The document provides a timeline of significant moments in modernism from 1872 to 1939, listing literary/artistic events alongside other historical events from that era. It covers the development of modernist works and movements in literature, visual arts, music and film alongside related political and technological events of the late 19th and early 20th century.
The document provides a timeline of significant moments in modernism from 1872 to 1939, listing literary/artistic events alongside other historical events from that era. It covers the development of modernist works and movements in literature, visual arts, music and film alongside related political and technological events of the late 19th and early 20th century.
The document provides a timeline of significant moments in modernism from 1872 to 1939, listing literary/artistic events alongside other historical events from that era. It covers the development of modernist works and movements in literature, visual arts, music and film alongside related political and technological events of the late 19th and early 20th century.
The document provides a timeline of significant moments in modernism from 1872 to 1939, listing literary/artistic events alongside other historical events from that era. It covers the development of modernist works and movements in literature, visual arts, music and film alongside related political and technological events of the late 19th and early 20th century.
Date Literary / Artistic Event Other Historical Event
1872 “Impressionism” foreshadows avant-gardism 1879 Henrik Ibsen’s early feminist play A Doll’s House Edison invents the light bulb 1883 Nietzsche introduces notion of the “superman” in Thus Spake Zarathustra 1884 London Underground opens 1885 Invention of internal combustion engine 1890 First skyscraper in USA 1893 Edvard Munch’s early expressionist painting, The Cry 1894 Discovery of X-rays 1895 Joseph Conrad, Almayer’s Folly Trial of Oscar Wilde Marconi invents telegraphy 1896 Anton Chekhov departs from traditional dramatic action in The Seagull 1897 Discovery of the electron 1898 Thomas Hardy, Wessex Poems The Curies discover radium and HG Wells, War of the Worlds plutonium Oscar Wilde, Ballad of Reading Gaol 1899 Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, famous for its Beginning of the Boer War (1899– hazy impressionistic technique and critique of 1902) colonialism Peace Conference at The Hague 1900 Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim Birth of Quantum physics Freud introduces psychoanalysis with The Interpretation of Dreams 1901 Thomas Mann, Buddenbrooks, seen as a novel on Death of Queen Victoria the threshold of modernist literature First transmission of radio wave August Strindberg’s play about marital dysfunction, signals across the Atlantic Dance of Death Picasso’s pre-Cubist “Blue Period” 1902 André Gide, The Immoralist John Atkinson Hobson, Imperialism Lenin, What is to be Done? William James, Varieties of Religious Experience 1903 Henry James, The Ambassadors Wright brothers’ first successful George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman flight Emmeline Pankhurst founds Women’s Social and Political Union Opening of Ford Motor Company 1904 Chekhov, The Cherry Orchard Beginning of Russo-Japanese War Conrad, Nostromo Date Literary / Artistic Event Other Historical Event 1905 Richard Strauss, Salome 1905 Russian Revolution Oscar Wilde, De Profundis Einstein proposes his Special Theory Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth of Relativity Beginning of Fauvism in Paris with its Founding of Irish nationalist party, “expressionist” element Sinn Féin First electric bus in London 1907 Picasso produces Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, an archetypal modernist work and prototype of Cubism which violently overturns established conventions
1908 Gertrude Stein, Three Lives
