Mid1 PhuongLT 20201690
Mid1 PhuongLT 20201690
Mid1 PhuongLT 20201690
I. Introduction
Currently, saturated vapour pressure is widely used in industries such as power generation,
humidity maintenance, direct heating systems. In addition, it is utilized in hospitals, clinics,
and dental autoclaves for medical purposes.
The pressure at which the vapour and the liquid are in balance is known as the saturated
vapour pressure. The boiling point varies depending on the pressure exerted on liquid, the
greater the pressure, the higher the boiling point will be and vice versa [1].
Acetone is an organic substance, with the formula (CH3)2CO. Acetone is a flammable,
colorless, rapidly evaporating liquid with a characteristic odor. The objective of this
experiment was to identify the boiling point of the acetone solution at room pressure.
II. Methodology
III. Results
As presented in Figure 2, the lnP = f(1/T) graph is a straight line and fits a trendline
y = -3.2488x + 16.666 with an R 2 of 0.9836. The detailed experimental data is stated in
Table 1, Appendix 1.
5.8 1/T
3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.3 3.31
The boiling point of the acetone at room pressure (760 mmHg) was defined: T s =
IV. Discussion
Based on these data, we conclude that the boiling point of acetone solution at ambient
pressure is 63°C and saturated vapour pressure of the acetone solution depends on the
With our careful work, we obtain results that are consistent with the premise: when the
temperature increases, the saturated vapour pressure also increases. Additional evidence
to support this conclusion is that when the temperature rose from 30°C to 37°C, the
saturated vapour pressure also rose from 380.5 mmHg to 482.5 mmHg.
The measured boiling point is a little bit higher than that recorded in the literature, 56°C
[1], suggesting that there may be some experimental flaws. By going back to the
experimental process, there were at least three factors of mistakes that might be identified
could be the causes of errors. Firstly, the process of disassembling the tool encountered
some errors such as not getting all the air out of A, the joins and valves were not tight…
Secondly, there could be inconsistencies between the manometer and the thermometer
reading moments. Thirdly, the acetone solution used had impurities. Repeating the
experiment to obtain better statistical data is one way to reduce the first two mistakes.
Goal attainment
V. Conclusion
The boiling point of the acetone solution depended on the saturated vapour pressure of it.
We draw the conclusion that the boiling point rises with increasing pressure. The boiling
point of acetone solution at normal atmospheric pressure is 63°C. It is a tiny bit higher
than the figure given in the literature. Possible mistakes include mismatches between the
manometer reading moments and the thermometer reading moments, the presence of
contaminants in the acetone solution, … Preparing a pure acetone solution, installing
tools carefully and repeating the experiment could assist to reduce mistakes.
[1] Dao Van Luong, Nhiet dong hoa hoc [Chemical thermodynamics], (in Vietnamese), 2
ed. Nha xuat ban khoa hoc ky thuat, 2004.
[2] Dai hoc Bach Khoa Ha Noi, Tai lieu huong dan Thi nghiem Hoa ly I [Physical
chemistry laboratory manual], (in Vietnamese), luu hanh noi bo, 2020.
[3] Cao Hong Ha et. Al., Thi nghiem Hoa ly [Physical chemistry laboratory manual], (in
Vietnamese). Nha xuat ban Bach Khoa Ha Noi, 2020.
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
t (°C)
T (K) 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310
1/T(x10-3) 3.30 3.29 3.28 3.27 3.26 3.25 3.24 3.23
h(mmHg) 379 365 351 340 319 307 305 277
P(mmHg)=H-h 380.5 394.5 408.5 419.5 440.5 452.5 454.5 482.5
lnP 5.941 5.978 6.012 6.039 6.088 6.115 6.119 6.179