Information Security
Information Security
Information Security
Faisal Saleem
Muhammad Zeeshan
Rizwan Azmat
Uzair Mamo
Access Control:
Security aware means that you understand that there is the
potential for some people to deliberately or accidentally steal,
damage, or misuse the data that is stored within a company’s
computer system and throughout its organization.
Types of CSIRT
Distributed CSIRT
A distributed CSIRT unit consists of several independent teams
collaborating and sharing incident response responsibilities. It is
typically managed by a coordinating team that distributes
responsibilities and resources according to the unique needs of
each project.
Coordinating CSIRT
A coordinating CSIRT manages other, typically subordinate
CSIRT units, coordinating incident response activities, workflows,
and information flow among distributed teams. Typically, a
coordinating CSIRT does not provide independent incident
response services. Rather, it ensures resources and activities are
effectively distributed between disparate teams.
Hybrid CSIRT
A hybrid CSIRT consists of a centralized full-time unit and
distributed units employing subject matter experts (SMEs).
Typically, SMEs participate in incident response activities ad-
hoc—as needed during specific events. This model employs a
central CSIRT unit to detect a potential event and analyze it to
determine the appropriate response. Next, the relevant distributed
CSIRT experts are asked to assist in incident response activities.
A CSIRT/SOC Hybrid model puts the security operations center
(SOC) responsible for receiving all security alerts, reports, and
alarms that indicate potential incidents. The CSIRT is activated
only if the SOC requires help with additional analysis.