User Manual-Enquiries Module - V.1.01-Compressed
User Manual-Enquiries Module - V.1.01-Compressed
User Manual-Enquiries Module - V.1.01-Compressed
This manual can be used for understanding the functionality of enquiry services on ICEGATE
2.0 for maximal utilization and benefit. Users cannot copy, modify, distribute, redistribute,
share, and at the same time cannot avail any kind of attribution or credit from this copyrighted
CBIC is free to make any changes or update or delete the information without any prior
intimation to the users and customers at large. The text and software explained in this user
manual fully comply with the intellectual property law – including trademark, patents, and the
other licenses relevant to it.
Suggestion to make the present manual more user-friendly and result oriented, are welcome.
The user manual is designed to provide step by step illustration of all the steps that are
involved in the ICEGATE 2.0 enquiry module.
Intended Audience:
This user manual is intended for use by all the stakeholders who wish to avail enquiry services
of the ICEGATE portal. This document includes all the enquiry services provided by the
ICEGATE portal. The list of enquiries on ICEGATE 2.0 are listed in Para 6 and discussed in
detail in Para 9 of this manual.
3. Overview
The enquiry service module of ICEGATE consists of all the enquiries which can be accessed
after login into the ICEGATE portal to view the status/Information of enquiries and availing the
services therein. During the process, users will be required to provide minimal details to obtain
the status/Information of an enquiries. Once the process is completed, the ICEGATE portal
will display the enquiry status/Information.
Kindly go through this manual and follow the step-by-step process to access the enquiry
3. BL Bill of Landing
1. Importer/Exporter
2. Custom Broker
3. Shipping Line
4. Shipping Agent
5. Airline
6. Custodian
9. PGA
Kindly Note: If the access role for an enquiry is ‘All Users’, please refer to para 5 for the list
of all users.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access the 'Cargo Summary
Notification'’ enquiry service to check the details related to Cargo. The user will select the
'Cargo Summary Notification' enquiry highlighted in the red box as shown in the screen
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page, where the user will have
to enter the VCN Number or Rotation Number, followed by clicking on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the details of Bill of Landing (BL)
All authorized ICEGATE users (IEC and CHA) are allowed to access the ‘'Challan Enquiry'’
service to view the Challan status.
The user will select the 'Challan Enquiry' enquiry service highlighted in the red box as shown
in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page where the user will have to
enter Challan No., Document/BE No. and Document/BE date as input and click on the
<Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the user can view the list of unpaid challans.
Authorized ICEGATE users (IEC user) are allowed to access the ‘'Differed Duty'’ enquiry
The user will select the ‘Differed Duty' enquiry service highlighted in the red box as shown in
the screen below.
The user will have to select ‘Location Name’ from the dropdown and click on the <Search>
Click on the check box to select a BE from the displayed list and the user has to declare the
consent by clicking on the check box before clicking on the <Submit> button.
For authenticating of mobile number, the user will click on the <Send OTP> button.
Authorized ICEGATE users (IEC user) users are allowed to access the ‘'DGFT Shipping Bill
Status Enquiry'’ service to view the status of MEIS SB which are sent to DGFT.
The user will select the “DGFT Shipping Bill Status Enquiry” enquiry service highlighted in the
red box as shown in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page where the system will
display the IEC code of the logged-in user.
The user will have to select the SB date period (Date range of more than 30 days will not be
Permitted) and click on the <Search> button.
The ‘Error Code’ displayed on the enquiry can be anyone (List are given below). The user
can click on the ‘Click Here’ link to view the list of error code.
Authorized ICEGATE users (IEC user) are allowed to access the ‘Drawback Enquiry' service
to view the status of SB drawback.
The user will select the “Drawback Enquiry” enquiry service highlighted in the red box as
shown in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the system will display the IEC Code and PAN of the logged-in user
in the screen below.
If drawback against a Shipping Bill is pending, ‘Drawback Pending Status’ enquiry will display
the current queue status of the Shipping Bill and the pending amount of drawback etc.
