Physics (Paper 2&4) Final Revision

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Final Revision

PAPER (2&4)

Dr. Mustafa Allam

Unit 1 – Mechanics 25
Notes Unit 2 – Thermal physics 27

1 Unit 3 – Waves 28

Unit 4 – Electricity & Magnetism 30

Unit 5 – Atomic Physics 31

Unit 6 – Astro Physics 32

O.L Final

Paper 4
Unit 1 – Mechanics 36

Unit 2 – Thermal physics 37

Unit 3 – Waves 43

Unit 4 – Electricity & Magnetism 45

Unit 5 – Atomic Physics 48

Unit 6 – Astro Physics 49

Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision


Mustafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Mechanics :
Ol Rules
d v w Fnet F F
v t a t m g m a ρ vol K X
P w
moment mv P momentum P
F ⊥d P t F t F t m v
Impulse = F t = mv For echo v= 2d
work Energy KE GPE Electric Heat
∥ 1 2
F x d = P x t = 2 mv = mgh = v I t=mc T
N m s Kg m/s Kg m V A s Kg 0
J/Kg C C

Total d Solid liquid Gas

Av. initial
Total t
U+V Final
Pressure = A / ρ gh / P1 V1=P2 V2
Speed 2
e FF %= E (P) useful out
x 100
min + max E (P) Total input
m1u1+ m2u2= m1v1 + m2v2
Thermal : P1 V1=P2 V2
TK = θ C + 273 0
PV = cons. mC θ

waves : 1 V Air
T sin Air


V sin med.
1 V n

λ Air
λ med.
F T F λ no. of waves 1
t sin c

final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Q Q w E E
e N
I t
∥V I t
2R : R = R R T
P t
1 2

V I I R ρ L Series
R 1+ R2
RT= R1+R+R
2 3.....

Power x time x price RT

1 1 1
cost oF Parallel 1=
= R R +R+R .....
T 1 2 3
usage (Kw) (h) (1Kwh)

t L
∝ R ∝ d ∝ brightness
Potential divider : R
Transformer : V1 = N1 = I 2 P 2
junction :

V2 N 2 I 1 R Iin = Iout

V 1 -18
Av .
orbital = 2πr orbital radius Ho = d = T
= 2.2 x 10 s-1

speed T Age of 1 1 17
Time period
universe = = -18 =4.5 x 10 Sec
Ho 2.2 x 10
1 Light year = 9.5 x 10 m 17 ÷ 365 x 24 x3600 9
4.5 x 10 14 x 10 Years
Sec 10
1.4 x 10 Years

final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision
Electrical symbols :

cell switch

battery of cells
earth or ground

junction of conductors
power supply

+ –
d.c. power supply lamp

a.c. power supply motor M

generator G
fixed resistor

variable resistor ammeter A

thermistor voltmeter V

light-dependent Galvanometer G or

heater diode

potential divider

transformer fuse

magnetising coil relay coil

Buzzer electric bell

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision

Symbols and units for physical quantities

Candidates should be able to give the symbols for the following physical quantities and, where indicated, state the
units in which they are measured. The list for the Extended syllabus content includes both the Core and the

All candidates should be able to use the following multipliers: M mega, k kilo, c centi, m milli

Extended candidates should also be able to use the following multipliers: G giga, μ micro, n nano

Core Supplement

Quantity Usual Usual unit Quantity Usual Usual unit

symbol symbol

length l, h, d, s, xkm, m, cm, mm

2 2
area A m, cm
3 3 3
volume V m, cm, dm

weight W N

mass m, M kg, g mass m, M mg

time t h, min, s time t ms, μs

3 3
density ρ g / cm, kg / m

speed u, v km / h, m / s, cm / s
acceleration a m/s
acceleration of g m/s
free fall

force F N

gravitational field g N / kg

spring constant k N / m, N / cm

momentum p kg m / s

impulse Ns

moment of a force Nm

work done W J, kJ, MJ

energy E J, kJ, MJ, kW

power P h W, kW, MW

2 2
pressure p N / m, N / c m pressure p Pa

temperature θ, T °C, K

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision

Core Supplement

Quantity Usual Usual unit Quantity Usual Usual unit

symbol symbol
specific heat c J / (g °C), J / (kg °C)

frequency f Hz, kHz

wavelength λ m, cm wavelength λ nm

focal length f m, cm

angle of incidence i degree (°)

angle of reflection r degree (°)

angle of refraction r degree (°)

critical angle c degree (°)

refractive index n

potential difference/V V, mV, kV


current I A, mA

e.m.f. E V

resistance R Ω

charge Q C

counts / s,
count rate
counts / minute

s, minutes, h, days,
weeks, years

Hubble constant H0 s–1

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Command words
Command words and their meanings help candidates know what is expected from them in the exams. The table
below includes command words used in the assessment for this syllabus. The use of the command word will relate
to the subject context.
Command word What it means

