Week 9

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Prepared and compiled by:

Prof. Bernie B. Domingo

CCE Faculty
Common engineering materials are normally classified as
metals and nonmetals.
Metals may conveniently be divided into ferrous a n d non-
ferrous metals. Important ferrous metals for the present
purpose are:
(i) cast iron
(ii) wrought iron
(iii) steel.
Some of the important non-ferrous metals used in engineering
design are:
(a) Light metal group such as aluminum and its alloys,
magnesium and manganese alloys.
(b) Copper based alloys .
(c) White metal group such as nickel, silver, wh it e
bearing metals.
Cast iron-
It is a n alloy of iron, carbon and silicon and it is h a r d
and brittle. Carbon content may be within 1.7% to 3%
and carbon may be present as free carbon (graphite) or
iron carbide Fe 3C.
In general the types of cast iron are
(a) Grey cast iron
(b) White cast iron
(c) Malleable cast iron
(d) Spheroidal or nodular cast iron
(e) Austenitic cast iron
(f) Abrasion resistant cast iron.
Grey c as t iron Carbon content is 3 to 3.5%.
Carbon here is mainly in the form of graphite.
This type of cast iron is inexpensive and has
high compressive strength. It has low tensile
strength and low ductility. Graphite is a n
excellent solid lubricant and this makes it
easily machinable but brittle. Some examples of
this type of cast iron are FG20, FG35 or
FG35Si15. The numbers indicate ultimate
tensile strength in MPa and 15 indicates 0.15%

Due to lubricating action

it is very suitable for
parts where sliding
action is desired. They
are machine tool bodies,
autom otive cylinder
blocks, heads, housings,
fly-wheels, pipes and
pipe fittings and
agricultural implements.
Depending on the form of graphite present this
cast iron can be classified broadly under two
headings: Austenitic flake graphite iron,
Austenitic spheroidal or nodular graphite iron
.These are alloy cast irons and they contain small
percentages of silicon, manganese, sulphur,
phosphorus etc. They may be produced by adding
alloying elements viz. nickel, chromium,
molybdenum, copper and manganese in sufficient
quantities. These elements give more strength and
improved properties. They are used for making
automobile parts such as cylinders, pistons, piston
rings, brake d ru ms etc.
White c a s t iron- Carbon content is 1.75
to 2.3%.In these cast irons carbon is
present in the form of iron carbide (Fe3C)
which is har d and brittle. White cast iron
has high tensile strength and low
compressive strength. The presence of
iron carbide increases hardness and
makes it difficult to machine.
Consequently these cast irons are
abrasion resistant.

Due to wear resisting

characteristics it is used
for car wheels, rolls for
crushing grains and jaw
crusher plates.
These are alloy cast iron and the alloying
elements render abrasion resistance. A
typical designation is ABR33 Ni4 Cr2
which indicates a tensile strength in
kg/mm 2 with 4% nickel and 2% chromium.

Malleable c a s t iron- These are white cast irons

rendered malleable by annealing. These are
tougher t h a n grey cast iron and they can be
twisted or bent without fracture. They have
excellent machining properties and are
inexpensive. Depending on the method of
processing they may be designated as black
heart BM32, BM30 or white heart WM42, WM35

Malleable cast iron is

used for making parts
where forging is
expensive such as hubs
for wagon wheels,
brake supports.
In these cast irons graphite is present in the form
of spheres or nodules. This type of cast iron is
formed by adding small amounts of magnesium
(0.1 to 0.8%) to the molten grey iron. The addition
of magnesium causes the graphite to take form of
nodules or spheroids instead of normal angular
flakes. They have high tensile strength and good
elongation properties. They are designated as, for
example, SG50/7, SG80/2 etc where the first
number gives the tensile strength in MPa and the
second number indicates percentage elongation.
Nodular cast iron is
generally used for
casting requires shock
and impact resistance
along with good
machinability, such as
h ydraulic cylinders,
cylinder heads rolls for
rolling mills and
centrifugally cast
This is a very pure iron where the iron content
is of the order of 99.5%. It is produced by re-
melting pig iron and some small amount of
silicon, sulphur, or phosphorus may be
present. It is tough, malleable and ductile and
can easily be forged or welded. It cannot
however take sudden shock.
Applications- Chains, crane hooks, railway
couplings an d such other components may be
made of this iron.
This is by far the most important engineering
material and there is a n enormous variety of
steel to meet the wide variety of engineering
requirements. Steel is basically a n alloy of iron
and carbon in which the carb o n content can be
less t h a n 1.7% and carbon is present in the form
of iron carbide to impart hardness and strength.
Two main categories of steel are
(a) Plain carbon steel
(b) Alloy steel.
The properties of plain carbon steel depend mainly
on the carbon percentages and other alloying
elements are not usually present in more t h a n 0.5
to 1% such as 0.5% Si or 1% Mn etc. There is a
large variety of plane carbon steel and they are
designated as C01, C14, C45 and C70 and so on
where the number indicates the carbon percentage.
Following categorization of these steels is sometimes
made for convenience:
Dead mild steel- up to 0.15% C
Low carbon steel or mild steel- 0.15 to 0.46% C
Medium carbon steel- 0.45 to 0.8% C.
High carbon steel- 0.8 to 1.5% C

