Sustainability 09 00578 v3
Sustainability 09 00578 v3
Sustainability 09 00578 v3
What Agriculture Can Learn from Native Ecosystems
in Building Soil Organic Matter: A Review
Timothy E. Crews 1, * and Brian E. Rumsey 2
1 The Land Institute, 2440 E. Water Well Rd., Salina, KS 67401, USA
2 Environmental History, University of Kansas, 3650 Wescoe Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-785-823-5376
Abstract: Over the last century, researchers and practitioners with diverse backgrounds have
articulated the importance of improving soil organic matter (SOM) contents in agricultural soils.
More recently, climate change scientists interested in CO2 sinks, and agroecologists interested
in ecological intensification have converged on the goal of building SOM stocks in croplands.
The challenge is that agriculture itself is responsible for dramatic losses of SOM. When grassland
or forest ecosystems are first converted to agriculture, multiple mechanisms result in SOM declines
of between 20% and 70%. Two of the most important mechanisms are the reduction in organic
matter inputs from roots following the replacement of perennial vegetation with annual crop species,
and increases in microbial respiration when tillage breaks open soil aggregates exposing previously
protected organic matter. Many agricultural practices such as conservation tillage and integration of
cover crops have been shown to achieve some degree of SOM improvement, but in general adoption
of these practices falls short of accumulating the SOM stocks maintained by grasslands, forests or
other native ecosystems that agriculture replaced. Two of the overarching reasons why native
terrestrial ecosystems have achieved greater soil organic matter levels than human agroecosystems
are because they direct a greater percentage of productivity belowground in perennial roots, and they
do not require frequent soil disturbance. A growing body of research including that presented in this
review suggests that developing perennial grain agroecosystems may hold the greatest promise for
agriculture to approach the SOM levels that accumulate in native ecosystems. We present calculations
that estimate potential soil organic carbon accumulation rates in fields converted from annual to
perennial grains of between 0.13 and 1.70 t ha−1 year−1 .
1. Introduction
Soils play a central role in the global carbon cycle, storing two to three times as much carbon in
organic forms as there is carbon in the atmosphere [1,2]. Changes in land use and land cover rank
second behind the combustion of fossil fuels as the most important anthropogenic sources responsible
for increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations [3]. Agriculture in particular has been responsible for
somewhere in the range of 50–78 Pg of C loss to the atmosphere [4,5] This transfer of C represents
about 3.8% of global median estimates for total soil organic carbon (SOC) in terrestrial ecosystems [1],
and it represents about 5.5 years of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels at 2014 rates [6].
There is considerable interest by climate change scientists in reversing the transfer of carbon from
soils to atmosphere [7]. There is also a great deal of interest from agricultural scientists in this reversal
since the carbon losses from soils originated primarily from the depletion of soil organic matter (SOM)
stocks [8]. In this paper we will discuss SOM, which is 58% carbon, but also includes oxygen, hydrogen,
nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements in simple and complex molecules [9]. In some cases,
however, we will refer to SOC, especially when discussing sequestration of atmospheric carbon in
agricultural soils.
Numerous approaches have been suggested for how to re-accumulate in SOM the carbon that
has been lost over time from soils to the atmosphere [7,10,11]. To assess the potential SOM-building
potential of different approaches, it is important to understand the mechanisms driving the depletion
of SOM following the conversion of native ecosystems to agriculture. McLauchlan [8] lists three
mechanisms of agricultural reduction in SOM:
1. The quantity of C inputs to soil are reduced in annual cropping systems compared to perennial
native vegetation.
2. The physical disturbance of tillage increases SOM decomposition rates. It does this in part by
destroying aggregates and physical structure, exposing previously physically protected SOM
to decomposition.
3. Tillage and lack of plant cover on agricultural fields enable soil erosion to occur which can remove
large quantities of SOM.
Based on McLauchlan’s three mechanisms of SOM reduction by agriculture, it follows that the
native ecosystems preceding agriculture generally maintained relatively high quantities of C inputs
into soils, experienced low levels of soil disturbance and maintained year-round vegetative cover
which protected against erosion.
In this review, we will consider proposed changes in agricultural management that have received
the greatest attention for their potential to decrease atmospheric CO2 by increasing SOM stocks.
