Research on Professional
Development and Teacher Change:
Implications for Adult Basic
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to examine two topics: (a) what is known about what makes teacher pro-
fessional development effective, and (b) how teachers change as a result
of professional development. Before addressing these topics, we briefly
summarize a few of the key research studies that have underscored the
central role of teachers in student achievement.
In recent years, there has been growing recognition that teachers are the
most important factor in student achievement (Carey, 2004; Haycock,
1998). Support for this perspective comes from a landmark study on
teacher quality in Tennessee. Sanders and Rivers (1996) used student
achievement data for all teachers across the state of Tennessee to deter-
mine how “effective” teachers were,40 then tested and followed specific
students over several years. They found that students who performed
equally well in second grade, but had different teachers over the next 3
years, performed unequally by Year 5. Fifth graders who had “effective”
teachers in third, fourth, and fifth grades scored in the 83rd percentile in
Grade 5, but those students who studied in the third, fourth, and fifth
grades under the “ineffective” teachers scored much lower (the 29th per-
centile, a 54-point difference) by the end of fifth grade. Similarly, Sanders
and Rivers found that in 1 year, the most effective teachers could boost the
scores of their low-achieving students an average of 39 percentile points
compared to similar low-achieving students who had ineffective teachers.
One body of research in K–12 has investigated just what role preservice
preparation of teachers plays in teacher quality and student achievement. By
matching indicators of teacher preparation and background—such as certi-
fication, level of formal education, level of experience, degree in the subject
in which the teacher is teaching (i.e., a degree in math rather than a degree
in education), pedagogical knowledge, and cognitive and verbal ability—
with student test scores, researchers hope to isolate those characteristics of
Rather than defining an “effective” teacher by specific criteria, Sanders and Rivers
(1996) used more than 5 million records from Tennessee students who were tested each
year, Grades 3 through 8, in five subjects. With these data, they determined whether the
students in a given teacher’s class had more or less than a normal year’s academic growth
in a particular subject. Teachers were then classified as below average, average, or above
average in quality or “effectiveness.”
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As measured by teacher licensing tests and college aptitude tests.
As measured by teacher licensing tests.
“For standards-based reform to work there is reason to think that two additional com-
ponents are necessary: 1) teachers must be provided with curriculum that is aligned with
the standards and assessments; and 2) teachers must have professional development to
deliver that curriculum” (Whitehurst, 2002).
ABE includes adult basic literacy instruction, adult secondary education and general
educational development (GED) preparation, and instruction for adult English-language
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Although teachers who work in ABE programs are similar in many ways
to K–12 teachers, there are several basic differences:
Adult basic education teachers work mostly part time. In their study
of more than 2,600 local ABE programs, Young, Fleischman, Fitzgerald,
and Morgan (1995) found that 36% of programs do not have any full-time
staff (teaching or administration), 59% do not have even one full-time
instructional staff member, and the ratio of part-time to full-time teachers
is 4 to 1. In addition, teachers who want to work full time in ABE where
no such jobs are available often piece together part-time ABE jobs at more
than one site, or with more than one organization (Smith & Hofer, 2003).
Teachers’ part-time status presents challenges for teacher professional
development, including limitations on the time teachers have available for
professional development, opportunities for integrating what has been
learned into instruction, and time available for collaboration with col-
Adult basic education teachers may leave the field more often than do
K–12 teachers. High teacher turnover is a concern in K–12 education;
however, turnover rates within adult education might be even higher.
Currently, no national data related to teacher turnover in ABE have yet
been collected. According to the 1995 National Evaluation of Adult
Education programs (Young et al., 1995), although 80% of full-time
teachers had taught in adult education for more than 3 years, a little more
than half of all part-time instructors had taught for fewer than 3 years.
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This was a self-response survey study, which specifically attempted to target “profes-
sional” teachers; sampling was done by mailing surveys to state-identified “quality” pro-
grams in large states with greater numbers of full-time teachers, making the self-selected
sample deliberately skewed toward more full-time teachers. The final sample was 59% full
time, 41% part time (Sabatini et al., 2000), a full-time/part-time ratio substantially differ-
ent from the U.S. Department of Education 1998 data on numbers of part-time and full-
time adult education personnel: 13% of state-administered adult education program
personnel (including administrators) are full time, so the percentage of full-time teachers
is probably considerably less than 13%. Thirty-nine percent of personnel were part time
and 48% were volunteers (see
Pre-GED adult students read at approximately the 5–8 grade level, although the exact
definition varies state by state.