The user will have to select the date range (Date range of more than 7 days will not be
available for selection) and ‘Location Name’ from the dropdown and click on the <Drawback
Pending Status> button.
If drawback against a Shipping Bill is sanctioned, ‘Drawback Sanctioned Status’ will display
the scroll details including Scroll number, date and the amount of drawback sanctioned.
The user will have to select the date period (Date range of more than 7 days will not be
permitted) and ‘Location Name’ from the dropdown and click on the <Drawback Sanctioned
Status> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the ‘IEC Name’ and SB sanctioned status
of the user.
On clicking the <View Invoice> button, the system will display the following Invoice details.
All authorized ICEGATE users (IEC and CHA) are allowed to access the ‘'GSTIN Enquiry'’
service to view status of all the shipping bill and GSTIN details against the IEC and GSTIN
The user will select the “GSTIN Enquiry” enquiry service highlighted in the red box as shown
in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page, where the IEC code of
logged-in user will be displayed.
The user will select the GSTIN from the dropdown and select the Return/Month Year and click
on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the shipping bill and GSTIN details
against the IEC and GSTIN number.
All authorized ICEGATE users (IEC user) are allowed to access the ‘'IGST Scroll
Sanctioned Status” Enquiry to view the IGST Shipping bill status that are sanctioned for
perticular location.
The user will select the “'IGST Scroll Sanctioned Status” enquiry service highlighted in the red
box as shown in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the system will display the IEC Code and PAN Number of the
logged-in user.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the scroll details of a SB for the selected
All authorized ICEGATE users (IEC user) are allowed to access the ‘IGST Validations
Enquiry’ service to view the IGST validation status after filing return of their shipping bill in
ICEGATE portal.
The user will select the ‘IGST Validations Enquiry’ service highligted in red box as shown in
the screen below.
The user will have to select ‘Return Month/Year’, enter ‘GSTIN’ and select ‘Location’ from the
dropdown and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the IGST validation details and the
response code against each shipping bill number.
All authorized ICEGATE users (IEC users) are allowed to access the ‘License Received
from DGFT’ enquiry to view the license status through this enquiry service.
The user will to select the ‘License Received From DGFT’ enquiry service highligted in red
box as shown in the screen below.
The user will have to select the valid date range (more than one year will not be permitted)
and ‘Location Name’ from the dropdown and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the License status, file number and other
corresponding details.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access the ‘Month Wise Drawback
Enquiry’ enquiry service.
The user will select the ‘Month Wise Drawback Enquiry’ enquiry service box highlighted in the
red box on the below screen.
On clicking the Search button, the system will display the list of scrolls generated with the
scroll number, and Total SB details etc. against the selected Location, for the selected month
and year.
All authorized ICEGATE users (IEC users) are allowed to access ‘Payment Due BE's List
Enquiry’ service.
The user will select the ‘Payment Due BE's List’ enquiry service highlighted in the red box as
shown in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page where the user will have to
select Port, Month/Year and Date Range and click on the <Search> button.
All ICEGATE authorized users (IEC users) are allowed to access ‘ROSL Sanctioned Status’
enquiry. This service will display the status of user's sanctioned ROSL amount.
The user will select the ‘ROSL Sanctioned Status Enquiry’ enquiry box highlighted in the red
box as shown in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page. The user will select the
valid date range (more than 7 days will not be permitted) and ‘Location Name’ and click on the
<Search> button.
The user can view the Invoice details by clicking on <View Invoice> button.
On clicking the button, the system will display the Invoice detail.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access ‘Warehouse Code Enquiry’
service. This service will display the existing warehouse details in custom location.
The user will select the ‘Warehouse Code Enquiry’ enquiry service highlighted in the red box
as shown in the screen below.