Calculate work out from given facts, figures or information

Comment give an informed opinion

Compare identify/comment on similarities and/or differences

Deduce conclude from available information

Define give precise meaning

Describe state the points of a topic / give characteristics and main features

Determine establish an answer using the information available

Explain set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things evident / provide why
and/or how and support with relevant evidence

Give produce an answer from a given source or recall/memory

Identify name/select/recognise

Justify support a case with evidence/argument

Predict suggest what may happen based on available information

Sketch make a simple freehand drawing showing the key features, taking care over proportions

State express in clear terms

Suggest apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid
responses in order to make proposals / put forward considerations

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Work = Energy
F × d = P × t = m g h = ½ m v ² = V I t = m c ∆Ɵ
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Now …….. g = 9.8 m/s²

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

d v= d
v t t
v v= a x t
a t v= g x t
For free falling body

speed ,velocity a=g=9.8 m/s 2

June 22 (P4 ) (v1),( Q8a)
momentum momentum
v= m
m v
impulse= mv v= m
1 2 KE
KE= 2 mv v= 2x m

Gravitational potential potential energy

energy ( GPE ) type of PE (PE )

Up and In all
down only directions
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
>>We count the zero only
Between digits. i.e. 307
To be at the right of a point and there is
a digit to it's left. i.e. 0.30 2SF
4.0 2SF

L cm x 10 m
2 x 10 2
A cm m
vol cm x 10
m 3

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Care That:

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
observation Deduction explanation

The majority of the α-particles pass

Most of atom is space / nucleus is very few / minority of α-particles hit
through the gold sheet undeflected and
very small / collide or pass near to a nucleus
are detected on the far side.

A small number of α-particles are (positive charged )

deflected as they pass through the gold nucleus is (positive) charged α-particles experience a force /
sheet. repel

A very small number of α-particles are

Most of atomic mass is
deflected through very large angles or α-particles collide with the nucleus
concentrated in nucleus
return back the way they came.

variation :
As ....... increase
the ........increase / decrease
relation :
directly proportional or
inversely proportional

H2o , Air molecules

smoke particles
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
V 1 -18
Ho = d = T =2.2 x 10 s-1
Age of 1 1 17
universe = = -18 = 4.5 x 10
Ho 2.2 x 10
17 ÷ 365 x 24 x3600 9
4.5 x 10 14 x 10

14 billion of
care that Age years
4.6 billion of
Solar system years

-The speed (v) at which a galaxy is moving away from the Earth can be
found from the change in wavelength of the galaxy’s starlight due to
-The distance of a far galaxy (d) can be determined using the brightness
of a supernova in that galaxy.

d vel

d vel
Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam
Final Revision


Mustafa Allam

Unit (1)
What’s meant by?
(June13 (v1), 1 (a)

Density: mass / volume OR mass per unit volume OR m/v (using symbols
(NOV 17 (V1) 3 (a)

Mass: Amount of a matter inside the body OR property which resists change
in motion.
(JUNE 17 (v1), 3 (a)

Weight: Pull of gravity acting on an object.

(June 2011 V2 Q3) ( June13 (v3), Q4)

Moment of a force about a point is force multiply perpendicular

distance (of force) from the point.
(Nov 2011 V1 Q1)

Acceleration: v – u/t OR ∆v/t (symbols used to be explained)

OR change of velocity ÷ time OR rate of change of velocity OR change of
velocity per second / in 1 sec.
(June 2017 V1 Q1)
Deceleration: Decrease in velocity / Slowing down.
(Nov 2012 V1 Q4)

Centre of mass: (The point in the body) where (all) the mass / weight /
gravity acts.
(Nov 2012 V1 Q2)
Limit of proportionality: (The point where) proportionality between
force/weight and extension/Hooke’s Law stops.
(NOV 13 (V1), 1 (a)
Hooke’s Law: extension of spring proportional to Load/Force.

