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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,760,366 B2

Morris et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 24, 2014

(54) METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR REMOTE (56) References Cited

(75) Inventors: Simon Edward Morris, Kirkland, WA 6,324.305 B1 1 1/2001 Holladay et al.
(US); James Peter Walch, Sheffield 6.825,846 B2 * 1 1/2004 Mondal ......................... 345,547
(GB) 7,016,547 B1 3/2006 Smirnov
7,218,784 B1 5/2007 Zecket al.
2003/0048954 A1 3/2003 Matthews
(73) Assignee: RealVNC Ltd., Cambridge (GB) 2003/0110244 A1* 6/2003 Mondal ......................... 709,223

(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued)

patent is extended or adjusted under 35 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
EP 1412936 8, 2002
(21) Appl. No.: 13/641,665 EP 1521452 4/2005
JP 2008109.478 5, 2008
(22) PCT Filed: Nov. 22, 2011
Lin, Tony et al., “Hybrid Image Coding for Real-Time Computer
(86). PCT No.: Screen Video Transmission.” Proceedings of SPIE, Visual Commu
nications and Image Processing 2004, vol. 5308, No. 1, pp. 946-957.
S371 (c)(1), Jan. 7, 2004.
(2), (4) Date: Mar. 19, 2013
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2012/080713 Primary Examiner — Dmitriy Bolotin
PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 21, 2012 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Sheppard, Mullin, Richter
& Hampton LLP
(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT
US 2013/0249774 A1 Sep. 26, 2013 A remote computer having a processor and a display, said
remote computer being connected via a network to a local
computer having a processor and a display, wherein the pro
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data cessor of the remote computer is configured to divide at least
part of the remote computer display into a grid having a
Dec. 14, 2010 (GB) ................................... 1021259.5 plurality of tiles, determine whether each tile represents
image data or text data, encode each tile representing text data
(51) Int. Cl. using a lossless compression, encode each tile representing
G09G 5/00 (2006.01) image data using a lossy compression, and transmit display
(52) U.S. Cl. data comprising said lossy encoded image data and said loss
USPC ............................................. 345/2.1; 34.5/2.3 less encoded text data from said remote computer to said local
(58) Field of Classification Search computer, whereby a user is able to view said remote com
USPC .................................................... 345/2.1-2.3 puter display on said local computer display.
See application file for complete search history. 16 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum dolor

Memory 18
card 17

Remote computer Local computer \

US 8,760,366 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Application No. GB1021259.5, Search Report, Apr. 15, 2011.
2004/OO17939 A1 1/2004 Mehrotra Application No. GB1021259.5. Further Search Report, Aug. 19.
2007, 0140575 A1 6, 2007 Bai et al. 2011.
2007/0206868 A1 9/2007 Nakayama Application No. GB1021259.5. Examination Report, Oct. 24, 2011.
2007,0263009 A1 11, 2007 Li et al. International Application No. PCT/GB2011 1052286, International
2008/O137751 A1 6, 2008 Roman S h R. dWri Opinion. Mar. 28, 2012
2010.0027882 A1 2/2010 Matsuoka earch Report and Written Opinion, Mar. 28, 2012.
2010/0296730 A1 11/2010 Matsuoka
2012/0001832 A1* 1/2012 Braghis et al. ................. 34.5/22 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 2 of 4 US 8,760,366 B2

Any program on the remote computer

Graphics card on the remote computer

WNC Server
frame grabbing
Pixel buffer containing a copy of the remote computer's display
WNC Server
Encoded pixel buffer

Encoded pixel buffer for the remote computer's display,

stored on the local computer

WNC Viewer
decoding Fig 2

Remote computer's display,

shown on the local computer's display
U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 3 of 4 US 8,760,366 B2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
do eius1nod tempot incididunt ut
labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisiut aliquip eX ea
commodo consequat. Duis aute
irure dolor in reprehenderit in
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Fig 3a

-- T.I.T.T...I.
T Horean ipsuit door sit at
T. T. T IT .
U.S. Patent Jun. 24, 2014 Sheet 4 of 4 US 8,760,366 B2


Copy a tile from

the pixel buffer

Let F1 be the Iber of bytes

in the lossless-compression
encoding of the tile.

