Story lvl2

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S t o ry

Revision Sheets

First Term

lReesvs iosn8
ion Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet s4 S t o ry

Mom, the School Flooded Answer with true or false.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Gus’s mother was wondering about _______________. 5. Mrs. May suggested to dive under the water.

Gus coming home early

Gus being all wet
Gus coming home late The vice-principal was floating with his car and
his cat.

2. Why were Gus’s clothes wet?

because of the water
because of the juice 7. Gus compared the gym to a park.

because of the oil

3. What was happening at school?

8. The vice-principal floated in.
The school was on fire.
The school was flooding.
The school was celebrating.
9. The fire engines and police arrived.
4. What caused the school to flood?
the bathrooms
the science experiment
10. The policeman got the plunger.
the students
lReesvs iosn 8
ion Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet s4 S t o ry

Stella the Star Answer with true or false.

Choose the correct answer.

15. Stella’s parents felt proud of her.
11. Where had Stella been before she got home?
at the park
at school
at her friend’s house 16. Stella didn’t mention her birthday in the story.

12. What did Miss Jodi want Stella to be?

the moon
17. Stella’s parents visited only the dress store.
the sun
the star

Stella’s parents got a snapshot camera, a video

13. Wha t di d S tel l a prom i se h e r p a r e n t s?
18. camera, and a bouquet of roses with them to
to become a star school.

to become an actress
not to bother them
Stella’s parents were worried because Stella
wasn’t the star on stage.
14. What does being a star mean to Mama?
It’s like being a princess.
It’s like being a queen.
20. Stella was sad when she met her parents.
It’s like being a fairy.
lReesvs iosn 8
ion Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet s4 S t o ry

Answer with true or false.

Why Libraries Matter
Choose the correct answer.

21. Becca decided to ___________ on the first day of the 25. Grandpa wished to have a newspaper to read.
summer vacation.
26. Becca decided to take everyone to the store.

22. Who was holding some books for Becca?

the family
Movies, books on tape, and CDs can be found
the teacher 27.
in the Media Department.
the librarian

23. Becca’s mother ______ while she was talking to the boss.
Historical documents are found in the painting
looked very happy 28.
didn’t look very happy
looked very excited

24. Who was asking for some current stats about employment 29. Becca’s brother asked about coloring books.
Becca’s brother
Uncle Guy Becca came to the library just to pick up a
Becca’s father book.
lReesvs iosn8
ion Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet s4 S t o ry

Answer with true or false.

Boomer Goes to School
Choose the correct answer.
Boomer didn’t know what to do first when the
31. Boomer is a _________. 35.
grownup finished talking.
bird 36. Boomer started to get up, but he was told to run.

32. Boomer and his owner raced outside and got onto _____.
a small red car
Boomer barked and barked. He was told to eat
a big yellow bus a bone.
a huge train

33. How was the ride?

38. Boomer was very confused.
It was very exciting.
It was very boring.
It was very noisy.
39. Boomer’s owner talked about books.
34. Where did Boomer’s owner stop?

He stopped at the classroom’s door.

He stopped in the hallway. Boomer’s new friends patted him good-bye at
He stopped on the stairs. each bus stop.
lReesvs iosn 8
ion Sheet S t o ry Revision Sheet s4 S t o ry

45. The bear _________ while he was shimmying into the gap.
Camping Spree With Mr. Magee
Choose the correct answer. broke the hitch
pulled the hitch
41. Mr. Magee and his little dog decided to go ____________.
pushed up the hitch
to the sea
to the forest
to the mountains

42. Mr. Magee and his dog camped high on ______________.

a tree
a hill
a bridge

43. What did Mr. Magee and his dog do as the sun set?
They sat roasting fish over the coals.
They sat roasting meat over the coals.
They sat roasting marshmallows over the coals.

44. While Mr. Magee and his dog were falling asleep, ______

a stumbling, bumbling bear came.

a stumbling, bumbling lion came.
a stumbling, bumbling tiger came.

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