L190129 PartBMech A
L190129 PartBMech A
L190129 PartBMech A
© Medland Metropolis 2019. This document and its content remains the property of Medland Metropolis and may not be
reproduced whole or in part without the express permission of Medland Metropolis.
This project comprises of a partial refurbishment and upgrade to the Shark Ninja Level 2 tenancy at Gillingham
House Pimlico, London.
The project works shall include the full design of contractor’s design portions, decommissioning and strip out,
supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and setting to work all new and pre-existing building services
elements as detailed on the scheme drawings, outlined within this specification document and as required to
deliver a full working coordinated system.
The Contractor shall ensure they are fully conversant with the building by site inspection and inspection of the
existing installation drawings and documentation prior to submitting his / her tender. No variations to achieve the
requirements of this Specification will be considered where they stem from the Contractor disregarding this advice.
A site inspection is essential and must be completed by the tendering Contractor.
The purpose of this Specification and drawing package is to provide the Contractor with a full and informed
understanding of the Client’s project requirements, installation standards and quantities. By submitting a tender
response, the Contractor warrants that they are competent in the design and construction of works of the type
specified. The Contractor’s CPD elements and installation works shall be suitable for the intended purpose
complying with all relevant standards, statutory regulations and industry guidance.
The mechanical services serving the tenancy were designed to the following design criteria. The design of all
new and modified mechanical services are based on the same criteria:
External Conditions:
Internal Conditions:
Lighting: 12 W/m2
Ventilation Requirements:
Noise Levels:
Offices: NR 38
External Plant space: To comply with the local authority requirements.
The noise criteria shall apply at any point greater than 1 metre from an enclosing surface (floor, wall or ceiling)
unless the designed use of the space necessitates occupancy within this zone.
The noise from all services shall not contain any distinguishable, discrete, continuous notes (whine, hiss,
screech, hum etc.) or distinct impulses (bangs, clicks, clatters or thumps) and shall not be irregular enough to
attract attention.
Where this is not possible, the total noise level shall be at least 5 dB lower than the criteria specified above.
The total noise generated externally by mechanical services plant, machinery and air-flow systems shall comply
with any specific landlord limits and those required by the local planning authority.
This section covers the supply of all labour, materials and equipment for the contractor design portions and the
selection/design of materials and equipment, design of details, setting out and coordination, submission of
information, supply, fabrication, manufacture, installation, quality control, testing and commissioning and
defects liability of this section of the Contract Works as described within the Drawings and Specification.
The Drawings and Specifications identify the system design intent and standards of performance and quality
required, but do not purport to identify all design and co-ordination solutions, which shall be the responsibility
of the Contractor. By submitting a tender, the Tenderer warrants that they are competent in the construction of
works of the type specified and that all work shall be suitable for the intended purpose and complying with all
relevant statutory regulations.
The Tenderer shall act as the lead contractor/ co-ordinator and collate and include all other trade contractors’
plant and equipment with their drawings. All drawings produced shall be to the standard as detailed within
BSRIA Guide BG 6/2006. The Contractor shall carry out no fabrications or installation works without prior sign
off by the CA/Engineer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying any ambiguity or incompleteness within the Contract
Documents and obtaining clarification instructions prior to proceeding with any work that may be affected by
the ambiguity or incompleteness.
The sub-contractor shall undertake all necessary detailed load calculations using industry accepted software to
establish plant and distribution system capacities. The design, supply, installation, commissioning and setting to
work of the mechanical services installation shall be developed to achieve the specified performance within the
architectural drawings and carried out with due regard to;
The sub-contractor shall provide materials, labour, cartage, tools, plant, appliances, accessories and fixings
necessary for the proper execution of the works, together with all minor and incidental works.
The following list identifies the work to be undertaken by the sub-contractor. The listed items are not intended to
limit or exclude any items required by the contract documents.
The mechanical services sub-contractor work shall comprise the provision of the following major items:
• Complete a detailed survey and documentation of existing building services and structure within the
ceiling space and service voids. The survey is required to verify/validate the existing services and
structural constraints and to confirm extent of modifications to existing and required new building
services to complete the works.
• Design of all penetrations and builders work items, advise the main contractor of these and include the
same in the contract price.
