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Remote Asset Manager and Fleet Tracker 3.

0 Training
Document Overview
This document is intended to provide a high level overview of Remote Asset Manager and Fleet
Tracker 3.0 in Fleet Manager.

Version: 1.0
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in later
editions. Improvements or changes in the products or the programs described may be made
at any time.

Lexmark rights of intellectual property are applicable to the document contents. The
information contained herein is for the exclusive internal use for Lexmark International, Inc.
and this document, or parts cannot be passed to third parties without the written agreement
of Lexmark.

© 2017 Lexmark International, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Lexmark, the Lexmark logo, and ​Open the possibilities​ are trademarks of Lexmark International,
Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

Document Responsibility
Technical Writer: Soumik Sarkar

Course Objectives
In this module, you will learn about the following:
● Define Remote Asset Manager
● Understand the requirements to install Remote Asset Manager
● Describe various methods of Rollup - Recommended Rollup, Manual Rollup and Email
● Describe Printer Discovery
● Perform the steps to facilitate a software update
● Define various data collector status - Unenrolled, Re-provision and Delete

Remote Asset Manager Enrollment

Remote Asset Manager Enrollment is a new enhancement to enable seamless communication
between the data collector and the Fleet Tracker server. Before the advent of this feature, the
communication between other data collectors and the server was mostly one-way thus limiting
the scope of exchanging more customized information. With Remote Asset Manager enrollment,
the server and Remote Asset Manager communicates to facilitate exchange of more
customized data.

When Remote Asset Manager is configured to roll up data to Fleet Tracker 3, it intends to
replace the legacy data collectors (Service Monitor, Fleet Tracker 2.0) in the Fleet Manager
system. Previously, data collectors could be added to the Fleet Tracker server via two methods:

❏ In one method, the data collector was not added to the server before it was installed at
the collection site. It would be placed in a structure on the server during the first rollup of
data, depending on the various fields being filled out in the data collector configuration.
This method is not possible for Remote Asset Manager as it must be provisioned on the
server before going to the installation/collection site.

❏ In the other method, the structure for reporting was created at the server. Then, at the
collection site, the appropriate fields were filled in, based on the same information
entered into the server, during installation of the data collector. These fields were
updated by using the data already entered into the server. This method is still possible
on the server side and it is also the best way to add the new Remote Asset Manager
data collectors.

Remote Asset Manager Method of data collector

Instead of placing the values into the fields at the data-collector on site, this is all done now from
the server during provisioning. Some items can be configured and controlled from the server.
Once the server is set up, the Remote Asset Manager data collector just needs to be enrolled
with the server. You also now have the ability to expand your structure for your data collector
placement but this should be done prior to provisioning.

Legacy Collectors vs Remote Asset Manager for Fleet Tracker 3.0

Data Collector Company Name Company Code Site Location/ Group

Fleet Tracker Company [under Company Code Site Location

2.x customer details]

Service Company [under Company Code Site Location

Monitor contact Info]

Local Printer CS_Company_name CS_Company_I CS_Cost_Center

Management D

Embedded Company [under Company Code Site Location

Services contact Info]

Remote Asset Under New or Existing Under New or Under New Group or
Manager Client ->Name Existing Client -> Existing group
Company Code under a client->Name
(If provided at (If provided at the time
the time of of Remote Asset
Remote Asset Manager creation)

Deployment Readiness Checklist

For Microsoft​®​ Windows​®​ operating systems:

– Windows Server® 2016
– Windows Server 2012 R2
– Windows Server 2012
– Windows Server 2008 R2
– Windows 10
– Windows 8.1
– Windows 8
– Windows 7

Other Requirements
Any of the following supported browsers need to be installed in your computer:
● Google Chrome​TM​ 45 or later for workstations
● Google Chrome 47 or later for Android devices
● Mozilla Firefox 43 or later
● Safari​®​ 9 or later
● Internet Explorer​®​ 10 or later
● The enrollment code from Fleet Tracker 3 (Fleet Tracker 3) is available. To retrieve the
enrollment code, see the Fleet Manager Administrator's Guide.
● The firewall settings are configured to allow communication between the devices and the
● The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) settings are configured to allow the
application to communicate to devices.
● A proxy server is configured to allow communication to off‑site servers.