Take a copy of the

tile, reducing the
limber of bits
used to represent
the Color of each Dixel

Let n2be the number of bytes

in the lossless-compression
encoding of the
reduced-COOL file.

Encode the tile as an image, Encode the tile as text,

using JPEG compression. using ZRLE compression.
US 8,760,366 B2
1. 2
METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR REMOTE The present applicant has recognized the need for an
COMPUTING improved encoding.
According to a first aspect of the invention, there is pro
This application is a continuation of International Appli vided a method of transmitting display data from a remote
cation No. PCT/GB2011/052286 filed Nov. 22, 2011 and computer to a local computer having a display whereby a user
published as WO 2012/080713 A1, entitled “Method and is able to view said remote computer display data on said local
System for Encoding Display Data, which claims priority to 10 computer display, the method comprising dividing at least
GB Patent Application Serial No. 1021259.5, filed Dec. 14, part of the remote computer display data into a plurality of
2010, now GB Patent No. 2481870, which are all incorpo tiles; determining whether each tile represents image data or
rated by reference herein. text data by applying a color reduction algorithm to each said
tile to produce a color-reduced tile and comparing each tile
FIELD OF THE INVENTION 15 with its corresponding color reduced tile; encoding each tile
representing text data using a lossless compression; encoding
This invention relates to a method and system for remote each tile representing image data using a lossy compression,
computing. wherein said transmitted display data comprises said lossy
encoded image data and said lossless encoded text data.
BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION According to a second aspect of the invention, there is
provided a remote computer comprising a processor which is
It is known to use a local computer or similar device to configured to create display data, said remote computer being
interact with a physically remote computer. For the individual connected via a network to a local computer having a proces
user, one common scenario is to help troubleshoot the com sor and a display, wherein the processor of the remote com
puter of a distant less-technically-savvy relative. Sitting at 25 puter is configured to divide at least part of the remote com
your desk in Baltimore, remote computing allows a user to puter display data into a plurality of tiles; determine whether
take control of a relative’s PC in California and show them each tile represents image data or text data by applying a color
how to use a new software package by actually doing it from reduction algorithm to each said tile to produce a color
your PC in Baltimore. A very common business application is reduced tile and comparing each tile with its corresponding
in remote system administration, where it is used to allow 30 color reduced tile; encode each tile representing text data
administrators to take control of employee machines to diag using a lossless compression; encode each tile representing
nose and fix problems. In all scenarios, key presses, mouse image data using a lossy compression, and transmit display
movements, and mouse clicks are sent from the local com data comprising said lossy encoded image data and said loss
puter to the remote computer to effect changes on the remote less encoded text data from said remote computer to said local
computer. A continually updated copy of the remote comput 35 computer, whereby a user is able to view said remote com
er's display is shown in a window on the local computer. puter display data on said local computer display.
Accordingly, it appears to a user that they are sitting in front This invention is a hybrid of lossy and lossless encodings,
of the remote computer even though it is at a different loca in particular JPEG and a variation of RLE (Run Length
tion. Encoding) and thus may be called JRLE. It encodes “image'
The continually updated copy is achieved by encoding 40 pixel data using a lossy encoding (JPEG), and “text pixel
pixel data describing the contents of the remote computers data using a lossless encoding (ZRLE). It will be seen that, for
display and transmitting this data, or any changes in this data, display data that is a mixture of “image' and “text', this
to the local computer. There are many ways of achieving this hybrid will meet the combined criteria detailed below better
encoding. At one end of the range, there is Raw encoding than eitherapure lossy orapure lossless encoding. In general,
which has no data compression and thus requires minimal 45 text data is characterized by well defined lines and comprises
CPU overhead at the remote computer but is only suitable for data Such as sharp text, line drawings and areas of solid color.
fast networks because of the large volume of data to be trans By contrast, image data comprises areas of graduated color,
mitted. At the other end of the range, there is high compres fine detail texture, blurred text or blurred lines.
sion encoding (e.g. Run Length Encoding RLE or variations The following features apply to all aspects of the invention.
