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English: Language B

I. Article: Page 2 – 3
II. Blog: Page 4 – 5
III. Brochure: Page 6--7
IV. Cover Letter/Personal Statement: Page 8—9
V. Diary or Journal Entry: Page 10 -11
VI. Essay: Page 12—13
VII. Interview: Page 14
VIII. Letter to the Editor: Page 15—16
IX. News Report: Page 17
X. Editorials/Opinion Column: Page 18—19
XI. Formal Letter and Email: Page 20—21
XII. Informal Letter and Email: Page 22
XIII. Proposal: Page 23—24
XIV. Official Report: Page 25—26
XV. Review: Page 27—28
XVI. Guidelines or Set of Instructions: Page 29-31
XVII. Speech or Presentation or Debate: Page 32-33
XVIII. Social Media Posting or Online Forum: Page 34
XIX. Formal vs. Informal Writing: Page 35 –36


An article can piece of writing usually intended Semi-informal Have you ever…
describe a current for publication in a newspaper, May use contractions,
experience, event, magazine or journal for a wide if more informal The best beach you could ever imagine
person or place audience Emotive language
present an opinion or formal or informal, depending Direct quotes You absolutely must …
balanced argument on the target audience Narrative voice
compare and contrast like a direct conversation with Use of questions Can you imagine …
provide information the reader. May include humor, Are you interested in things out of the ordinary?
offer suggestions It has to get attention and be amusing stories,
offer advice interesting click-baiting anecdotes, reported I’m sure you’d agree
in a newspaper or technique speech and I must tell you about …
magazine publication Will have a title and the name of descriptions
similar to an editorial the author Use varied vocabulary Just imagine…
and sometimes news Will have an appropriate and descriptive Are you one of those people…?
report; depends on introduction and conclusion language appropriate
context Should give opinions and for the article. Do you enjoy being surprised?
thoughts, as well as facts. Imagery.
Will make the writer’s Will use a lively You wouldn’t believe…
viewpoint clear magazine style.
Have a grabbing title Will use paragraphing The beauty industry, while it appears to be
May have subheadings and cohesive devices progressing, continues to target women. More
–not too formal-- than 70% of women say they have low self-
Before you begin writing it is important which structure the esteem.
to consider: development of ideas
• where is the article going to effectively
appear - in a newspaper or Word Order in
magazine? adjectives
• who are the intended readers - a Intensifying adjectives
specific group such as students or and adverbs
teenagers, or adults in general? DO NOT use over-
• what is the aim of the article - to personal or over-
advise, suggest, inform, compare emotional language or
and contrast, describe, etc.? simplistic vocabulary.
DO NOT talk about
yourself. (better 3rd


It is an online journal or Tip: Blogs often offer advice or Emotive language.

informational website help, especially ‘how to’ blogs. Imperative verbs for tips In my last entry, you may remember we dealt
displaying information in the Use imperative verbs for this. Narrative voice. with…
reverse chronological order, Personal Experience: Blogs can Reported Speech for
with the latest posts appearing be like public diaries or journals. conversations. So, are you thinking about…?
first. Anecdotes are common. Descriptive details of
Topical: Popular blogs are often events, thoughts… Okay, you may think that…
It is a platform where a writer or topical, about current affairs that Normally written in first
even a group of writers share are important to people. person Now I’ll tell you the good stuff about…
their views on an individual Voice: Popular bloggers have a Direct, thought-
subject, giving tips, advice, style that followers recognize provoking questions to Don’t miss my next entries. In short, I’ll talk to
personal stories, etc. and like. It may be informal or the reader. Imperatives. you about an experience you’ll all be looking
personal. Chatty, informal forward to…
It is an account of what Opinion: Many blogs clearly language and register
happens, as it happens. It is state the writer’s point of view. Maintain awareness of Welcome back to my blog!
written for future reference, Examples: For any opinions, the audience through
present use. It allows you to arguments or suggestions, blog the use of second Here’s a suggestion…
keep a record, look back, reflect readers will expect to be given person pronoun. (You)
on something that has real-life, supporting examples. Will use paragraphing I recently read…
happened, give advice. Most Can be narrative-driven (with a and cohesive devices –
blogs allow you to search reverse chronological order of not formal-- which Last week…
through their archives, using a events, past tenses –travel blog-- structure the In recent news…
tagging and dating system. or get across our points, so development of ideas
similar to an essay at times. effectively. Short Why can’t we the beauty industry just leave us
However, it depends on the focal paragraphs. Linking ladies alone?
point and how developed the devices but not overly
ideas are meant to be. Should formal. It is what it is.
not just be a story. Some limited use of
Must have a very personal and acronyms, emoticons, or Some will call this progress; to me it seems
direct touch. Interact with texting type language. like we’re all still living with blinders on.
readers, ask them to respond to Interjections. Example: (idioms)
your questions, share personal Lol – (if very informal).

issues. No way. Boo. Etc. Sport is one obvious example.
Eye-catching Title and For example, For instance…
Must grab the reader’s attention Trust me when I say, try it.
at all times. Be interesting!
Have personality. Here are 5 must-dos when in India: 1. Go to a
Provide background info to set temple. Any temple.
the scene
Maintain awareness of audience.
Address who you are speaking
Will have blog features such as
first-person reflection and
narration, direct approach, sense
of the reader, and spontaneity
Short-paragraphs, even possible
lists and tips, if the context
requires it.
May have sub-headings with
quirky/funny/creative opening
Say good-bye to the reader and
invite him/her to keep updated
with your blog.