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This study, How Teachers Change: A Study of Professional Development in Adult
Education, sponsored by the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy,
is the only recent intervention study related to professional development specifically con-
ducted with ABE and literacy teachers. Therefore, it is cited frequently throughout this
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By comparison, 99% of K–12 teachers participated in some staff development over
the past year, according to a national survey (Lewis et al., 1999). They were most likely to
attend training, workshops, or conferences (95% of public school teachers and 87% of pri-
vate school teachers; Choy, Chen, & Bugarin, 2006). In another national survey, 85%
reported having attended some staff development in the past year (National Education
Goals Panel Report, 1999); however, another study reported that 50% of teachers in one
national survey attended fewer than 2 days of staff development per year (Wenglinsky,
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Currently, the conditions of the ABE occupation are such that those in the
field will never be able to participate systematically in the very activities
they see as necessary to doing their jobs well. Educators claim the desire
for professional development is present; readily accessible opportunities to
fulfill that desire are most notably not. (p. 26)
Although there is, of course, overlap between these two models of profes-
sional development, they can be distinguished by different goals, formats,
and content, as shown in Table 7.1.
Although there is not much argument that professional develop-
ment can help teachers gain new knowledge and adopt new practices
(Whitehurst, 2002), opinions differ concerning the factors—professional
development model, school or program context, system or policy direc-
tives—that must be in place for teacher learning and change to take place.
By comparing and contrasting these two models, we illustrate that profes-
sional development, like all other educational efforts, is subject to changes
in direction, paradigm, philosophy, and approach, sometimes driven by
policy changes and sometimes driven by advances in the knowledge base
as a result of research.
Models of Professional Development
Traditional Professional Job-Embedded Professional
Features Development Development
Calhoun (1993) found that K–12 teachers, even with extensive training,
only adopted 10% of practices learned in professional development,
unless the training was followed by coaching or action research. Even in
cases in which what is learned is implemented at first, research by
Stallings and Krasavage (1986) of 11 teachers in two California schools
shows that implementation of new practices declined over the long term if
teacher excitement and momentum was not maintained by the profes-
sional development effort, and that this caused a corresponding downward
turn in student achievement. One longitudinal study of K–12 professional
development (Porter, Garet, Desimone, Yoon, & Birman, 2000), using
self-reports of change from 287 teachers, found “little change in overall
teaching practice” after 3 years. The authors found that “teachers changed
little in terms of the content they teach, the pedagogy they use to teach it,
and their emphasis on performance goals for students,” although some
individual teachers did sometimes show moderate change. Porter and his
colleagues felt that their findings “add support to the concept that both
teaching and professional development are typically individual experi-
ences” for teachers (p. ES-10). Elmore (2002), a critic of traditional pro-
fessional development, claims that it is a “gargantuan task” (p. 25) for
teachers to apply what they have learned in an off-site workshop once
back in their classrooms and isolated from other teachers.
Given its prevalence in education, however, recent K–12 reviews and
studies have outlined the design elements and conditions under which
the traditional professional development model can be most successful
at promoting change or affecting student achievement (Knapp, 2003). A
summary of the K–12 research indicates that professional development
within the traditional model can be more effective if it is designed to:
help teachers implement what they learned (Stein & Wang, 1988),
because “teachers are more likely to learn from direct observation
of practice and trial and error in their own classrooms than they are
from abstract descriptions of teaching” (Elmore, 1996, p. 24).
Professional development should also follow principles of adult
learning: establish a supportive environment, acknowledge teach-
ers’ prior experience, help teachers consider how new learning
applies to their specific teaching situation, and encourage teachers
to make their implicit knowledge about teaching (their “craft
knowledge”) explicit (Gardner, 1996). In their multiyear study of
more than 700 K–12 bilingual teachers who participated in multi-
district training focused on literacy development, Calderón and
Marsh (1988) found that to ensure that the training would be used,
it is necessary to present theory, model the instructional strategies,
and give teachers the opportunity to practice with feedback and
extensive support.
• Encourage teachers from the same workplace to participate together.
“Professional development is more effective when teachers partici-
pate with others from their school, grade, or department” (Porter et al.,
2000, p. ES-9). In research on adult basic education professional
development, Smith and colleagues (2003) also found that teachers
from the same adult basic education program participating together
in professional development changed their thinking and acting more
after the professional development, as compared to teachers who
participated without other teachers from their workplace.