thereof) which offer better compression and are suitable for 50 The remote computer may comprise a physical display, e.g.
slower networks but require higher CPU overhead. These a display monitor. Alternatively, the remote computer may
standard encodings are all lossless and thus the display on the not be connected to a physical display. In this case, the pro
local computer is an exact representation of the display on the cessor of the remote computer may create a display, such as a
remote computer. standard desktop display, which is rendered into a framestore.
Typically the display on the remote computer comprises a 55 The processor may even emit the signals (e.g. VGA or DVI)
mixture of text and image data. The amount of image data has which would cause said display to be generated on a physical
increased in recent years to include more images and video; display. However, since there is no physical monitor, this
and because of the trend towards semi-transparent and output is not viewed on the monitor. Nevertheless, the display
blurred window frames, and highly textured or graduated and its framestore still exist and updates are detected and sent
color backgrounds and fill patterns. 60 out as detailed below.
There is a strong temporal element to remote computing: Said display data may be in the form of pixel data with n
the algorithms producing and transmitting the continually being the total number of bits used to represent each pixel in
updated copy of the remote computer display have to be fast the original pixel data, n may be reduced by 50% (e.g. from 24
enough to keep up with the changes on the remote computer to 12) in the color reduction algorithm.
without falling behind. A bottleneck may arise from the 65 Said determining step may further comprise compressing
encoding time, the data communication time, or the decoding each said tile using a lossless compression to produce a first
time. encoded copy; compressing said color reduced tile with said
US 8,760,366 B2
3 4
lossless compression used in said first encoding step to pro puter to said remote computer to take effect on said remote
duce a second encoded copy; comparing said first and second computer, and transmitting display data from said remote
encoded copies to determine whether said tile represents computer as described above.
image data or text data, wherein a tile represents image data if A remote computing system comprising a local computer
the size of the first encoded copy is large relative to the size of 5 having a processor and a display; a remote computer having a
the second encoded copy and a tile represents text data if the processor and a display, and a network linking said local
sizes are approximately equal. computer and said remote computer, wherein the processor of
The algorithm for identifying image regions is based on the the remote computer is configured to divide at least part of the
observation that image regions tend to look bad if the number remote computer display into a grid having a plurality of tiles;
of colors is reduced. Thus in other words, said determining 10
determine whether each tile represents image data or text data
step may comprise determining whether each tile represents by applying a color reduction algorithm to each said tile to
image data or text data by considering color data for each tile. produce a color-reduced tile and comparing each tile with its
Images tend to be posterized by a reduction in color, gaining corresponding color reduced tile; encode each tile represent
wide bands of color. These bands may compress to a smaller ing text data using a lossless compression; encode each tile
amount of data than the original image so the difference in 15
representing image data using a lossy compression, and trans
compressed size between a full-color and a color-reduced
image will be significant. By contrast, the equivalent differ mit display data comprising said lossy encoded image data
ence for a text region will be negligible as they have more and said lossless encoded text data from said remote com
sharp edges. Accordingly, using a color reduction algorithm puter to said local computer and wherein the processor of the
followed by compression may be a useful way to determine local computer is configured to decode said transmitted dis
whether or not a tile is text or image data. However, other play data and display said remote computer display on said
methods are also possible. local computer display.
The significance of the difference in size may be deter Applying a color reduction algorithm to each said tile to
mined relative to a threshold value. Thus, said comparing step produce a color-reduced tile and comparing each tile with its
may comprise determining whether the difference in size 25 corresponding color reduced tile is a preferred option. Thus
between said first encoded copy and said second encoded according to another aspect of the invention, there is provided
copy is greater than a threshold value, wherein a tile repre a method of transmitting display data from a remote computer
sents image data if the threshold value is exceeded and a tile to a local computer having a display whereby a user is able to