• Provision of working drawings prior to any works commencing on site. These shall incorporate the
drawings produced by the engineer but shall also include dimensions for setting out and coordination
with other services, building fabric and structure. A combined services drawing shall also be required
from the contractor to show full above ceiling coordination prior to works commencing on site.
• Provision of As-built drawings for the complete installation no less than 2 weeks prior to practical
• Provision of operating and maintenance instruction including as installed drawings, completed test
reports, and spare parts and equipment data no less than 2 weeks prior to practical completion.
• Water sampling tests on all existing on floor water systems/circuit prior to commencing work. Attendance
by the landlord’s maintenance engineers would be required when taking samples so these can be
confirmed as agreed when sample results are returned.
• Decommission, drain down, isolate, remove and dispose of all Mechanical and Public Health services
made redundant by fit out works. All stripped out duct and pipe works shall be capped off at main
branches in suitable manner.
• Design, selection, supply and installation of all new plant and equipment against performance duties
calculated by the sub-contractors and ductwork/pipework layouts detailed on the sub contractor’s final
installation drawings and within the constraints/limitations of the existing base building service
The Contractor is required to develop a schedule of commissioning and testing that identifies and includes a
suitable timescale for commissioning and re-commissioning of all complex and non-complex building services
and control systems and testing and inspecting building fabric.
The schedule will identify the appropriate standards that all commissioning activities will be conducted in
accordance with, such as current Building Regulations, BSRIA and CIBSE guidelines and/or other appropriate
standards, where applicable.
Where a building management system (BMS) is specified, the following commissioning procedures are to be
carried out:
a. Commissioning of air and water systems is carried out when all control devices are installed, wired and
b. In addition to air and water flow results, commissioning results include physical measurements of room
temperatures, off-coil temperatures and other key parameters as appropriate.
c. The BMS/controls installation should be running in auto with satisfactory internal conditions prior to
d. All BMS schematics and graphics (if BMS is present) are fully installed and functional to user interface
before handover.
e. The occupier or facilities team is fully trained in the operation of the system.
The Contractor is required to appoint an appropriate project team member(s) to monitor and programme pre-
commissioning, commissioning, testing and, where necessary, re-commissioning activities on behalf of the
Commissioning and testing programme, responsibilities and criteria must be accounted for within their budget
and main programme of works, allowing for the required time to complete all commissioning and testing
activities prior to handover.
The appropriate standards to be identified by the schedule are shown below (where applicable):
The Contractor is required to demonstrate that a specialist commissioning manager is appointed during the
design stage with responsibility for:
a. Undertaking design reviews and giving advice on suitability for ease of commissioning.
b. Providing commissioning management input to construction programming and during installation
c. Management of commissioning, performance testing and handover/post-handover stages.
The Specialist Commissioning Manager is a specialist contractor rather than a general sub-contractor. On
Design and Build contracts, where the role is being procured by the Principal Contractor it is required that the
specialist commissioning manager is appointed during the tender stages to review the proposals in accordance
with the above scope. In principle, it is possible for the specialist commissioning manager to be from the same
organisation as the main contractor provided any conflicts of interest have been declared and records show
how they have been managed to provide confidence that commissioning will be carried out appropriately and
The Contractor is required to conduct the following seasonal commissioning activities over a minimum 12-
month period, once the building becomes substantially occupied:
• Liaison with the controls/BMS sub-contractor for (re)positioning of control dampers, control valves,
meters, sensors etc., to achieve the specified function and to suit the characteristics of items served and
the final system configuration in accordance with the controls/ BMS subcontractor’s requirements.
• Design, supply and installation of all mounting frames and supports for all new plant and equipment.
• The contractor shall liaise with the building engineer/Landlord to confirm if any incumbent base building
sub-contractors must be used for any particular section of works relating to the base building systems.
Notwithstanding and in addition to, items mentioned elsewhere in the specification, the Contractor shall be
responsible for the following design elements of work:
The contractor shall advise the CA of any information required from others to enable the contractor to complete
their works.
It is essential that the contractor undertakes a site visit to understand the constraints of the building and the
current state of the installation.
The Mechanical Services Contractor shall include all necessary interfaces with other Works Contractors to enable
complete and fully operational systems in accordance with the requirements of this and associated specifications.
This shall include, but not be limited to the following main items:
The Mechanical Services Works Contractor shall be deemed to have included all necessary interfaces and no extra
costs associated with this element of the works will be accepted.