Communicate in a They must be concise and written efficiently Use of headings, NATURAL LIFE
succinct but efficient way and succinctly subheadings and Collection of ideas from people who love
to relatively small Address your audience directly and clearly bullet points nature and beauty
audience information Engaging, eye-catching title Simple and
about a new product, an Short paragraphs straightforward
offer, a service or even Will present lucid overall structure of language FIRST AID-KIT
call for action. It does not argument Semi-formal or Don’t be indifferent
include much text. Begin with the benefits of your message. informal language Save lives!
Most important info comes first Direct language Welcome to our restaurant!
Tri-fold Brochure is a key Make sure you know what the reader must especially when you
feature and tool that do next. Include contact details. know the audience. Don’t stay quiet. Raise your voice!
organizations and Panels: Images can stretch across panels. You can use
businesses use to persuade Writing tends to be in columns. questions WHAT IS STAPLE FOOD?
and inform readers about Style: Bullet points are common for Capital letters,
products, services, or communicating a message succinctly. change of size/fonts SUMMER FOR KIDS
issues. Negative Space: Refers to white space or and slogans and
unused space. It keeps the layout uncluttered other techniques to Contact us at…
and allows the reader to focus on the main make the message
points of the brochure. stand out Yoga Dreams stands for:
Logo: Company’s Logo should be visible on Testimonials and - physical vitality
the front and back cover panels. quotes - mental strength
Slogan: Catchy phrase that captures both the Facts, Numbers, - positivity
essence of the business and the reader’s Data used to
attention persuade Make a difference now!
Mission Statement: Articulates why the
business does what it does and wants to At Yoga Dreams, we believe in the
achieve. continuous development of the mind, body,
Informative Content: Basic information and soul. (Mission statement)
that answers questions about ‘what’, ‘where’,
‘when’, and ‘how much’ should appear on Guide, Fee, Timetable, Number of users
the inner panels of the pamphlet.
Testimonials: Positive reviews of a product My Thursday morning stress relief session

or service, given by customers. keeps me grounded, balanced, and mindful.
Contact Details: Appear on the back panel (Testimonial)
and include the business’s address, web
address, e-mail, and phone number Without Yoga Dreams, I would have never
Call to action: What should the reader do succeeded in my current career. It really
with the information? A call to action can be made all the difference. – Lindsay from
an imperative verb that tells the reader how Florida (Testimonial)
to respond.
Try a free trial session this week!

Benefits include:
- less pain
- healthier living
- clearer skin
- positive attitude


It is a short, reflective essay you An effective personal statement Don’t clutter it up with • Dear Hiring Manager:
write about why you’re the will answer the following boring business speak, and
perfect candidate for something questions: banish clichés such as ‘hard• To whom it may concern
(work, university admission, an Who am I? worker’ and ‘works well
opportunity…) Who do I want to be? individually or as part of a • Dear Human Resources Manager
What kind of contribution do I team • Enthusiastic school leaver with five GCSEs
It is a picture of you as a person, want to make, and how? Powerful positive
looking for an apprenticeship in the
a student, a potential Why am I the perfect adjectives. Intensifying
scholarship winner or the best candidate? adverbs. engineering field
candidate for a work vacancy Should include a brief Short anecdotes that speak

overview of who you are, your to your skills and attitudes
strengths and any work Work/Education • I am very interested in the entry level position
experience and/or education terminology that is available…
you've got.
The goal: grab the readers' •
interest and make them want to
meet you for an interview. • It is my understanding that you have been
Even if you have little-to-no deluged with resumes since…
work experience, you can find
other ways to sell yourself,
Possessing good written and verbal
include your hobbies and
communication and an interest in … which has
interests that demonstrate skills
spanned my lifetime with a particular passion
which are relevant to the job
for …
you’re applying for
Don’t list only interests.
A pro-active sales professional with over six
Demonstrate them.
years’ experience
Must hook the reader’s
attention by adopting a polite,
This role has enabled me to develop a valuable
professional and positive tone
and transferable skill set which stands me in
Keep it short, precise.
good stead for…
Concision is important
Should end with your
Looking for a start in the exciting world of …
objective. It’s a chance to wrap where I can learn a trade and realize a lifetime
up your statement with an ambition.
explanation of why you want
the role and why you’re the A big part of my life in high school was
best candidate. competitive debating. I competed and ranked
DO NOT include anything highly in numerous tournaments on the
negative. regional, provincial, national, and
DO NOT be vague or international levels
regurgitate generic things.
Your personal statement needs I want to attend The University X because it
to be tailored to your specific has an unparalleled reputation in terms of the
skills and achievements. quality of students, faculty, and education.
Thank you for the taking the time to consider
me for such an esteemed opportunity. I look
forward to becoming an addition to your team.



It is a record (originally in Very personal, you jot “I” statements. First person I wonder that will happen if…
handwritten format) with down your feelings, perspective.
discrete entries arranged by reflections so it speaks Start with “Dear Diary” or “Dear It’s hard to understand why I feel like this but
date reporting on what has your mind. Journal”, some type of opening who knows…
happened over the course The beginning of your Spontaneous, unplanned language
of a day or other period. journal writing can just be You can use 2nd person as if you Sometimes I feel like I’m…
an introduction to your were talking to a friend but you’re
A diary/journal is a thoughts at the time. It is a talking to yourself I shouldn’t have said…
collection of notes, is reflective exercise. Finish with a concluding statement
strictly a record of personal Write naturally, quickly kind of final thought: (who I don’t want to think about…
and daily experiences and honestly. Can be a wonders what will happen…)
written from a personal and cathartic experience. Exclamations The other day I read the following quote (..)
private perspective. Keep each journal entry Rhetorical questions (How could I which made me think of…
dated have imagined…)
Can be used for you to Address your diary or --I wonder, I suppose, I reckon, I Do you really think this is admissible?
set goals and track your journal. Dear Diary, imagine… typical sentences when
progress towards these Entries can be titled. Short, you’re not sure about something. Exclamations, imperatives, repetitions,
goals, make decisions, etc. grabbing title. Conditionals. exaggerations, descriptive / colorful adjectives,
Will have a closing Will not use self-evident rhetorical questions; Why would they do that?
Can be used to help you statement to round off the explanatory phrases or sentences,
identify negative thought entry e.g. will use “I saw Alicia”, not “I Intimate and personal vocabulary, emotional
patterns Structure: A clear saw Alicia, my best friend”. expressions (Today, I feel quite blue due to the
beginning: Dear Diary, Write inspirational quotes current situation regarding climate change.)
Confide your feelings,
Dear Journal. Some limited use of texting
emotions, doubts,
Describe your ideas language and emoticons as well as (Never vulgar!) - Keep it classy
questions, reflections about
Conclusion little drawings is admissible. (Lol.
experiences, etc. It’s very
Each paragraph should Wow. Boo. Meh. Seriously?) Colloquial language
follow succinctly with the Date: May 16th, 2021
paragraph before and have Opening: Dear Diary: Dear Subjunctive – I wish that I could.... I wish I
a natural transition. Don’t Journal: were.... (Conditional)

jump from one idea to Speak to your diary: Only you can
another that have nothing understand me.... I can only talk to Connectors – If only...., Meanwhile...Also
to do with one another. you.
Stick to the topic Emotions: I’m so angry about...I Interjections – Oh my gosh! Wow! Did you
am truly living a nightmare of a know? I couldn’t believe it! Exciting! Scary!
time. I’m furious...I am elated.
Ending /departure statements: I’m
exhausted. Going to hit the hay.
Talk to you tomorrow. Write to
you tomorrow. (This is a good
place to use idioms and