represents text data if the threshold value is not exceeded. view said remote computer display data on said local com
Said threshold value is determined from n (the total number of 30
puter display, the method comprising dividing at least part of
bits as set out above). For example, if n ranges between 16 and the remote computer display data into a plurality of tiles:
24, the threshold value may range between 50 and 150. The determining whether each tile represents image data or text
threshold value may be found heuristically. data; encoding each tile representing text data using a lossless
As an alternative to compressing the data, other algorithms compression; encoding each tile representing image data
for choosing between text and image data may be used. Said 35
using a lossy compression, wherein said transmitted display
display data may be in the form of pixel data and said deter
mining step may comprise applying an analysis on the fre data comprises said lossy encoded image data and said loss
quency of occurrence of different values of said pixel data. less encoded text data.
The plurality of tiles may be arranged in a grid which may According to another aspect there is also provided a remote
have a plurality of rows and columns of tiles. The tiles may 40 computer comprising a processor which is configured to cre
overlap. Each tile may have 16 by 16 pixels. Said tiles may be ate display data for said remote computer, said remote com
rectangular or any other Suitable shape. puter being connected via a network to a local computer
The transmitted image data is preferably real-time data comprising a processor and a display, wherein the processor
whereby a user has an up-to-date view of the remote computer of the remote computer is configured to divide at least part of
display on his local computer display. The method may com 45 the remote computer display data into a plurality of tiles;
prise determining which regions on the remote computer determine whether each tile represents image data or text
display have changed and wherein said at least part of the data; encode each tile representing text data using a lossless
remote computer display comprises said regions which have compression; encode each tile representing image data using
changed. In this way, only information which has changed is a lossy compression, and transmit display data comprising
transmitted and the amount of data transmitted is reduced to 50 said lossy encoded image data and said lossless encoded text
enable the system to function more efficiently. To avoid data from said remote computer to said local computer,
bottlenecks, the system may comprise a feedback loop whereby a user is able to view said remote computer display
formed by requests coming back from the local computer data on said local computer display.
(e.g. a decoderfor decoding the transmitted data). If resources According to another aspect there is also provided a remote
are short, Some changes in the remote computer display may 55 computing system comprising a local computer having a
be discarded until the next request comes back. Thus it is processor and a display; a remote computer having a proces
imperative to make a fast decision on which compression Sor, and a network linking said local computer and said
scheme to use, so color reduction followed by a quicklossless remote computer, wherein the processor of the remote com
algorithm is appropriate. puter is configured to create display data for said remote
By enabling a user to view the remote computer display on 60 computer, divide at least part of the remote computer display
the local computer display, a user can view any interactions data into a plurality of tiles; determine whether each tile
with the remote computer from the local computer. represents image data or text data; encode each tile represent
According to another aspect of the invention, there is pro ing text data using a lossless compression; encode each tile
vided a method of controlling a remote computer from a local representing image data using a lossy compression, and trans
computer, the method comprising linking said local computer 65 mit display data comprising said lossy encoded image data
and said remote computer, inputting commands in said local and said lossless encoded text data from said remote com
computer, transmitting said commands from said local com puter to said local computer and wherein said processor of
US 8,760,366 B2
5 6
said local computer is configured to decode said transmitted puter gets a frame buffer for the display (e.g. by linking to the
display data and to display on said local computer display said graphics card 27 or a virtual graphics card Such as an X server)
remote computer display. to create a pixel buffer (Stored in memory 28) containing a
Each of these other aspects can be combined with the copy of the information shown on the display 24 of the remote
features listed for the first two aspects. computer. The next step is for the CPU under the control of
The invention further provides processor control code to the VNC(R) Server program to encode the pixel buffer as
implement the above-described systems and methods, for detailed below. Once the initial display has been encoded,