Ceilings Ceilings
• Co-ordination of penetrations. • Cut-outs and trimming of openings for diffusers
• Locate all ceiling penetrations. and grilles provided as part of Mechanical
• Set out all required penetrations in ceilings for Services Works.
access and maintenance of Mechanical • Removal and replacement of ceiling tiles.
Services. • Openings in plasterboard ceilings and ceiling
I. tiles.
• Access panels in plasterboard ceilings for the
maintenance and servicing of new and existing
mechanical services. Locations to be confirmed
on site by mechanical contractor and agreed with
the Architect prior to installation of services.
Concrete Concrete
• Shop drawings of bases and plinths indicating • Supply and install bases and plinths for equipment
size and location. including steel fabricated bases and reinforcement
Doors Doors
• Supply of door grilles. • Installation of door grilles.
The Contractor shall allow within their tender for the strip-out of existing redundant Mechanical services. This
shall include the strip-out, storage, removal from site, safe disposal and making safe of services. In addition,
remaining piped and ducted services that have been ‘cut’ as part of this strip out exercise shall be capped and
made good where required, including thermal and acoustic insulation. Care shall be taken to avoid the creation
of ‘dead legs’.
The contractor should visit the site to access and evaluate the full extent of the strip out works.
The contractor shall be liable for any damage caused to existing retained equipment and services (including
pipework, ductwork, insulation, conduit, cables and the like) during the works and shall endeavour to protect all
existing equipment while working with or around it.
In areas where the individual condensate disposal pumps are installed (such as the wall mounted DX fan coil
units), the discharge tube from pumps to waste must in all cases be run in continuous lengths, i.e. no joins in
the tube. Where pumped drainage tube is discharged into vertical droppers to disposal points the top of the
dropper shall be left open with the pump discharge tube firmly fixed at the top with not less than 350 mm of
tube run inside the dropper. In all cases condensate disposal pumps must incorporate facilities for fan coil shut
down in the event of pump failure and or high-level alarm.
The Contractor shall identify where condensate disposal pumps are required and must submit a schedule as
part of the tender submission of pumps recommended and approved by the fan coil unit suppliers.
Pipework in ceiling voids, where visible and above slatted and mesh type ceilings shall be colour finished to the
Architects specification in order to minimise visibility, except where legislation and/or standards require
The Contractor shall produce a layout drawing showing all condensate drain routes and connections based on
the layout drawings and detailed site inspections.
Condensate drain pipe work shall be sized to ensure the free flow of discharged liquid with adequate falls. The
contractor shall verify all the condensate drainage, ensuring the free flow of liquid is achieved.
Cold water systems shall be in full conformity with drawings, specifications and the recommendations by the
equipment manufacturer, unless otherwise specified.
Cold water supply to all areas shall be provided with solenoid shut off valves which shall be closed upon
activation of a high level or failure alarm from the drainage pump serving the fittings supplied via the
The solenoid valves shall close and reopen at least once per day to mitigate against the valves jamming.
Each solenoid valve shall have the facility for maintenance personnel, but not the general occupants, to bypass
the valve for a limited time in the event of a spurious alarm or tolerable leak. The bypass shall revert to normal
after a given time to be agreed and shall require reactivation by maintenance personnel to ensure that the
problem is dealt with and the solenoid is not left permanently bypassed.
Throughout the installation, valves are to be provided to each item of plant and sanitary appliance to facilitate
maintenance. Drain valves are to be provided on all low points to enable each section to be totally drained.
The cold water services shall be installed strictly in accordance with the requirements of BS6700 and the latest
Building and Water Regulations.
Where pipework runs within partition walls or other such inaccessible places, joints shall be avoided if at all
possible. Where joints are absolutely necessary, they shall be made by means of soldering and the pipework
shall pass pressure testing prior to being insulated and concealed.
Pipework in ceiling voids, where visible and above slatted and mesh type ceilings shall be colour finished to the
architects’ specification in order to minimise visibility, except where legislation and/or standards require
Water heating appliances shall have limescale filter units installed in their water supply lines.
The contractor shall supply and install boiling, chilled and sparkling water machines as shown on the drawings
and schedules.
The contractor shall be responsible for all coordination, both with respect to other services and with respect to
structural and architectural components of the building.
Upon completion of cold water installation, the Contractor shall fully flush, pressure test, chlorinate and set to
work the services system.