It is a short piece of writing for Contains a thesis: a statement or Formal language and In the following essay we are going to
academic purposes. An essay an opinion that is discussed in a register. DO NOT use analyze…
consists of several paragraphs logical way and presented with contractions.
about a certain topic. An evidence in order to prove that Cohesive devices and As we will see later it cannot be forgotten,
expository essay is a type of it is true linkers (addition,
writing that evaluates and Structured composed by 1) a contrasting, cause- Furthermore…
explains a certain issue or a question or title with a stimulus, consequence
topic, whereas an argumentative 2) an opening as a general relationships, concluding It is obvious that…
essay contains not only statistics presentation of the topic in one justifying, sequence…)
and facts but writer’s personal or two sentences introduction Can be written in first To put it another way
ideas and persuasion. with the thesis, 3) the body, person or in a more
which consists of three or more indirect voice (passive, Another key factor to remember…
Essays are very concise and supporting paragraphs which third person). Depends
coherent way of presenting an expand on the topic and 4) the on context. Needless to say, …
argument and persuading closing, with one, two or three
readers. sentences that summaries, wrap With this in mind…
up the main idea, restating it in
a more memorable tone In view, in light of…
Clear, justified examples for
everything Having said that…
Well-structured paragraphs
Well-argued ideas All things considered….
Must sound convincing
Can show different patterns In view of our nation’s tragic history of
(zigzagging, one-sided, segregation and discrimination, lawmakers
opposition’s arguments first, realized that action was necessary…. (Hook)
counterarguments and refute
them.) Affirmative Action includes giving minority
Hook: Start with a generally citizens preferential treatment for college
accepted truth or interesting admission and scholarship purposes. (Topic)
question; something to grab the
reader’s attention. The continuance of affirmative action into
Topic: What will this essay be modern society has become more of a plague
exploring. Needs to be than a benefit. The court should abolish
introduced and defined clearly affirmative action in college admissions once
in the introduction. and for all. (Thesis)
Thesis Statement: Main
argument or message, which is The biggest problem with affirmative action is
introduced at the end of the simple. Using discrimination to combat
introduction. discrimination encourages racial hatred in our
Topic Sentence: Indicates what society. (Topic sentence)
the paragraph will be about.
Makes a claim that connects to By being discriminated against, whites and
the thesis. Asian-Americans may feel resentment toward
Evidence and Support: Used those races that have been selected as the most
to prove the point of the topic elite of the disadvantaged. (Evidence)
sentence and thesis statement.
Explanation: How does the Reversing the direction of inequality does not
evidence prove the point? bring anyone closer to equality. (Explanation)
Explanation, evaluation,
analysis. Part of the body It all boils down to a single underlying
paragraphs. question: Should it be legal to discriminate
Conclusion: Echo the thesis against people based on the color of their skin?
statement and restate Answer that, and we’ve answered whether we
arguments. should continue affirmative action.
Introduction: 3 Body (Conclusion)
Paragraphs: Conclusion
Body Paragraphs: Points
(Topic Sentence). Evidence.


A It is essentially a dialogue, Informal to semi-formal And then we moved on to…, we discussed…, then we
structured conversation where well-structured and register. DO NOT use proceeded…,
one participant coherent dialogue. contractions except if the
asks questions, and the other Eye-catching title speaker uses them. When asked about…, on the subject of…regarding
provides answers. In Short introduction Will use a style aimed at
common parlance, the word providing background involving and interesting He explained, she commented, they pointed out…
"interview" refers to a one- about the interviewee and the reader.
on-one conversation between the interview (Who, What, Will refer to the interview, Here s/he hesitated, mumbled, groaned, offered the
an interviewer and Where, Why, When, How) including direct quotations following advice, explained in tears…
an interviewee. in the first paragraph and/or reported speech not
Will not be a only verbs but expressions Last week, I had the pleasure to sit down with Beyonce
verbatim transcript. Must like ‘When asked about…. at her country home in North Carolina to talk about
look like an article. On the subject of…. her most recent music video that has received both
Clarify and ask for Regarding…. praise and faced criticism. Once we were both
examples, point out, Description and comfortable in her quiet, rustic recording studio,
contradict or show personality vocabulary Beyonce opened up to me about the onslaught of both
disagreement and language. Tell details positive and negative reviews of her video.
Analyze and reflect of why topics are
attitude, position, eye- addressed. Smith (Interviewer): ‘First of all, I want to say what an
contact, feelings, non- Strong sense of honor it is to be in your recording studio today with
verbal language interviewer’s voice you. Is this where you first began writing and
You can inject humor Creating a vivid imagery imagining the video…...?’
Name of the author should like a visualized story in
be included the minds of the readers. Beyonce: ‘As a matter of fact, it is….’ She took a few
Active voice. minutes to consider the question with a smile, fondly
Quotation Marks for remembering the writing process.
figures of speech
Sequence Connectors. We still may not have a black or white answer to
Narrative features. whether Beyonce’s music video pays homage to Africa
Special Typo (square or is another in a long line of stereotypical costumed
brackets, colons, commas) ‘Out of Africa’ wannabes; however, there is one thing
we can all agree on: Beyonce never disappoints.