Creating Data Collector & Enrollment (Recommended Rollup)

To start with Recommended Rollup, you have to create a client and group under the ​All Groups
node on the Fleet Tracker server. The Remote Asset Manager data collector needs to be
attached to proper group structure for your organization.

Also, if the server already has a group that gets data from non-Remote Asset Manager data
collectors, then user can also attach a Remote Asset Manager to it but it is recommended to
stop the previous data collector prior to installing the new data collector to prevent conflicts on
the server between the two collectors.

Server Setup / Provisioning:

If you are creating a new client and a group, then the appropriate steps are as follows:
1. Log into the Fleet Tracker web interface.
2. From the ​Groups​ section, click the ​New Client​ icon.

3. In the ​New Client​ window, enter the relevant details. The ​Name i​ s field is mandatory.
4. Click​ Save​.
5. Click ​Close​.

6. Now select the client you just created.

7. Click the ​New Group​ icon.

8. In the​ New Group​ window, enter the relevant details. ​Name​ field is mandatory.
9. Click ​Save​.
10. Click ​Close​.

11. You can now see the new client and group have been created.

Note​: If you already have the client and group created and want to provision a new data

collector to it, then instead of the above steps, select the structure and location for your
data collector in the left hand side of the page. Also, If you are replacing other legacy
data collector with Remote Asset Manager, it is suggested to disable rollup from the
other legacy data collector. Devices which were previously rolled up by legacy data
collectors also need to undergo a full discovery by Remote Asset Manager.

12. Select the ​Data Collectors​ tab.

13. Click ​New.

14. The ​Create​ ​Remote Asset Manager​ window appears. This window has two tabs -
Generation Information ​and ​Settings​. The name of the new data collector has to be
entered in the ​Name​ field. Click ​Create​.

15. Click the ​Settings​ tab.

Note​: The tab bears ​Settings​ as the name only when you are creating a new data
collector. The ​Hide Confidential Information​ section will be available to edit. Once you
are done, click the ​Create​ button. However, if you are editing an existing data collector in
RUNNING​ state, the tab name will bear the name of the data collector and the groups it
belongs to.

16. The ​Remote Asset Manager ​window appears with an enrollment code. Click the ​Send
as Email​ button.

Note​: You can either send the enrollment code via email or you can manually copy the
enrollment code and send it to the person responsible for Remote Asset Manager rollup.

17. The ​E-mail Enrollment Code​ window appears. In this window, you can find the
following options:
● Find User : ​You can only find those users whose email address is already
registered within the Fleet Tracker server. If the user’s email is not registered to
Fleet Tracker server, then the user will be greyed out in the list and cannot be
● Other recipients : ​You can also send emails by typing the e-mail IDs in the
Other recipients​ field. This​ ​field can contain single or multiple valid email
address separated by ";".

● Click the ​Send​ button to send mail to all selected contacts and other mail
address. The ​Send​ button is disabled until you enter/select valid contact details.

Next, one needs to access Remote Asset Manager to complete the remaining steps for the
enrollment of Remote Asset Manager. Before traveling to the installation site you will need the
provision code, server address, and server port.

Data Collector Installation/Enrollment:

1. Ensure you have administrator rights for your computer.

2. Save the installation file to your computer.
3. Launch the file.
4. Click ​Next​.

5. Accept the agreement and then click ​Next​.

Note​: The ​Next​ button won’t be activated until you accept the agreement.

6. Enter the port number in the ​Port Number​ field and then click ​Next​.

Note​: By default, the application is bound to port 80 for Web‑based management. If the
port number is bound to another system, then use a different port number.

Note​: ​Block non-localhost connections​ will not allow you to remotely access the
interface for the Remote Asset Manager unless you are logged into the host machine’s
operating system.

