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Apply digital solutions to work processes

Assessment Task 1

Use Digital Workplace Information

BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business

Z:\++ Course Materials\BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business\Course Units\BSBTEC403 Apply digital

solutions to work processes\ Assessment Tools\Assessment 2021\Assessment Task 1 Portfolio
Please ensure this form is fully completed prior to submitting.

This page should be on the front of your assessment and needs to be easily accessible.

Student Number:

Student Name:

Course BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business

Subject: BSBTEC403 Apply digital solutions to work processes


I hereby certify that:

 This assessment task is my own work based on my personal study/research and not
the work of another student and/or source.
 I have acknowledged all material and sources used to prepare this assessment task.
 I have not plagiarised or copied any part of this assessment task from the work of any
other student or source either. (I know the penalties for plagiarism include $200 re-
assessment fee)
 This assessment task has not previously been submitted.
 I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer & Assessor.
 I have retained a copy of this assessment task for my own records.
 I have completed all my assessments, tasks & activities (on Moodle®) successfully.

Must Sign

Student’s Signature


Z:\++ Course Materials\BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business\Course Units\BSBTEC403 Apply digital solutions

to work processes\ Assessment Tools\Assessment 2021\Assessment Task 1 Portfolio V01_09/2021.docx
Student instructions

This assessment must be based on where you work (or have worked most recently).
This Assessment is designed to test the knowledge that you have acquired throughout the
unit. Use the following tips to help you answer the questions:
Read each question carefully. Check with your trainer or assessor if you are not sure what the
question is asking.
HINT: Use these questions as subheadings to create a business style report to answer your
Your response to each question should aim to provide enough information to answer the
question. In most cases, this can be done with just a few paragraphs. Don’t forget to refer to
attachments under the heading (question) applicable, e.g. ‘See attached email’.

Important: Your assessment must contain this coversheet and your own coversheet (for your

Your answers & assessment submission must be professional in style (Business), content and
format. Maximum font size 11 points: Font Arial or Times New Roman; single spacing; clear
paragraphs with appropriate punctuation, spellchecking and final submission will need to be
proof-read. (i.e., few missing words or typos)

In particular:

 Use clear, non-discriminatory language

 use business-like language
 Avoid the use of jargon
 Write clearly using plain English
 Consider your target audience
 Ensure that your responses meet the needs of the target audience (in this case your
trainer or assessor).
 All of your work must be original.

Written answer question guidance

 The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or
“explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to
assist you to provide the type of response expected.
 Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

Analyse: when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and
identify important points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response one
or two paragraphs long.
Compare: when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or
more things are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences.
Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Contrast: when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or
more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally,
you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Describe: when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most
noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three
sentences long.
Discuss: when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out
important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are
expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Evaluate: when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should put forward arguments
for and against something. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two
paragraphs long.
Examine: when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to “analyse”, where
you should provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical
analysis. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Explain: when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why
something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or
three sentences long.
Identify: when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to
briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or
three sentences long.
List: when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly state
information in a list format.
Outline: when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points,
Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.
Summarise: when a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”) only
giving the main points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.

To achieve competency for this unit:

All assessment activities in this unit must be successfully completed.

The student must achieve a SATISFACTORY result in all the assessment activities in this
unit to be deemed COMPENTENT.

Students must perform to the standard as expressed by the competency standards of the
CUA Training Package.

Reasonable Adjustment:

Reasonable adjustment is any approved modification or allowance made in assessment to

accommodate a disability related function. Reasonable adjustment allows a learner with a
disability to participate equitably in assessment procedures and demonstrate required skills
and knowledge. Adjustment could be made in the physical environment, the assessment
strategies or using assistive technology. Any adjustments made to the assessment must
preserve the integrity of the assessment outcome.

Ensure that you:

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines
 answer all questions completely and correctly
 submit work, which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
 submit a completed cover sheet with your work
 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Marking and Criteria guide:

Assessor and student must read this carefully before assessment.

- All parts of the assessment must be completed successfully in accordance with the
guidance provided in the Marking guide for the student to achieve competence in this
- Students & assessors must note that professionally critical aspects/concepts must be
included (e.g., knowledge questions).
- All parts (criteria) in the marking guide must be completed successfully for the student
to achieve competence in this unit.

EDUCATOR to complete.

Assessment Task 1 – Use Digital Workplace Information

Observation/Assessment /
Not Comments

1. The student has determined digital

technology trends and innovations
describing at least five general trends and
innovations in digital technology in the
Add Scale
workplace today. Describing each trend or
innovation in about a paragraph, briefing
explaining the trend/innovation and its
application to the workplace.