It is a letter sent to It consists of 1) an Extremely formal, distant

a publication about issues of introduction where we and even reproaching tone I am writing to express my support
concern from its readers. Usually, present our reason for writing – you normally write
letters are intended for publication. and our opinion about the because you fully disagree for/(dis)approval of …
Is there a cause or opinion you topic, 2) then we present our with something written--.
could write about in a letter to the arguments/the problems, DO NOT abbreviate. I am writing to you to express my concerns
editor? Is there an article you’ve together with Will adopt an appropriately
about the advertisement I saw in your
read, to which you would like to consequences/suggestions/res serious tone
respond? An advertisement, ults, in separate paragraphs Connecting linkers to publication last week.
current affair or event that needs and 3) the conclusion, where sequence or list points and
addressing or critically refuted? we summarize our opinion or emphasize the situation I am writing with regard to …
write it again using different (firstly, secondly,
words and we call for action furthermore, what is more,
if our proposals are not therefore…) In the above-mentioned article, you raised
considered Frequent expressions and some issues…
Will refer to the original linkers to express opinion
article/issue raised. and intention (I would like
Will include the name and the to recommend, I would like to bring your attention that this
address of the person writing highlight…in my opinion, is not true…
Be timely and sincere. the purpose of writing this
Respond within a few days to letter is…)
articles that appear in the Use of the subjunctive (i.e., I am absolutely convinced readers will agree
paper, especially prominent after expressions like It is with me…
articles or editorial page urgent, we demand that…)
opinions as well as other formal
You can refute information or structures. This is an issue I feel strongly committed to…
opinions in the published Use of resources to get
articles, or you can support across your ideas clearly I hope my comments/suggestions/points will
them. (objection, support) and be taken into consideration.
Most important points should emphasize your point of
come first view. Show conviction. Expecting prompt action.
You can make a call to Intensifying adverbs and
action. adjectives should appear. I kindly request that you pull the ad from all
Polite but assertive tone Proper use of intensifiers, media and publish a formal apology.
Should provide evidence such as adverbs to
backing up your views emphasize your speech but Yours faithful reader
Should always reflect the avoid exaggeration,
desire/hope of the writer to informal, emotive
see things changed language, idioms or
Will include a polite greeting deliberate misspellings
and a closing salutation. (gonna) and of course,
Recommended to use swearing.
personal title, contact data…


A piece of writing found in Contains facts, impact, and context. Keep it objective. Slant According to (our sources, a dramatic
newspapers and their The inverted pyramid. Most important doesn’t mean biased. testimony from…)
purpose is to inform info comes first. Formal language.
readers of what is 5 W’s in the text: Who, What, When, Complete sentences. DO It is understood, believed, considered…
happening in the world Where, Why, How NOT use contractions
around them, current, and Relevant and Current Common use of the People/witnesses interviewed on the spot
pressing events. Structure: 1) (relevant) Headline, 2) passive voice and affirmed/declared, claimed…
Standfirst, 3) By-line, 4) Leading reporting passive but DO
It is helpful to ask: Who? paragraphs, 5) Supporting and NOT overuse it or the S/he (then) added, emphasized,
What? When? Where? concluding paragraphs style will be affected. highlighted…
Why? How? in order to One idea for one paragraph. Past / Perfect tenses
write a complete News Headline: Grabs the reader’s attention Personal opinions not 18-Year-Old Student From Tamil Nadu
Report. and captures the essence of the news expressed directly Designs World’s Largest Satellite Weighing
story Avoid emotive language Just 64 Grams
Newsworthiness: Answers the question: and signs (ellipsis, (Headline. Every word is capitalized.)
Why does the reader need to know about exclamations). Keep an
this piece of information or event and objective opinion. Sharook is set to break a global space
why should they care? Use speculative language record by launching the lightest satellite in
Source: Draw on reliable sources in if you can’t provide all the world.
order to be credible. Otherwise, it is the evidence.
hearsay. Don’t get flowery. Avoid Speaking to Times of India Pallapatti,
Quotations: Quote sources directly in long sentences. Be Sharook said…
news articles. Adds credibility. concise and to the point.
Context: Readers might not know the Quote people who speak The main role of the (….) is to
background story of the news event. or use reported speech. demonstrate…
Briefly describe what happened before May use subheadings
the events outlined in the News Report. Specific terminology He said that…She stated that…We heard
Facts: Numbers, dates, people’s names, (politics, law, from…
statistics, and any facts add credibility to economy…)
news. Explain abbreviations
Photograph: Accompanied by a first time you use them.
photograph that illustrates the news story.


Editorials are an article in a They are both designed to You may use quotes – “Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled that bus
newspaper or other periodical stimulate public debate especially at the segregation was unconstitutional”
presenting the opinion of the Powerful headline that grabs beginning—to emphasize
publisher, editor or editors. It readers’ attention and persuades your position and set the “The death sentences handed down by a
is the opinion of the them to read the piece (sometimes tone of the article. Saudi court to five anonymous men in the
newspaper's editorial board called a “kicker”) Consider the relationship killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the
or the senior leadership of the An introductory paragraph can between you, as an expert Saudi Consulate in Istanbul only add
paper. On the contrary, begin with a dramatic moment to opinion, and your another level of infamy to the foul murder.”
opinion columns are arise attention, explains fully the readership. Use appropriate (dramatic moments)
generally written by staff event and/or situation vocabulary and register.
members of the newspaper or The text has a powerful You can use quotations We are living the most crucial, powerful
invited guests. It is their conclusion reminding the reader The use of “We” implies moment...This can be a powerfully great
personal opinion about of the main idea or suggesting a that we all should share the experience or a traumatic ordeal....
issues. course of action same view. Common
Very persuasive language but you technique to grab attention. The cynical conclusion of all this process is
needn’t ignore the opinions of Emotive words: extreme that...
others. The best opinion articles adjectives, intensifying
refer to other viewpoints and adverbs… It is time that we declare, demand, call for
refute them. Very correct use of action...
Include facts, especially unknown connectors and linkers.
ones, to support your argument. Opinion columns can go It is reasonable to assume...
Logos: appeal to logic to persuade further in using more
your readers emotive, conversational It is doubtful/ the pretense that justice has
They can use the same language. been even remotely served must not be given
argumentative techniques as Opinion columns must be any credence
essays with more adjectives and efficient in terms of size.
descriptive language. They are constrained by (newspaper’s name) is committed to
Direct style word limit newspaper. publishing a diversity of letters to the editor.
Editorials may invite readers to Opinion columns show the We’d like to hear what you think about this
send then letters to the editor writer establishing or any of our articles. Here’s our email:
commenting on the topic. themselves as an authority
Editorials would never be of the topic. There is a
identified, not writing from an ‘I’ powerful sense of the
point of view, but from a general writer’s voice.
opinion of the publication. DO NOT use contractions.
Never attack a person directly, but Rhetorical questions
rather an organization.
Editorials would have a date
Opinion columns will show the
name of the writer at the
beginning, under headline or
Opinion columns may contain a
brief biodata and references at the
end to ensure the audience
remember that the writer is