For example:
a. You will not be able to enter the IP address of the machine to access the
interface either locally or remotely.
b. Localhost in the browser will be the only way when enabled on the local machine.

7. Now the ​Setup​ is ready to install. Click ​Next​.

8. The progress bar shows the status of the installation.

9. Click ​Finish​ to complete the installation process.

The remaining steps are as follows:

1. After installation, open the Remote Asset Manager interface by entering the IP and the
port number in a web browser.
2. Click the​ General​ drop-down menu.
3. Select the​ Rollup Configuration​ drop-down option.

4. ROLLUP CONFIGURATION:​ You need to enter the following details:

Host​: In this field, enter the host IP address of the Fleet Tracker server.
Port​: Enter the port of your Fleet Tracker server in this field. The port number may or
may not be 80. This depends on the server port.
SSL Secured: ​Select this checkbox if you are using it for your server communications.

Enrollment Code​: In this field, you need enter the enrollment code, which was
generated by the Fleet Tracker server.
Rollup Method​: Select ​Recommended​ from the drop-down option.
Once, you have entered the appropriate values in the required fields, click ​Enroll​.

Except selecting the Rollup method, the above steps remain same for Recommended,
Manual or Email rollup. This rollup configuration can be configured by using different
rollup methods. To know more about the methods refer to sections ​Email Rollup​ and
Manual Rollup​.

5. In the ​ROLLUP CONFIGURATION​ window, you can validate the right customer by
clicking the ​Show Customer Details​. After confirming, you can click the ​Proceed​ button
to complete the rollup configuration.

Once you have completed the steps, you can confirm a successful rollup configuration from the
Fleet Tracker server.

Before enrollment of the Remote Asset Manager, the status of data collector (LRAM_Training)
was ​Provisioned​.

After successful enrollment, the status of the data collector (LRAM_Training) has changed to

Once you are done with the above steps, you can schedule the Remote Asset Manager,
enabling it to send data to the Fleet Tracker server at a particular time. You can access the
Schedule Configuration ​in Remote Asset Manager by navigating to ​General > ​ ​ Schedule

Discovery​: This tab helps you to determine the discovery schedule. You can select the required
option from the ​Schedule,​ ​Every​ and​ Starting At ​parameters. By using these options, you can
schedule the discovery according to your business needs.

Full Collection​: This tab enables you to schedule the full collection. You can select the required
option from ​Schedule​, ​Window Start​ and ​Window End​ parameters. The Window Start and
Window End options help to determine the start and end time for full collection.

Status/Supplies​: This tab enables you to schedule the time period at which the server will take
a collection of the printers’ supplies and status. Once you have set the schedule for
Status/Supplies, no manual intervention is required further. Though ​Full Collection​ includes all
the details about Alerts, Counters (Page Count, Copy Count Fax Count) and Supplies,
Status/Supplies​ will only fetch the details about supplies.

Once you have selected the appropriate options for each of the tabs, you can click ​Save​.

Manual Rollup

In presence of http:// or https:// connection, the rollup data collection works seamlessly between
Fleet Tracker 3.0 and Remote Asset Manager. However, in presence of restrictions on
accessing an external connection, a client may not be able to exchange data over a network
connection. In absence of such connection, Manual Rollup is the appropriate way to proceed
with the rollup. The import and export feature in Fleet Tracker 3.0 and Remote Asset Manager
respectively help in manual rollup. In case of manual rollup, you need to select the ​Manual​ from
the ​Rollup Method​.

Note​: Manual rollup is the gateway to facilitate rollup in absence of http:// or https:// connection.
This process requires the server and the collector to be accessible through network for at least
If the client cannot allow network connection between server and the collector for this one time
connection , there is still a way to facilitate rollup. Please refer to the ​Workaround for secured
connection​ section to learn more about this.

Next, perform the following steps for manual rollup:

1. Ensure that a Full Collection is already done.

​ ools​ drop-down menu.
2. Click the T
3. Select ​Export Polling Results​ drop-down option.

