Lec 62
Lec 62
Lec 62
Lecture - 60
Summarization of the Course
So, over the last 12 weeks, we have discussed a number of topics and number of issues
that are very related to the subject of Ethical Hacking. And some of the subjects which
apparently are not very much connected to ethical hacking, but knowledge of those
topics are essential to become a good ethical hacker. Now, in this last summarization
lecture, I shall be trying to summarize, what are the things we have covered in this
course over the last 12 weeks.
So, let us go week wise. In the first week, if you recall, we talked about some basic
concepts of ethical hacking. What is the basic purpose of ethical hacking? What is the
role of an ethical hacker, expected role of an ethical hacker and then we moved on to
basic concepts of networking. Now, many of you have been asking in the forum that why
we are discussing the basics of networking so much?
Well, by the end of this course you may have appreciated that unless you have a solid
understanding over the basic concepts in networking, what are the types of packets? Why
they flow? How they flow? You will not be able to understand the working of many of
the tools that are normally used in ethical hacking.
So, in this first week of the lecture, we talked about some of the basic concepts of
networking and we introduced ourselves to the structure of the TCP/IP protocol stack.
Then you continued in week 2, there also we continued with some basic networking
concepts; specifically, we looked into some details about IP addressing and routing; how
IP packets look like? What are the different fields, their purposes and so on.
Then you looked that the TCP and UDP protocol. So, how this TCP and UDP packets
look like, connection establishment, the purpose of the different fields in the header and
then we talked about IP subnets. What are subnets, the different ways to create subnets,
how can we use subnet masks and so on and so forth. These were the topics that you are
covered in week 2.
Then, in week 3 we talked about some of the routing protocols. The interior and exterior
routing protocols; how packets are actually routed in the internet and we talked about the
IP version 6 also which is being deployed in many networks as you already know. But,
still most of the networks run IP version 4, the older version because of legacy
We looked at a number of examples, where we talked about how packets are routed with
respect to some routing table examples; we illustrated the process of packet forwarding.
We mentioned a very important concepts in this context; that if the destination address of
a packet matches with multiple rows in the routing table, then we consider the particular
row which is having maximum prefix match and the packet is forwarded to the
corresponding interface.
Then in week 4, we had some demonstration of various tools. We talked about virtual
box, we talked about Kali Linux, how different tools can be installed, and we also started
some experiments with NMAPs. So, how this NMAP tool can be used; the various
commands, simple commands can be used and so on, alright.
Now, many of the network protocols that have meant for enhancing security are based on
encryption of some data or some kind of authentication mechanism. So, you need some
cryptographic tools and techniques. So, it is during week 6, we started some basic
tutorial on cryptography. We talked about some concepts of the cryptographic
techniques. Specifically, we looked at the private and public key cryptographic
algorithms. We mentioned that in the internet scenario, we need a combination of both
public key and private key cryptography to efficiently share information over a secure
Private key cryptography is fast; public key cryptography is slow; but public key has
some very interesting advantages in the internet scenario. These are the things we had
And then coming to week 7, we continued with our discussion. We talked about
cryptographic hash functions which are so very useful for carrying out or ensuring data
authentication or entity authentication which also form the foundation to create digital
signatures and certificates which are so useful in the present day context. And lastly, we
look at some of the security applications, where all these things, this public key
encryption, private key encryption, cryptographic hash function, they are used in
combination in some particular way, ok.
Then, week 8; we first talked about some of the slightly unconventional ways to ensure
security, likes steganography or information hiding. We hide something inside
something else so that casual looker will not feel the presence of the hidden information;
that is steganography.
Biometrics is becoming so much useful nowadays, starting from iris, fingerprint, gait,
then means various kind of hand gestures. So, different kinds of biometric trades are
used to uniquely identify human beings. These are becoming important. So, some basic
ideas and concepts we had discussed.
Then we talked about some of the network based attacks; that typically carried out to
well, both for offensive and defensive purposes. If an ethical hacker, you will be doing
that to identify vulnerabilities in the system. But if you are a malicious attacker, you are
possibly trying to break into a system with some malicious intent.
Then lastly we took, we talked about two specific protocols which are important, DNS,
name server and email and some security issues with respect to that.
Then, week 9; again, we looked at some of the demonstrations of the tools with respect
to various security and ethical hacking applications. And in week 10, we looked at a
slightly different thing; we looked at some technologies related to hardware security.
Nowadays just ensuring software security is not enough; there are so many handle
gadgets that we use, starting from mobile phones to so many other devices. And ensuring
security at the hardware level for those devices is becoming that much more important.
We talked about side channel attacks which can make a device vulnerable; because the
implementation is not safe enough; may be the algorithm is strong, but the
implementation is weak.
We talked about physical unclonable function, which can make implementing hardware
security easier and we have also mentioned something called hardware Trojan; we can,
which can both make our systems safer. And can also make some systems you are
getting from other places vulnerable, if you are not sure about what is there inside the
system. So, these are some of the things that you had discussed.
Then in week 11, again we looked at some tool demonstration. But, here mostly we
looked at something like SQL injection attack; then accesses cross site scripting and so
on, where application level security or website vulnerabilities were considered, ok. So,
you had looked at number of tools.
And in this last week, we had a relook at the NMAP and the Wireshark tool which have
already seen earlier in the demonstration sessions. But, we thought that if we more
formally go through these tools, their functionalities and how they work, then it will be
easier as an ethical hacker for you, to assimilate and do things in a proper way in the
proper contexts, ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:06)
So, to summarize there are a few suggestions I would like to make; the first thing is the
subject of ethical hacking is highly interdisciplinary. You need expertise in a lot of
different subjects in order to become a good ethical hacker, a good practitioner in the
field. So, if you feel that I will be doing one or two such courses and you will become an
expert in ethical hacking you are absolutely wrong.
It requires years and years of hard work, decades of hard work to become a good ethical
hacker. So, make it a point, remember that there is no alternative to hard work; you have
to put in lot of hard work, lot of knowledge you have to gather to understand how it
work. You see, just downloading some tools NMAP, Wireshark, running and doing
something is not ethical hacking. You have to learn how think works; you have to build
your own tools. Because, some customer some organization may ask you do something
which is not readily available. You may have to develop your own tools for those
purposes; but for that you have to understand how things work.
So, just to repeat, this course is by no means complete. We are just trying to put you on a
proper platform from where you can start your learning process; your start, your learning
process starts now. So, to become a good ethical hacker as I had said, you need to put in
a lot and lot of hard work, hands on exercises and experiments; there is no alternative to
that. You may need to develop a lot of tools on your own, because everything may not be
readily available.
And lastly I am repeating, ethics must be your top priority. Do not do anything which
may harm others physically, mentally or emotionally. That is not part of ethics. So, what
we are trying to say, you learn the tools, do the experiments, but not at the expense our
harming others, ok. So, if we are able to convey this message to you. We will feel that,
we have been at least partially successful in achieving the objectives of this course. So,
with these few words, we have come to the end of this course and you take this
opportunity to thank you all for attending.