Unit Lesson 3

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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Julie Crovelli Date: 2/22/24

Group Size: 15 Allotted Time: 40 minutes Grade Level: 3rd

Subject or Topic: Poetry identification

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

Standard - CC.1.5.3.A
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions on grade-level topics and texts,
building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Learning Targets/Objectives

Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of collection
1. free verse poem 1. students coming up with their own
2. Bingo line
…. 2. understanding of definition to vocab
for bingo

Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed

Summative if applicable
Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson

know how to read/listen

New Key Vocabulary


bingo will help them get ready to use poetic vocabulary elements in their writing
collaborative poems helps the students get ideas from others that they can later use in their
own poem
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies (10-15mins)
1. Teacher will ask students about the three types of poems we read yesterday
2. teacher will ask why they think it’s that type of poem and what characteristics are in
those poems based on some of the definitions on their sheet…
3. Teacher will review the vocab by playing Poetry Bingo
Development/Teaching Approaches
1. Teacher will begin a free verse poem and then asked students to contribute a line as
practice to get their creative minds flowing (10mins)
2. Now go into one of the other activities that they are writing either as a partner or small
gorup or on their own. (20mins)
3. As a class we are going to write a free verse poem together
4. first we will come up with a title as a whole group
5. based off of the title, it will help the students narrow down what line they will come up
with to contribute to the free verse poem
6. Collaborative Poem: Each student contributes a line to the poem, building off the lines
that came before. This can be done in a round-robin format or as a “pass the paper”
7. Teacher will pick sticks with the students number on it to determine who goes next
8. Students should try to come up with a line that will make sense
9. Once we have gone around the class and every student has gone we will go back and
read it line by line as a whole class
10. Share

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
1. Today we made a free verse poem, in our next ELA block we are going to write own
our Haiku poem
2. Share a Haiku - we are going to write a structured poem…


Materials and Resources:

Smart board
sticks with students number on it
Bingo cards and callers

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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