With regards to formal letters and

communication in the English- Addresses: (Letter only. Extremely formal I am writing to express my support
Speaking World, it is important to Not Email.) Write your DO NOT abbreviate or use
state very clearly why you are own address first, followed contractions. for/(dis)approval of …;
writing and what you want the by the address of the Will adopt an appropriately
reader or recipient to do in response person to whom you are serious tone I am writing with regard to …
to your letter (call to action.) writing. These can be Connecting linkers to
written on either the top sequence or list points and
Always ask: left or top right. emphasize the situation In the above-mentioned article, you raised
1. Who is the writer? Date: 28 August 2021 (firstly, secondly, some issues…
2. Why am I writing this Formal Emails: Will furthermore, what is more,
letter? include all letter features therefore…)
3. Who is the reader? EXCEPT addresses and Frequent expressions and I would like to bring your attention…
4. When was it written/ date. linkers to express opinion
Greeting: Important to and intention (I would like I am absolutely convinced…
remain formal. Ex. Dear to recommend), (I would
Mr., Dear Mrs.…., To like to highlight), (In my
whom it may concern, opinion, the purpose of It is urgent that your company releases an
Dear Marketing writing this letter is…) apology….
Department, etc. Use of the subjunctive
Direct Opening: Explain Use of resources to get
why you are writing your across your ideas clearly I kindly ask that you….
letter. You should make the (objection, support) and I respectfully request that….
point clearly at the emphasize your point of
beginning. The reader view.
might not want to read the Show conviction. This is an issue I feel strongly committed
rest of your letter if you do Intensifying adverbs and to…
not state your main point adjectives should appear.
from the start. Proper use of intensifiers, I hope my comments/suggestions/points will
Concise Argument: such as adverbs to be taken into consideration.
Letters tend to be shorter. emphasize your letter.
(Will be closer to the 450 Avoid exaggeration, Expecting prompt action
minimum word limit.) informal, emotive
Make an effective and language, idioms or Respectfully
concise argument in the deliberate misspellings Kind regards
second and third (gonna) and of course,
paragraphs, explaining why swearing. No vulgarities.
the reader should care
about the complaint,
suggestion, etc.
Call to Action: What
should the reader do after
reading your letter? Offer
the editor a solution.
Salutation and Signature:
There is no need to be
original or especially
creative. ‘Kind regards’ is
very business-like. Be sure
to write your name in full
below your signature. Ex.
Kind regards, Sincerely
(more personal), All the
best (less formal),
Respectfully (formal)


Establish a personal Will maintain clear sense of address to Use informal, colloquial language How’re u? It’s been ages since…sorry
relationship with a specific person: sense of dialogue which remains easily understandable but I’ve been too busy doing…
the reader through Must be an entertaining paper able to Direct questions and comments that
writing show emotions would “require” an answer I’m good, can’t wait your answer
Tells anecdotes clearly. Arouse Will adopt a consistently informal
interest register Btw, anyway, …
Simple sentence structure Informal language, including phrasal
Appropriate connectors for an verbs, informal vocabulary, It’s awful, I feel devastated…
abundant use of short sentences. contractions, question tags.
Check register of these Will adopt a lively, engaging tone and Well, that’s enough about this! How’re
Appropriate opening and closing style, perhaps with some “youth- you?
salutation speak”
Closing statement (excuse) and Control of digression. Limited texting I need to leave not but write soon and
signing off and emoticons allowed. Spelling or tell me…
Typical letter of email format grammar “oral flaws must be
(recipient address, fields) suggested purposeful and appear purposeful’ Take care!
Exclamations and emotional signs.
Never vulgar.


They are a document that starts by Eye-Catching Title and Direct Clear and Concise Situation: Customer calls to our helpline are
describing the situation in a Subtitles Language currently answered by an assistant who asks the
business, school, club, or other Situation/Problem: Include Careful with Meandering customer if they are calling to report a new
organization you might be part of who / the community that this sentences problem or to check the status of a previously
or not and being direct in a proposal will affect Simple, easy to understand reported issue.
proposed change that needs to take Very concise with what the language
place. They are usually directed problem is and why it is No idioms. No contractions. Proposed Solution: The role of the assistant
towards an organization or an a problem Formal Language who answers the call could easily be replaced
entity. Summary of Your Proposed Passive voice and 3rd by an automated system, which would allow the
Solution: Steps Involved: What Person (Similar to Official customer to press 1 for a new problem or 2 for
The difference between a report and must be done. Report) a previously reported issue. If the customer
a proposal is that in the latter we Necessary Personnel: Are you pressed 2, they would be prompted to enter
have to give recommendations on going to need 200 workers? their Incident ID #.
improving the situation. Are you going to need video
editors? Who do you need to Steps Involved: 1. Purchase a new phone
Basically they: get this done? routing system that would allow these
Budget? Is this going to cost capabilities. 2. Program and test the new
describe a situation, problem and something? How much? Detail. routing system. 3. Convert Incident ID #s from
findings Tool or proponent going to a combination of letters and numbers to
cost. numbers only. 4. Communicate the new
uses data, experiments, studies, Tools? What are you going to workflow to customer service representatives.
surveys, summarizes data need? Photoshop, a printer,
shovels, paint, solar panels Benefits: ● The new process would eliminate
draws conclusions based on Benefits: Positive Outcomes the need for assistants to answer customer
findings Repeat the main problem and calls, freeing them up for other tasks. Each
proposal. assistant typically answers 30 calls per day. At
informative and proposing a direct Overarching goal – Revenue an average of 42 seconds per call, this would
change that it will generate – Health give each assistant an additional 21 minutes
Benefits? per day.
Potential Obstacles
Information of how to reach Potential Obstacles: ● The cost of the new
you if proposal is accepted. phone routing system (approximately $700
If proposal is deemed dollars). This cost would be miniscule
acceptable, please contact me compared with the savings over time associated
at: email, phone number with the additional capacity of the assistants.