The review is not intended to be an exhaustive evaluation of each different approach. Rather, we will
explore further the mechanisms by which agriculture causes reductions in SOM compared to native
ecosystems, and we will consider the extent to which different strategies for re-building SOM reverse
these mechanisms.
1.1. Background
Given our current understanding of how organic matter is lost from soils following disturbances
such as tillage, it is safe to suggest that grain agriculture has been responsible for the degradation
of soil through loss of organic matter since its inception [8,12–14]. As we will discuss below,
the acts of disturbing soil through digging or tillage, coupled with the replacement of perennial
vegetation with annual crops, have consistently resulted in SOM depletion [8,14–16]. Nevertheless,
almost all traditional, indigenous farmers were, knowingly or not, careful managers of SOM,
as fertility-generating cover crop rotations, pasture or shrub fallows, and applications of farmyard
manure were essential to maintaining fertility [17,18].
The advent and widespread adoption of synthetic fertilizers in the 20th century allowed farmers
to reduce their intensive management of soil organic matter. No longer was it necessary to laboriously
haul manure from farmstead to fields, or tie up land that could be producing commercial crops
with fertility-building cover crops or pasture rotations. It did not take long before critiques of
industrial agriculture were published, such as Sir Albert Howard’s An Agricultural Testament in
1940 [19] identifying neglect of SOM as a serious mistake. Neglecting SOM translated into reduced
nutrient supply, water holding capacity, disease resistance, soil structure, and greater soil erosion [9,19].
Since Howard’s time, the goal to improve the organic matter content in croplands has been central to
almost every reformist or alternative approach to the industrial model [20–23].
In recent decades, the research community’s most common impetus for improving SOM has
not been the improvement of agroecosystem functioning but rather the transfer of carbon from
CO2 in the atmosphere to stable forms of organic matter in the soil. Since highly industrialized
countries are far from reducing dependency on fossil fuel energy sources, researchers have been
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 3 of 18
looking for CO2 sinks to help mitigate anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases [7]. Numerous land
management opportunities to sequester carbon have been assessed [8] and global sequestration values
of 0.6–1.2 Pg year−1 or a cumulative cropland sink capacity of 30–60 Pg in the next 50 to 90 years
bracket what many researchers think is possible [9,10].
Critics of targeting soil carbon to mitigate climate change point out that the total global
sequestration potential represents a small percentage of anthropogenic emissions projected by
IPCC models [24]. A recent comprehensive study drawing on field experiments in North America,
Europe and Asia suggests that climate warming could drive the loss of 55 Pg of carbon from upper
soil horizons by 2050, predominantly in arctic and subarctic regions [25]. Thus very aggressive efforts
to sequester C in SOM on farms may be counterbalanced by loses of SOM in tundra for decades
to come. But regardless of the role that farm management might play in the global carbon balance,
improvements in cropland SOM status would profoundly influence food security, especially in less
affluent countries [26].
Simply viewed, SOM contents of a soil represents differential rates of organic matter inputs
and losses [38]. Inputs ultimately come from photosynthesis, and in most ecosystems originate from
plants’ roots and shoots growing and senescing on site. Plants are also responsible for supplying
organic matter to soils through symbioses with mycorrhizal fungi [39]. When plants and associated
mycorrhizae die and senesce, the residues are consumed by microbes, which in turn feed a larger food
web of microbes and micro-animals. With time, the belowground food web results in the accumulation
of “necromass” or organic matter comprised to a large extent of microbial tissues that stably bind
to soil particles and resist further decomposition (Figure 1) [40,41]. As plant matter, fungi, bacteria,
nematodes and other members of the soil food web are consumed, carbon-based compounds are
mineralized and released mostly in the form of CO2 to the atmosphere. Surface SOM can also be lost
via selective erosion when slopes are steep or soils are exposed by tillage or herbicides, even on gently
sloping ground [4,8].
