Elden Ring Walkthrough
Elden Ring Walkthrough
Elden Ring Walkthrough
in a chest
Guarded outside of the fort by two fire-spitting tanks
E of the fort in the poisonous river. Need two Stonesword Keys
to access
In a cell
In a cell
In a cell
Drops Putrid Corpse Ashes
Dropped by Frenzied Duelist
After boss room
S of Gaol Cave
In a chest underneath Caelid Waypoint Ruins
NE of the Caelid Waypoint Ruins
Near Astray from Caelid Highway North SoG. Scarab
NE from Astray from Caelid Highway North SoG
In the Street of Sages Ruins, first building when dropping from
the SoG
Underground beneath the Street of Sages Ruins
In the corner of a building in the Street of Sages Ruins
SE from Street of Sages Ruins
E from Street of Sage Ruins
S of Inner Aeonia SoG. Drops Commander's Standard and
Unalloyed Gold Needle
Dropped by Commander O'Neil
Dropped by Commander O'Neil
Found after defeating Commander O'Neil
E from Commander O'Neil boss. Kill the scarab
SW end of swamp, find scarab on island
NE end of swamp on invisible scarab
From the Astray from Caelid Highway North SoG, head S
E from Astray from Caelid Highway South. Drops Dragon Heart
SE from Decaying by Decaying
Ekzykes. Ekzykes
You can buy new Dragon
incantations. Any you haven't bought from the Church can also
be bought
Found at the Cathedral here
of Dragon Communion
edge, and will need to make your way down and around until at
the bottom. Contains Grave Glovewort 3, 4, 5 Ghost Glovewort
Hidden behind illusory wall right of the straircase in the swamp
Drops Kindred of Rot Ashes. Lever to boss is behind illusory
wall opposite from the boss door
Dropped by Cemetary Shade boss
W of Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank at night. Drops Ash of War:
Poison Moth Flight
Dropped by Night's Cavalry in Caelid
S of the merchant
NE of the Golden Seed, in the pit near two giant bird enemies
NE of the Windy Crystal Tear at night. Drops Death's Poker
Dropped by Death Rite Bird in Caelid
Head to bridge leading to Redmane Castle
Top of tower near bridge
W from the tower. Kill the scarab
N on the road from the Death Rite Bird
Talk to Gowry and Past the gate
exhaust and slightly
dialogue. Give E him the Unalloyed
N from Gowry's Shack. You will need to solvehim
Needle from earlier, then reload. Talk to the again.
puzzle He will
in this
ask you to find Millicent
town which requires lighting three flames at the top of the
Light the flames ontowers
top of the towers
Found after descending stairs in the W part of the town
From the Sellia Under-Stair SoG. Past it in ruined building
End of town, climb stairs on right to find Golden Seed
Found on Rooftops
Found on Rooftops. Kill teleporting scarab
Found on Rooftops
Found on Rooftops. Drop from building to balcony
Found in the streets
On the street in a chest
On the street in a chest
On the street in a chest
Past the now opened magic gate near the Golden Seed
At the left gate at the end of the area, down from where the
Golden Seed is. Drops the Nox Flowing Sword
Dropped by Nox Swordstress and Nox Priest boss
Found after defeating the Nox Swordstress and Priest
Found in chest in the back of the boss room
Warp to Four Belfries. Use Imbued Sword Key on last warp
gate. Go to Farum Azula, hop down platforms, grab Talisman
Warp back to Sellia Backstreets and follow path up
Found in Church of Plague
needle you got from Gowry. Reload the area, exhaust her
Given bytoMillicent
get the Prosthesis-Wearer
during her questlineHeirloom. Rest
after giving heragain
needle at the Church of Plague
Return to Gowry's Shack and find Millicent there. Exhaust her
Gowry will be back.dialogue
You again
can now andbuy
sorceries including
Glintstone Stars, Night Shard, and NIght Maiden's Mist
Sold by Gowry
Sold by Gowry
Sold by Gowry
S along road from the Church of Plague
Near Swamp Lookout Tower, guarded by Bloodhound Knight
Head along cliffs to the side of the closed gate of Redmane
Castle. At graveyard, kill scarab
Warp to Redmane Castle Plaza and exhaust dialogue
Exhaust Dialogue
Exhaust Dialogue to receive Polite Bow gesture
Speak to Finger Maiden to receive
Speak to him to start the Radahn Festival and receive the
Hearting Cry Gesture
After taking by the
the lift to speaking
waygate, to Witch-Hunter
enter the fight. Jerren
Make sure to
summon Great Horned Tragoth to get the Casual Greeting
Received by summoning
Gesture Great else
and anyone Horned
like to during
use. Radahn
Dropped by Starscourge Radahn
Dropped by Starscourge Radahn. Used with Enia to get
Starscourge Greatsword or Lion Greatbow
Appears after defeating Radahn
Exhaust Dialogue
Exhaust Dialogue
Speak to Jerren again to reset the castle
Go back to the field where you fought Radahn. N part of the
area behind a door
Found in chest on the lowest level
In smaller swamp near Cleanrot Knight ghost
Drops Golden Seed and Redmane Knight Ogha Ashes
Dropped by Putrid Tree Spirit
S from the Carian Study byHall
Putrid Treeyou
where Spirit
fought the Tibia
Mariner. He is stuck in the ground but needs to have oil pot
Speak to Iji about Blaidd and at
thrown then
himhead to Forlorn Hound
Release Blaidd from the Evergaol
S from Forlorn Hound Evergaol, lowest cliff near spiritspring
To start this section, warp over to Caelem Ruins in Caelid
From Caelem Ruins, E across canyon, then more E
E from Dragonbarrow West SoG
Warp to Church of Plague. NE toward higher level, then NE.
AttackBehind mage,walls,
two illusory hit rocks
dropanddown find this
first dungeon
pit, past stake of
Back to crystal room, on a ledge with a corpse, attack hole
marika, follow crystal path then fall down another wall, find
in chest
Drops Crystsal Torrent
Dropped by Trio Putrid Crystallians
Warp back to SoG near Deep Siofra Well. Continue through
invader enemies. canyon
Upon to find under
defeating them,a giant
you will receive the
Great-Jar's Arsenal talisman. You can cheese the NPC ones off
Received from Great-Jar after defeating the three invaders
Return to the Sellia town and find this Location. Go to the N
near the cliffs to find the entrance