No alloying element other t h a n carbon is present in low carbon

steel. It has carbon content of 0.15% to 0.45%. However there may
small magnitude of P, S, Si and Mn. They are present as
impurities as it is difficult to remove them in the process of
smelting. Because of low carbon percentage it cannot undergo
h eat treat ment process. Its hardness cannot be increased by
conventional heat treat ment method. The hardness number is
about 150BHN. It has lower tensile strength an d malleable.

Screws, bolts, nuts, washers, wire fences, automobile body sheet,
plates, wires, building bars, grills, beams, angles, channels etc.
The carbon content of medium carbon steel is 0.45% to
0.8%.Medium carbon steels has higher tensile strength a nd
hardness t h a n low carbon steels. The hardness number is
about 300BHN. Medium carbon steels responds slightly to heat
trea t ment process and hence its hardness can be further
increased if required for a particular application. They also
have better machining qualities. Generally they are hot

Hooks, wire ropes, shafts, connecting rods, spindles, rail axles,
gears, turbine bucket wheels, steering a rms and other machine
components which require medium strength.
It has carbon content of 0.8% to 1.7%.High
carbon steels has higher tensile strength and
hardness t h a n medium carbon steels. The
hardness number is about 500BHN. High carbon
steels responds readily to heat trea tment process
and hence its hardness can be further increased
to desired values. They have good wear
resistance. Generally they are hot worked.
They are used for making hand tools such as
wrenches, chisels, punches and rail wheels, files,
cutting tools like drills, wood working tools and
rails, rods for reinforced concrete, forging dies,
knives, drawing dies, saws etc.
These are steels in which elements other t h a n carbon
are added in sufficient quantities to impart desired
properties, such as wear resistance, corrosion
resistance, electric or magnetic properties.
Chief alloying elements added are usually
•Nickel for strength and toughness

•Chromium for hardness a nd strength

•tungsten for hardness a t elevated temperature

•vanadium for tensile strength

•manganese for high strength in hot rolled a nd heat treated

•silicon for high elastic limit

•cobalt for hardness

•molybdenum for extra tensile strength

Stainless steel
is one such alloy steel t h a t gives good corrosion
resistance. One important type of stainless steel is often
described as 18/8 s te e l w h e r e c h rom i u m a n d n ic k el
p e rc e n t a g e s a re 18 a n d 8 resp ectively . A typical
designation of a stainless steel is 15Si2Mn2Cr18Ni8
where carbon percentage is 0.15.

High s p e e d steel:
This steel contains 18% tungsten, 4% chromium and 1%
vanadium. It is considered as one of best of all purpose
tool steels. It is used widely for drills, lathe, planer and
shaper tools, milling cutters, reamers, broaches,
threading dies, punches etc.
Non-ferrous metals- Metals containing elements
other t h a n iron as their chief constituents are usually
referred to as non-ferrous metals. There is a wide
variety of non-metals in practice.

Alum inum - This is the white metal produced from

Alumina. In its pure state it is weak and soft but
addition of small amounts of Cu, Mn, Si and
Magnesium makes it hard and strong. It is also
corrosion resistant, low weight and non-toxic.
Duralum in - This is a n alloy of 4% Cu, 0.5% Mn, 0.5%
Mg and aluminum. It is widely used in automobile and
aircraft components.

Y-alloy- This is an alloy of 4% Cu, 1.5% Mn, 2% Ni, 6%

Si, Mg, Fe and the rest is Al. It gives large strength a t
high temperature . It is used for aircraft engine parts
such as cylinder heads, piston etc.