A wide range of organic compounds fall into the category of SOM. For many years,
SOM decomposition models emphasized the relative susceptibility of different types of molecules
to microbial attack (e.g., cellulose, humus) as a primary governing factor regulating SOM steady
state dynamics [40,42,43]. Recently this view has been challenged with evidence that environmental
conditions (including the physio-chemical “protection” of organic compounds from microbes and other
organisms in soil aggregates) are at least if not more important than SOM recalcitrance at regulating
rates of decomposition [40,43,44]. That deserts, grasslands, tundra and rainforests accumulate
different amounts of SOM reflects the differential responses of producers (plants) and consumers
(microbes, microfauna, arthropods) to environmental conditions. Temperature and precipitation have
strong but slightly different influences on the activities of both producers and consumers while soil
textural class has greater influence on microbial activity [40]. The SOM levels in tundra and desert
ecosystems illustrate how producers and consumers respond differently to climate. Net primary
productivity of deserts and tundra is similarly low, about 250 and 180 g C m−2 y−1 , respectively [45],
while mature tundra ecosystems accrue almost four times the average SOM as deserts (21.6 vs.
5.6 kg C m−2 , respectively) [37]. Microbial activity is more responsive to the increases in temperature
than plant productivity, resulting in a smaller pool of SOM in deserts [35]. At a finer grain scale,
plant physiognomy, tissue quality and microbial community composition also interact to influence
SOM pool sizes and turnover rates [41,46].
Whether an ecosystem at steady state maintains on average 192 t SOM ha−1 such as a temperate
grassland, or on average 37 t ha−1 as in tropical savannas [37], the conversion of native ecosystems to
annual crop agriculture has the universal effect of reducing SOM levels by 20–70% [15,16]. This decline
in SOM is attributable to changes in both producer and consumer activities. When native vegetation is
replaced with annual crops, net primary productivity frequently declines [47]. But even when total
net primary productivity (NPP) does not decline, the replacement of perennial life-forms with annual
crops results in a decrease in allocation of productivity belowground (BNPP) from ~67% to between
13% and 30% [48,49]. There is growing consensus that root turnover and exudates comprise the most
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 5 of 18
important source of plant inputs for SOM formation [43]. Therefore the change in allocation patterns
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 5 of 17
of producers is one explanation for why SOM declines in annual crop agriculture [8,14,50].
Figure 1. Schematic
Schematic overview
overview of of soil
soil aggregate
aggregate formation
formation and and breakdown processes and their effects
on particulate organic matter structure and size. The width of the arrows arrows shows the rate of particulate
C transfer
the potential
the potentialforfor
COCO 2 loss during
2 loss the transition.
during the transition.1. Plant litter (e.g.,
1. Plant litter
sloughed roots)roots)
(e.g., sloughed entering the soil
entering thebecomes colonized
soil becomes by bacterial
colonized communities
by bacterial and fungi
communities andand fungibegins
to become
begins coated with
to become coated clay particles.
with 2. Macroaggregates
clay particles; (>250 µm)
2. Macroaggregates form
(>250 µm)withformparticulate organic
with particulate
matter matterin(POM) in their
their core. core;
3. In 3. In ecosystems
ecosystems that are repeatedly
that are repeatedly disturbed disturbed (e.g.,mining,
(e.g., tillage, tillage, mining,
annual cropping)
cropping) macroaggregates
macroaggregates are rapidly
are rapidly destroyed
destroyed and the and the intensely
intensely disturbed
disturbed aggregates
aggregates persistpersist
and POM
POM oxidation
oxidation proceeds
proceeds substantially
substantially slower;
slower. 4. Free
4. Free (inter-aggregate)POM
(inter-aggregate) POMcontinues
continuesto tobeberapidly
broken down
down to to smaller
systems such
such asasperennial
perennial crops
no-till, POM is incorporated into very small aggregates within the macroaggregate,
or no-till, POM is incorporated into very small aggregates within the macroaggregate, further further contributing
to its physicaltoprotection;
contributing its;
Eventually,5.some POM Csome
Eventually, will become
POM C mineral-associated. In disturbed
will become mineral-associated.