example on a general purpose computer system or on a digital thereafter the CPU26 need only encode changed regions of
signal processor (DSP). The code may be provided on a the display 24 on the remote computer. The encoded pixel
carrier such as a disk, CD- or DVD-ROM, programmed 10 buffer data (and later updated pixel buffer data) is sent via the
memory Such as non-volatile memory (e.g. Flash) or read network to the local computer 10.
only memory (Firmware). Code (and/or data) to implement The encoded pixel buffer data received from the remote
embodiments of the invention may comprise source, objector computer 20 is stored on the local computer 10, e.g. in
executable code in a conventional programming language memory 18 in a local pixel buffer. Under the control of the
(interpreted or compiled) Such as C, or assembly code. As the 15 VNC(R) Viewer program, the CPU 16 on the local computer,
skilled person will appreciate Such code and/or data may be decodes the encoded pixel buffer data and sends the decoded
distributed between a plurality of coupled components in data, for example via the graphics card 17, for display. In this
communication with one another. way, the display 14 on the local computer 10 shows an
updated copy of the display information currently showing on
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS the display of the remote computer 20.
As shown in more detail in FIGS. 3a and 3b, the displayed
The invention is diagrammatically illustrated, by way of information is a mixture of different types of data, namely
example, by the following drawings, in which: images (such as photographs or other real-world imagery)
FIG. 1 illustrates a system comprising a pair of computers and text. An ideal encoding would:
connected over a network to allow remote control; 25 (i) produce a copy of the remote display that has no per
FIG. 2 is a flowchart illustrating how remote control of the ceptible difference from the remote display itself,
computer illustrated in FIG. 1 is achieved; (ii) be fast to encode and decode, and
FIG.3a is a screenshot of a display on the screen of the pair (iii) produce a small amount of encoded data.
of computers; The extent to which an encoding meets these criteria
FIG. 3b is the image of FIG. 3a overlaid with a grid; and 30 depends on the type of pixel data being encoded. Pixel data
FIG. 4 is a flowchart of the process for improving the for images (image pixel data) typically varies Smoothly over
performance of the system of FIG. 1. the region on which it is defined. By contrast, pixel data for
text (text pixel data), typically varies infrequently and sharply
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS over the region on which it is defined. Text pixel data may
35 often represent text or other user interface elements such as
FIG. 1 shows a remote computing system comprising a buttons, menus and dialog boxes.
local computer 10 at which a user is located connected via a The applicant has investigated the differences between the
network 30 to another computer 20 at a location which is various types of encoding. Lossless encodings, such as ZRLE
physically remote from the user. The local computer com (see definitions below), meet criterion (i) perfectly and crite
prises a keyboard 12 (or other similar input device, e.g. 40 rion (ii) relatively poorly for both types of pixel data. Such
mouse), a central processing unit 16, memory 18 and a dis lossless encodings also meet criterion (iii) well on text pixel
play 14 (optionally) driven by a graphics card 17 with data data but very poorly on image pixel data. By contrast, lossy
from an optional framestore. Similarly, the remote computer encodings, such as JPEG, meet criterions (i) and (iii) well on
20 comprises standard components such as a keyboard 22, a image pixel data and poorly on text pixel data and meet
central processing unit 26, memory 28 and a display 24 (op 45 criterion (ii) well for both types of data.
tionally) driven a graphics card 27 with data from an optional The applicant has recognized that it is not necessary to use
framestore. It will be appreciated that the computers do not the same encoding for all parts of the display. Accordingly, as
need to be the same type or may be replaced with similar shown in FIG.3b, a grid of tiles is overlaid on the display and
electronic devices, e.g. PDAs, mobile phones etc. The net each tile is categorized as “image' or "text''. A typical grid
work 30 may be any suitable network, e.g. via the Internet or 50 may have tiles having 16 by 16 pixels but other sizes of grids
may be an internal business computer network. Similarly, the may be used. The grids may overlap. Furthermore, although
graphics card may be optional and the system may use any the tiles are shown as rectangles, other shapes of tiles may be
Suitable method of producing images, e.g. the CPU may used. The grid is overlaid over all the display but in practice,
produce the image directly from the data stored in memory, a grid will only be laid over a region which has changed. In
e.g. in the framestores. 55 FIG.3b, “image' tiles are marked with an “I’, and “text” tiles
The general process for remote computing is illustrated in are marked with a “T”.