Upon completion the contractor shall produce accurate as-built drawings of the entire installation.
The system shall be commissioned in accordance with CIBSE commissioning Code W. Seasonal commissioning
shall take place within 12 months of practical completion.
Extract from the office areas is achieved by utilising a high level extract bellmouth within the tenancy.
The contractor is to allow for the provision of 6no. new replacement floor diffusers, to match existing. Diffusers
that are damaged, have been blocked by new partitions or are inoperable will be required to be replaced.
All new ductwork shall include volume control dampers, fire dampers, transfer ducts and the like as and where
necessary to achieve an easily commissionable system and to maintain all supply, extract and return air paths.
The contractor shall coordinate ductwork and pipe work within the ceiling and services voids with the other
trades. The contractor shall be responsible for the design of adequate provision for movement of ductwork due
to thermal expansion and contraction and building movement. Particular care should be provided to all services
running over the building expansion joint identified on the architectural drawings.
All ductwork shall be installed as detailed in Section C of this specification. All secondary ductwork shall be
insulated. Where exposed to view, all supply and extract ducts shall be finished to the Architects specifications.
The contractor shall size all attenuators to suit the airflow through the attenuator and the acoustic requirements.
All ductwork bends shall be have a swept radius and/or incorporate turning vanes.
Due to beam configurations in voids additional bends or sets may be required to ductwork and pipework which
are not shown on the contract drawings. Allow for up to ten (10) additional bends and transformation sections
per floor.
All ductwork shall be rigid, with the exception of final connections to grille and diffuser plenum boxes, which
may be flexible up to a maximum length of 1000mm, care should be taken to ensure that flow is not restricted
in flexible ductwork due to poor arrangement.
Provide transfer ducts with fire dampers in full height fire rated partitions where required to balance air flow.
Where the main supply and extract ductwork passes through fire rated spaces the ducts shall be fire rated.
Provide fire dampers in all ductwork passing through fire rated partitions.
Balancing dampers to match existing shall be provided in all ductwork systems to allow the systems to be fully
commissioned and balanced. Balancing dampers in terminal branch ducts shall be installed a minimum of 5
duct diameters from the end of the branch.
The units shall be controlled by a proprietary wall controller with integrated temperature sensor and allowing
temperature setpoint adjustment and timeclock control of the units. The unit shall also provide high temperature
alarm output and indication. This unit shall provide volt free contact or RJ45 interface to an external monitoring
The contractor shall coordinate the final location of the units with all the room equipment and other services
within the room.
The Contractor shall allow for one return visit following the systems’ full test and commission to fine tune and
check system operation to the employers’ requirement. Each indoor unit’s filter shall also be cleaned or
replaced as necessary during this visit. In addition, a 3 hour visit shall be allowed for staff training.
The units shall be automatically controlled by a microprocessor based programmable logic controller, complete
with backlit LCD graphic display for clear visibility of text and graphics, with the following minimum functions:
The control panel shall provide digital interfaces to offer direct control over the following parameters by the
client’s staff (IT):
The equipment shall be manufactured, installed and commissioned as detailed in section C of this specification.
The Contractor shall allow for one return visit the specialist contractor, for each system, following the systems’
full test and commission to fine tune and check system operation to the employers’ requirement. Each indoor
unit’s filter shall also be cleaned or replaced as necessary during this visit. In addition, a day visit shall be
allowed for staff training.
The contractor shall provide and install new grilles, diffusers and plenums as noted on design drawings and
where required to replace the existing floor grilles. The contractor is to allow for the provision of 6no. new
replacement floor diffusers, to match existing. Diffusers that are damaged, have been blocked by new partitions
or are inoperable will be required to be replaced.
The mechanical contractor shall allow for free issuing all grilles and diffusers to the main contractor for
installation by the main contractor, where required. Plenum boxes shall be fitted by the Mechanical Contractor
with final positioning by the main contractor should it be required. Allowance shall be made for visiting each
grille and diffuser once fixed by the main contractor to ensure the discharge arrangement is as recommended
by the manufacturer.
The fixing method for plenum boxes shall provide adjustment as necessary to locate grilles and diffusers firmly
against ceilings.
All grilles and diffusers shall have ‘secret’ fixings, no exposed or visible fixing methods will be allowed.
The contractor shall ensure the throw pattern of each diffuser is set to suit the space/room layout to ensure
adequate conditioning of the space and to mitigate draughts and uncomfortable conditions.