No solution is going to please every customer,

but most consumers today expect to be greeted
with an automated system when calling a


They are document that start by It is always directed to a very Be concise and precise. Culture at Work: The value of intercultural
describing the situation in a specific audience. Before you Short, clear paragraphs. skills at the workplace. (Title)
business, school, club, or other start, ask yourself to whom, why Formal! DO NOT use
organization you might be part of and for what purpose are you ‘I’, ‘We’, or ‘You’. Ipsos is the third largest market research
or not. writing this report. Sections identified by company in the world…
Will have an introduction or numbers / letters / Booz Allen Hamilton has been the forefront of
The difference between a report and statement of needs, a body with bullets strategy and technology consulting for nearly a
a proposal is that in the latter we clear solutions and benefits and a High level of formality. century. (Sponsors)
have to give recommendations on conclusion reiterating purpose and DO NOT use
improving the situation. main argument, including the contractions or phrasal List of contents: Foreword (2), Summary (3),
potential problems if our solutions verbs. Conclusions (2), etc. (Table of Contents)
Basically they: are not considered. Impersonal, courteous
Support always your argument distant language: 3rd This research suggests that there is significant
describe a situation and findings with evidence (i.e., surveys or person, passive forms. opportunity for employers, policy makers, and
statistics) Avoid language such as education providers to work together to
similar to an extended essay Very informative. It focuses on the “might”, “hope”, strengthen the development of intercultural
structure action and the facts more than on “should”, “hope”, skills to meet the needs of an increasingly
opinions. It is NOT a personal “perhaps” global workforce. (Conclusions)
uses data, experiments, studies, text. Avoid exaggerated or
surveys, summarizes data Title and Subtitles: Every report formal expressions. Forward = Abstract
needs a title and subtitle. Objective language at all
draws conclusions based on Simple/’Boring’ titles are fine, as times. The modern workplace is increasingly
findings they often cover the scope of the globalized and competitive. (Abstract)
report best.
informative Sponsors: Who has commissioned For job seekers the research findings suggest
the report? Readers will want to that they must pay attention to the intercultural
know who is responsible for skills needed by employers. (Abstract)
funding and carrying out the
research. To answer these questions, Ipsos PublicAffairs
Table of Contents/Index: conducted a survey of HR
Necessary for readers who wish to managers…(methodology)
quickly scan the report
Conclusion: Reiterate previous The aim / objective of this proposal, this report
points. Sometimes it is appropriate is intended to…
to further suggest areas for further
study. As (the school, company, council) may be
Appendices: An appendix is an aware…
addition to a report, and it may
include raw data, survey questions, Following a survey amongst…
articles, or primary sources.
Abstract: Summarizes the key A number of concerns with regards…were
findings of the research and it expressed…
describes the context in which the
research was conducted These measures would eliminate/enhance/….
Synthesis: Act of processing the cost would be miniscule compared to…
multiple sources and basing claims
on them. In order to/ So as to accomplish these
Methodology: Readers of reports objectives…
want to know how research was
conducted. A section of the Not only will customer service be improved…
methodology comes toward the
beginning of the report. Unless these measures are taken…
Findings: Aims to acquire results
and report on its findings. The
term ‘findings’ is broad and
includes both the data or evidence
that have been gathered and the
conclusions that are based on
Labelling and Captions: These
are useful for in-text referencing
and an easier reading experience.
Graphs, charts, tables,
diagrams, or figures: Visual
representation of data.


It is a report in a newspaper or Made up by: Will adopt a consistent I must recognize, I had some doubts before
magazine, or on the Internet, 1.) Eye-catching and creative title, that register (informal, watching….I expected it…
television or radio, in which alludes to opinion review semi-formal or formal)
somebody gives their opinion of 2.) Summary with details, credits, etc. but you’d better NOT The film/book gives us insight into…
a book, event, play, film/movie, 3.) Body consisting of: Introduction, use contractions.
etc. Supporting paragraphs, erdict or Can use first or third The film serves as great entertainment…
recommendation person depending on
When readers read reviews, Not only summarize key points but the approach to the The music conveys a sad/happy/melancholy
they want to know: ‘Should I evaluating the work reader. atmosphere
see this movie? Should I visit Never mention spoiler details May sound chatty or
this exhibition?’ When writing Think about the publication, your role expert insightful ideas The music underlines a mood/evokes
reviews, be sure that the there, the audience and decide if your depending on the feelings/shows a character’s
readers’ questions are attitude will be opinionated, balanced, audience emotions/connects scenes
answered. Note: They will not humorous, intelligent… May use sense of
read a novel because you write Use a lead or attention-grabber: Hook humor to sound It is an extremely worthwhile watch/read…
‘I think it is good.’ Your Will use a tone and style to engage the authentic if register
arguments must be stronger reader. Have personality. allows it. It will change the way you think/see…
than this. It is NOT Will have a title intended to attract and Very descriptive.
RECOMMENDED to use the interest the reader. Make sure you sound Abundance of It is an unbelievably depicted portrayal of…
phrase ‘I think.’ knowledgeable. powerful adverbs and
Will use a lively, direct style aimed to adjectives. True to (writer, director’s) style…
interest and entertain the readers. Will Twists and turns
express enthusiasm, either positive or between the subjective Overall, I would recommend it especially…
negative. and the objective view
DO NOT write as if it were a script but and comparatives Last week…
tell the information in structured based on expectations, (Includes facts or quotations)
paragraphs previous works:
Will include the name of the reviewer. correct and frequent ‘Aren’t the days of the British Spies over?’
Credit those involved in what you are use of connectors. (Questions or claims are good hooks.)
reviewing. Connectors that give
May use a system of ratings; this should sequence and ‘It’s the first Bond film of its kind, with stronger
be rewarded. coherence to the plot- female characters, a humbler British
Newsworthy: A review of anything is telling part. intelligence agency and a softer James Bond.
more relevant and meaningful if it is Use of present tenses It’s a long overdue but welcomed change.’
about something new. preferred over past
Hook: Start your review with something ones. DO NOT mix Juno is both firm and fair, strong and feminine.
that grabs the audience’s attention them. Bond is a changed man.
Thesis: As in an essay, a review should Lots of book/film
have an argument. Every good review terminology. Bond appears softer. James is tempted to pack
focuses on why the reader should or May use sub-headings, it all up. (Present tense.)
should not see the movie or read the if desired.
book. The thesis also outlines the scope Limited Summary Sam Mendes challenges audiences on their
of the review. In other words, what will views of masculinity and power.
the review be about.
Interpretation: The reviewer’s You could say it’s only shaken, not stirred.
interpretation should be clear. (Humor and referencing a famous movie
Adjectives work best to express opinion. quote.)
Present Tense: Always write about
novels, films, apps, exhibitions in the
present tense.
Limited Summary: The audience is
curious to know more about the plot and
characters. Good reviews limit the
amount of summary information, to
keep audiences curious and to avoid
Credits: The name of the director,
author, or artist should always be
mentioned. Reviews comment on the
creator’s intentions.
Humor/Personality: Good reviews are
fun to read. Humor can lighten criticism.