4. This will download a .zip file.

5. You need to extract ​.json​ file from the .zip file.

6. The​ .json​ file is extracted. This marks the end of the export process.

7. Next, you need to navigate to the Fleet Tracker 3.0 server to initiate the import process.
To start with, select ​All Groups​.
8. Click on ​Data Collectors​ tab.
9. Click ​Import Data​.

10. The ​Import Remote Asset Manager Data​ window opens. Click the​ Browse​ button to
locate the ​JSON​ file which you have previously unzipped.

11. Select the JSON file and click ​Open​.

12. Click the ​Import ​button.

13. The ​Confirmation​ window opens. Click​ Yes​ to confirm.

14. The ​Import Remote Asset Manager Data​ displays the status of uploading the imported

15. Once the process in complete, the window displays the ​Number of devices imported
successfully( ​ umber of devices discarded​ ​(
)​ and N )​. Click ​Close​ to exit the

Note​: Devices with duplicate serial number or Mac address are discarded from

16. To check the successful completion of the process, select the client for which you have
imported the devices.

17. Click the ​Devices​ tab.

18. The list of devices reflected confirms that the import task has been successfully

Email Rollup

Email rollup: Remote Asset Manager

Just like Manual Rollup, Email Rollup is another gateway to facilitate rollup without exchanging
data over http connection. Due to certain restrictions, clients may not be able to exchange data
online. In such cases, they may prefer Email rollup to exchange data. One of the foremost
criteria of email rollup is that the server and the collector should be accessible through network
at least once. To start with email rollup, you need to select ​Email​ from the ​Rollup Method

Note​: Though email rollup is the gateway to facilitate rollup in absence of http:// or https://
connection yet this process requires the server and the collector to be accessible through
network for at least once.
If the client cannot allow a network connection between the server and the collector for one
time, there is still a way to facilitate rollup. Please refer to the Workaround for secured
connection workaround section to learn more about this.

Now both Remote Asset Manager and Fleet Tracker 3.0 need to undergo certain configuration
changes to enable email rollup.

1. In Remote Asset Manager, click ​General​ tab.

2. Select ​Email Configuration​.

3. The Email Configuration window opens.

SMTP Server​: In this field, enter ​mail.lexmark.com
SMTP Port​: In this field, enter ​25​.
Enable Authentication​: By default, this is unchecked. No changes required.
4. Click on ​Test Connection​ to test the details, you have entered.

5. The displayed confirms a right connection.

6. Next, enter information in the following fields:
Subject Line​: In this field, enter a valid subject line for the mail to be sent.
From address​: In this field, enter the email address to be displayed as the sender of the
To Addresses​: In this field, you will enter the email addresses of the recipients. Also,
click the add icon beside the ​To Addresses ​field. This adds the email address to the
recipients list. You can use this icon to add multiple email addresses in the recipients list.

7. Now, ​Send Test Email on Save​: On checking this, Remote Asset Manager will send a
test mail after saving this window.
Enable Email Transmission​: It is recommended to select the checkbox to enable
seamless transmission of mails.
8. Click ​Save​.

Next, you need to complete the steps mentioned in the ​Printer Discovery​ section.

Email rollup: Fleet Tracker 3.0

IMPORTANT: The email id should be exclusively used for Fleet Tracker 3.0 server. After,
processing, Fleet Tracker 3.0 deletes all the emails from your inbox, including emails that
were not sent by Remote Access Manager. Hence, to protect your personal information,
do not use this email id for any other purpose.

Making the Rollup by E-mail tab visible

1. To enable Email rollup from server side go to the following directory:​C:\Program
Files\Lexmark\Fleet Tracker\server\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes
2. Edit LFM-config.properties file. Enable the email rollup by using the following line:
3. Restart the ​Fleet Tracker​ service.
4. After restarting the server “​Rollup By Email​” tab will be visible from ​System
configuration ​of the server.

