Copa Online Test

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COPA MCQ Online Test

Take COPA Online Test & MCQ Quiz to Test your Knowledge
We have listed below the few COPA MCQ Questions that check your basic knowledge about the
COPA (Computer Operator & Programming Assistant). This COPA MCQ Online Test contains 50+
Multiple Choice Questions. You have to select the right answer to the question. apart from this, you can also
downlaod COPA ONLINE TEST MCQ PDF, completely free.

Q1. Most World Wide Web pages have commands in - language.


Q2. The two major types of computer chips are

A. Primary memory chip

B. Microprocessor chip
C. External memory chip
D. Both A and B

Q3. What is UNIVAC

A. Universal Array Computer

B. Undervalue Automatic Computer
C. Universal Automatic Computer
D. Unique Automatic Computer

Q4. Computers with 80286 microprocessor is

A. PS/2 computer
B. AT comptuers
C. XT computer
D. None of above

Q5. BCD stands For

A. Bit Coded Decimal

B. Binary Coded Decimal
C. Bit Coded Decimal
D. Binary Coded Digit

Q6. SQL Stands for

A. Structured query language

B. Server side query language
C. Standard query language
D. Sequential query language

Q7. DBMS is a collection of ___ that enables user to create and maintain a database.

A. Language activity
B. Translators
C. Program
D. Keys

Q8. TCP/IP ____ layer corresponds to the OSI models to three layers.

A. Presentation
B. Session
C. Transport
D. Application

Q9. The key F12 opens a ___

A. Close dialog box

B. Save dialog box
C. Save as dialog box
D. Open dialog box
Q10. Which of the transport layer protocols is connectionless

A. Nvt

Q11. The operating system is the most common type of __software.

A. System
B. Communication
C. Application
D. Word processing software

Q12. Linux is ____ operating system.

A. Microsoft
B. Window
C. Mac
D. Open source

Q13. In Microsoft Power Point two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the
presentation are

A. Wav files and. gif files

B. Jpg files and. jpg files
C. Wav files and. jpg files
D. Wav files and. mid files

Q14. In excel, formulas start with

A. =
B. +
C. %
D. #

Q15. Which Windows program do you use to manage folder and files
A. Window Accessories
B. Microsoft Office
C. Windows Explorer
D. Windows Control Panel

Q16. In Microsoft Power Point the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a show is
called a_

A. Animation
B. Custom animation
C. Preset animation
D. Slide transition

Q17. Base of decimal number is_________.

A. 8
B. 10
C. 2
D. 16

Q18. In MS-Access to open an existing database press

D. None of these

Q19. There are three types of data found in a spreadsheet

A. Equations, data, numbers

B. Numbers, formulas, labels
C. Words, numbers, labels
D. Data, words, numbers

Q20. ?Microsoft Access Is A

A. Network Database Model


Q21. ?Microsoft Access Is A

A. Network Database Model


Q22. Which Of The Following Is Not A Type Of Microsoft Access Database Object

A. Form
B. Table
C. Modules
D. Worksheets

Q23. The Default And Maximum Size Of Text Field In Access

A. 266 Characters & 64000 Characters

B. 8 And 1 Gb
C. 50 And 255 Characters
D. None Of Above

Q24. Which of the following columns does not exist in Macro Design window

A. Conditions
B. Arguments
C. Comments
D. Actions

Q25. In Table Design View, Which Key Can Be Used To Switch Between The Field Names
And Properties Panels

A. F3
B. F5
C. F6
D. F4
Q26. Database access levels are specified so as to define who can access what in a
database. It is identified through

A. Status
B. Password
C. User ID
D. None of above

Q27. A collection of related records in database is known as a

A. File
B. Table
C. Database
D. None of above

Q28. Which of the following database object can be used if you need to mail the invoice to

A. A form
B. A Table
C. A Query
D. A report

Q29. This form displays multiple records, one per row, in the Form window

A. Justified
B. Columnar
C. Datasheet
D. Tabular

Q30. In an excel sheet the active cell is indicated by

A. A blinking border
B. A dotted border
C. A dark wide boarder
D. None of These
Q31. Bluetooth is an example of

A. Local area network

B. Virtual private network
C. Personal area network
D. None of the mentioned

Q32. The structure or format of data is called

A. Semantics
B. Struct
C. Syntax
D. None of the mentioned

Q33. The ____________ address uniquely defines a host on the Internet

A. specific
C. port
D. Physical

Q34. What is the size of the IP version 4

A. 32 bytes
B. 99 bytes
C. 32 bits
D. 22 bytes

Q35. Which of the following is not the Networking Devices

A. Linux
B. Gateways
C. Routers
D. Firewalls

Q36. Which of the following is not the Networking Devices

A. Linux
B. Gateways
C. Routers
D. Firewalls

Q37. In which topology there is a central controller or hub

A. Star
B. Ring
C. Bus
D. Mesh

Q38. In which topology there is a central controller or hub

A. Star
B. Ring
C. Bus
D. Mesh

Q39. _____ allows you to connect and login to a remote computer

C. Telnet
D. None of the mentioned

Q40. HTTP stands for

A. Hyper Text Transport Page

B. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
C. Hyper Text Transport Protocol
D. Hyper Test Transfer Protocol

Q41. Computer Network is

A. Sharing of resources and information

B. Interconnected by communication channels
C. Collection of hardware components and computers
D. All of the Above

Q42. Web pages starts with which of the following tag

A. <Body>
B. <Form>
C. <Title>

Q43. VOIP Programs use web cameras such as

A. Skype
B. Whatsapp
C. Yahoo
D. All of these

Q44. A much better approach to establish the base URL is to use

A. BASE element
B. HEAD element
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these

Q45. Which layers of OSI model is the router operate

A. Layers2
B. Layers7
C. Layers4
D. Layers6

Q46. The body tag usually used after

A. Title tag
B. HEAD tag
C. EM tag
D. FORM tag
Q47. A webpage displays a picture. What??? ??tag ?????was used to display that picture

A. src
B. picture
C. img
D. image

Q48. JavaScript is also called client-side JavaScript

A. Native
B. Microsoft
C. LiveWire
D. Navigator

Q49. ___ tag is an extension to HTML that can enclose any number of JavaScript


Q50. Outlook Express is a _________

A. SearchEngine
B. Browser
C. E-Mail Client
D. None of the above

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