In disturbedPOM breakdown,
ecosystems POM loss, and transfer
breakdown, to mineral
loss, and transfer fractions occurs
to mineral very rapidly
fractions and in
occurs very these
and POMsystems
in these structure POMhas structure
a younger, more
has plant-like
a younger, molecular
more signature
plant-like which
molecular is dominated
signature which by is
the structure of plant inputs. In ecosystems with minimal disturbance, particulate
dominated by the structure of plant inputs. In ecosystems with minimal disturbance, particulate C C with a molecular
with of older,
a molecular partially
signature of decomposed
older, partiallyCdecomposed
accumulatesCin macroaggregates
accumulates and in the smaller
in macroaggregates and in
the smaller therein
aggregates(figure and caption
therein fromcaption
(figure and Grandy andGrandy
from Neff [8]).and Neff [8]).
The second
SOM decline is that
decline microbial
is that accessaccess
microbial to SOM to increases with tillage,
SOM increases with
as soil aggregates
tillage, are broken
as soil aggregates areopen,
broken exposing
open, previously protected organic
exposing previously protectedmatter (Figure
organic matter1)
[11,14,43,51,52]. As a result, carbon losses through microbial respiration increase and
(Figure 1) [11,14,43,51,52]. As a result, carbon losses through microbial respiration increase and nutrients such
as nitrogen
nutrients andas phosphorus
such nitrogen andare mineralized.
phosphorus are Thus in the conversion
mineralized. Thus in theofconversion
native to of agricultural
native to
agricultural inputs of organic
ecosystems, inputsmatter into the
of organic soil into
matter system
the are
soil reduced,
system areand losses of
reduced, andsoil carbon
losses via
of soil
microbial respiration are increased. In combination, these processes often result in
carbon via microbial respiration are increased. In combination, these processes often result in decadesdecades of a
negative net carbon
of a negative balance
net carbon and and
balance substantial associated
substantial declines
associated in SOM
declines in SOMstocks [16,36].
stocks [16,36].
2. Approaches
Approaches to Rebuilding SOM in Croplands
Due to tillage,
tillage, croplands are estimated to have lost somewhere in the range of 50–78 Pg of carbon carbon
globally [4,53]. This
This figure
figure is important
important because the amount of C that that has
has been
been lost
lost also
also represents
represents the
likely maximum level of sustainable accumulation that can theoretically be achieved with changes in
management. However,
However, LalLal [54]
[54] raises
raises the point that many lands have degraded substantially over
the time they have been farmed, especially through soil erosion. He speculates that these degraded
soils may
onlybebeableable to re-capture
to re-capture 50–66%50–66% of thethey
of the SOM SOM they contained
contained before agricultural
before agricultural conversion.
conversion. Others suggest that more than 90% of original SOM could be re-captured [55]. As
discussed above, numerous approaches to re-carbonize soils are receiving research attention, and
almost all rely on an underlying mechanism that addresses the producer-consumer (plant-microbe)
steady state.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 6 of 18
Others suggest that more than 90% of original SOM could be re-captured [55]. As discussed above,
numerous approaches to re-carbonize soils are receiving research attention, and almost all rely on
an underlying mechanism that addresses the producer-consumer (plant-microbe) steady state.
Figure 2. Schematic overview of how crop inputs and microbial mineralization interact to influence
Figure 2. Schematic
SOM stocks.overview ofrepresent
Gray squares how crop crop inputs
allocationand microbial
of organic mineralization
matter inputs belowground. interact
The larger to influence
SOM stocks. square
Gray of squares represent
perennial crop allocation
grains (1) reflects of organic
greater belowground matter
allocation inputs
to roots belowground.
compared to annual The larger
grains (2–4).
square of perennial The larger
grains (1) outer square
reflects on the far
greater right (4) reflects allocation
belowground greater organic tomatter
rootsinputs when
compared to annual
annual crop biomass (inner square) is enhanced with addition organic matter inputs from crop
grains (2–4). residues,
The larger outer square on the far right (4) reflects greater organic matter inputs when
cover crops, double cropping or imports of manures or composts from off-site. The grey zig-
annual crop biomass (inner square)
zag lines represent is enhanced
net microbial with of
mineralization addition organic
organic matter matter
inputs. The inputs from crop residues,
double zig-zags
cover crops, represent
cropping net microbial
or imports mineralization
of manures associated with the destruction
or composts of soil aggregates
from off-site. The grey zig-zag
caused by tillage. The brown circles represent relative size of SOM pools maintained once the
lines represent net microbial mineralization of organic matter inputs. The double
producers (crops) and consumers [soil microbes and other organisms] approach a steady state.