FIG. 2. In the following description the control programs are The process for categorizing a tile and its Subsequent
referred to as VNC viewer and VNC server programs but any encoding is shown in FIG. 4. The algorithm that categorizes
technology that allows remote computing may be used. The each tile as “image' or "text' relies on the fact that an “image'
CPU on the remote computer runs a VNC(R) Server program 60 tile generally contains a greater number of different pixel
(or similar program) at the same time as the CPU on the local values than a "text tile. There are many ways of making use
computer running a complementary VNC(R) viewer program of this fact. In the present invention, this fact is used in
(or similar program). As shown in the flowchart, any program combination with the fact that neighboring pixels in an
on the remote computer can be controlled. The first step is for “image' tile often have pixel values that are close to each
the CPU 26 on the remote computer 20 to interact with the 65 other. A consequence of this is that if the number of bits used
graphics card 27 on the remote computer. Under the control of to represent each pixel value is reduced, many neighboring
the VNC(R) Server program, the CPU 26 on the remote com pixels in an “image' tile will have the same pixel value, when
US 8,760,366 B2
7 8
they had different pixel values before the bit-depth reduction. No doubt many other effective alternatives will occur to the
This means that any lossless encoding that is based on run skilled person. It will be understood that the invention is not
length encoding will compress the amount of encoded data to limited to the described embodiments and encompasses
a greater extent in the post-reduction “image' tile than in the modifications apparent to those skilled in the art lying within
pre-reduction “image' tile. In contrast, the reduction will not 5 the spirit and scope of the claims appended hereto.
affect the compression produced by a lossless encoding DEFINITIONS
applied to a “text tile. Other means for detecting “image' or
“text data may be used, perhaps using statistical analysis of JPEG is a well-known technique of lossy compression. The
each tile, e.g. using histograms of the colors used. For 10 term “JPEG' is an acronym for the Joint Photographic
example, if 80% or more of the pixel values lay within 1% of Experts Group which created the standard.
the available color values in a tile, the tile is text. RLE is a well-known technique for lossless compression.
The first step S400 is to copy a tile from the pixel buffer on The data consists of a number of runs, repeated until the tile is
the remote computer. At Step S402, the lossless encoding (e.g. done. Each run is a represented by a single pixel value fol
TRLE encoding) is applied to the tile to compress the data and 15 lowed by the length of the run. The length is represented as
the number of bytes of data produced by this encoding is one or more bytes.
recorded as n1. The next step S404 is to take a copy of the TRLE is a variation of RLE and stands for Tiled Run
same time and reduce the number of bits used to represent the Length Encoding. It combines tiling, palettization and run
color of each pixel. This can be achieved by any standard length encoding. The rectangle is divided into tiles of 16x16
technique or determined heuristically as described below. At pixels in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order. TRLE makes use
step S406, the process then applies the lossless encoding to of a new type CPIXEL (compressed pixel). This is the same as
the tile with reduced bit depth to compress the data and the a PIXEL for the agreed pixel format, except as a special case,
number of bytes of data produced by this encoding is recorded it uses a more compact format if true-color-flag is non-Zero,
as n2. n1 is compared with n2 at step S408. If the difference bits-per-pixel is 32, depth is 24 or less and all of the bits
between the two numbers exceeds a certain threshold, which 25 making up the red, green and blue intensities fit in either the
was determined heuristically (e.g. as shown in FIG. 4 is least significant 3 bytes or the most significant 3 bytes. If all
assumed to be 150), the tile is categorized as “image' and as of these are the case, a CPIXEL is only 3 bytes long, and
shown at step S410, the tile is encoded using a lossy com contains the least significant or the most significant 3 bytes as
pression such as JPEG. If the difference is less than the appropriate. bytesPerCPixel is the number of bytes in a
threshold, the tile is categorized as "text' and the tile is 30 CPIXEL.
encoded using a lossless compression Such as ZRLE. At step Each tile begins with a subencoding type byte. The top bit
S414 the process determines whether or not the last tile has of this byte is set if the tile has been run-length encoded, clear
been encoded; if not steps S400 to S414 are repeated until all otherwise. The bottom seven bits indicate the size of the
the grid is encoded. palette used: Zero means no palette, one means that the tile is
The encoded grid is then transmitted as a sequence of 35 of a single color, and 2 to 127 indicate a palette of that size.
