"
Having mastered all such fields of knowledge, Chharavann
transformed himself into a man and went to the land to prostrate
before his former grandmaster's grave. Chharavann met one of his
classmates then. Chharavann asked that classmate, "Do you know
where Kraithaong is?" "I don't know," he replied. Then Chharavann
beat the classmate to unconsciousness because when he spit out his
dead grandmaster, Kraithaong and other students was not asking him
for explanation, but beat to nearly death.
~ llilW n1)1 ~ ~ ",im M Rn~ teH tii ri t1)1 n, ~ U1) thin ~ NU t\J1 rl
1 Q""C1 uv
When being out, Sampov Meas, Sampov Keo, and all the servants
swam and played as a crocodile in the water. While in the cave of the
riverbed, Chharavann had a strange headache and discomfort. Then
he went up to find out who was stepping on his head. Chharavann
went out and needed the girls to play with him and who at the same
time rejected his request. Chharavann then disappeared into the
river. A moment later, Sompov Meas was taken by Chharavann to
his mythical world below the river. The news that Sompov Meas
was abducted by a crocodile came to the millionaire who felt very
anxious and ordered his servants to search for brave men to kill the
crocodile. He promised to marry Sompov Meas and offer great
fortune to anyone who could save her.
A5"'TffI A5 t131 n• ~ trU3 tjI mru RrH:l tI'm; ntft nUffB~nuij~ tij ru
~ I ~ 6V
~ -v
filnns tffUJm "~U1~tU1UJLJlHnmU131~
• ~
tm ~UJn131~Bnt13~t~BJN~Nn~tru1nL~mrJ~",
• •
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gu L~Hlulmf.1J L~t~ti\dlt~Bir:HU~n~15m HluuL~lULmOijl15
1 uU
Slfllu5 mm-fnh C1tu~tonmw~RU15n
Ut'i Q'
Talking of the millionaire, he has called on scores of brave men,
including Cham and Chinese magicians, who boasted for their
capacity to conquer the crocodile, but at last they all ended up in
losses of lives under the hands of Chharavann. The millionaire hence
continued his search for stronger men and eventually met
Kraithaong. Kraithaong created bowls from leaves and floated them
on the river to ascertain where the crocodile concealed, so that he
could kill him, while Chharavann felt extremely irritated and even
dreamt that his body was severed into two pieces by a god from the
heaven. The two wives recommended that their husband went to the
grandmaster for prediction of the nightmare.
wnnL~LijlU i1;11115 m "hIul3mrJi:Ji1m~i1ml3tLm~~ft
eHliiTIn" I i:Ji1ml3WmurJHtmrtnft~nni1ri1tl3~Uf?" i1;11115
<1 1 'Cf U
OJ ,,0 OJ' • • ,C:./ ~ OJ
"trtnnm ! ml3rmrlHl\}uUmuLlmr:1ijll3t~?"
t.J, G1 "w
u L.;
"Bl3ijll3 t ~ i:Ji1unrtnWnUWtl31~t
v . . . ., ~Uijll3 tUBl3 r1tm~ U'Cf
t~ i:Ji1~i1ml3tum~mft, tnml3rfftihi1
'Cf U' tftl31tdG)~tftnt8nRn
v n
And, you need to meditate until the end of the waxing moon's 15th
day if you are to defeat him." Hearing so, Chharavann felt less
anxious. The grandmaster advised Keo Ly and Keo Lay to take care
of and keep their husband inside the cave.
filfl1u5 tl3i rH:l H1 nnt:Jl t niUntnl
~ U nut..;
liHUHHi oh dH ru illjll3 tLm~
'V"ilb ijll3hJum~H1~B~ filfltJt5 tmLU~~mtjf1J, filfltJt5
ClOl 01 '" Clo ,
nt gjilt crmBn81ilt ru t m~mLUfl§ llilnf1J1il runnqLflB~lU I
fililtJt5 tgiiltmHUfUf1Jgijl3mJ~
w ~ ~
W ~, n
Chharavann stayed inside the cave but felt so disturbed that he could
not cope with as Kraithaong was reciting incantation to challenge
Chharavann for a fight with him. Chharavann as a result went out
though his wives took their best effort to bar him. Chharavann went
out to fight, but was defeated by Kraithaong. He felt so annoyed that
he even killed his two wives and the grandmaster. Chharavann felt
extremely sorry for his inconsiderate acts and failure to comply with
grandmaster's advices again and again that resulted in such
f0111tl1S mrHJ Wzl~Ulnf\ f!JltiQ ~HHUU)l~t ~i i itfH"lb
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