S15acc cl05
S15acc cl05
S15acc cl05
1. Purpose
nag cumul normal complem (s15acc) returns the value of the complement of the cumulative normal
distribution function Q(x).
2. Specification
#include <nag.h>
#include <nags.h>
double nag_cumul_normal_complem(double x)
3. Description
The function evaluates an approximate value for the complement of the cumulative normal
distribution function
e−u /2 du.
Q(x) = √
2π x
4. Parameters
Input: the argument x of the function.
6. Further Comments
6.1. Accuracy
If and δ are the relative√errors in result and argument, respectively, then in principle they are
related by | | |(xe−x /2 2πQ(x)) δ|.
For x negative or small positive the multiplying factor is always less than one and accuracy is
mainly limited by machine precision. For large positive x we find ∼ x2 δ and hence to a certain
extent relative accuracy
√ is unavoidably lost. However the absolute error in the result, E, is given by
|E| |(xe−x /2 2π) δ|, and since this multiplying factor is always less than one absolute accuracy
7. See Also
nag deviates normal dist (g01cec)
nag cumul normal (s15abc)
8. Example
The following program reads values of the argument x from a file, evaluates the function at each
value of x and prints the results.
[NP3275/5/pdf] 3.s15acc.1
nag cumul normal complem NAG C Library Manual
3.s15acc.2 [NP3275/5/pdf]