encoded tiles to the local computer for decoding as described The special subencoding values 129 and 127 indicate that the
above. To enable the decoding, each encoded tile is preceded palette is to be reused from the last tile which had a palette,
with a flag indicating which encoding has been used on the with and without RLE respectively.
tile, e.g. a flag saying “JPEG-encoded” or “ZRLE-encoded”. ZRLE stands for Zlib Run-Length Encoding, and com
The precise algorithms used for lossless encoding to 40 bines an encoding similar to TRLE with zlib compression. On
achieve the compression or for color reduction are not impor the wire, the rectangle begins with a 4-byte length field, and is
tant provided the lossless compression is able to detect and followed by that many bytes of zlib-compressed data. A
optimize regions of constant color (this is a feature of most single zlib “stream” object is used for a given RFB protocol
Such techniques). connection, so that ZRLE rectangles must be encoded and
The optimal bit-depth reduction may be determined heu 45 decoded strictly in order.
ristically as follows. Let n be the total number of bits used to The zlibData when uncompressed represents tiles in left
represent each pixel value in the original pixel data. That is, in to-right, top-to-bottom order, similar to TRLE, but with a tile
should be the sum of the number of bits used to represent the size of 64x64 pixels. If the width of the rectangle is not an
red, the green, and the blue components of each pixel value. exact multiple of 64 then the width of the last tile in each row
The reduced bit-depth pixel values should use the largest 50 is Smaller, and if the height of the rectangle is not an exact
integer less than or equal to (n+5)/6 as the number of bits in multiple of 64 then the height of each tile in the final row is
each of the red, green, and blue components. For example, if Smaller.
the original pixel data uses 8 bits to represent each of the red, The tiles are encoded in exactly the same way as TRLE,
the green, and the blue components of each pixel value, the except that subencoding may not take the values 127 or 129,
reduced bit-depth pixel values should use 4 bits to represent 55 i.e. palettes cannot be reused between tiles. The server flushes
each of the red, the green, and the blue components of each the zlib stream to a byte boundary at the end of each ZRLE
pixel value, because 4 is the largest integer less than or equal encoded rectangle. It need not flush the stream between tiles
to (8+8+8+5)/6. within a rectangle. Since the ZlibData for a single rectangle
The optimal threshold for the difference between the num can potentially be quite large, clients can incrementally
bers of bytes of encoded data, before and after bit-depth 60 decode and interpret the zlibData but must not assume that
reduction is found heuristically and is related to the total encoded tile data is byte aligned.
number of bits (n) used to represent each pixel value in the
original pixel data. If n is 24, the threshold should be 150. If The invention claimed is:
n is 16, the threshold should be 50. If n is less than 16, the 1. A method of transmitting display data from a remote
threshold should be 50*(n/16). If n is greater than 16, then the 65 computer to a local computer having a display whereby a user
threshold should be found by linear interpolation/extrapola is able to view said remote computer display data on said local
tion, between the values of 50 (for n=16) and 150 (for n=24). computer display, the method comprising:
US 8,760,366 B2
dividing at least part of the remote computer display data 14. A non-transitory carrier carrying processing code for
into a plurality of tiles: implementing the method of claim 1 on a computer.
determining whether each tile represents image data or text 15. A remote computer comprising a processor which is
data by applying a color reduction algorithm to each said configured to create display data for said remote computer,
tile to produce a color-reduced tile and comparing each 5 said remote computer being connected via a network to a
tile with its corresponding color reduced tile; local computer comprising a processor and a display, wherein
encoding each tile representing text data using a lossless the processor of the remote computer is configured to:
compression; and divide at least part of the remote computer display data into
encoding each tile representing image data using a lossy a plurality of tiles:
compression; 10 determine whether each tile represents image data or text
wherein said transmitted display data comprises said lossy data by applying a color reduction algorithm to each said
encoded image data and said lossless encoded text data; tile to produce a color-reduced tile and comparing each
and tile with its corresponding color reduced tile;
wherein said determining step comprises: encode each tile representing text data using a lossless
compressing each said tile using a lossless compression 15 compression;
to produce a first encoded copy; encode each tile representing image data using a lossy
compressing said color reduced tile with said lossless compression; and
compression used in said first encoding step to pro transmit display data comprising said lossy encoded image