The student has determined digital applications and

technology, identifying and reviewing at least two
workplace digital applications that focus on
workplace communications (i.e. any digital tools that
allow two or more people to communicate with each
other and that may be written, verbal, visual, audible
or a combination of these). Add Scale

 The name of the digital technology
 Its use in the workplace
 At least one benefit of using the digital
 How the digital technology is current
and innovative

Assessment Task 1 – Use Digital Workplace Information

Observation/Assessment /
Not Comments

The student has determined networking through

digital technology, identifying and reviewing at least
two workplace technologies used in any area of the
workplace e.g. hardware and software, learning
management systems, record management and
document management systems.
Add Scale
 The name of the digital technology
 Its use in the workplace
 At least one benefit of using the
digital technology/application.
 How the digital technology is current
and innovative.

The student had determined networking through

digital technology and provided examples of digital
technology for networking to form and/or maintain
relationships with other individuals or organisations.
Describe: Add Scale

 The digital technology application,

including its use in the workplace
 At least one benefit of using the
digital technology/application.
 How the digital technology is current
and innovative.

The student has assessed the validity and reliability

of digital information sources listing at least five
Add Scale
questions that could be used to determine the
validity and reliability of digital information sources.

Assessment Task 1 – Use Digital Workplace Information

Observation/Assessment /
Not Comments

The student has listed information sources and

listed three of the information sources that you have
used to answer the questions above and applied Add Scale
these questions to three of the information sources
you have identified.

The student has determined intellectual property

and discussed (you are required to point out
important issues or features and express some form
of critical judgement) the following:
 Intellectual property risks in relation
to digital technology Add Scale
 Legislation and copyright – list at
least two Acts and Regulations /
Principles that apply.
 Name of Act or Regulation that
regulates intellectual property and
digital content
 Its purpose and scope

The student has included the strategies to train and

support team members when applying digital Add Scale
technologies in a workplace.

Assessor Declaration:

First Attempt Second Attempt Third Attempt

Assessor name

Assessor signature



Resubmission NO YES

Date Resubmission must be handled in by:


Student result response

 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
 The feedback that my educator provided to me will assist me to resubmit my assessment.

Student signature


Activity 1 – Assessment Requirements

This assessment requires you to implement two digital solutions in the work processes of
an organisation or a work area.
You will do this based on the assumption that you are the team leader of:
 a community or volunteer group that you are involved in.
 a workplace you are currently employed at.
 your student group at the college you are studying at.

The first part of this project requires you to conduct research on the internet about
common digital technologies and software applications used in modern workplaces today
for communications, technologies and networks.
You will also review trends and innovations as part of your research.
You will use digital technology to gather and compile your information into your
Assessment Task.

Activity 1 – Use Digital Workplace Information

Refer to the simulation pack for information on the organisational requirements as

well as the student guide:

1. Digital technology trends and innovations. You are required to describe at

least five general trends and innovations in digital technology in the
workplace today. Describe each trend or innovation in about a paragraph,
briefing explaining the trend/innovation and its application to the workplace.
Please use sub-headings

9. Digital applications and technology. Identify and review at least two

workplace digital applications that focus on workplace communications (i.e.
any digital tools that allow two or more people to communicate with each
other and that may be written, verbal, visual, audible or a combination of

 The name of the digital technology

 Its use in the workplace
 At least one benefit of using the digital technology
 How the digital technology is current and innovative

10. Networking through digital technology. Identify and review at least two
workplace technologies used in any area of the workplace e.g. hardware
and software, learning management systems, record management and
document management systems.
 The name of the digital technology
 Its use in the workplace
 At least one benefit of using the digital technology/application.
 How the digital technology is current and innovative.

11. Networking through digital technology. Provide examples of digital
technology for networking to form and/or maintain relationships with other
individuals or organisations.
 The digital technology application, including its use in the workplace
 At least one benefit of using the digital technology/application.
 How the digital technology is current and innovative.

12. Assessing the validity and reliability of digital information sources. You are
required to list at least five questions that could be used to determine the
validity and reliability of digital information sources.

13. Information sources, list three of the information sources that you have
used to answer the questions above. Apply these questions to three of the
information sources you have identified. Give an overall rating of the validity
and reliability of the information sources depending on the response to each

14. Intellectual property, discuss (you are required to point out important issues
or features and express some form of critical judgement) the following:
 Intellectual property risks in relation to digital technology
 Legislation and copyright – list at least two Acts and Regulations /
Principles that apply.
 Name of Act or Regulation that regulates intellectual property and
digital content
 Its purpose and scope

15. Strategies to train and support team members when applying digital
technologies in a workplace.


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