On clicking the ​Rollup by E-mail ​tab on the ​System Configuration ​window, you will be able to
do the following settings:

1. Enable rollup by E-Mail​: You need to check to make the other settings options active
on this page.
2. E-Mail Configuration​: This section allows you to configure your E-mail to facilitate the
desired rollup. Entries in the various fields under this section are interdependent. You
need to configure an email id for POP3/IMAP.
The details are as follows:

Category IMAP POP3

Gmail provider imap.gmail.com pop3: pop.gmail.com
Port for 143 110
Port for SSL 993 995

3. Rollup Schedule: ​The section allows you to schedule when your Fleet Tracker will
check the email location for any rollup data. You can enter your input in the Rollup Every
field to facilitate E-Mail rollup after a fixed interval of time. It is recommended to keep an
hourly interval.
4. View Rollup Log​: On clicking this button you will be able to view the various information
related to rollup by e-mail.

Once you have completed entering the desired values, click ​Save ​to save the settings.

Workaround for secured connection

If a client uses secured connection and is unable to facilitate network connection between
server and collector for once also, then they need to follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Dealer installs and enrolls an Remote Asset Manager off-site. (Remote Asset Manager
that can connect to the Fleet Tracker, i.e. at the partner location).
2. Dealer puts two files (Remote Asset Manager.mv.db and conf/configuration.json) on a
thumb drive.
3. Dealer does not uninstall or unenroll. They stop the Remote Asset Manager service and
delete the Remote Asset Manager.mv.db file.
4. Dealer installs Remote Asset Manager at the end-customer location.
5. Dealer stops the Remote Asset Manager service, replaces the two aforementioned files,
and restarts Remote Asset Manager.
6. Remote Asset Manager is then email-enabled or manually rolled up.
Note​: Repeat this procedure for each Remote Asset Manager installation. This will help
the Remote Asset Manager and server to be in sync. Also, the two files mentioned

above should not be used more than once. It will hamper proper association of the
Remote Asset Manager and the server.

Printer Discovery
1. Click the​ Printer Discovery​ drop-down menu.
2. Select D​ iscovery Configuration​ drop-down option.

3. In the ​Discovery Configuration ​window, click the to add a row.

Note​: You can enter multiple row to enter multiple IP addresses.
The ​Discovery Configuration​ window has the following components:
Included Address ​: In the column, you need to enter the IP address, which needs to be
included in the discovery configuration. For instance:
Excluded Address​: In this column, you need to enter the IP address, which you want to
exclude from the discovery configuration.
SNMP Profile​: This will remain​ Default​.

4. Once you are done entering the appropriate values in the required fields, click ​Save​.

5. Again click the ​Printer Discovery​ drop-down menu.

​ tart Printer Discovery Now​ drop-down option.
6. Select S

7. The progress bar shows the status of discovering the fleet.

8. Click the​ Data Collection​ drop-down menu.

9. Select S​ tart a Full Collection Now​ drop-down option.

10. The progress bar shows the status of full collection.

11. Again, click the​ Data Collection​ drop-down menu.
12. Select ​View Collection Results​ drop-down option.

13. The collection result is displayed with all the relevant details.

Note​: This is only for quickly assessing what was seen and collected. The server should
be used for any detailed data analysis or reviews or comparisons to the EWS pages.

14. Next, to confirm you can navigate to the Fleet Tracker 3.0 server and select the client for
which you have done a printer discovery.
15. Click the ​Devices​ tab to view the same results displayed there as well.

Privacy Configuration

Remote Asset Manager Configuration:

The data sent from Remote Asset Manager may contain a number of information like​ IP
Addresses​, ​MAC Addresses​, ​Contact Addresses​ and ​Contact Locations​. Also, the
information in the mail is in the form of unencrypted .json file which can be easily decoded. The
privacy configuration helps to encrypt them so that only the appropriate recipient receives the
right information.

Protect Sensitive Information: ​To stop Remote Asset Manager from including information on
IP Addresses​,​ MAC Addresses​, ​Contact Addresses​ and ​Contact Locations​ during rollup ,
you can check the ​Protect Sensitive Information ​option.