• Focus on quality and features of professional development, rather
than on format or type. Research indicates that the model or type of
professional development matters little, as long as it has features of
high-quality training. A survey of 1,027 teachers (Garet et al., 2001)
found that the most important professional development features
for increasing knowledge and self-reported changes in practice
were a focus on content knowledge; opportunities for hands-on,
active learning; and greater coherence (professional development
was aligned with other professional development activities or with
state or district standards). The authors concluded: “To improve pro-
fessional development, it is more important to focus on the duration,
collective participation, and the core features (i.e., content, active
learning, and coherence) than type” (Garet et al., 2001, p. 936).
Smith and colleagues (2003), in their study of 100 ABE teachers
participating in up to 18 hours of professional development that
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be viewed as an event that occurs on certain days in the school year, but
rather must be part of the daily work of teachers, administrators, and oth-
ers in the system. This approach is supported by a growing body of cog-
nitive science research on the conditions that facilitate the building of
expertise. This research is built on the findings of studies of adults who
had moved from being a novice to being an expert in their fields, such as
science, mathematics, and chess. The research stresses the importance of
supporting learners to activate their prior knowledge related to a topic they
want to learn; to explicitly monitor new learning in light of their past
experiences; and to evaluate how the new learning transfers into real-
world practices. Studies show that to develop expertise, individuals need
to develop not only factual knowledge but also procedural knowledge of
when, how, and under what conditions to use their new skills. This kind of
knowledge can only be developed by actually practicing the new skills
and then reflecting on those practices (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking,
1999; Greeno, Resnick, & Collins, 1997).
Recent K–12 research demonstrates the effectiveness of the job-embedded
model when it includes:
(Knapp, 2003; Stein & D’Amico, 2002) seem to agree that intensive profes-
sional development is key to changing not just policy but the “educational
core”: the way in which teachers and students interact in classrooms
around subject matter (Elmore, 1996). Combining features of both tradi-
tional and job-embedded professional development is part of what—in
comparison to the professional development that ABE teachers typically
receive—appears to be much more intensive training efforts to truly
change practice. For example, Stein and D’Amico (2002) described a
multiyear effort in New York City’s District 2 to improve literacy scores
through the adoption of a balanced literacy approach: Teachers attend a
multitude of professional development activities, including workshops,
observing expert teachers, a professional development lab (3 solid weeks
observing a mentor teacher), study groups, and grade-level, school-based
meetings with other teachers and the principal. Dutro, Fisk, Koch, Roop,
and Wixson (2002) described the professional development for imple-
menting English-language-arts curriculum frameworks in four school dis-
tricts in Michigan: 48 teachers participated in 2 week-long institutes, 4
days of training, 24 monthly meetings, workshops, and a conference. In a
San Francisco Unified School District reform project (Bye, 2004) to
upgrade services for limited-English-proficient students in Grades 6
through 12, 200 middle school and high school teachers participated in
various combinations of in-service workshops, week-long summer insti-
tutes, training and support to use new curricula, site-based inquiry semi-
nars, and certification training (although the report does not provide
information about the total number of professional development hours in
which teachers participated).
Despite serious investment in professional development as part of stan-
dards-based reform efforts, there is as yet little data on the effectiveness
of different “packages” of professional development supporting stan-
dards-based education, and recent research indicates that other contextual
features, such as school culture, leadership, and district policies, also have
an impact on how and whether such professional development is related
to improved student achievement. The existing research, however slim,
suggests that standards-based professional development contributes to
teacher change when it includes:
Teachers do not exist in a void; they are individuals with different back-
grounds and ambitions who work in varied school and system contexts. In
the same way that student achievement is affected by factors other than the
instruction they receive (including socioeconomic status, race, and class
size), teacher change is also affected by individual and school
factors that influence how they provide instruction. Although the teacher is
always the link between professional development and student achievement,
The publication Implementing the ESL Standards for PreK-12 Students Through
Teacher Education (available at, for example, contains
guidance for assuring that the needs of language-minority children are taken into account.
The Center for Applied Linguistics ( maintains a searchable database of
information on how states, districts, and schools are working on standards-based educa-
tional reforms that include English-language learners.
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Joyce (1983) claimed that omnivores generate energy for the system in
which they are engaged, whereas entrenched and withdrawn teachers con-
sume energy from the system. An entrenched or withdrawn teacher with
influence within the school—even informal power—can act as a “gate-
keeper,” preventing any type of collective action, change, or improvement
from occurring. Even the best professional development will not have an
impact if there is a poor culture in the school, one in which there is a poor
fit between teachers’ states of growth and the culture that could support
growth and new ideas from professional development.