zig-zags represent
enhanced net microbial mineralization associated with the destruction of soil aggregates caused by
tillage. The brown circles represent relative size of SOM pools maintained once the producers (crops)
and consumers [soil microbes and other organisms] approach a steady state.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 7 of 18
Syswerda and colleagues [61] found that no-till agriculture led to an average SOC accumulation
rate of 0.33 t C ha−1 year−1 to 1 m soil depth, but noted that higher variability in SOC at greater
depths can make meaningful measurements difficult. Kravchenko and Robertson [62] used the study
by Syswerda and colleagues [61], to support the argument that the natural variability of carbon
stocks in soils is so great that most studies that have failed to see whole profile treatment differences
between tilled and no-till management have lacked adequate replication to make defensible statistical
comparisons. Baker and colleagues [50] reviewed evidence that reduced tillage reduces root growth,
and therefore carbon deposition, at greater depths. They contend that root growth is inhibited by
lower temperatures, greater resistance to penetration, higher bulk density, and a lower proportion
of aggregates less than 5 mm. Some evidence suggests that any benefits from elimination of tillage
may not accrue for several years. Six and colleagues [63] found that while cessation of tillage led to
immediate increases in SOC levels in humid climates, it did not begin to increase for more than ten
years, on average, in dry climates. While researchers continue to debate the extent of C sequestration
attributable to no-till conversion, it makes good theoretical sense that no-till should increase SOM
levels over tilled systems at least in silt or clay textured soils given the reduction in soil disturbance
and increased protection from microbial attack [14] (Figure 1). That said, the maximum C sequestration
achievable in no-till is expected to fall below that of native perennial ecosystems given the lower
belowground allocation of annual crops (Figure 2).
planted to perennial grassland or bioenergy species due to marginal productivity or poor suitability as
cropland. If perennial grain crops were developed to replace annual grain species, the area that could
be planted to perennials today would expand to over one billion hectares [78].
The development of new perennial crop species, while a multi-decadal proposition, is gaining
momentum as a promising approach to change the fundamental nature of ecosystem processes in
agriculture (e.g., Figure 3) [36,79–81]. Improvements in carbon balance, nutrient retention, soil water
uptake efficiency, soil microbiome functions, and weed suppression are predicted as agriculture
based on high soil disturbance
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 is replaced by ecosystems that require minimal disturbance 9 of 17 [36,82].
The reasons agriculture
why early agriculturalists originally domesticated annual grain crops
(e.g., Figure 3) [36,79–81]. Improvements in carbon balance, nutrient retention, soil water reflect the tools,
energetic constraints and understanding
uptake efficiency, of biological
soil microbiome functions, and weedprocesses
suppression that humans
are predicted had in the Neolithic
as agriculture
era, 5000–10,000 on highBP soil[83].
In theislast
replaced by ecosystems
century, that require
the sciences minimal disturbance
of evolutionary [36,82].genetics and
The reasons why early agriculturalists originally domesticated annual grain crops reflect the tools,
plant breeding have constraints
energetic expanded andtremendously, and many
understanding of biological researchers
processes believe
that humans had init
now possible
era, to breed
perennial cereal, legume,
5000–10,000 years fiber
BP [83].and
In theoilseed crops
last century, that would
the sciences yield sufficiently
of evolutionary biology, geneticstoand
plant occupy
breeding have expanded tremendously, and many researchers believe
large areas currently planted to annual species [80,84,85].When considering steps towards greater it is now possible to breed
perennial cereal, legume, fiber and oilseed crops that would yield sufficiently to eventually occupy
agricultural large
areas currently the prospect
planted of increasing
to annual ecological
species [80,84,85].When function
considering through
steps towards perennial
greater crops is
very significant, but sosustainability,
agricultural are discussions of land
the prospect tenure, scale
of increasing of production,
ecological function through energy return
perennial crops onis investment
and diversityvery significant,
of crops at bothbut so are discussions
farm and regional of land tenure,
scales scale of production, energy return on
investment and diversity of crops at both farm and regional scales [86–88].