Encrypt Outbound Email: ​If you want to encrypt the json object in the email, you need to
select the checkbox for ​Encrypt Outbound Email ​option. Even if you have checked the ​Protect
Sensitive Information ​option, you can still select the checkbox for ​Encrypt Outbound Email
option to encrypt whatever information, you are sending via email.
Note​: This only affects email rollup. Other emails are not encrypted.

Block non-localhost connections: ​On selecting ​Block non-localhost connections​, you will
be able to access the Remote Asset Manager only through localhost. All non-localhost IPs will
be barred from accessing the Remote Asset Manager.

Fleet Tracker 3.0 Configuration:

You can also configure the privacy settings of Remote Asset Manager by editing certain settings
in Fleet Tracker 3.0. The steps are as follows:
1. Select a​ Remote Asset Manager​ data collector.
2. Click ​Edit​.

3. Select the ​Remote Asset Manager: Remote Asset Manager_Training​ tab.

4. Select the checkbox for ​Enable Privacy​ under the ​Hide Confidential Information
5. Click ​Save​.

On saving this, the Fleet Tracker 3.0 server will send a job to Remote Asset Manager. Remote
Asset Manager on reading the job will configure its privacy settings accordingly.

Software Update
Software update consists of two components - Device Support Version and Application Version.
These two components reflect the current version installed in the system. Device Support
updates are usually small updates released frequently to keep up with changes to the devices
that do not use the standards for SNMP. These updates being separated allow user to keep
their application version consistent while still keeping up with the last device support. Software
Updates are usually smaller in size when compared to Application updates. Application updates
are isolated to the main data collector’s software. Application updates includes both data
collectors software and device support. You can find all the details by following the steps:
1. Open the Remote Asset Manager interface by entering the IP and the port number in a
web browser.
2. Click the ​Tools​ drop-down menu.
3. Select the ​About​ drop-down option.

Note​: The ​Name​ row will appear only if the Remote Asset Manager is enrolled.

How to update software:

There are certain criteria to enable software update. They are as follows:
● Remote Asset Manager should be enrolled through http:// or https:// to be applicable for
software updates.
● Remote Asset Manager should be running to enable software update.
● During multiple Remote Asset Manager selection, the ​Enable Auto Update​ feature will
be displayed as unchecked even if one of the selected Remote Asset Managers doesn’t
have the feature enabled.
The ​Device Support Update​ section has a checkbox for ​Enable Auto Update​. On checking
this checkbox, the server will check for updates at a certain time. If available, it will update itself
automatically. You can also update the Remote Asset Manager manually by clicking the ​Update
Now ​button.
The ​Application Update​ section comes with two buttons - ​Check for Updates ​and ​Apply
Updates.​ Firstly, you have to click the ​Check for Updates​ button to check if there are any
updates available. If available, the screen will display the latest update in the form of ​Update
Information​. Next, you can use the ​Apply Updates b ​ utton to apply the latest updates to the
Remote Asset Manager.

The ​Version​ and ​Device Support Version ​column of the data collector displays the current
version of the device support and application software respectively. It also displays if there are
any latest updates available for these components of the software.

How does Fleet Tracker 3.0 update Remote Asset Manager

Fleet Tracker server usually downloads the available updates and stores them in a system
folder (​C:\Program Files\Lexmark\Fleet Tracker\updates\agent Remote Asset Manager update
folder​). The Fleet Tracker server checks each Remote Asset Manager and detects the current
version of device software installed. If a particular Remote Asset Manager has outdated device
software and has ​Automatic Update​ feature enabled then, Fleet Tracker will send a job to
Remote Asset Manager with the latest updates. The Remote Asset Manager will update itself
when it reads the job.

Data Collector Status
Unenrolling a data collector requires you to perform certain steps on the Remote Asset
Manager. To confirm successful unenrollment, you can confirm the status from Fleet Tracker

1. Click the ​General​ drop-down menu.

2. Select R​ ollup Configuration​ drop-down option.

3. Select the ​Unenroll ​button.

4. To confirm, you can navigate to the Fleet Tracker server and view the status of the data

Before Unenrollment

After Unenrollment


Re-provision is enrolling the data collector which has been unenrolled once.