Magnalium - This is a n aluminum alloy with 2 to 10 %

magnesium. It also contains 1.75% Cu. Due to its light
weight and good strength it is used for aircraft and
automobile components.
Copper alloys

Copper- is one of the most widely used non-ferrous metals

in industry. It is soft, malleable and ductile and is a good
conductor of heat and electricity.
Bras s (Cu-Zn alloy) - It is fundamentally a binary alloy
with Zn up to 50% . As Zn percentage increases, ductility
increases up to ~37% of Zn beyond which the ductility falls.
Small amount of other elements viz. lead or tin imparts
other properties to brass. Lead gives good machining
quality ductility Zn (%) 37 and tin imparts strength. Brass
is highly corrosion resistant, easily machinable and
therefore a good bearing material
B ro n ze (Cu-Sn alloy)-This is mainly a copper-tin
alloy where tin percentage may vary between 5 to 25.
It provides hardness but tin content also oxidizes
resulting in brittleness. Deoxidizers such as Zn may
be added.

G u n metal- is one such alloy where 2% Zn is added

as deoxidizing agent and typical compositions are
88% Cu, 10% Sn, 2% Zn. This is suitable for working
in cold state. It was originally made for casting guns
but used now for boiler fittings, bushes, glands and
other such uses.
Non-metals- Non-metallic materials are also used in
engineering practice due to principally their low cost, flexibility
and resistance to he at and electricity. Though there are man y
suitable non-metals, the following are important few from design
point of view:
Timber- This is a relatively low cost material and a bad
conductor of heat and electricity. It has also good elastic and
frictional properties and is widely used in foundry patt erns and
as water lubricated bearings.
Leather- This is widely used in engineering for its flexibility
and wear resistance. It is widely used for belt drives, washers
and such other applications.
Rubber- It has high bulk modulus a nd is used for drive
elements, sealing, vibration isolation and similar applications.
Plastics are synthetic materials which can be moulded into
desired shapes under pressure with or without application of
heat. These are now extensively used in various industrial
applications for their corrosion resistance, dimensional stability
and relatively low cost.
Thermosetting plastics- Thermosetting plastics are formed
under heat and pressure. It initially softens and with increasing
heat and pressure, polymerization takes place. This results in
hardening of the material. These plastics cannot be deformed or
remolded again under heat and pressure. Some examples of
thermosetting plastics are phenol formaldehyde (Bakelite),
phenol-furfural (Durite), epoxy resins, phenolic resins etc.

Thermoplastics- Thermoplastics do not become ha rd with the

application of heat and pressure and no chemical change takes
place. They remain soft a t elevated temperatures until they are
hardened by cooling. These can be re-melted and remolded by
application of heat and pressure. Some examples of
thermoplastics are cellulose nitrate (celluloid), polythene,
polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride ( PVC) etc.
Polymers – Chain of H-C molecules. Each repeat unit of H-
C is a monomer e.g. ethylene (C2H4), Polyethylene – (–CH2
– CH2)n
Thermo plasts – Soften when heated and harden on cooling
– totally reversible.
Thermosets – Do not soften on heating
o Plastics – moldable into many shape and have sufficient
structural rigidity. Are one of the most commonly used class
of materials.
o Are used in clothing, housing, automobiles, aircraft,
packaging, electronics, signs, recreation items, and medical
o Natural plastics – hellac, rubber, asphalt, and cellulose.
Material Characteristics Applications

Polyethylene Chemically resistant, tough, low Flexible bottles, toys, battery

friction coefficient, low strength parts, ice trays, film wrapping
Polyamide (Nylon) Good strength a nd toughness, Bearings, gears, cams,
abrasion resistant, liquid absorber, bushings a nd jacketing for
low friction coeff. wires a nd cables
Fluorocarbon Chemically inert, excellent electrical Anticorrosive seals, chemical
(Teflon) properties, relatively weak pipes a nd valves, bearings,
anti-adhesive coatings, high
temp electronic pa r ts
Polyester (PET) Tough plastic film, excellent fatigue Recording tapes, clothing,
a nd te a r strength, corrosion resistant automotive tyre cords,
beverage containers
Vinyl Low-cost general purpose material, Floor coverings, pipe, electric
rigid, can be made flexible al wire insulation, garden
hose, phonograph records
Polystyrene Excellent electrical prop a nd optical Wall tile, battery cases, toys,
clarity, good thermal a nd lighting panels, housing
dimensional stability appliances
Material Characteristics Applications

Epoxy (Araldite) Excellent mechanical properties and Electrical moldings, sinks,

corrosion resistance, good electrical adhesives, protective
prop., good adhesion and dimensional coatings, fiber reinforced
stability plastic (FRP), laminates

