• It is non toxic and can be recycled. • When burned as fuel it produce energy and water. • Hydrogen energy system includes the following functions - Production of hydrogen - Delivery of hydrogen - Storage of hydrogen - Energy Conversion. Hydrogen Energy System Production of hydrogen • Hydrogen can be produced by - Steam reforming of Methane gas - Partial oxidation and gasification of fuels like fossil fuels and biomass. - Electrolysis of water using electricity. - Decomposing of water using thermochemical cycles. - Biological methods like Biophotolysis of water using the energy of photons and Fermentation. Storage of hydrogen • Hydrogen can be stored in the form of - Gas : Hydrogen is compressed and stored in strong steel tanks or cylinders. - Liquid : Hydrogen can be stored as compact storage in liquid form at low temperature in cryogenic containers. - Chemical compounds : Hydrogen can be stored at high densities in reversible metal hydrides. On heating the hydrides hydrogen is released from the compounds and can be used. - Surface storage: Hydrogen is adsorbed/absorbed on the surface of some materials which has the capability of adsorption/absorption Delivery of hydrogen • Hydrogen produced in centralised locations can be delivered to the site — As gas using pipe lines — As gas using tanks, cylinders or tubes if the distance is less than 300km. — As liquid using super insulated cryogenic tankers if the distance is in range of 1500km. Energy conversion • Hydrogen can be converted into useful forms of energy in several ways - It can be used in specially designed internal combustion engines to produce mechanical energy in the same manner as gasoline, but with high efficiency and no pollution. - It is used as fuel in rocket engines. - It is used in fuel cells to produce electric or thermal energy - It can be oxidised (flame combustion-above 3000oC) to produce high temperature steam. - It is used for catalytic combustion (up to 500oC) for cooking applications. - It is used in metal hydride technologies for storage and energy conversion. FUEL CELL • Fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device that continuously converts chemical energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy. • Like conventional primary cell it also has two electrodes and electrolyte. But in fuel cell active materials are generally supplied from outside. • Fuel is supplied at negative electrode -anode(fuel electrode) and the oxidant is supplied at positive electrode -cathode(oxidant electrode). • The efficiency of a practical fuel cell is 50% and average cell voltage is typically 0.7 V Advantages of fuel cells 1. Quiet in operation as it is a static device 2. Less pollution 3. Efficiency better than thermal power conversion devices. 4. Can be installed near the point of use. 5. Coolant requirement is minimum. 6. By combining modules, any voltage or current level can be achieved 7. Compact and need less space. 8. No charging is required 9. Choice of large number of fuels 10. Efficient operation at part loads from 50% to 100% Fuels used in fuel cells 1. Hydrogen 2. Hydrazine (N2H4) 3. Ammonia(NH3) 4. Gaseous hydrocarbons (methane, propane..) 5. Liquid hydrocarbons (naphtha) 6. Synthesis gas 7. Methanol Classification of Fuel cells based on Electrolyte 1. Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) 2. Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC) 3. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell(PEMFC) 4. Molten carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) 5. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Fuel Cell Electrolyte Operating Output Type Temperature voltage
PAFC Phosphoric acid 150o C - 200o C 1.23 V
AFC 40% aqueous KOH 90o C - 100o C 0.8 V
PEMFC Solid polymer 50o C - 100o C 1.23 V
MCFC Molten Carbonate of alkali metals 600o C - 700o C 0.8 V
SOFC Solid oxides (ceramics) 700o C - 1000o C 0.63 V
AFC H2 + 2OH- -> 2H2O + 2e- OH- ½ O2+ H2O+2e- -> 2OH-
PEMFC H2 -> 2H+ + 2e- H+ ½ O2+ 2H+ +2e- -> H2O
MCFC H2O + CO32- -> H2O + CO2 + 2e- CO32- ½ O2 + CO2 + 2e- -> CO32-
SOFC H2 + O2- -> H2O + 2e- O2- ½ O2 +2e- -> O2-
Conversion efficiency of fuel cell Polarization of fuel cells • Reaction rate loss due to activation polarization: it is related to activation energy barrier for electron transfer process at electrode. Certain energy is required to emit sufficient number of electrons from electrodes. It can be reduced by using catalysts and increasing the operating temperature. • Resistance loss due to internal resistance polarisation: at larger currents, there is additional loss due to internal resistance of bulk electrolyte and contact resistance between electrode and electrolyte. It can be reduced by concentrated electrolyte, increasing the operating temperature and using proper spacing of electrodes. • Concentration polarisation loss: This is related to mass transport within cell and is caused by difference in concentration of electrolyte at electrodes. It can be reduced by concentrated electrolyte, increasing the operating temperature. V I chara of Fuel Cell Fuel cell Power Plant