The user will have to enter Warehouse Code or Warehouse Name and click on the <Search>
The user can go back to the previous page by clicking on <Back> button.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access ‘SB in RBI-EDPMS’ enquiry
service. This enquiry service will display the details of the SB along with date of transmission
to RBI. It will also display the status at RBI.
The user will select the ‘SB in RBI- EDPMS’ enquiry service highlighted in the red box as
shown in the screen below.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the details of the SB along with date of
transmission to RBI.
The user can go back to the previous page by clicking on ‘Back’ button.
On clicking the button, the system will display the SB EDPMS Invoice details.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access ‘Rectification of SB in RBI-
EDPMS’ enquiry service.
The user will select ‘Rectification of SB in RBI- EDPMS’ enquiry service highlighted in the red
box as shown in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page where the user has to fill
in the following details.
All ICEGATE authorized users (All users) are allowed to access the “Check IE Code/BIN
Status” enquiry service.
The user will click on the ‘Check IE Code/BIN Status’ enquiry service highlighted in the red
box as shown in the screen below.
On clicking the enquiry, the user will be redirected to the DGFT portal-
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access the “Directories of ICEGATE
locations” enquiry service.
The user will click on the ‘Directories of ICEGATE locations’ enquiry service highlighted in the
red box as shown in the screen below.
On clicking the enquiry, the user will be redirected to the Compliance Information portal-
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access the ‘Document Status’ enquiry
services. This service enables users to view the status of documents filed at the ICEGATE
portal. After document number is generated, the user can check status of document number.
The user will select the 'Document Status' enquiry service highlighted in the red box as shown
in the screen below.
On selecting the enquiry, the user will be redirected to a new page. the user will select an
enquiry to check the status of the document.
The list of enquiries which are covered under the’ Document Status’ are as follows.
1. Air Consol
2. ICD BL Status
3. SEZ BE Ack Status
4. SEZ SB Ack Status
5. Manual/Courier/Postal Shipping Bill
6. Custom Transit Declaration
7. Other Govt Agencies
Release Order Status
BE Ack Status
The user will select the location and enter the Master AWB Number and click on the <Search>
On clicking the above button, the system will display status of the Air Consol along with
consignment details such as consignment status, file number, and other corresponding
The user can check the file details by clicking on the button given under the column ‘File
The user will enter location enter the ‘Master Bill of Entry Number’ or ‘House Bill of Entry
Number’ and click on the <Search> button.
The user can view the Container details by clicking on <Click Here> button.
The user will select a ‘Location’ from the dropdown and enter the ‘Bill of Entry Number’ and
‘Bill of Entry Date’ and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the SEZ BE acknowledgement
status with error code.
The user will select ‘Location’ from the dropdown, enter ‘Shipping Bill Number’ and ‘Shipping
Bill Date’ and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking above button, the system will display the SEZ Shipping Bill acknowledgement
status with error code.
The user will select ‘Location’ from the dropdown, enter ‘Shipping Bill Number’, and ‘Shipping
Bill Date’ and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking above button, the system will display the Shipping Bill details.
The user will select ‘Location’ from the dropdown, enter ‘CTD Number’, ‘CTD Type’ and ‘CTD
Date’ and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the tabs for CTD Details, Item-wise
Details, Bond Details, IGM Details, and Container Details
On clicking the ‘CTD Details’ tab, the system will display the details such as IEC code, Total
package, and Mode of Transport etc.
On clicking the ‘Item wise Details’ tab, the system will display the details such as Item No,
CTH code, and Quantity etc.
On clicking the ‘Bond Details’ tab, the system will display the details such as Bond No, Bond
Code, and Bond Amount etc.
On clicking the ‘Bond Details’ tab, the system will display the details such as IGM Rotation
Number, IGM Date, Inward Date, and Master Airway Bill Number etc.
On clicking the ‘Container Details’ tab, the system will display the details such as Container
Number, Container Size, and Seal etc.
On clicking the above link, the user will be redirected to a new page that will display the
enquiries of ‘Other Govt Agencies’. The user will select the appropriate enquiry for which
he/she wishes to view the status.