Phenolic Excellent thermal stability (>150 C), Motor housings, telephones,

(Bakelite) inexpensive, can be compounded with auto distributors, electrical
many resins fixtures

Polyester Excellent electrical properties, low cost, Helmets, fiberglass boats,

(Aropol) can formulated for room or high auto body components, chair
temperature, often fiber reinforced fans
Ceramics Materials
• Refractory Materials

• Advanced Ceramics

• Abrasives

• Glass Ceramics
Zirconia - extremely high temperatures.
Sic and Carbon – also used in some very severe
temperature conditions, but cannot be used in oxygen
environment, as they will oxidize and burn.
o Abrasives are used in cutting and grinding tools.
o Diamonds - natural and synthetic, are used as
abrasives, though relatively expensive. Industrial
diamonds are hard and thermally conductive.
Diamonds unsuitable as gemstone are used as
industrial diamond
o Common abrasives – SiC, WC, Al2O3 (corundum)
and silica sand.
o Either bonded to a grinding wheel or made into a
powder and used with a cloth or paper.
Automobile Engine parts Advantages:
Operate a t high temperatures – high efficiencies; Low
frictional losses; Operate without a cooling system;
Lower weights t h a n current engines Disadvantages:
Ceramic materials are brittle; Difficult to remove
internal voids (that weaken structures);
Ceramic parts are difficult to form and machine
Potential materials: Si 3 N4 (engine valves, ball
bearings), SiC (MESFETS), & ZrO2 (sensors), Possible
engine parts: engine block & piston coatings
Refractory - retains its strength a t high temperatures >
Must be chemically and physically stable a t high
temperatures. Need to be resistant to thermal shock,
should be chemically inert, and have specific ranges of
thermal conductivity and thermal expansion.
Are used in linings for furnaces, kilns, incinerators,
crucibles and reactors.
Aluminum oxide (alumina), silicon oxide (silica), calcium
oxide (lime) magnesium oxide (magnesia) and fireclays are
used to manufacture refractory materials.
A materials system composed of two or more
physically distinct phases whose combination
produces aggregate properties t h a t are different from
those of its constituents
Cemented carbides (WC with Co binder)
Plastic molding compounds containing fillers
Rubber mixed with carbon black
Wood (a n at u r a l composite a s dist inguished from a
synthesized composite)
Composites can be very strong and stiff, yet very
light in weight, so ratios of strength-to-weight
and stiffness-to-weight are several times greater
t h a n steel or aluminum
Fatigue properties are generally better t h a n for
common engineering metals
Toughness is often greater too
Composites can be designed t h a t do not corrode
like steel
Possible to achieve combinations of properties not
attainable with metals, ceramics, or polymers
Properties of many important composites are
anisotropic - the properties differ depending on the
direction in which they are measured – this may be a n
advantage or a disadvantage
Many of the polymer-based composites are subject to
attack by chemicals or solvents, just as the polymers
themselves are susceptible to attack
Composite materials are generally expensive
Manufacturing methods for shaping composite
materials are often slow and costly
Traditional co mposites – composite materials
that occur in nature or have been produced by
civilizations for many years
Examples: wood, concrete, asphalt

Synthetic composites - modern material

systems normally associated with the
manufacturing industries, in which the
components are first produced separately and
then combined in a controlled way to achieve
the desired structure, properties, and part
In dispersion-strengthened composites,
particles are comparatively smaller, and
are of 0.01-0.1μm in size. Here the
strengthening occurs at atomic/molecular
level i.e. mechanism of strengthening is
similar to that for precipitation hardening
in metals where matrix bears the major
portion of an applied load, while
dispersoids hinder/impede the motion of
Examples: thoria (ThO 2 ) dispersed Ni-alloys
(TD Ni-alloys) with high-temperature
strength; SAP (sintered aluminium powder)
– where aluminium matrix is dispersed with
extremely small flakes of alumina (Al2O3).

