Learning The Domain Specific Inverse Nufft
Learning The Domain Specific Inverse Nufft
Learning The Domain Specific Inverse Nufft
1. INTRODUCTION • Creation of a novel multi-conditioning strategy for solv-
ing the inverse non-uniform fast Fourier transform (nufft)
Despite the numerous advantages of MRI, inherent physical using a learned conditional score function and weak fre-
and hardware constraints cap acquisition speed and lead to quency guidance during sampling
long scan times. This creates myriad downstream obstacles, • Efficient hyperparameter search of the joint trajectory-
including low patient compliance, inefficient resource allo- reconstruction space and identification of optimal sam-
cation, and image motion artifacts, among others. For this pling trajectories
reason, methods to accelerate MRI acquisition have been and • Retrospective acquisition and reconstruction of a 2D,
continue to be an active area of research. Acceleration can be 256x256 pixel, 22x22 cm2 image with a readout duration
achieved through a combination of using more efficient scan- of 0.02 seconds.
ning sequences and reducing the number of measurements
made in the frequency space of the image, k-space. 2. BACKGROUND
Considering the former, successful techniques for faster
scanning include radial and spiral imaging methods, which Canonical score-based models consider the mapping between
exploit the unequal distribution of information across k-space a known distribution of independently and identically dis-
by sampling lower frequencies more densely [1, 2]. tributed samples of gaussian noise and an observed, but un-
Considering the latter, acquiring fewer measurments in k- known distribution of data p(x). These distributions book-
space rewards a decrease in scan time proportional the the end a Langevin diffusion process described by the following
Fig. 2. Given measurements y0 , reconstruction follows a
Fig. 1. Example trajectories (A) and the corresponding read- modified diffusion sampling process. At each timestep, a
out gradients in kx and ky (B). All trajectories shown cover noisy latent xt is concatenated with a prior p0 and passed to
the frequency space of a 256x256 image and have a readout the denoising model to obtain x̃t−1 . To enforce consistency
duration of 10.0 ms. with y0 , we compute a frequency gradient ∇yt−1 and solve
for the image gradient using a modified iterative inverse nufft
stochastic differential equation representing the trajectory of (section 3.3). A weighted sum of xt−1 and ∇xt−1 yields the
a sample from our data distribution into a sample from our corrected image xt−1 . This is repeated until t = 0.
noise distribution:
we simulated spiral acquisition by retrospectively interpolat-
dx = f (x, t)dt + g(t)dw. (1) ing in k-space to attain complex-valued measurements along
generated spiral trajectories.
Here, functions f (·, t) and g(·) are the drift and diffusion co-
efficiets of x(t) respectively, and w is a standard Wiener pro- 3.2. Generating spiral trajectories
cess, or Brownian motion.
In order to generate a novel sample from our data distri- Following Kim et al. [13], we consider spiral trajectories of
bution, we can generate a random noise vector and attempt to the form
Z τ
solve the reverse-time SDE, but this is generally intractable. 1
k(τ ) = dϕejωτ ≈ λτ α ejωτ . (3)
However, we can approximate this process by estimating the 0 ρ(ϕ)
noise-conditioned score function, ∇x log pt (x), which com-
Here, ρ denotes sampling density, τ is a function of time, ϕ is
putes the likelihood of a sample x existing between the noise
angular position, ω = 2πn is frequency, with n the number of
and image distributions. With this, the reverse-time SDE be-
turns in k-space, λ a scaling factor equal to matrix size/(2 ∗
F OV ), and α is a bias term for oversampling the center of k-
dx = f (x, t) − g(t)2 ∇x log pt (x) dt + g(t)dw̄ (2)
space relative to the edges. Solving this parametric equation
under the constraints of capped gradient slew rate and capped
The score function can be trained using a score matching with gradient amplitude yields gradients (gx (t) and gy (t)) as well
Langevin dynamics algorithm [10, 11]. as a spiral trajectory in the kx ,ky -plane (figure 1). In doing so,
we can tune sampling parameters to control for factors such as
read out duration and dwell time, while varying the number of
3. METHODS interleaves and ratio of low-to-high frequency oversampling.
ral, corresponding to α = 1, performs very poorly when to acquire prospective data with custom sequences and use
sampled below the Nyquist limit. Trajectories which per- it to validate image reconstruction. Currently, a concrete di-
form better tended to lie along two logarithmic curves rect comparison is between the proposed sequences and their
roughly characterized by α = 1.33 log(0.39 interleaves) Nyquist-sampled counterparts, which run roughly 3x longer.
and α = 0.87 log(0.54 interleaves). Apart from the short-term task of matching sequence pa-
Finally, we conduct an ablation study to disentangle the rameters between spiral and Cartesian sequences, the choice
effects of optimal sampling trajectory without model recon- of spiral sequence leaves a considerable amount of flexibil-
struction, model reconstruction without frequency guidance, ity even within the space of optimized interleave and density
and model reconstruction with frequency guidance (figure 5). pairs identified above. Variation in number of interleaves, and
We find that all three contribute to noticeable increases in im- by extension the duration of a single interleave, allows for tai-
age quality, both visual, and quantitative based on SSIM. The loring of sequence contrast, signal, and speed to task-specific
combination of choosing an optimal trajectory, performing requirements. An area in which these sequences could pro-
model reconstruction with conditioning, and using annealed vide additional benefit, even outside of sheer acceleration,
frequency guidance results in large improvements in image would be in imaging tissues with a very short T2* , as acceler-
quality, up to and exceeding a 0.15 boost in SSIM. ation within an interleave allows for proportionally more data
acquisition to occur before signal has decayed.
While initial results are promising, the main limitation of this
project is the reliance on retrospective, Cartesian-sampled Here we introduce a new method and show preliminary re-
data. Implementing the sequences outlined in this work will sults for reconstructing spiral MRI using a diffusion model.
likely require customizing spiral sequences so as to match Combining multicoil imaging, spiral scanning, and under-
the contrast and signal of the original Cartesian sequences, sampling enables dramatically faster imaging speeds. Ap-
which will constrain the space of realizable trajectories. Until plications of this work are widespread; in addition to the
a dataset of raw non-Cartesian MRI data becomes available, numerous typical benefits associated with faster scanning,
this will continue to be an obstacle. For a similar reason, including better patient compliance and fewer motion arti-
it is difficult to make head-to-head comparisons between facts, these methods have the potential to reach the extremely
the original sequence and the proposed sequences without high acceleration factors necessary to achieve high resolution
prospective validation. For this reason, the immediate task is real-time 3D imaging.
7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [10] Yang Song, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Diederik P
Kingma, Abhishek Kumar, Stefano Ermon, and Ben
No funding was received for conducting this study. The au- Poole, “Score-based generative modeling through
thors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to stochastic differential equations,” arXiv preprint
disclose. arXiv:2011.13456, 2020.
[11] Tero Karras, Miika Aittala, Timo Aila, and Samuli
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