Jacob Epstein, Figures Béla Bartók, First String Quartet George Sorel, Reflections on Violence 1909 Gustav Mahler, Symphony No 9 Freud lectures on psychoanalysis in Henry Matisse, The Dance the US Filippo Marinetti’s first manifesto of Italian Futurism in Paris, creating an artistic philosophy rejecting the past and celebrating speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry Serge Diaghilev founds Ballets Russes 1910 First Post-impressionist exhibition in London rocks Japanese annexation of Korea the art establishment Death of Edward VII, accession of Igor Stravinsky, The Firebird George V Italian Futurist Marinetti gives popular lecture series in London TS Eliot publishes poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, describing modernist cultural disenchantment 1911 Kandinsky and others found Expressionist art group in Munich 1912 Marcel Duchamp produces his “last painting”, Sinking of the Titanic Nude Descending a Staircase Beginning of the Balkan Wars (1912– Arnold Schonberg, Pierre Lunaire 1913) Russian Futurists issue manifesto, A Slap in the Ford Model T production begins Face of Public Taste 1913 DH Lawrence, Sons and Lovers Suffragette demonstrations in London Thomas Mann, Death in Venice Marcel Proust, Swann’s Way Vorticist movement named by Ezra Pound Kandinsky outlines the principles of abstraction in art in On the Spiritual in Art Igor Stravinsky’s composition The Rite of Spring for the Ballets Russes causes Paris riot 1914 James Joyce’s experimental short stories, Opening of the Panama Canal Dubliners Outbreak of WWI Wyndham Lewis publishes first edition of modernist literary magazine Blast Date Literary / Artistic Event Other Historical Event 1915 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out DH Lawrence, The Rainbow Ford Madox Ford, The Good Soldier Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage Ezra Pound, Cathay 1916 James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Anti-war, anarchic Dadaism founded in Zurich 1917 TS Eliot, Prufrock and Other Observations Revolution in Russia Paul Valéry, La Jeune Parquet Prokofiev, “Classical” Symphony Carl Jung, The Unconscious 1918 Lytton Strachey’s book of biographies, Eminent Votes for women over thirty in Victorians “take[s] down …the pretensions of Britain the Victorian age to moral superiority” 1919 Pablo Picasso, Pierrot and Harlequin Treaty of Versailles; end of WWI United Artists film studio founded in Hollywood 1920 DH Lawrence, Women in Love Founding of the League of Nations American women achieve the vote 1921 Pablo Picasso, Three Musicians, two paintings New Economic Policy in the USSR exemplifying the synthetic Cubist style Irish Free State proclaimed Man Ray produces Dadaist “Rayographs” Luigi Pirandello, Six Characters in Search of an Author 1922 James Joyce, Ulysses Founding of BBC TS Eliot, The Waste Land Fascists march on Rome Virginia Woolf, Jacob’s Room Wittgenstein publishes key work of modernist logic, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 1924 André Breton’s first Surrealist Manifesto Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain Sean O’Casey, Juno and the Paycock 1925 Sergei Eisenstein deploys modernist film Hitler publishes Mein Kampf techniques in Battleship Potemkin Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Gertrude Stein, The Making of Americans Franz Kafka, The Trial 1926 Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises General Strike throughout Britain Fritz Lang’s film Metropolis Henry Moore’s sculpture, Draped Reclining Figure 1927 Launch of Close Up, the first English film review Lindbergh flies across Atlantic “to approach films from the angles of art, experiment and possibility” Al Jolson, first talkie Date Literary / Artistic Event Other Historical Event 1928 Formation of CIAM (Congrés Internationaux Alexander Fleming discovers d’Architecture Moderne), a forum for penicillin Modernist architectural theory Virginia Woolf, Orlando DH Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover Wyndham Lewis, The Childermas, Lewis’s most radical novel 1929 William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury New York stock market collapses Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own Second Surrealist Manifesto Opening of the Museum of Modern Art, New York 1930 F.R. Leavis, Mass Civilisation and Minority Culture Sigmund Freud, Civilisation and its Discontents 1931 Fritz Lang’s modernist film classic, M 1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany First German Concentration Camps 1934 Commissar Zhdanov in the USSR decrees “the end of modernism” 1935 Salvador Dalí, Giraffe on Fire Dmitri Shostakovich, Symphony No 1 1936 Stevie Smith, Novel on Yellow Paper Beginning of Spanish Civil War 1937 Nazi’s “degenerate art” exhibition ridicules Nazi prohibition of modernist art and modernism sanctions against its practitioners 1939 James Joyce, Finnegan’s Wake Beginning of WWII
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Francis Frascina, Tamar Garb, Nigel Blake, Briony Fer, Charles Harrison - Modernity and Modernism_ French Painting in the Nineteenth Century (Open University - Modern Art Practices & Debates)-Yale Uni