They are texts that help you They are know-how and so they rely Common use of the
make choices when deciding heavily on instructions. imperative form, especially DO NOT PUT YOUR RECYCLING IN
on a course of action. When They do not simply give orders, they to give instructions, PLASTIC BAGS – It cannot be processed at
you’re faced with a problem suggest solutions and procedures although it can follow an the recycling center
or decision, guidelines set Cautions, warnings or specifying indirect speech in the form
out standard routines or good statements are common of a paragraph. Never SORTING OUT YOUR TRASH
practice to follow, a set of Divide the main topic in elements or should sound forceful 1. …
instructions, or a code of categories. Break down instructions though 2. …
conduct. into small steps so each section is Bullet points, numbers or
easy to follow with enough detail to headings and subheadings 10 Tips to Keep Using your Household
help the reader. are common Appliances Longer
Heading and Subheadings Will adopt a semi-formal
Address your audience clearly register possibly with Simple instructions to change a bulb
Be precise and concise informal touches, other Firstly, turn off the electricity.
If it is a process, it should be times very formal. Secondly, remove the light bulb.
organized chronologically Address readers directly but Then, screw in the new light bulb
Very factual politely, not bossy. Modal
You can add useful diagrams, verbs Please remember, this does not incorporate
illustrations or photographs to help Sequentially ordered steps. batteries
the reader understand your advice Sequence connectors
Should have a clear, supportive title Choose your words And finally, the …should work as you plug it
and a conclusion that signals carefully, to…
completion of task avoiding jargon and
Should be easy to read technical terms if you can. Because our industry requires the appearance
Rationale: The opening paragraph Give an example or of trusted business professionals and we serve
explains why they are needed and an analogy, if you think a clients at our site on a daily basis, a formal
how they relate to a wider statement may puzzle a dress code is necessary for our employees.
philosophy, similar to a Mission reader. (Rationale)
Statement or Purpose. Short, to the point ideas.
Passive and ‘obligation’ verbs: Very often connectors are Saturday is declared…(Passive voice)
Should tell someone what to do, but dropped out. Not used Clothing should be pressed. (Modal verb)
in a polite way, and without often.
sounding too forceful. Change of size/fonts used Formal Business Attire Recommendations:
Headings: Should not take too long Passive voice (Heading)
to read. Headings, numbered points,
and short sentences help make the A professional appearance is encouraged.
text clear and easy to understand. Saturday is declared informal attire day.
Avoid Pronouns and First Person: Not wearing stockings is considered
‘I’, ‘We’, or ‘You’ are not generally inappropriate.
used in policy documents. The use of Individuals are expected to adhere to these
‘he’, ‘she’, and ‘they’ is rare. Instead guidelines.
it is common to write about things, (Avoiding pronouns)
roles, and abstractions.
Present Tense: Notice that Hats are not appropriate in the office.
guidelines are written in the present (Present Tense)
Consequences and Repercussions: If an employee fails to meet these standards,
‘If X does not happen, Y will.’ the employee will be asked not to wear the
Usually communicated without inappropriate item to work again.
sounding confrontational. Guidelines (Consequences)
focus more on the action rather than
the person. Useful Vocabulary:
- Being a part of
- Contributing to
- Belonging to
- Following
- Maintain
- Uphold
- Enact
- Reinforce
- Starting point
- Corner stone
- Foundation
- Advantage
- Prerequisite
- Requirement
- Permitted
- Allowed

- Tolerated
- Seen favorably
- Needed
- Desired
- Necessary
- Dealt with
- Admonished
- Reprimanded
- Taken care of
- Adhere to
- Violate
- Break
- Infringe
- Discharging
- Removal of
- Confiscating
- Taking away


It is a text addressed to a Imagery: Good speeches appeal Semi formal to informal Dear sirs and madams
listening audience where the to the audiences’ senses of sight register. It is intended to
speaker wants to make and sound. be spoken. You may use It is a pleasure to be here today, speaking on
impact, hold attention, Anecdote: Small, short stories contractions to make it behalf of….
convince them of an idea, that explain a bigger idea more fluent depending
inspire, motivate… Pathos: Speakers appeal to on the register. Full Thank you to all who have traveled from distant
emotion. Why should the forms can help you be lands to hear me speak on…
For speeches, it is important audience care about the speech’s better heard.
to keep your audience in message? Understandable I feel very deeply honored and privileged to…
mind. Who are they and what Anaphora: Audiences are more vocabulary
are their beliefs? How can you likely to remember and follow a Will use paragraphing Well, I am here today to tell to you why it is
appeal to their beliefs to speech if there is repetition. and cohesive devices imperative…
convey your message? Ethos: Appeal to a sense of which structure the
ethics. development of ideas If there’s a child, If there’s a senior citizen, If
Antithesis: Showing a contrast effectively there’s an Arab-American….
between two things helps the May have flashes of
speaker make a point. humor and personality. It is a fundamental belief—I am my brother’s
Problem/Solution: Persuasive Greeting expressions to keeper, I am my sister’s keeper—that makes this
speeches often present a the audience country work.
problem. Which the speaker aims Use of pronouns or
to solve direct speech. There is not a liberal America and a conservative
Parallelism: Sentence structures Emotive language America; there’s the United States of America.
that have. Parallel forms resources to keep
Allusion: Subtle reference to contact with your There are patriots who opposed the war, and
something that people know and audience (rhetorical there are patriots who supported the war.
value devices: lists of three,
Logos: Appeal to logic. Includes repetitions, direct or If we do what we must do, I have no doubt that…
words such as ‘if’, ‘then’, and rhetorical questions,
‘because’ to persuade the discourse markers, History can provide many lessons to
audience. question tag,
It has a clear purpose: entertain, imperatives, abstract When you fight for … you're not only fighting to
demonstrate, welcome, persuade, nouns (I have a dream)
inform. …) We have a serious issue on our hands.
Most difficult part (when carried Connecting linkers to
out): find the right form to sequence or list points Today I will discuss some of the shocking
connect with and address the and emphasize the statistics, sad stories, and a beautiful plan.
audience. situation (firstly,
Very persuasive and moderately secondly, furthermore, To start off, I will discuss the current problem we
emotive tone what is more, have
In the introduction: therefore…)
+greet them Declarative sentences Here are some shocking statistics:
+grab attention with facts that are Now that you know enough about,
+make sure they understand difficult to argue against hopefully you’ll understand…
the topic Predominant active Through this speech, I have informed you
+cite knowledge or expertise: voice. More about the basics, advantages and disadvantages,
convince or comfort motivational. of…You can rest easy knowing…
+outline the points to cover Alliteration: repetition
In the main body: give of the same consonant Ladies and gentlemen, I have provided you with
explanations and supporting sounds information about…
evidence. It will give examples. Assonance: repetition
Must wrap up a clear conclusion of the same vowel Government of the people, by the people, for the
when we restate our arguments sounds people, shall not perish from the Earth.
using different words. Analogy: comparisons
Final sentence should be a Never, never and never again….
clincher or a call to action and
thanking the audience for We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on
listening to you. the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields,
we shall never surrender.