1. Click the ​Unenrolled​ status link.

2. The ​Re-provision​ window appears with an enrolment code. Click the ​Send as Email
button or if you have access to the Remote Asset Manager - use the enrollment code to
be used in the Remote Asset Manager.

3. On the Remote Asset Manager interface, click the​ General​ drop-down menu.
4. Select the​ Rollup Configuration​ drop-down option.

5. The ​ROLLUP CONFIGURATION​ window opens. In this window, you need to enter the
following details:

Once, you have entered the appropriate values in the required fields, click ​Enroll​.

6. In the ​ROLLUP CONFIGURATION​ window, you can validate the right customer by
clicking the ​Show Customer Details​. After confirming, you can click the ​Proceed​ button
to complete the rollup configuration.

Once you have completed the steps, you can confirm a successful rollup configuration from the
Fleet Tracker server.

Before re-provisioning the Remote Asset Manager, the status of data collector was ​Unenrolled​.

​ unning​.
After re-provisioning, the status of the data collector has changed to R

Note​: Please refresh the Fleet Tracker server to view the latest status.

You can delete a Remote Asset Manager from the Fleet Tracker server by performing the
following steps:
1. Select the data collector, you want to delete.
2. Click the ​Delete​ button.

3. The ​Delete Selected Data Collector​ window appears. Click ​OK​.

4. The ​Status​ of the data collector displays a message - ​Pending Deletion​ and a button -
Force Delete​.

Pending Deletion​ : The status confirms that the process of deleting the data collector
has been initiated. It will get permanently deleted only when the job is executed from the
Remote Asset Manager side.
a. Pending Deletion​ state only happens if the Remote Asset Manager data
collector is deleted in running state. For all other states, the collector is directly
i. Pending Deletion​ status is a temporary status and the data collector gets
automatically deleted after the job is executed from the Remote Asset
Manager side. It checks for the job and then unenroll from the Fleet
Tracker. All other Remote Asset Manager actions will continue, it will
simply no longer roll up to the Fleet Tracker. In this scenario, the data
collector gets automatically unenrolled from Remote Asset Manager.

b. Force Delete​: This button is only used when the status of ​Pending Deletion​ is
displayed in the Fleet Tracker server. This is displayed as the on deleting a data
collector, the server sends a status to the respective data collector. The Force
Delete button is displayed until the server gets back the response. To overcome
such situation, the​ Force Delete​ button is used.
i. On clicking this button, another confirmation window appears.
ii. Click ​OK ​to permanently delete the data collector instantly.
1. However, if a data collector is forcefully deleted by using the
Force Delete​ button, the data collector may not reflect as
Unenrolled​ from the Remote Asset Manager. It may still appear
as ​Enrolled​ in the Remote Asset Manager.

When a Remote Asset Manager in running state is uninstalled from a collector site, it sends a
status to the server. On updating itself, the server updates the status of data collector to

➢ Remote Asset Manager Enrollment is a new enhancement to enable seamless
communication between the data collector and the Fleet Tracker server.
➢ Once the server is set up, the Remote Asset Manager data collector just needs to be
enrolled with the server. You also now have the ability to expand your structure for your
data collector placement but this should be done prior to provisioning.
➢ There are three processes to rollup:
❏ Recommended Rollup
❏ Email Rollup
❏ Manual Rollup

➢ The data sent from Remote Asset Manager may contain a number of information like IP
Addresses, MAC Addresses, Contact Addresses and Contact Locations. Also, the
information in the mail is in the form of unencrypted .json file which can be easily

decoded. The privacy configuration helps to encrypt them so that only the appropriate
recipient receives the right information.
➢ Various statuses of a data collector are:
❏ Provisioned
❏ Enrolled
❏ Unenrolled
❏ Running


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