duce a second encoded copy; and data and said lossless encoded text data from said remote
comparing said first and second encoded copies to deter- 20 computer to said local computer, whereby a user is able
mine whether said tile represents image data or text to view said remote computer display data on said local
data, wherein a tile represents image data if the size of computer display;
the first encoded copy is large relative to the size of the wherein said determining step comprises:
second encoded copy and a tile represents text data if compressing each said tile using a lossless compression
the sizes are approximately equal. 25 to produce a first encoded copy;
2. A method according to claim 1, wherein said determin compressing said color reduced tile with said lossless
ing step comprises determining whether each tile represents compression used in said first encoding step to pro
image data or text data by considering color data for each tile. duce a second encoded copy; and
3. A method according to claim 1, wherein said comparing comparing said first and second encoded copies to deter
step comprises determining whether the difference in size 30 mine whether said tile represents image data or text
between said first encoded copy and said second encoded data, wherein a tile represents image data if the size of
copy is greater than a threshold value, wherein a tile repre the first encoded copy is large relative to the size of the
sents image data if the threshold value is exceeded and a tile second encoded copy and a tile represents text data if
represents text data if the threshold value is not exceeded. the sizes are approximately equal.
4. A method according to claim3, wherein said display data 35 16. A remote computing system comprising:
is in the form of pixel data with n being the total number of a local computer having a processor and a display;
bits used to represent each pixel in the original pixel data and a remote computer having a processor, and
wherein said threshold value is determined from n. a network linking said local computer and said remote
5. A method according to claim 1, wherein said lossless computer, wherein the processor of the remote computer
compression used in each said compressing step is TRLE. 40 is configured to:
6. A method according to claim 1, wherein said display data create display data for said remote computer;
is in the form of pixel data with n being the total number of divide at least part of the remote computer display data
bits used to represent each pixel in the original pixel data and into a plurality of tiles:
wherein said color-reduction algorithm reduces the total determine whether each tile represents image data or
number of bits used to represent each pixel. 45 text data by applying a color reduction algorithm to
7. A method according to claim 1, wherein said lossless each said tile to produce a color-reduced tile and
compression in said encoding step is a variation of RLE. comparing each tile with its corresponding color
8. A method according to claim 7, wherein said variation is reduced tile;
ZRLE. encode each tile representing text data using a lossless
9. A method according to claim 1, wherein said lossy 50 compression;
compression is JPEG. encode each tile representing image data using a lossy
10. A method according to claim 1, wherein said plurality compression; and
of tiles form a grid. transmit display data comprising said lossy encoded
11. A method according to claim 1, comprising determin image data and said lossless encoded text data from
ing which regions of the remote computer display data have 55 said remote computer to said local computer,
changed and wherein said at least part of the remote computer wherein said processor of said local computer is configured
display data comprises said regions which have changed. to decode said transmitted display data and to display on
12. A method according to claim 11, comprising discarding said local computer display said remote computer dis
said changes that have been Superseded by newer changes, play; and
until a request is received from said local computer. 60 wherein said determining step comprises:
13. A method of controlling a remote computer from a local compressing each said tile using a lossless compression
computer, the method comprising linking said local computer to produce a first encoded copy;
and said remote computer, inputting commands in said local compressing said color reduced tile with said lossless
computer, transmitting said commands from said local com compression used in said first encoding step to pro
puter to said remote computer to take effect on said remote 65 duce a second encoded copy; and
computer, and transmitting display data from said remote comparing said first and second encoded copies to deter
computer as claimed in claim 1. mine whether said tile represents image data or text
US 8,760,366 B2
11 12
data, wherein a tile represents image data if the size of
the first encoded copy is large relative to the size of the
second encoded copy and a tile represents text data if
the sizes are approximately equal.
k k k k k

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