Excerpts From Sermon at Benares and The Dhammapada
Excerpts From Sermon at Benares and The Dhammapada
Excerpts From Sermon at Benares and The Dhammapada
There are two extremes, O bhikkhus, which the man who has given up the world ought not
to follow: the habitual practice, on the one hand, of self-indulgence which is unworthy, vain
and fit only for the worldly-minded, and the habitual practice, on the other hand, of self-
mortification, which is painful, useless and unprofitable.
Neither abstinence from fish and flesh, nor going naked, nor shaving the head, nor wearing
matted hair, nor dressing in a rough garment, nor covering oneself with dirt, nor sacrificing
to Agni, will cleanse a man who is not free from delusions. Reading the Vedas, making
offerings to priests, or sacrifices to the gods, self-mortification by heat or cold and many
such penances performed for the sake of immortality, these do not cleanse the man who is
not free from delusions. Anger, drunkenness, obstinacy, bigotry, deception, envy, self-
praise, disparaging others, superciliousness and evil intentions constitute uncleanness; not
verily the eating of flesh.
A middle path, O bhikkhus, avoiding the two extremes, has been discovered by the
Tathagata, a path which opens the eyes, and bestows understanding, which leads to peace of
mind, to the higher wisdom, to full enlightenment, to Nirvana!
But he in whom self has become extinct is free from lust; he will desire neither worldly nor
heavenly pleasures, and the satisfaction of his natural wants will not defile him. However,
let him be moderate, let him eat and drink according to the need of the body.
He who recognizes the existence of suffering, its cause, its remedy, and its cessation has
fathomed the four noble truths. He will walk in the right path.
Now, this, O bhikkhus, is the noble truth concerning suffering: Birth is attended with pain,
decay is painful, disease is painful, death is painful. Union with the unpleasant is painful,
painful is separation from the pleasant; and any craving that is unsatisfied, that too is
painful. In brief, bodily conditions which spring from attachment are painful. This, then, O
bhikkhus, is the noble truth concerning suffering.
Now this, O bhikkhus, is the noble truth concerning the origin of suffering: Verily, it is that
craving which causes the renewal of existence, accompanied by sensual delight, seeking
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First Semester 2019--2020
For classroom use only
satisfaction now here, now there, the craving for the gratification of the passions, the craving
for a future life, and the craving for happiness in this life. This, then, O bhikkhus, is the
noble truth concerning the origin of suffering.
Now this, O bhikkhus, is the noble truth concerning the destruction of suffering: Verily, it is
the destruction, in which no passion remains, of this very thirst; it is the laying aside of, the
being free from, the dwelling no longer upon this thirst. This, then, O bhikkhus, is the noble
truth concerning the destruction of suffering.
Now, this, O bhikkhus, is the noble truth concerning the way which leads to the destruction
of sorrow. Verily, it is this noble eightfold path; that is to say: Right views; right aspirations;
right speech; right behavior; right livelihood; right effort; right thoughts; and right
contemplation. This, then, O bhikkhus, is the noble truth concerning the destruction of
By the practice of loving-kindness I have attained liberation of heart, and thus I am assured
that I shall never return in renewed births. I have even now attained Nirvana.
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What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build
our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind. If a man speaks or acts with an
impure mind, suffering follows him as the wheel of the cart follows the beast that draws
the cart.
What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build
our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind. If a man speaks or acts with a
pure mind, joy follows him as his own shadow.
“He insulted me, he hurt me, he defeated me, he robbed me.” Those who think such
thoughts will not be free from hate.
“He insulted me, he hurt me, he defeated me, he robbed me.” Those who think not such
thoughts will be free from hate.
For hate is not conquered by hate: hate is conquered by love. This is a law eternal.
He suffers in this world, and he suffers in the next world; the man who does evil suffers in
both worlds. He suffers, he suffers and mourns when he sees the wrong he has done.
He is happy in this world, and he is happy in the next world; the man who does good is
happy in both worlds. He is glad, he feels great gladness when he sees the good eh has
He whose mind is unsteady, who knows not the path of truth, whose faith and peace are
wavering, he shall never reach fullness of wisdom.