Particulate composites are other class of particle-

reinforced composites. These contain large
amounts of comparatively coarse particles. These
composites are designed to produce unusual
combinations of properties rather than to improve
the strength. Mechanical properties, such as
elastic modulus, of particulate composites
achievable are in the range defined by rule of
Particulate composites are used with all three
material types – metals, polymers and ceramics.
Cermets contain hard ceramic particles
dispersed in a metallic matrix. Eg.: tungsten
carbide (WC) or titanium carbide (TiC) embedded
cobalt or nickel used to make cutting tools.
Polymers are frequently reinforced with various
particulate materials such as carbon black.
Particulate composites are used with all three material types
– metals, polymers and ceramics. Cermets contain hard
ceramic particles dispersed in a metallic matrix. Eg.:
tungsten carbide WC) or titanium carbide (TiC) embedded
cobalt or nickel used o make cutting tools. Polymers are
frequently reinforced with various particulate materials
such as carbon black. When added o vulcanized rubber,
carbon black enhances toughness and abrasion resistance
of the rubber.
Aluminium alloy castings containing dispersed
SiC particles are widely used for automotive
applications including pistons and brake
applications. Concrete is most commonly used
particulate composite. It consists of cement as
binding medium and finely dispersed
particulates of gravel in addition to fine
aggregate sand) and water. It is also known as
Portland cement concrete. Its strength can be
increased by additional reinforcement such
Most fiber-reinforced composites provide improved
strength and other mechanical properties and
strength-to- weight ratio by incorporating strong,
stiff but brittle fibers into a softer, more ductile
matrix. The matrix material acts as a medium to
transfer the load to the fibers, which carry most
off the applied load. The matrix also provides
protection to fibers from external loads and
These composites are classified as either
continuous or discontinuous. Generally, the
highest strength and stiffness are obtained
with continuous reinforcement.
Discontinuous fibers are used only when
manufacturing economics dictate the use of a
process where the fibers mus t be in this form. The
mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced
composites depend not only on the properties of the
fiber but also on the degree of which a n applied
load is transmitted to the fibers by the matrix
phase. Length of fibers, their orientation and
volume fraction in addition to direction of external
load application affects the mechanical properties
of these composites.
Effect of fiber orientation and concentration:
with respect to orientation, two extremes
possibilities are – parallel alignment and
random alignment. Continuous fibers are
normally aligned, whereas discontinuous
fibers are randomly or partially orientated.
Two instants of loading are: longitudinal
loading and transverse loading.
These are special class of composites, usually consists of
both homogeneous and composite materials. Properties
of these composites depend not only on the properties of
the constituents but also on geometrical design of
various structural elements.
Two classes of these composites widely used are:
laminar composites and sandwich structures.
Laminar composites: there are composed of two-
dimensional sheets/layers t h a t have a preferred
strength direction. These layers are stacked and
cemented together according to the requirement.
Materials used in their fabrication include: metal
sheets, cotton, paper, woven glass fibers embedded
in plastic matrix, etc. Examples: thin coatings,
thicker protective coatings, claddings, bimetallics,
laminates. Many laminar composites are designed
to increase corrosion resistance while retaining low
cost, high strength or light weight.
These consist of thin layers of a facing material joined to
a light weight filler material. Neither the filler material
nor the facing material is strong or rigid, but the
composite possesses both properties. Example: corrugated
cardboard. The faces bear most of the in-plane loading
and also any transverse bending stresses. Typical face
materials include Al-alloys, fiber-reinforced plastics,
titanium, steel and plywood. The core serves two
functions – it separates the faces and resists
deformations perpendicular to the face plane; provides a
certain degree of shear rigidity along planes t h a t are
perpendicular to the faces.
Typical materials for core are: foamed polymers,
synthetic rubbers, inorganic cements, balsa wood.
Sandwich structures are found in many
applications like roofs, floors, walls of buildings,
and in aircraft for wings, fuselage and tailplane
1. Define mineral, ore, and metallurgy.
2. List three metals that are usually found in an
uncombined state in nature and three metals that are
always found in a combined state in nature.
3. Write chemical formulas for the following minerals:
(a) calcite, (b) dolomite, (c) fluorite, (d) halite,
(e) corundum, (f) magnetite, (g) beryl, (h) galena,
(i) epsomite, (j) anhydrite.
4. Name the following minerals: (a) MgCO3, (b) Na3AlF6,
(c) Al2O3, (d) Ag2S, (e) HgS, (f) ZnS, (g) SrSO4,
(h) PbCO3, (i) MnO2, (j) TiO2.
5. Chemical tests of four metals A, B, C, and D show
the following results.
(a) Only B and C react with 0.5 M HCl to give H2 gas.
(b) When B is added to a solution containing the
ions of the other metals, metallic A, C, and D
are formed.
(c) A reacts with 6 M HNO3 but D does not.
Arrange the metals in the increasing order as reducing
agents. Suggest four metals that fit these
6. Discuss the mechanical properties of metals and
the test done to metals.

7. Why is there a need for alloys. Explain your answer.

8. Discuss the stress-strain diagram for steel.


Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Chang, Raymond
Chemistry 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1221 Avenue of the
Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2010

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