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam


June13 (v3), 2 (b)

Renewable: Continuously regenerated and not used up.

(IGNORE used again/recycled/ can be renewed)
NOV 15 (V3), 3 (a)

Power: Work done per unit time OR Rate of doing work.

(June 2008 V1 Q2)

Efficiency: energy out/energy in or power out/power in

(June13 (v1) Q6)

Pressure: (Force /Area OR Force per unit area OR F/A (using

explained symbols).

Law of conservation of energy: Energy is neither created nor

destroyed but can be changed from one type to another
Law of conservation of momentum: Sum of momenta before
collision = sum of momenta after collision

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam


Unit (2)
Thermal physics
What’s meant by?
(Nov V1 2009 Q9)(Nov 2010 V1 Q4, V3 Q5)

-Specific Heat capacity: heat energy needed to raise temperature of

1Kg by 1 °C.
(Specimen 16 Q4)

-Nuclear fusion: nuclei join together to produce a different element (and


-Nuclear fission: is the splitting of a large atom into two or more smaller

-Absolute Zero: minimum possible temperature , where is has

least kinetic energy and speed

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam


Unit (3)
What’s meant by?
(June 13 V1 Q8) (Nov 15 V3 Q6)

Compression: (Region) where air molecules are pushed together (closer) &
air pressure is raised.
Rarefaction: (Region) where air molecules are pushed apart (further) & air
pressure is reduced.
(June 13 V3 Q7) (Nov 2008 V1 Q6)(June 2010 V2&V3 Q6) (Nov 2011 V1 Q7, V3 Q9) (Nov 16 V3 Q8)

Monochromatic: has only one frequency / wavelength.

(Nov 14 V1 Q5)

Longitudinal: Vibrations OR Oscillations of molecules in direction of

travel (of wave).
Transverse: Vibrations OR Oscillations of molecules in direction of
travel (of wave).
(June 15 V2 Q5)

Frequency: Number of wave fronts produced (generated) in one

second/per unit time
Amplitude: Maximum displacement of the vibrating particles from its
mean point.
(Nov 2007 V1 Q6) (Nov 2012 V2 Q7)

Virtual image: not produced by real rays crossing OR cannot be

caught on a screen OR rays appear to come from image/ rays diverge
away from the image.
(June 2011 v1 Q7)

Real image: image can be formed on a screen OR is formed by rays of

light meeting OR is formed on the opposite side of the lens from the
Focal length: distance from (principal) focus/focal point to (the center
of) the lens

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam


(Nov 2002 V1 Q6) (March 16 V2 Q7)

Critical angle: The greatest angle of incidence at which refraction occurs.

OR the angle of incidence at which the refracted ray travels along the
boundary / angle of refraction is 90.

(Nov 2010 V1 Q6) (March 16 V2 Q7)

Total internal reflection: Reflection in a more dense medium where

there is no refracted ray OR All light in a more dense medium is reflected
when angle of incidence > critical angle i=r
(June 2016 V3 Q5)

Ultra sound: (a sound wave with a) frequency above the frequency

audible by humans OR/ inaudible (to humans).

Focus point: (Point on the principal axis where parallel rays meet after
passing the lens.)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam


Unit ( 4)
Electricity and Magnetism
What’s meant by?
(June 2003 V1 Q9)
Transformer is 100% efficient: very little energy/power lost or
energy/power in = energy/power out
(Nov 2007 V1 Q9)
Electromagnetic induction: when magnetic field is cut by
wire/coil/solenoid so a current/e.m.f caused.
(Nov 2008 V1 Q8)(June 2011 V2 Q8)(June 15 V2 Q8)

Electromotive force of 12 V: (Energy or work done) per unit

charge where 12 J of energy are delivered for every coulomb of charge.
-E.M.F: energy supplied / work done (per unit charge) to drive charge
round a (complete) circuit OR p.d. / voltage across battery.
(June 2004 V1 Q10) (Nov 2010 V2 Q6)
Analogue and digital: analogue; continuously increasing /
decreasing readings.
Digital; readings increase / decrease by one unit (idea of two
states only).
(June 2004 V1 Q8)

Parallel connection: Each appliance is connected across same V

(March 16 V2 Q9) (Nov 2016 V1 Q11)

Direction of an electric field: direction of the force on a positive

(Nov 2016 V1 Q11)

Electric field: (Region) where a force acts on a charge.

