Compass 2 Data Sheet

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Alerton’s Compass Supervisor provides an intuitive, scalable user experience. Compass delivers
customizable navigation, visual system cues, quick access to data, user security, advanced scheduling,
alarm management and graphical representation of single or multiple buildings’ systems. These
features enable building operators and facility engineers to quickly identify and resolve system issues,
while improving efficiencies and reduce budgets through an advanced scheduling interface.

Graphical controls bring data to life. The adaptive OmniGraphic images transform background
images into interactive controls to visually communicate and indicate system status and
occupant comfort levels. Experienced users have access to advanced features such as the
summary display, which can provide a wide variety of complex, interactive data on one screen.
Seamlessly converts Alerton legacy graphics (bitmaps) to HTML 5 format, enabling you to
quickly integrate graphical content to the web without using Flash and third-party plug-ins.

Compass offers a sophisticated tool set to support any mission-critical facility,

including those requiring FDA CFR21 compliance. Enhanced reporting and a secure
SQL Database allow the generation of compliance reports, while LDAP authentication
enables the scheduling of secure emails. With improved localization feature, multiple
Web-UI users can connect to the same Compass System using their native language
and comfortable numeric formats. An interactive table of data (Summary Page) allows
users to sort tables and edit the value of multiple points in a single operation. Provides
detailed User Activity Log allows a full audit trail of all changes made to the system.

Compass is a powerful, dynamic interface enabling users to monitor and

control their facilities from anywhere, at any time. Compass incorporates the • The new Installation and
latest browser technology and is truly a marriage of current technologies and Configuration tool helps to reduce
the install or upgrade time to
building automation - offering an unparalleled user experience.
complete sites efficiently.

ENERGY MANAGEMENT • Alarm and Trendlog Builder: New

efficient way to efficiently create
Trendlogs: View trendlogs in graph or text format with multiple points per log. Archived in database and edit multiple Alarms and
format for compatibility with office applications.
Trendlogs work-flow at a time.
Energy logs: Hourly or daily energy use and demand displayed in text format. • EASE Scheduling is now included
Archived in database format for compatibility with office applications.
as a standard feature in Compass 2.
Demand limiting: Flexible demand metering supports various media. • Updated Compass architecture
Shed and restore binary and analog loads according to load priority. Base
makes BACnet data available faster
strategies on time of day or season. View results in the real time.
in the Web-UI, improving data
display performance.



Powerful alarm management through A wide range of building management Create systems that are easy to upgrade
interactive alarm table allowing for tools are available, including Display and improve. Build dynamic graphics
sorting, filtering, categorizing, and capability, Scheduling, Alarms, Optimum faster and easier with Compass’
commenting. Configurable tree-style start, Tenant activity, Zones, Reporting isometric graphics library. Supports
navigation provides intuitive and guided and printing, Auto archiving, Job merge, multiple graphic formats and sizes.
browsing sessions. LDAP integration and VisualLogic® programming tool.
for managing user authentication.
New and upgrade Compass licenses come with 30 months of
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please refer to the
BACnet/Ethernet, BACnet/IPv4 and BACnet/IPv6; can be configured to act Order Codes list for further Software Maintenance Agreement
as a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD).
as per license size.
Chrome (latest version)
NOTE: Compass is designed, developed, and tested to function best using Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for
the Chrome browser. Other browsers may be compatible; however, Alerton COMPASS-2-SMAXXS
Extra-Extra Small license (1 year)
strongly recommends the Chrome browser.
COMPASS-2-SMAXS SMA for Extra Small license (1 year)
COMPASS-2-SMASM SMA for Small license (1 year)
• MS-SQL Server 2019
• MS-SQL Server 2017 COMPASS-2-SMAMD SMA for Medium license (1 year)
• MS-SQL Server 2016
• MS-SQL Server 2014 SP3 COMPASS-2-SMALG SMA for Large license (1 year)
(The above include Express, Standard, and Enterprise versions) COMPASS-2-SMAXL SMA for Extra-Large license (1 year)
NOTE: If the MS-SQL Server and Compass are installed onto the same
machine, the memory must be increased by 4GB - 16GB (depending on the COMPASS-2-SMAENT SMA for Enterprise license (1 year)
version) and you may require additional storage capacity.


COMPASS-2-XXS Compass 2, Extra-Extra Small license, support up to 10 BACnet devices Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-XS Compass 2, Extra-Small license, supports up to 25 BACnet devices Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-SM Compass 2, Small license, supports up to 50 BACnet devices Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-MD Compass 2, Medium license, supports up to 150 BACnet devices Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-LG Compass 2, Large license, support up to 450 BACnet devices Quad-core 16 GB

COMPASS-2-XL Compass 2, Extra-large license, support up to 1000 BACnet devices Eight-core 16 GB Windows 11
COMPASS-2-ENT Compass 2, Enterprise license, support up to 3000 BACnet devices 32 GB
COMPASS-2-UPGTOXXS Upgrade to Compass 2 Extra-Extra Small (Up to 10) Quad-core 8 GB
Windows 10
COMPASS-2-UPGTOXS Upgrade to Compass 2 Extra-Small (Up to 25) Quad-core 8 GB (Pro/Ent)(3)

COMPASS-2-UPGTOSM Upgrade to Compass 2 Small (Up to 50) Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-UPGTOMD Upgrade to Compass 2 Medium (Up to 150) Quad-core 8 GB Windows

Server 2022
COMPASS-2-UPGTOLG Upgrade to Compass 2 Large (Up to 450) Quad-core 16 GB
COMPASS-2-UPGTOXL Upgrade to Compass 2 Extra-Large (Up to 1000) Eight-core 16 GB
Server 2019
COMPASS-2-UPGTOENT Upgrade to Compass 2 Enterprise (Up to 3000(2)) 16-core 32 GB
COMPASS-2-UXS (4) Upsize from Compass-2-XXS to Compass-2-Extra Small (Up to 25) Quad-core 8 GB Server 2016
COMPASS-2-USM(4) Upsize from Compass-2-Extra Small to Compass-2-Small (Up to 50) Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-UMD(4) Upsize from Compass-2-Small to Compass-2-Medium (Up to 150) Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-ULG (4) Upsize from Compass-2-Medium to Compass-2-Large (Up to 450) Quad-core 8 GB

COMPASS-2-UXL(4) Upsize from Compass-2-Large to Compass-2-Extra-Large (Up to 1000) Eight-core 16 GB

COMPASS-2-UENT(4) Upsize from Compass-2-Extra-Large to Compass-2-Enterprise (Up to 3000 )

16-core 32 GB
CPU Cores and Memory recommendations are minimums – increasing the number of cores, and the amount of memory improves performance and
provides a better user experience. Additional memory is recommended for projects with many concurrent users, displays, or templates. For example,
a project with ten or more users and 100 or more displays and templates may need additional memory.
The number of supported devices in the Enterprise model can be extended in 1000 device increments by applying one or more device packs at any

The web-server (IIS) provided in Windows 10 and Windows 11 (Professional or Enterprise versions) has a limitation of 10 concurrent browser

sessions, i.e. total number of browser sessions/tabs open across all logged in users. If there is a requirement to have more than 10 concurrent browser
sessions, install Compass on a supported Windows Server OS (Server 2016, 2019, or 2022).
Upsize licenses do not include an additional Software Maintenance Agreement.

715 Peachtree St NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30308
31-00524-01 I 2022-09 © 2022 All Rights Reserved Honeywell International Inc.

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