The Five Educational Learning Theories
The Five Educational Learning Theories
The Five Educational Learning Theories
Below, you will find a brief outline of each educational learning theory, along with links to
resources that may be helpful.
Although there are many different approaches to learning, there are three
basic types of learning theory: behaviorist, cognitive constructivist, and social
constructivist. This section provides a brief introduction to each type of
learning theory. The theories are treated in four parts: a short historical
introduction, a discussion of the view of knowledge presupposed by the
theory, an account of how the theory treats learning and student motivation,
and, finally, an overview of some of the instructional methods promoted by
the theory is presented.
Cognitive Social
Constructivism Constructivism
View Knowledge is a Knowledge systems Knowledge is
of repertoire of of cognitive constructed within
know behavioral structures are social contexts
ledge responses to actively constructed through interactions
environmental by learners based on with a knowledge
stimuli. pre-existing community.
cognitive structures.
View Passive absorption Active assimilation Integration of
of of a predefined body and accommodation students into a
learn of knowledge by the of new information knowledge
ing learner. Promoted to existing cognitive community.
by repetition and structures. Discovery Collaborative
positive by learners is assimilation and
reinforcement. emphasized. accommodation of
new information.
View Extrinsic, involving Intrinsic; learners set Intrinsic and
of positive and negative their own goals and extrinsic. Learning
moti reinforcement. motivate themselves goals and motives
vatio to learn. are determined both
n by learners and
extrinsic rewards
provided by the
Impli Correct behavioral The teacher Collaborative
catio responses are facilitates learning by learning is facilitated
ns transmitted by the providing an and guided by the
for teacher and environment that teacher. Group work
Teac absorbed by the promotes discovery is encouraged.
hing students. and