Magnetic field: (Region) where a force acts on a magnet.
Direction of an magnetic field: direction of the force on a North
pole .

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Unit (5 )

Atomic physi cs
What’s meant by?
(June 2014 V2 Q11)

Ionizing: Atoms/molecules lose/gain electrons OR

become charged.

Ionization of a gas molecule: electrons

removed from/gained by the molecules.
Half-Life:time taken for half the substance to decay.
(June 2015 V1 Q11)

Nature of Y-rays: electromagnetic (waves/radiation

/rays) OR high energy photons.
Nature of an alpha particles: 2 protons and
2neutrons OR helium nucleus.
Mass number( nucleon number): it is the sum of the protons and
neutrons .
Atomic number: it is total number of protons in the nucleus

Isotopes: They are different atoms of the same elements having same
atomic number (Z) but different mass numbers (A).

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Unit (6)

Astro Physics
What’s meant by?

Light year: Distance travel by light in one year (365 day).

Hubble constant (Hₒ): The ratio of the speed at which the galaxy is
moving away from the Earth to its distance from the Earth; recall and
use the equation) H = v

Average orbital speed: ( Define average orbital speed from the equation
2π r
where r is the average radius of the orbit and T is
the orbital period; recall and use this equation

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Important Questions
1. Explain how transformer works ?
The alternating input produces constantly changing magnetic fields,
which are transmitted by the iron core to the secondary coil. The
secondary coil cuts the magnetic field lines, producing induced
electromotive force (e.m.f) in the secondary coil.
2. Describe and explain how stable star formed ?
The hydrogen gas in the shell cloud is pulled together by gravity,
causing the temperature of the hydrogen particles to increase and a
protostar to form. Nuclear fusion occurs, creating an outward force =
inward force of gravity.
3. Write down the sequence of stages in life cycle of a star like the sun
(average star)?
A stable star becomes a red giant as it carries out nuclear fusion until
the hydrogen runs out. The outward force becomes less than the
inward force, causing the star to shrink and form a white dwarf.
Eventually, it loses all light energy and becomes a black dwarf.
(Massive star ) :
Clouds and dust form a main sequence star/stable star, which expands
to become a red supergiant, then becomes a supernova (throws off
outer layers), and the core becomes a neutron star or
( if the original mass is large enough)the core shrinks to become a black

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

4. State the principle of conservation of momentum ?
The total momentum of a system remains constant provided no
external force acts on it
5. Explain, in term of molecules , how evaporation occur ?
The most energetic molecules from the surface of the liquid escape
and break bonds using heat energy from the body, evaporating
and leaving behind less energetic molecules, causing a decrease in
temperature (cooling effect)
Average speed increase.
6. Explain what happens to light after it passes parallel to
principle axis ?
The light rays refracts toward focus point ,it then diverges or
spreads out (from that point) or point of convergence at F / the
focal point / principal focus .
7. The electrical energy produced by a power station is transmitted
over long distances at a very high voltage.
Explain why a very high voltage is used ?
High voltage means low current , so less energy lost / power lost
use thinner cables (less cost ) .
8.Explain, in terms of forces and the motion of air molecules, the
cause of the motion of the smoke particles.
air molecules collide with smoke particles
air molecules are small (compared to smoke particles) / have
small(er) mass
air molecules are very fast moving
air molecules move in random directions and short distance
(collisions exert unbalanced) forces on smoke particles

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

9. Explain, in terms of molecules, why the internal energy of the
air increases
As temperature increase the speed increase and Kinetic energy
10. Explain, in terms of molecules, why the pressure of the air
change in momentum increase temperature increase the speed
increase rate of collisions increase force increase

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Final Revision

Paper 4

Mustafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to state how a scalar quantity differs from a vector
➢ Your answer must be:

a scalar does not have direction

(June 2017, V2, Question 1, (a), i) V.V (Nov 2016, V3, Question 3 (a) i)

• Care:
When asked why a key of brass sinks when dropped in a tank of oil
➢ Your answer must include:

(density of brass) greater than that of oil OR brass denser than oil
(June 2016, V1, Question 3 (c) i)

• Care:
When asked why the force needed to open the lid of a box in the bottom
of the ocean is greater than the force that of the total pressure caused
by the atmosphere and its height in the ocean