The user will select ‘Location’, Agency from the dropdown, enter ‘Bill of Entry Number’ and
‘Bill of Entry Date’ and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the Release Order status as per selection
made as per selection made.
The user will select ‘Location’, Agency from the dropdown, enter ‘Bill of Entry Number’ and
‘Bill of Entry Date’ and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the BE acknowledgment status as per
selection made.
The authorized ICEGATE users are allowed to access the ‘Job Status’ enquiry services to
view the status of the documents. This enquiry will show the status of Job uploaded into
ICEGATE portal. It will also display the document number if successfully processed or shows
an error code if failed during processing. Also shows the list of jobs filed by location.
The user will select the “Job Status” enquiry service highlighted in the red box as shown in the
screen below.
On selecting the above enquiry, the authorized ICEGATE Airline users will be redirected to
a new page where the system will display the below enquires. The user will select the
appropriate enquiry for which he/she wishes to view the status.
1. Air EGM
2. Air IGM
Select the appropriate ‘Location’ from the drop down and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the details all AIR IGMs filed from the
selected Location in the last 24 hours.
On clicking the above button, the system will display the Air IGM status filed from the selected
Location in the last 24 hours.
On selecting the ‘Job status’ enquiry, the authorized ICEGATE users (IEC and CHA) will be
redirected to a new page where the system will display the below enquires.
1. Bill of Entry
2. Shipping Bill
The user can select the appropriate enquiry for which he/she wishes to view the status.
Select the appropriate Location from the drop down and click on the <Search> button.
On clicking the search button, the system will display the details of all BEs filed from the
selected Location in the last 24 hours.
Select the appropriate Location from the drop down and click on the ‘Search’ button.
On clicking the button, the system will display the details of all SBs filed from the selected
Location in the last 24 hours.
On selecting the ‘Job status’ enquiry, the authorized ICEGATE users (Shipping Line and
Shipping Agent) will be redirected to a new page where the system will display the below
The user can select the appropriate enquiry for which he/she wishes to view the status.
Select the appropriate Location from the drop down and click on the <Search> button.
9.19.6 SEA-IGM
Select the appropriate Location from the drop down and click on the ‘Search’ button.
On clicking the button, the system will display the details of all SEA EGMs filed from the
selected Location in the last 24 hours.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All users) are allowed to access “Other Enquiries” after login into
the ICEGATE portal.
Clicking on ‘Other Services’ link will expand it for accessing the ‘Other Webforms’ enquiry
On selecting the above enquiry, the system will display the following enquires.
1. VCN Exchange
2. ATE Request Payload
3. ELR Request Payload
4. Custodian Application Form
5. Rotation Number Application Form
The user can select the appropriate enquiry for which he/she wishes to view the status.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access the ‘VCN Exchange’ enquiry.
The user will click on the ‘VCN Exchange’ enquiry link.
On clicking the above enquiry, the system will display the form for filling in the VCN Massage
details. Once all the required details are filled, please click the <Create JSON> button to
generate JSON file.
On clicking the above button, All the changes made in the form will be reverted.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access the ‘ATE Request Payload’
enquiry. The user will click on the ‘ATE Request Payload’ enquiry link.
On clicking the enquiry, the system will display the form for filling in the ATE Massage details.
Once all the required details are filled, please click the <Create JSON> button to generate
JSON file.
Authorized ICEGATE users (All Users) are allowed to access the ‘ELR Request Payload’
enquiry. The user will click on the ‘ELR Request Payload’ enquiry link.
On clicking the above enquiry, the system will display the form for filling in the ELR Message
Once all the required details are filled, please click the ‘Create JSON’ button to generate JSON
On clicking the Reset Form button, all the changes made in the form will be reverted.
On clicking the above enquiry, the system will display the form for filling in the Rotation form.
Once all the required details are filled and click on the <Create JSON> button to generate
JSON file.
The user can also drop their queries at: Email: