NCSR Adult ADHD Interview
NCSR Adult ADHD Interview
NCSR Adult ADHD Interview
Study: Site:
Date of
Phone Number: Interview:
Time interview began:
Time spent on Notes, Ratings:
The NCS-R Adult ADHD Interview was developed for the purpose of clinical reappraisal in the National Cormorbidity
Survey – Replication, 2002, by Lenard Adler, MD; Tom Spencer, MD; Molly Howes, Ph.D.; Margaret E. Guyer, Ph.D.; and
Elizabeth Mainzer Gagnon, Ph.D.
Hello, my name is ___________ from SCHOOL / AGENCY / PROJECT NAME . Thank you for agreeing to this interview.
I will be asking you several questions about your experiences. I’ll be making some notes as we go along. I will also be tape-
recording this interview. The tape will be used for quality control purposes. When the study is complete, we will destroy the
tapes. At any point you may let me know that you would like me to stop taping or destroy the tapes. Do I have your
permission to tape this interview?
(Note: Interviewer must obtain permission prior to turning on the recorder, as well as on the tape itself.)
I want to make sure that you understand what we will be doing and that you still want to complete today’s interview. As you
know, your participation is completely voluntary. You may choose to end the interview at any time. If there is any question
that you don’t want to answer, tell me and we will skip it.
I will be asking you questions about different problems or difficulties that you may have had at times in your life. In some
places I may refer back to the first interview that you completed for us and you may notice that some of the questions are
similar. We’re asking that you don’t try to remember what you said before. Listen to the questions today and answer them
honestly in the way they make sense to you today.
It’s also important that you understand that your answers to the questions will be kept confidential. This means that your
name isn’t on the interview. It means that no one other than research staff will know how you answered the questions. There
is an exception to this rule: If I am concerned that you or someone else may be in danger of serious harm, then I have to take
steps to make sure that everyone is safe. If possible, I will tell you about my concerns.
Would you like to participate in the interview today? Yes ______ No ______
SEX: 1 male
2 female
AGE: ______
Whom do you live with? MARITAL STATUS 1 married or living with P004
(most recent): someone as if married
2 widowed
Have you ever been married or had a long term 3 divorced or annulled
relationship? 4 separated
5 never married
As a child, did you repeat any grades? Which ones? GRADE RETENTION: 1 NO
Why did that happen? P005
IF NECESSARY: As a child, were your grades
reflective of your ability? Did anything interfere with
your school performance?
What kind of work do you do?
(Do you work outside of your home?)
How many jobs have you held in the past ten years? # JOBS IN PAST 10 YEARS___________________ P006
How many times have you been fired from a job? # TIMES FIRED_______________________ P007
What happened?
IF UNKNOWN: Has there ever been a period of
time when you were unable to work or go to
IF YES: When? Why was that?
How are you supporting yourself now?
IF NECESSARY: How long have you been
retired/on disability? What are you on disability
Have you ever taken any medications (for emotional or Taken psychiatric medication: 1 NO P011
psychiatric problems)? 2 YES
Have you ever been in a hospital for treatment of Number of previous psychiatric hospitalizations
psychiatric or emotional problems? (Do not include transfers) 0
IF YES: What was that for? (How many 2
times?) 3
e.g., Wasn’t there something else? People
don’t usually go to (psychiatric) hospitals ____________________________________________________
just because they are (own words).
Who do you spend time with?
What do you worry about most?
For the next parts of this interview, I will be asking you questions about experiences during the past twelve months that is,
since (MONTH, YEAR). Then I will ask you about the same or similar experiences during your childhood. Some of these
questions will resemble the questions in your earlier interview, but please just listen to the questions now and answer them as
truthfully as you can. Of course, you may still skip any questions you don’t want to answer.
? Between the ages of kindergarten and second grade, did you ever
have a period lasting six months or longer when you had a lot more
trouble with concentration than most children? With things like not
being able to keep your mind on what you were doing, losing interest
very quickly in games or work, trouble finishing what you started
without being distracted, and not listening when people spoke to you?
Have these types of things been a problem for you in the past 12
+ You said in the earlier interview that you had a time before the age of 1 2 3 SC002
seven lasting six months or longer when you were very restless and NO YES, but YES,in
fidgety and so impatient that you would often interrupt people and not in the the past
have trouble waiting your turn. past 12 12
Has this been true of you on the past 12 months? months months
? Did you ever have a time before the age of seven lasting six months or
longer when you were very restless and fidgety and so impatient that
you would often interrupt people and have trouble waiting your turn?
Has this been true of you on the past 12 months?
INTERVIEWER: If respondent is on medication for ADHD, rate each symptom for periods in the past 12 months when
he/she was not on medication. Some people may be sufficiently medicated, leading to a coding of ‘6’ for the past 12 months.
In that case, ascertain when the specific symptom was most recently a problem. Adjacent to the ‘6’ coding, indicate the
period during which you assessed the symptom and how the symptom would have been coded at that time (i.e. 1-4).
Do (did) you make a lot of mistakes (in school) or work ? 2 Mild: Occasionally makes careless
Is (was) this because you’re careless? mistakes.
Do (did) you have trouble paying attention such as watching 2 Mild: Occasionally has difficulty
movies, reading or lectures ? sustaining attention on tasks or play
Or on fun activities such as sports or board games?
3 Moderate: Often has difficulty
sustaining attention in tasks or play
Is it hard for you to keep your mind on school or work ? activities.
Do you have unusual trouble staying focused on boring or
repetitive tasks? 4 Severe
Does it take a lot longer than it should to complete tasks 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
because you can’t keep your mind on the task? medication.
Is (was) it even harder for you than some others you know ? 8 Present or true due to medical
Do you have trouble remembering what you read and do you
need to re-read the same passage several times? 9 Inadequate information.
3. Doesn't Listen
Do (did) people (your wife, boss, colleagues, friends) complain 3 Moderate: Often does not seem to listen
that you don’t seem to listen or respond (or daydream) when when spoken to directly.
spoken to or when asked to do tasks?
4 Severe
A lot?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Do people have to repeat directions? medication.
Do you find that you miss the key parts of conversations because 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
of drifting off in your own thoughts?”
9 Inadequate information.
Does (did) it cause problems?
Do (did) you have trouble finishing, chores, ? 2 Mild: Occasionally has difficulty
following instructions. Problem has
Do you often leave things half done and start another project? only minimal effect on functioning.
Do you need consequences (such as deadlines) to finish? 3 Moderate: Often does not follow
through on instructions and fails to finish
Do (did) you have trouble following instructions? (especially schoolwork, chores, or duties in the
complex, multistep instructions that have to be done in a certain workplace (not due to oppositional
order with different steps) behavior or failure to understand
Do you need to write down instructions, otherwise you will
forget the task at hand?” 4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
Do (did) you have trouble organizing things into ordered steps? 2 Mild: Occasionally disorganized.
Problem has only minimal effect on
Is it hard prioritizing work and chores?
3 Moderate: Often has difficulty
Do you need others to plan for you ? organizing tasks and activities.
Do you procrastinate and put off tasks until the last moment 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
9 Inadequate information.
Do (did) you avoid tasks (work, chores, reading board games ) 2 Mild: Occasionally avoids tasks that
that are challenging or lengthy because it’s hard to stay focused require sustained attention, and/or
on these things for a long time? expresses mild dislike for these tasks.
Do you procrastinate and put off tasks until the last moment 4 Severe
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
7. Loses Things
Do (did) you lose things? (i.e. important work papers, keys, 2 Mild: Occasionally loses things.
wallet, coats, etc.)?
3 Moderate: Often loses things necessary
A lot? for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, school
More than others? assignments, pencils, books, or tools).
Do (did) you get into trouble for this? (work, home) 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Do you need to put items (eg. glasses, wallet, keys) in the same 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
place each time, otherwise you will lose them?”
9 Inadequate information.
8. Easily Distracted
Are (were) you ever very easily distracted by events around 2 Mild: Occasionally distracted.
you such as noise (conversation, tv, radio), movement, or
clutter? 3 Moderate: Is often easily distracted by
extraneous stimuli (e.g., attention often
Do you need relative isolation to get work done ? disrupted by minor distractions other
kids would be able to ignore).
Can (could) almost anything get your mind off of what you are 4 Severe
(were) doing … like work, chores or if you're talking to
someone? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Is it hard to get back to a task once you stop ?
8 Present or true due to medical
9 Inadequate information.
Do (did) you forget a lot of things in your daily routine? 2 Mild: Occasionally forgetful.
Like what? chores? work? appointments or obligations? 3 Moderate: Often is forgetful in daily
Do you forget to bring things to work such as work materials or
assignments due that day? 4 Severe
Do you need to write regular reminders to yourself to do most 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
activities or tasks, otherwise you will forget? medication.
9 Inadequate information.
10. Fidget
Can (could) you sit still or are (were) you always moving your 2 Mild: Occasionally fidgets with hands or
hands, feet, or in your chair? feet or squirms in seat.
Do (did) you tap your pencil or your feet ? 3 Moderate: Often fidgets with hands or
A lot? feet or squirms in seat.
Do people notice?
4 Severe
Do you regularly play with your hair or clothing?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Do you consciously resist fidgeting or squirming?
8 Present or true due to medical condition.
9 Inadequate information
Do (did) you have trouble staying in your seat? 2 Mild: Occasionally has difficulty
at work? remaining seated when required to do
in class? so.
at home, i.e. watching t.v., eating dinner?
in church or temple? 3 Moderate: Often leaves seat in
classroom or in other situations in
which remaining seated is expected.
Do you chose to walk around rather than sit?
4 Severe
Do you have to force yourself to remain seated?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Is it difficult for you to sit through a long meeting or lecture?
Do you try to avoid going to functions that require you to sit
still for long periods of time?” 8 Present or true due to medical
9 Inadequate information.
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information
Did you have a hard time playing quietly? 2 Mild: Occasionally has difficulty
playing quietly.
During leisure activity (non structured times or on your own 3 Moderate: Often has difficulty playing
such as reading a book , listening to music, playing a board or engaging in leisure activities quietly.
game), are you agitated or dysphoric?
4 Severe
Do you always need to be busy while on vacation? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate Information
9 Inadequate information.
4 Severe
Do people complain about your talking?
Is (was) it a problem? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Are you often louder than the people you are talking to? 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
9 Inadequate information.
Do (did) you give answers to questions before someone finishes 2 Mild: Occasionally talks out of turn.
3 Moderate: Often blurts out answers
Do you say things before it is your turn? before questions have been completed.
Do you say things that don’t fit into the conversation?
4 Severe
Do you do things without thinking ?
A lot? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
Is it hard for you to wait your turn in conversation, in lines, 2 Mild: Occasionally has difficulty
while driving)? waiting his/her turn.
Are you frequently frustrated with delays? 3 Moderte: Often has difficulty waiting
his/her turn.
Does (did) it cause problems?
4 Severe
Do you put a great deal of effort into planning to not be in
situations where you might have to wait? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
Do (did) you talk when others are talking without waiting until 2 Mild: Occasionally interrupts others.
they're finished?
3 Moderate: Often interrupts or intrudes
Do (did) you butt into others conversations before being invited. on others (e.g., butts into conversations
or games).
Do (did) you interrupt others activities?
4 Severe
Is it hard for you to wait to get your point across in
conversations or at meetings? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
19. Duration
For how long have you had trouble (list symptoms that were 1 Not present. AD219
positively endorsed)?
2 Symptoms persist less than 6 months.
9 Inadequate information.
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
Is it hard for you to remember how much time has passed when 3 Moderate:
you are doing activities.
4 Severe
Is this a problem at work?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
When doing tasks at home (paying bills, doing the laundry)? medication.
When tending to personal hygiene (showering, bathing, shaving)? 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
9 Inadequate information.
Do you have trouble planning ahead or preparing for upcoming 1 Not present. AD223
projects or events?
2 Mild.
Does it seem that completing large projects presents more
problems than finishing smaller tasks, on shorter time schedules 3 Moderate:
to completion?
4 Severe
Does planning family functions (birthday parties, anniversary
dinners, etc.) create problems for you? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
3. Lacks self-discipline
Do you feel that you lack sufficient self-discipline? 1 Not present. AD224
Is it hard for you to start or complete tasks that you are not 2 Mild.
interested in or have difficulty doing?
3 Moderate:
Does your significant other have to constantly remind you to do
these kind of things? 4 Severe
Does someone at work need to provide you with these kind of 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
reminders? medication.
9 Inadequate information.
Do you have difficulty arranging work by its priority or 1 Not present. AD225
2 Mild.
Does everything seem to have equal importance to you.
3 Moderate:
Do you find that you look back at how you spent your day and
see that you were side tracked doing tasks that were often less 4 Severe
important than the more pressing ones?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Does your significant other feel that you don’t do the important medication.
things promptly?
8 Present or true due to medical condition.
Do you find that you put off important work tasks, chores at
home, or financial matters (such as paying taxes)? 9 Inadequate information.
Do you have a hard time keeping track of several things at once? 1 Not present. AD226
6. Bores easily
Is it very hard for you to sit through lectures, concerts, talks? In 4 Severe
groups, work or school?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Are you always looking for something new so that you will not medication.
be bored?
8 Present or true due to medical condition.
9 Inadequate information.
Do you depend on others to keep life in order and attend to 1 Not present. AD228
2 Mild.
Do you depend on your significant other, parent or sibling to keep
things organized at home? 3 Moderate:
Do you depend on a co-worker or assistant to keep you organized
at work? 4 Severe
Is it a significant burden to you (in terms of organization) when 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
this party is unavailable? medication.
Would you be able to function without this kind of support? 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
9 Inadequate information.
Do you not get things done unless there is an absolute deadline? 1 Not present. AD229
Is it hard for you to complete tasks in a timely fashion prior to the 2 Mild.
date that they due?
3 Moderate:
Do you have trouble setting internal deadlines on projects?
4 Severe
Is it necessary for you to have a clear deadline on projects in
order to complete them? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Do you leave everything to the last minute so that each project
becomes a crisis? 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
9 Inadequate information.
Do you find that you cannot complete tasks in the allotted time; 1 Not present. AD230
Do you often need extra time to finish satisfactorily?
Do you need extra time to complete school work or job tasks? 2 Mild.
3 Moderate:
Do you find that you constantly hurry to complete tasks in 9 Inadequate information.
allotted time?
Do you have trouble remembering what you read? 1 Not present. AD231
Do you remember some points, but often do not recall the central 2 Mild.
3 Moderate:
Do you find that you regularly have to re-read passages in order
to understand what the author intended? 4 Severe
Do you find that you finish a book or article and wonder to 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
yourself what it was that you just read? medication.
9 Inadequate information.
9 Inadequate information.
9 Inadequate information.
Do you sometimes find that you do not stand-up for yourself and 2 Mild.
do not let others know when they have offended you?
3 Moderate:
Do you keep the anger inside to the point when you do let it out,
it comes out too strongly? 4 Severe
Do those who care about you feel that they have to stand-up for 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
you? medication.
9 Inadequate information.
Are you overly sensitive or have your feelings bruised easily? 1 Not present. AD235
Are you know as being touchy?
Do you take perceived offenses too much to heart? 2 Mild.
3 Moderate:
Do you have a hard time letting go when you feel that you have 4 Severe
been wronged? Do you feel it deeply for a long time?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
Do you tend to overly defend yourself when others are critical of 8 Present or true due to medical condition.
Do you take replying to other’s perception of you to a more 9 Inadequate information.
significant level than is necessary?
(IF NEC: Does that happen never, rarely, sometimes, often, or very often?)
23. How often do you put things off until the last
minute? 0 1 2 3 4 AD323
29. How often are your feelings easily hurt when you
are criticized? 0 1 2 3 4 AD329
Did you make a lot of careless mistakes at school? 1 Not present. AD101
Did you often get problems wrong on tests because you didn't 2 Mild: Occasionally made careless
read the instructions right? mistakes.
Did you often leave some questions blank by accident? 3 Moderate: Often failed to give close
Forget to do the problems on both sides of a handout? attention to details or made careless
mistakes in schoolwork, work or other
How often did these types of things happen? activities.
Did your teacher ever say you should pay more attention to 4 Severe
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information
Was there ever been a time when you had trouble paying 1 Not present. AD102
attention in school?
2 Mild: Occasionally had difficulty
Did it affect your schoolwork? sustaining attention on tasks or play
Did you get into trouble because of this?
3 Moderate: Often had difficulty
When you were working on your homework, did your mind sustaining attention in tasks or play
wander? activities.
Did you forget to go when it was your turn? 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
3. Doesn't Listen
Was it hard for you to remember what your parents and teachers 1 Not present. AD103
2 Mild: Occasionally didn't listen.
Did your parents or teachers complain that you didn't listen to
them when they talked to you? 3 Moderate: Often did not seem to listen
when spoken to directly.
Did you "tune people out"?
4 Severe
Did you get into trouble for not listening?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
Did your teachers complain that you didn't follow instructions? 1 Not present. AD104
When your parents or your teacher told you to do something, 2 Mild: Occasionally had difficulty
was it sometimes hard for you to remember what they had said to following instructions. Problem had
do? only minimal effect on functioning.
Did it get you into trouble?
3 Moderate: Often did not follow through
Did you lose points on your assignments for not following on instructions and failed to finish
directions or not completing the work? schoolwork, chores, or duties in the
workplace (not due to oppositional
Did you forget to do your homework or forget to turn it in? behavior or failure to understand
Did you get into trouble at home for not finishing your chores or
other things your parents asked you to do? 4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
Did it make it hard for you to find the things you needed? 2 Mild: Occasionally disorganized.
Problem had only minimal effect on
Did your teacher complain that your assignments were messy or functioning.
3 Moderate: Often had difficulty
When you did your worksheets, did you usually start at the organizing tasks and activities.
beginning and do all the problems in order, or did you like to
skip around? 4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
Were there some kinds of schoolwork you hated doing more than 1 Not present. AD106
others? Which ones? Why?
2 Mild: Occasionally avoided tasks that
Did you try to get out of doing your assignments? required sustained attention, and/or
expressed mild dislike for these tasks.
Did you pretend to forget about your homework to get
out of doing it? 3 Moderate: Often avoided, disliked, or
was reluctant to engage in tasks that
About how many times a week did you not do your required sustained mental effort (such as
homework? homework).
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
7. Loses Things
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
8. Easily Distracted
Was there ever a time when little distractions would make it 1 Not present. AD108
very hard for you to keep your mind on what you were doing?
2 Mild: Occasionally distracted.
Like if another kid in class asked the teacher a question while
the class was working quietly, was it ever hard for you to keep 3 Moderate: Was often easily distracted
your mind on your work? by extraneous stimuli (e.g., attention
often disrupted by minor distractions
When there was an interruption, like when the phone rang, was other kids would be able to ignore).
it hard to get back to what you were doing before the
interruption? 4 Severe
Were there times when you could keep your mind on what you 6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
were doing, and little noises and things didn't bother you? medication.
9 Inadequate information.
Did you often leave your homework at home, or your books or 1 Not present. AD109
coats on the bus?
2 Mild: Occasionally forgetful.
Did you leave your things outside by accident?
3 Moderate: Often was forgetful in daily
How often did these things happen? activities.
Did anyone ever complain that you were too forgetful? 4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
10. Fidget
Did people often tell you to sit still, to stop moving, or stop 1 Not present. AD110
squirming in your seat?
Your teachers? 2 Mild: Occasionally fidgeted with hands
Parents? or feet or squirmed in seat.
Did you sometimes get into trouble for squirming in your seat 3 Moderate: Often fidgeted with hands or
or playing with little things at your desk? feet or squirmed in seat.
Did you have a hard time keeping your arms and legs still? 4 Severe
How often?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information
Was there ever a time when you got out of your seat a lot at 1 Not present. AD111
2 Mild: Occasionally had difficulty
Did you get into trouble for this? remaining seated when required to do
Was it hard to stay in your seat at school?
3 Moderate: Often left seat in classroom
What about dinnertime? or in other situations in which
remaining seated was expected.
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
Did you get into trouble for running down the hall in school? 1 Not present. AD112
Did your mom often have to remind you to walk instead of run 2 Mild: Occasionally ran about or climbed
when you were out together? excessively. Problem had only minimal
effect on functioning. (In adolescents,
Did your parents or your teacher complain about you climbing may be limited to a subjective feeling of
things you shouldn't? What kinds of things? How often did this restlessness.)
3 Moderate: Often ran about or climbed
excessively in situations in which it was
inappropriate. (in adolescents, may be
limited to a subjective feeling of
IF NECESSARY: When you were an adolescent, did you feel restlessness.)
restless a lot? Feel like you had to move around, or that it was
very hard to stay in one place? 4 Severe
9 Inadequate information
Did your parents or teachers often tell you to quiet down when 1 Not present. AD113
you were playing?
2 Mild: Occasionally had difficulty
playing quietly.
Did you have a hard time playing quietly?
3 Moderate: Often had difficulty playing
or engaging in leisure activities quietly.
4 Severe
9 Inadequate Information
Could you stay in one place for long, or were you always on the 2 Mild: Occasionally acted as if “driven
go? by a motor.”
How long could you sit and watch TV or play a game? 3 Moderate: Was often “on the go” or
often acted as if "driven by a motor."
Did people tell you to slow down a lot?
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
Did people say you talked too much? 1 Not present. AD115
Did you get into trouble at school for talking when you were not 2 Mild: Occasionally talked excessively.
supposed to?
3 Moderate: Often talked excessively.
Did people in your family complain that you talked too much?
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
At school, did you sometimes call out the answers before you 1 Not present. AD116
were called on?
2 Mild: Occasionally talked out of turn.
Did you talk out of turn at home?
3 Moderate: Often blurted out answers
Answer questions your parents were asking your siblings? before questions had been completed.
4 Severe
How often?
6 Absent or false due to therapeutic
9 Inadequate information.
Was it hard for you to wait your turn in games? 1 Not present. AD117
What about in line in the cafeteria or at the water fountain? 2 Mild: Occasionally had difficulty
waiting his/her turn.
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
Did you get into trouble for talking out of turn in school? 1 Not present. AD118
Did your parents, teachers, or any of the kids you knew complain 2 Mild: Occasionally interrupted others.
that you cut them off when they were talking?
3 Moderate: Often interrupted or intruded
Did kids complain that you broke in on games? on others (e.g., butted into conversations
or games).
9 Inadequate information.
19. Duration
For how long did you have trouble with _____ (list symptoms 1 Not present. AD119
that were positively endorsed)?
2 Symptoms persisted less than 6 months.
9 Inadequate information.
20. Age of Onset
IF NECESSARY: How old were you when you first started 1 Not present. AD120
having trouble (list symptoms)?
2 Onset of symptoms since 7 years of age.
Did you have these problems in kindergarten?
3 Some hyperactive-impulsive or
First Grade? inattentive symptoms that caused
impairment were present before age 7.
9 Inadequate information.
Did these things (list positive symptoms) cause trouble for you 1 Not present. AD121
in school?
With your family? 2 Mild: Some impairment in only one
With other kids? setting.
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
How much trouble did these things (list positive symptoms) 1 Not present. AD122
cause for you in school?
With your family? 2 Mild.
With other kids?
3 Moderate: There must be clear evidence
Give me an example. of clinically significant impairment in
social, academic or occupational
4 Severe
9 Inadequate information.
G.A.F. SCORE: _______ (SEE NEXT PAGE.)
Consider psychological, social, and occupational functioning on a hypothetical continuum of mental health-illness. Do not
include impairment in functioning due to physical (or environmental) limitations.
Indicate appropriate code for the LOWEST level of functioning during the week of POOREST functioning in the past 12
months. (Use intermediate level when appropriate, e.g., 45, 68, 72.) Note: Make a rating of 0 if inadequate information.
90 Absent or minimal symptoms (e.g., mild anxiety before an exam), good func-
tioning in all areas, interested and involved in a wide range of activities,
socially effective, generally satisfied with life, no more than everyday
81 problems or concerns (e.g., an occasional argument with family members).
70 Some mild symptoms (e.g., depressed mood and mild insomnia) OR some
difficulty in social, occupational, or school functioning (e.g., occa-
sional truancy, or absences from work), but generally functioning
61 pretty well, has some meaningful interpersonal relationships.
20 Some danger of hurting self or others (e.g., suicide attempts without clear
expectation of death, frequently violent, manic excitement) OR occasionally
fails to maintain minimal personal hygiene (e.g., smears feces) OR gross
11 impairment in communication (e.g., largely incoherent or mute).
Please circle parts of the interview that were not completed due to time: 18 Adult ADHD criteria AD237
14 Additional items AD238
Self-report Screener AD239
18 Child ADHD criteria AD240
4. Are you satisfied that this was a valid interview? YES NO AD242
5. Please list any other factors that you think affected R’s responses or your coding.
6. What is the principal AXIS-I diagnosis? (This is not a formal diagnosis or based on counting DSM IV criteria. It is your
impression at this point.)
7. Please give your clinical impression of the presence and development of psychiatric symptoms, particularly in terms of ADHD
and related symptoms. Address any differential diagnosis questions.
Was either of your parents ever diagnosed with
ADHD? Father 1 NO
IF SO: Which one? Their age when diagnosed? 2 YES
Was the other one ever diagnosed with ADHD?
Mother 1 NO
2 YES P014
Were any of your siblings ever diagnosed with ADHD?
IF YES: Who was it? At what age? (Any others?) Siblings 1 NO P015
Were any of your children ever diagnosed with
ADHD? Offspring 1 NO
IF YES: How old were they when their problems in
this area became evident? (Any others?)
Do you know if any of your aunts and uncles were ever
diagnosed with ADHD? Aunts/Uncles (paternal) 1 NO P017
IF YES: On your father’s side? How old was he/she
when they were diagnosed? (Any others?)
Aunts/Uncles (maternal) 1 NO
On your mother’s side? How old was he/she when they 2 YES P018
were diagnosed? (Any others?)
Do you know if any of your nieces or nephews were Nieces/Nephews (familial) 1 NO P019
ever diagnosed with ADHD? 2 YES
Have you ever had a car accident? How many? # AUTO ACCIDENTS______________
How much property damage and personal injury
How many speeding tickets have you gotten (ever)? # SPEEDING TICKETS______________
In the past year? # SPEEDING TICKETS/PAST YEAR_____
How fast were you going above the speed limit?
How many times have you had run-ins with the legal P025