Figure 3. A Mollisol soil profile from central Kansas USA exposing roots to a depth of 2.5 m from
Figure 3. A Mollisol soil profile
perennial wheatgrass from
on the central Kansas
left (Thinopyrum USA
intermedium) andexposing roots
annual wheat to aaestivum)
(Triticum depth onof 2.5 m from
the right. The
perennial wheatgrass onwheatgrass is being bred to intermedium)
the left (Thinopyrum produce the grain Kernza™
and annual(photo:
wheatJ. Richardson
(Triticumand J.
aestivum) on the
right. The wheatgrass is being bred to produce the grain Kernza™ (photo: J. Richardson and J. Glover).
Research undertaken to quantify rates of SOM accumulation under perennial grain proto-crops
that are being currently bred is lacking. However, numerous studies, including many meta-analyses,
Research undertaken
have evaluated SOM to changes
quantify whenrates ofmanaged
lands SOM accumulation under perennial
for annual crop production grain
were converted to proto-crops
that are being currently
perennial bred [89–99].
grasslands is lacking.
Rates However, numerous
of C accumulation studies,
in diverse grassland including many
plantings range meta-analyses,
have evaluated0.33–1.01
SOM t hachanges
−1 year−1 in meta-analyses and reviews, whereas high-yielding, low diversity perennial
when lands managed for annual crop production were converted to
grasses for bioenergy have been found to increase SOC in the range of 1.09-1.88 t ha−1 year−1 (Table 1).
perennial grasslands
The range of [89–99].
0.3–0.5 t C haRates
−1 year−1of C accumulation
accumulated in diverse
following adoption grassland
of no-till plantings range from
or other SOM-enhancing
−1 year−1 approaches
0.33–1.01 t hamanagement in meta-analyses and reviews,
described above, whereas
overlaps with the lowhigh-yielding,
end of the carbon low diversity perennial
range of perennial
grasses for bioenergy have been found to increase SOC in the range of 1.09-1.88 t ha−1 year−1 (Table 1).
The range of 0.3–0.5 t C ha−1 year−1 accumulated following adoption of no-till or other SOM-enhancing
management approaches described above, overlaps with the low end of the carbon accumulation
range of perennial grasslands.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 10 of 18
The wide range of carbon accumulation values reported in Table 2 reflects a combination of
methodological, geographical and biological variation. Two of the greatest methodological challenges
encountered when comparing studies stem from researchers not sampling SOM to the same soil
depth [99,100], and not using a uniform approach to estimate and correct for bulk density differences
across study sites [101]. The geographic variation reflects differences in grassland productivity and
SOM protection driven to a large extent by climate and soil texture [102]. The biological factors that
contribute to wide variation in SOC accumulation include the productivity of the grassland species,
the degree to which soil microbial populations are nutrient limited [103], and years since conversion to
perennial vegetation [102]. Taken together, it is possible to interpret how multiple factors contribute
to the broad differences in measured SOC accumulation rates (Table 2). For example, the contrast in
low accumulation rates for pasture or restored native grasslands versus higher accumulation rates for
bioenergy crops is likely explained by the latter being planted, on average, in more favorable climates,
bred for higher productivity, and more commonly fertilized with nitrogen, which not only increases
productivity, but can also increase microbial biomass and in turn necromass.
Table 2. Summary of field-based estimations of soil carbon accumulation rates in the conversion of
annual agriculture to perennial grassland or perennial bioenergy crops.
Table 3. Coarse estimates of soil C accumulation following the conversion of annual to perennial grain
agroecosystems using a range of assumptions.
values for 0–30cm soil depth, 70% of the lost SOC can be recovered with a conversion back to perennial crop species.
2 assumptions equal to conservative baseline, except C accumulation to 100cm is assumed to be twice that of 30 cm
[99,100]. 3 assumptions equal to conservative baseline, except percentage loss of SOC following conversion to
annual agriculture is increased from 30 to 50% [4]. 4 assumptions equal to conservative, except soils are expected to
accumulate 90% of the SOC lost in conversion to annual agriculture [55]. 5 cumulaive change in C accumulation
when all three modifications of conservative baseline assumptions are made (full profile, 50% SOC lost, 90% of
potential). Overall model based on 2014 FAOSTAT data for country-specific values of land area in annual row crops,
SOC to 30 cm. Bulk density (BD) conversions were made using the equation BD = 100/(%SOM/0.244) + ((100 −
%SOM)/mineral BD) with SOM = SOC × 1.72 and mineral BD = 1.64 [89,91].
