How To Write A Term Paper
How To Write A Term Paper
How To Write A Term Paper
Angelika Zirker
Topics for term papers must be discussed with the instructor by mid-term. After this period, no papers will be ac-
cepted (see schedule as well as check on moodle for deadlines). Your own reading experience should be the starting
point of your search for a suitable subject. Is there anything that strikes you as curious, remarkable, and particularly
interesting in what you have read for the course? (e.g. a discussion in class on a particular passage may also give rise
to questions you wish to pursue)
Write clearly and succinctly. A good rule of thumb is to make the logical subject of what you want to say the gram-
matical subject of the sentence you write, and keep the register in mind (you are writing a research paper in the
context of a university class, not a blog post or a tweet).
Formal requirements/guidelines
Please hand in your paper in WORD and PDF formats (no paper copy required!). Do not forget to sign the plagiarism
declaration form and include a scan in the PDF version. Papers not including this form will not be read nor marked.
Please also adhere to the formal requirements: title page, table of contents, text (1.5 line spacing, Blocksatz), MLA
standard. The title page must contain information about the course, your name, the title of your paper, and information
about you (address, Matrikelnummer, date of submission). You will get an acknowledgement of receipt. Make sure
you save this and are able to show it to us should a paper get lost (to avoid misunderstandings).