The contractor shall prepare and submit schedule of grilles, diffusers and plenums for engineer’s approval prior
to placing of the order for equipment. Schedules are to include dimensions, flow rates and fitting model type.
The contractor shall modify plenums as required to reduce visibility. This is likely to include, but is not limited to,
removing the corners of those above the edge of ceiling rafts to create a plenum with a triangular appearance
in elevation so that the plenum is remains below sight lines when viewed from the occupied space.
All grilles and diffusers shall be procured to match existing as noted on the drawings.
Samples of new grilles and diffusers shall be provided for approval prior to placing of the order for the
equipment. Submit the proposed RAL colour for engineer’s and architect’s approval. All new grilles and
diffusers shall be finished to architects requirements and/or in approved RAL colour.
Final dimensional data must be approved prior to ordering to ensure the desired integration into the chosen
ceiling system and coordinated ceiling plans.
The Contractor shall allow for thermal and or acoustic insulation to all water services pipework and ductwork
throughout the whole building. The Contractor shall refer to Section C of this specification for full details of
workmanship, quality, materials, thickness and finishes.
Insulation shall be provided to all parts of the pipework, including valves, pipe brackets, bends, tees and where
pipes pass through walls and floors except where pipes are exposed in ablution areas.
All insulation works shall be carried out by a TICA approved specialist. All materials delivered to site shall be
new and fully dried out and maintained so throughout the progress of the work.
Before any insulation is applied, the Contractor shall ensure that the installation has been hydraulically tested
and any electric trace heating cable specified has been adequately fixed and tested.
Pipelines shall be suitably spaced and installed as to facilitate the fixing of the correct thickness of the thermal
Allowance is to be made to make good any damaged or missing insulation and to fully label all pipework and
ductwork to the latest codes and regulations.
The insulation shall be in accordance with the requirements listed in Section C as regards scope, definition,
physical characteristics, methods of application and tests for fitness.
Table 1. The relevant clause, table(s) and annex in BS 5422:2009 for each category of pipework insulation
• If the thermal conductivity of the chosen insulation material, or pipe diameter, differs from the parameters
used to generate these tables, then linear interpolation methods may be used to calculate the required
minimum environmental thickness.
• If the parameters of the specific installation are outside the scope of these tables (e.g. different ambient air
temperature, or linear interpolation is not possible) then the required minimum environmental thickness of
insulation must be calculated from first principles using the methodology set out in Annex A of BS 5422:
• The methodology set out in Annex F of BS 5422: 2009 must be used to calculate the required minimum
environmental thickness for refrigeration pipework insulation needed to comply with clause 6.3.2 of BS
5422: 2009.
The contractor shall be responsible for the procurement, co-ordination and management of the installation of the
new air recirculation unit as specified below and detailed on the layout drawings.
The contractor shall seek pricing direct from IMC/Britannia for the supply and installation of the unit. The contractor
shall contact:
Oliver Eaglen
Unit 1, Abbey Road, Wrexham LL13 9RF
Tel: 07530994675
The scope of works includes the co-ordination, supply and installation of the humidifier unit, as indicated on the
drawings, to maintain the specified conditions within the Enviro Hub.
The humidifier unit shall be a Condair Defensor PH15A with plumbed water supply.
The contractor shall seek pricing direct from Condair to supply the humidifier. The contractor shall contact:
David Gates
Artex Avenue, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3LN, UK
Tel: 01903 850200
The Contractor shall provide a bi-monthly preventative maintenance during construction on all building services
installations and systems to maintain manufacturer’s warranties.
The Contractor shall allow for 3no. full day return visits for seasonal set point adjustment post-handover.
Attendance shall be within 48hours of written request.
1 All units are to be Daikin or prior approved equal.
2 Contractor must liaise with the Manufacturer to ensure units are suitable for the confirmed refrigerant pipework distances between the external and indoor units.
3 Include a days work for the manufacturers engineer to commission the system(s) as part of the work
4 Room controllers are required for each FCU. Controls are to be fully integrated with the BMS.
5 Contractor shall ensure selected units have sufficient external static pressure to suit the installed system.
6 Condensate pumps to be provided where these are not integral to the fan coil unit.
GEF-L2-01 150 65 0.12 200diam. 42 230 1 2.0/-