Your answer must be:
weight of lid OR (there is a) pressure inside box OR upthrust on lid OR
moment of force changes OR friction (of hinge) OR drag of water
(June 2016, V2, Question 4 (b))

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

Thermal Physics
• Care:
When asked to describe one difference between evaporation and boiling
➢Your answer must be:
1. evaporation: at surface OR no bubbles form)
2. boiling: throughout liquid OR bubbles form)
1. evaporation: at any temperature OR no heat needed)
2. boiling: at specific temperature OR heat needed)
1. evaporation: affected by draught / surface area)
2. boiling: not affected by draught / surface area)
(Nov 2017, V2, Question 4(a) i)

• Care:
When asked to state names of the thermal processes by which the lamp
transfers energy to the surroundings.
➢Your answer must be:

Radiation and either conduction or convection

(June 2017, V1, Question 4(a)ii)

• Care:
When asked to explain why the temperature of a white object differs from
the temperature of a black object when put in same thermal conditions
➢Your answer must include:

white poor absorber/good reflector of (IR)radiation/heat/thermal

energy OR v.v. for black
(June 2017, V3, Question 5, a)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to explain, in terms of molecules, what happens to the
pressure of the gas in a sealed cylinder as temperature increases.
➢Your answer must include:

1. Molecules of gas move faster/their kinetic energy increases/their

momentum increases
2. Molecules exert more force on wall OR hit walls harder
3. Molecules collide with walls more often
(June 2017, V1, Question 5, a) and (June 2016, V1, Question 5, (a))

• Care:
When asked to explain, in terms of molecules, why the pressure of
the gas increases when the volume of the container decreases. While
keeping the temperature of the gas constant
➢Your answer must be:

1. more (frequent) collisions with walls of the container

2. greater (total) force
(June 2017, V2, Question 4, b) and (June 2014, V1, Question 6 (b) i)

• Care:
When asked how the particles of a gas exert pressure on a container?
➢Your answer must include the following:

1. molecules/they move/collide
2. collide with walls
3. change of momentum OR force on area
(June 2017, V3, Question 6, a)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care
When asked to state what is taking place at certain points in a heating
curve or cooling curve
➢You must mention in your answer:

The state of the substance at this point

(March 2017, Question 5(b) i)

• Care:
When asked why the decrease in temperature of a liquid in a metal
container is less than the decrease in temperature of same amount of
liquid in a container made of an insulating material
➢Your answer must include:

1. Metal is a good (thermal) conductor

2. so, passes heat to the liquid or from the surroundings (raising its
(Nov 2016, V1, Question 4 (c))

• Care:
When asked to compare the movement of molecules in ice and water
➢Your answer must include:

in ice, molecules vibrate AND in water, molecules move around (and

(Nov 2016, V2, Question 5(a) ii)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to describe the effect of the increase in temperature on air
➢Your answer must include:

speed increases or kinetic energy increases

(Nov 2016, V3, Question 5, (a) i)

• Care:
When asked to explain, in terms of molecules, why it is possible to
compress a gas, but not a liquid
➢ Your answer must include:

1. Gas molecules (very) far apart OR empty space between gas

2. Molecules of liquid (very) close together / compact OR are
touching (each other)
(June 2016, V1, Question 4, (a))

• Care:
When asked to explain, in terms of energy, the process which takes
place as a solid at its melting point changes into a liquid at the same

Your answer must be:
1. Energy / work / thermal energy / (latent) heat required
2. to break bonds (between molecules) / to overcome attractive
forces/ to increase the potential energy of the molecules
(June 2015, V1, Question 4, (a) ii)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
We must supply more heat energy than needed when heating a
substance because some energy is transferred to the surroundings
(June 2014, V1, Question 7, (b) iii)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4


• Care:
When asked to explain why the quantity refractive index does not have a
➢Your answer must be:

sines have no unit or sines are ratio of two lengths or ratio of two
speeds (whose units cancel) or units cancel
(Nov 2017, V3, Question 6 (b) i)

• Care:
When asked to describe one difference in the pattern formed by the
crests after the wave passes through the gap, other than the change in
➢Your answer must include:

More diffraction/spreading/deflection out/more curved

(June 2017, V2, Question 6(c)(i)2)

• Care:
When asked to state and explain, how the wavelength of the sound in
air compares with the wavelength of the sound in water.
➢Your answer must be:

less and travels less far in same/periodic time.