But he whose mind in calm self-control is free from the lust of desires, who has risen
above good and evil, he is awake and has no fear.
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Better than a thousand useless words is one single word that gives peace.
Better than a thousand useless verses is one single verse that gives peace.
Better than a thousand useless poems is one single poem that gives peace.
If a man should conquer in battle a thousand and a thousand more, and another man
should conquer himself, his would be the greater victory, because the greatest of victories
is the victory over oneself; and neither the gods in heaven above nor the demons down
below can turn into defeat the victory of such a man.
Better than a hundred years lived in vice, without contemplation, is one single day of life
lived in virtue and in deep contemplation.
Better than a hundred years lived in ignorance, without contemplation, is one single day
of life lived in wisdom and in deep contemplation.
Better than a hundred years lived in idleness and in weakness is a single day of life lived
with courage and powerful striving.
Better than a hundred years not considering how all things arise and pass away is one
single day of life if one considers how all things arise and pass away.
Better than a hundred years not seeing one’s own immortality is one single day of life if
one sees one’s own immortality.
Better than a hundred years not seeing the Path supreme is one single day of life if one
sees the Path supreme.
Do not what is evil. Do what is good. Keep your mind pure. This is the teaching of
Forbearance is the highest sacrifice. Nirvana is the highest good. This say the Buddhas
who are awake.
Not to hurt by deeds or words, self-control as taught in the Rules, moderation in food, the
solitude of one’s room and one’s bed, and the practice of the highest consciousness: this is
teaching of the Buddhas who are awake.
Since a shower of golden coins could not satisfy craving desires and the end of all
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First Semester 2019--2020
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pleasure is pain, how could a wise man find satisfaction even in the pleasures of the gods?
When desires go, joy comes: the follower of Buddha finds this truth.
Men in their fear fly for refuge to mountains or forests, groves, sacred trees, or shrines.
But those are not a safe refuge, they are not the refuge that frees a man from sorrow.
He who goes for refuge to Buddha, to Truth and to those whom he taught, he goes indeed
to a great refuge. Then he sees the four great truths:
Sorrow, the cause of sorrow, the end of sorrow, and the path of eight stages which leads
to the end of sorrow.
Let a man be free from pleasure and let a man be free from pain; for not to have pleasure
is sorrow and to have pain is also sorrow.
Be therefore not bound to pleasure for the loss of pleasure is pain. There are no fetters for
the man who is beyond pleasure and pain.
From pleasure arises sorrow and from pleasure arises fear. If a man is free from pleasure,
he is free from fear and sorrow.
From passion arises sorrow and from passion arises fear. If a man is free from passion, he
is free from fear and sorrow.
From sensuousness arises sorrow and from sensuousness arises fear. If a man is free from
sensuousness, he is free from fear and sorrow.
From lust arises sorrow and from lust arises fear. If a man is free from lust, he is free from
fear and sorrow.
From craving arises sorrow and from craving arises fear. If a man is free from craving, he
is free from fear and sorrow.
Forsake anger, give up pride. Sorrow cannot touch the man who is not in the bondage of
anything, who owns nothing.
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First Semester 2019--2020
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Speak the truth, yield not to anger, give what you can to him who asks: these three steps
lead you to the gods.
The wise who hurt no living being, and who keep their body under self-control, they go to
the immortal nirvana, where once gone they sorrow no more.
The best of paths is the path of eight. The best of truths, the four sayings. The best of
states, freedom from passions. The best of men, the one who sees.
Whoever goes on this path travels to the end of his sorrow. I showed this path to the
world when I found the roots of sorrow.
“All is transient.” When one sees this, he is above sorrow. This is the clear path.
“All is sorrow.” When one sees this, he is above sorrow. This is the clear path.
“All is unreal.” When one sees this, he is above sorrow. This is the clear path.
Pluck out your self-love as you would pull off a faded lotus in autumn. Strive on the path
of peace, the path of Nirvana shown by the Buddha.