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 12 of 18
Only the assumptions resulting in maximum C accumulation (54 Pg) fall within the range of
predicted C sinks of 50–78 Pg for cropland soils [4,24]. Using different assumption sets, our calculations
estimate SOC accumulation rates ranging from 0.13 to 1.70 t ha−1 year−1 . This range of values is
similar to the empirically measured range of SOC accumulation rates of 0.33–1.88 t ha−1 year−1 from
grassland and bioenergy studies (Table 2). Possibly the least realistic assumption we make in our
modeling exercise was a linear 90-year time span for approaching SOM steady state. This assumption
resulted in low rates of C accumulation per year, and contrasts with most studies that suggest C
accumulation rates reaching a maximum in the first few decades following conversion to perennials,
and then declining substantially by year fifty [54,55,89,91].
5. Conclusions
SOM is widely expected to play a central role in efforts to transition agriculture from an industrial
model where high volumes of energetically expensive and environmentally damaging inputs are
required to achieve a high volume of outputs, to an ecosystem model, where adequate food is produced
within sustainable energy and biogeochemical boundaries of the planet [23,29,36,111]. Yet in spite
of its agreed upon importance, SOM has proven difficult for farmers to build. Few grain-producing
agroecosystems feature SOM levels that match the native ecosystems that preceded them. Why is
this the case? While many questions still exist, ecosystem science has advanced a great deal in
identifying the factors that regulate SOM formation and mineralization. Two processes that contribute
greatly to the accumulation of SOM are the allocation of plant productivity belowground by roots [50],
and the stabilization and protection of organic compounds in soil aggregates [51]. Perennial vegetation
promotes both of these processes. Indeed, perennials are essential for soil and ecosystem development
to progress in almost all native terrestrial ecosystems [36]. In contrast, annual crops allocate a smaller
amount of biomass belowground and they have historically required tillage which breaks apart soil
aggregates and induces microbial mineralization of SOM.
Most approaches to increasing cropland SOM either strive to increase organic matter inputs
(adding cover crops, breeding deep-rooted annuals, amending with biochar) or decrease soil
disturbance (no-till), but the nature of annual crop production makes it difficult to address both
Sustainability 2017, 9, 578 13 of 18
processes. In basic terms, this explains why SOM levels in annual grain agriculture rarely match levels
attained by native ecosystems. Ecosystem theory, and empirical evidence from ex-arable grasslands
and bioenergy crops suggest that perennial grain crops will facilitate SOM accumulation and soil
development similar to what occurs in native ecosystems [36]. There are many challenges to achieving
such a “natural systems agriculture”. For example, it is not yet clear how farmers will facilitate
succession or stand replacement in shifting from one perennial crop to another without inducing
large losses of SOM from tillage [112]. Challenges notwithstanding, an agriculture based on diverse
perennial crops has great potential for improving SOM contents and achieving goals of ecological
intensification and climate change mitigation in agriculture.
Working on the ecological sustainability of agriculture addresses an essential part of rectifying
the food system as a whole, but other parts of the whole need attention as well [113]. For example,
progress will be limited as long as government subsidies promote large-scale industrial production of
a few annual grain crops [88]. The consolidation of corporations that market seeds and other inputs as
well as corporations that purchase and process grain can also profoundly restrict systemic changes in
the food system. Moreover, global governance and economic structures will need to align in order to
advance changes in food systems that are embedded in much larger socio-economic systems [114].
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank three anonymous reviewers and Academic Editor Tiziano
Gomiero for comments that significantly improved this paper. Brian Rumsey conducted research that was used in
this paper during a graduate internship at The Land Institute in Spring of 2014. The internship was supported by
the C-CHANGE (Climate Change, Humans and Nature in the Global Environment) NSF IGERT program at the
University of Kansas.
Author Contributions: Crews and Rumsey conceived of the paper together and carried out equal parts of the
literature review. Rumsey undertook the C accumulation calculations in Table 3 using the FAOSTAT database,
and Crews wrote a majority of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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