(June 2017, V3, Question 7 (a) iii)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to state what is meant by critical angle
➢Your answer must be:

angle of incidence when angle of refraction = 90°

(June 2016, V2, Question 6 (b) i)

• Care:
When asked to explain what is meant by total internal reflection
➢Your answer must include:

Reflection in a more dense material where there is no refracted ray

OR All light in a more dense material is reflected
(March 2016, Question 7, (a) i)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to explain why the galvanometer deflects as the bar magnet
is being inserted into the coil
➢Your answer must include:

1. Mention of magnetic field or magnetic flux OR field created by bar

2. e.m.f. induced
3. Magnetic field lines of magnet cut by coil OR magnetic field lines
linked with/through/in the coil changes OR magnetic flux through
coil changes
(June 2017, V1, Question 8 (b)i)

• Care:
When asked to describe the actions that must be taken to obtain an
even distribution of positive charge on the surface of an object
➢Your answer must include:

1. (with rod present) connect earth

2. Remove earth wire and then remove charged rod
(June 2017, V1, Question 10(b)ii)

• Care:
When asked to explain why there is a voltage between the two
terminals of the same coil in a transformer
➢You must mention in your answer:

1. magnetic field
2. changing (magnetic) field in core
3. induction in coil
(June 2017, V3, Question10(a) i)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to explain why the core of the transformer is made of soft
➢Your answer must be:

iron is magnetic and temporary magnetic

(June 2017, V3, Question10(a) ii)

• Care
When asked to state what is meant by the direction of an electric field at
a point
• Your answer must be:
Direction of the force acting on a positive charge
(Nov 2016, V1, Question 11 (a) ii)

• Care:
▪To magnetise a steel bar: connect d.c. supply
▪ To demagnetise a steel bar: connect a.c. supply, and withdraw

rod from solenoid

(June 2016, V2, Question 8 (a))

• Care:
When asked to name the process that causes a potential difference
across a solenoid due to the movement of a nearby magnet
➢Your answer must be:

electromagnetic induction
(Nov 2014, V1, Question 11 (a))

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to use ideas about induction to suggest why the current
from the battery falls as the motor speeds up.
➢Your answer must include:

As speed increases, induced current and induced voltage increases, so

speed of motor decreases.
(June 2011, V3, Q8, c)

• Fire  current overloading
Electric shock  damp conditions or damaged insulation

• Direction of electric field is the direction of a positive charge

• To get an induced current and voltage, cut the magnetic field lines
➢ Wire perpendicular to magnetic field lines
➢ Coil parallel to magnetic field lines

• Generator based on the electromagnetic induction

• 2 wires with current:

(June 2008, Q9)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

Atomic Physics
• Care:
When asked why α-particles are not suitable to determine the level of
liquid in a plastic water bottle that is being filled unlike using β-particles
➢Your answer must include:

α-particles would be stopped / absorbed by the plastic / bottle

(Nov 2017, V1, Question 11, (c) i)

• Care:
When asked to state the name of the process which releases energy in
the Sun
➢Your answer must be:

Nuclear fusion
(Nov 2017, V3, Question 3, (a) i)

• Care:
When asked to describe what happens in the reaction that takes place in
the sun as energy is released (Fusion)
➢ your answer must include:

1. nuclei combine / join together

2. small nuclei to larger nuclei or hydrogen to helium (in some way)
or loss of mass
(Nov 2017, V3, Question 3, (a) ii)

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam

Paper 4

• Care:
When asked to state the relative ionising effects of α-particles, β-
particles and γ-rays and to suggest an explanation for the differences
➢Your answer must be:

( ionising effect of) α-particles greater than β-particles and β-particles

greater than γ-rays
(June 2017, V3, Question 11, b)

• Care:
When asked to state two of the social, economic or environmental
issues involved in the storage of radioactive materials with very long
➢Your answer must include the following:

high cost of storage / shielding / guarding / need to store for a long
time OR reduction in tourism OR loss of farming produce / land OR
reduction of land / property values
fear of cancer / causes cancer / genetic mutations / radiation sickness
in people / animals OR local objections OR cause people to move
crop mutations OR leakage into water supplies OR pollution of
atmosphere / water supply
(June 2016, V1, Question 11, (d))

Final Revision Dr. Mostafa Allam


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