In their ABE research, Smith and colleagues (2003) found that stronger
motivation to attend the professional development was related to teacher
change: Those ABE teachers with a strong need to learn, either on the
topic or about good teaching and student success, demonstrated more
change in knowledge and action after participating in professional
General self-efficacy is the belief that education itself can be successful with all
students, regardless of background and abilities. Personal self-efficacy is the belief that
teachers themselves are “instrumental to the learning of their students” (Smylie, 1988,
p. 23). Collective self-efficacy is the common belief held by groups of teachers that
together they are successful.
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lends support to the notion that people with comparatively lower educa-
tional levels in professional fields often recognize the need to upgrade their
educational skills and abilities. They may also be beginning their profes-
sional career, a time when they recognize the need for additional informa-
tion and skill building. (Livneh & Livneh, 1999, p. 100)
• Access to prep time. Those who received prep time were more likely
to change.53
• Access to benefits. Those teachers who received one or more bene-
fits from their adult education job (health or dental insurance, vaca-
tion, etc.) were more likely to change.54
• Program situation. Teachers who worked in programs that were not
already taking action to address learner persistence and where teach-
ers had a voice in decision making were more likely to change.
These findings indicate that the ABE field has structural constraints that
influence how much teachers change after participating in even high-quality
professional development.
Well-supported jobs are defined as “full-time, relatively well-paid, and stable jobs that
include benefits (medical coverage, paid vacation and sick time, pension plans, etc.), paid
preparation time, and paid professional development release time” (p. 2, Summary Report).
Only 42 out of 78 teachers in this study (54%) received any amount of paid prepara-
tion time.
Less than half (48%, n = 78) of the teachers in the study received benefits as part of
their ABE jobs.
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I M P L I C AT I O N S F O R P O L I C Y, P RA C T I C E ,
Obviously, with more funding for teacher preparation and support, the
design of professional development could also be more easily changed to
offer longer term, more job-embedded models of professional develop-
ment. However, even without a significant infusion of new funds, profes-
sional development systems and ABE programs could change the current
configuration of professional development activities to promote more
effective professional development in their states and programs. Although
we know of no research project that directly tests the efficacy of tradi-
tional versus job-embedded models of professional development, the lat-
ter, by design, has more of the features of professional development
demonstrated to be effective: It is of longer term, focused on student learning,
and built around teacher collegiality and reflection.
For example, states should make single-session workshops the excep-
tion, rather than the norm, and increase the incidence of mentoring, study
circles, inquiry projects, or teacher sharing circles. This may mean that
practitioners, especially part-time teachers, go to fewer sessions each year,
but the ones they do attend are longer term and more embedded in their
actual teaching. States might consider reducing funds for statewide con-
ferences (by, perhaps, holding them every 2 or 3 years rather than annually)
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and diverting these funds to longer term and more targeted professional
development offered at the program or regional level. If reducing the
scope or frequency of state conferences is not an option, states might con-
sider alternatives such as summer institutes, adding extended training
activities (e.g., full day within the conferences, with follow-up at sites),
team teaching activities, and inclusion of planning time for curriculum
and assessment task forces inside programs.
States and ABE programs should experiment, even modestly, with job-
embedded professional development. Programs that are already providing
some time each month for teacher sharing could, without too much diffi-
culty (but with some training and preparation), provide a structure for
ongoing professional development sessions focused on challenges in adult
student reading, for example. Professional development staff at the state
level could help by offering facilitation and technical assistance within
programs to initiate job-embedded professional development activities.
There are some states (e.g., Rhode Island and Maryland) where profes-
sional development monies and activities are managed at the program
level; experimenting with job-embedded models using achievement data
and focusing on student learning could be done within the current struc-
ture. To do so, program administrators would need a model for such pro-
fessional development and help from professional developers at the state
level to implement it. This would require the professional development
system to reallocate some of its funding from stand-alone workshops to
programs in which facilitators would help start job-embedded profes-
sional development. Such changes might also mean using subject-matter
experts in new ways; rather than bringing the teachers to the experts, for
example, professional developers could explore ways to send the experts
into programs to work with staff as a team.
Finally, states should continue to develop distance education technolo-
gies as methods to bring teachers from different programs together for
professional development, reducing teacher travel and allowing teachers
to participate in learning online. Such online learning opportunities may
be the only type of professional development activities readily accessible
to teachers from small, geographically isolated programs across larger
states. However, professional development planners need to ensure that
teacher collegiality can still be an essential feature of such distance pro-
fessional development, so hybrid or “blended” distance professional
development models (in which one part is face-to-face or conference call
and the rest is online) hold promise for reaching ABE teachers while still
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For models of ABE distance professional development, see Project IDEAL
(, the Student Achievement in Reading (STAR) project
(, or AE PRO
Online Professional Development (
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