I am honoured to be with you today at your

commencement from one of the finest universities
in the world.

And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your

country can do for you, ask what you can do for
your country.


Purposes vary with the Posts will have introduction, Rhetoric: Use of Don’t you think?
context and audience. General body, and conclusion personal pronouns to
categories of postings include Above all, it must be clear to an connect with the We must…We must also…and we certainly
communication of examiner reading the post that audience— ‘you, we, must….
information, persuasion, you are writing to a specific our’
entertainment, celebrations, audience and that it is ‘online’. Use of variety of Not only, but also
instruction, and a mix of these Short, snappy headline: Must structures that maintain
purposes. Remember, it is relate to the overall topic audience interest such Furthermore
similar to a blog (public diary) Short subheadings for each as:
as it is written from a personal separate post. This must be Rhetorical questions We will meet them…We will talk to them…We
point of view, but also written specifically related to each post. Repetition will learn from them…
to share the writer’s thoughts, For each separate post, include Addition
feelings, and beliefs with on the same line: ‘by (your full Contrast There might be a mountain to climb but we have
others. name), date, time. Ex: by Comparison the skill and energy to succeed and pass IB.
Junghwan Hyun @13.01.2021— Parallel Structures (Metaphor)
In our technological world, 17:04 Metaphors
social media postings have Not necessary to use a greeting Other considerations:
become a part of people’s such as Hello or Hi, but make it Interesting readable
everyday life. Publishing clear to whom (the audience) you style, entertaining
social media is as simple as are writing to. A series of posts is like
sharing a blog post, an image, Short Introduction about your a continued
or a video on a social media purpose for writing conversation on a
platform. Development of specific points related topic. Try to
in the body of your post write the way you
Audiences are as varied as the Clear and effective transitions speak.
settings and situations. It is between paragraphs Avoid jargon and
really important for a writer to Paragraphs should be short. cliches.
write his or her post in a way A memorable ending that also Needs to sound natural,
that is interesting and repeats and reinforces your as if you could speak it.
connects with the specific purpose Sound like you are
audience. talking to a friend



Latin/French based verbs remove, retain, consult, enter Phrasal verbs take away/ out, keep back,
look p, go/come in
Uncommon words/sophisticated purchase, procure, cease, masticate, delicious, Common words with hardly any buy, get, stop, chew, nice, a
vocabulary endless... power lot
Unabbreviated forms If you will take a seat, I will consider your Abbreviated forms and I’ll, asap, memo…
request immediately. contractions
Passive and Impersonal forms Cfr. A meeting has been scheduled for 3 October Active and personal forms (first We’ve set a meeting for 3
2005 at 11 a.m. and second person more used) Oct at 11 a.m.
It is said that… They say that …
It is possible to consider the results viewpoint. We can consider the results
It is not clear why such terrible... from another from another
I viewpoint.
I can’t understand why they
put up
Noun phrases The President’s speeches were rather Verb phrases The P. was talking rubbish
unintelligible You could tell from his
His tone of voice revealed that … voice that.....
My findings are outlined below. . I’ve described/set out what

Not ending with preposition To whom were you speaking? Ending with preposition Who were you speaking to?

Use the right tone. Be correct, polite I would urge to consider, Imperatives and straightforward You must visit this place for
and distant languages. Friendly and familiar sure!
I would be grateful if you could If you don’t do it, I will sue
you till the last penny!
it would be kind from you to…

Subordinate clauses and complex In spite of the fact that cruises round the More simple connectors Cruises around the
connectors Mediterranean are fairly expensive, they seem to Mediterranean are fairly
be very popular expensive, but they seem to
be very popular
Use of inversion and other formal Should you require any additional information... No inversion unless we need to If you need any more
structures If you would take a seat... emphasize. More colloquial forms information…
That would increase the risk of you getting hurt... Take a seat and…
We demand that this situation be immediately
I would not object to theirs proposing…
Please refer to… stuff, a lot of, things, sort
Avoid use of very direct and Colloquial words, similes of…
imperative forms. Use the right I would urge you to take action… and expressions
one even if you’re complaining Slang or jargon
(please To whom it may correspond… Imperatives
Longer and more complex Friendly, familiar manners
sentences are preferred Your sincerely Use of personal or flowery
The format is more closely language
respected (salutation, body, The purpose of this letter is… Emotional tone
inside address, closing...) Discourse markers,
Linguistic and rhetorical question tags and even
functions clearly expressed May I respectfully suggest that you ... some limited use of texting
(statements, objections, (eg 4 for four/for and u for
proposals, complaints...) Unless you ..., I am afraid that I will have to take you) and/or emoticons is
No exclamation marks or permissible.
this matter further
emotional language
More factual than personal
May contain bullet points,
Be concise and to the point

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