Sentence Fragment
Sentence Fragment
Sentence Fragment
Distinguishing Features:
Here are the distinguishing features of a sentence fragment:
Revise the fragment by adding whatever is missing — subject, verb, complete thought
. 5. Incorrect: Loves to lie around in the sun all day. (A subject is missing. Who loves to lie around?)
6. Correct: My roommate's pug loves to lie around in the sun all day.
Incorrect: Joe to train every day. (A verb is missing. Also, "to train" is the wrong verb form. Joe does what
every day?)
7. Correct: Joe trains every day for the marathon next month.
8. Correct: Joe is training every day for the marathon next month.
Rewrite the fragment or the entire passage that contains the fragment.
9. Incorrect: Our new landlord was expected to make.
Incorrect: Our new landlord was expected to make changes. Such as fixing the plumbing, installing a new
washer, and replacing the security gate. Has not done any of it yet and weeks have passed.
Correct: Our new landlord was expected to make changes, such as fixing the plumbing, installing a new
washer, and replacing the security gate lock. Weeks have passed, and he still has not done any of it yet