Code of Conducts 73

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Principal is the head of the institution and hence the first responsible person of the college. As the
academic leader, he/she has to oversee that the institution runs properly in accordance with its
vision and mission. He/she is a source of inspiration to the teaching and nonteaching staff as well as
to the students of the college. He/she should be an epitome of professionalism, dedication and
honesty. He is a knowledgeable person in education and service rules and also in the university
Role and Responsibilities.
 Conceive and implement new ideas and plans democratically in accordance with the vision and
mission of the college.
 Promote institutional interaction and inculcate research development activities.
 Listen to students’ ideas and set a supportive tone.
 Ensure that the staff and students are aware of rules, policies and procedures laid down by the college.
 Be fair in disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty, non-teaching staff and students.
 Recommend and forward communications to the authorities concerned.
 Monitor, manage and educate the administration of the institution and take remedial actions based on
the stakeholder’s feedback.
 Execute any other qualitative and quantitative work for the welfare of the students and institution.
 Empower all his staff and students to reach their maximum potential.
 Lead the strategic development of the college.
 Manage the College budget.
 Work with academic units to represent the College to external stakeholders.
 Lead initiatives, in collaboration with academic units, to attain national and international
visibility/recognition for the College.
 Lead initiatives across constituent academic units to enhance the experience of staff, students and
 Work with the Heads of other Colleges to develop inter-College initiatives in research and teaching
 Diversify the income stream of the college apart from traditional sources.
 Support the enhancement of research and research centres and institutes within the College and
across colleges.

Role of a Principal as per Statutes, University of Calicut

In every college, the principal shall be the head of the college and shall be responsible for the internal
management and administration of the college. In the absence of the principal, the senior -most
Professors or in his absence the senior – most Lecturer of the College shall be in charge of the duties
of the principal. No person shall be appointed as Principal who does not possess the qualification
and experience prescribed by the Regulations.

Research Responsibilities
The research responsibilities of the Head of College will include:

1. Coordinating the development and implementation of a research strategy for the College and ensuring
that this is consistent with the University research strategy.
2. Implementing University policy on research and innovation.
Responsibilities in the Areas of Teaching and Learning
 Liaise closely with relevant senior University officers in developing College academic and teaching -
learning strategy in keeping with the overall University strategy.
 Stimulate an on-going process of enhancement of the quality and standards of all teaching and
learning activities.
 Ensure the provision of management and support for all academic programmes within the remit of
the College
 Promote best practice in the delivery of courses.
 Encourage the development of strategic initiatives in teaching and learning and widening

Planning and Administration Responsibilities

Working with the College Manager, the responsibilities of the Head of the College in the area will

1. Leading the establishment, updating and delivery of the College Strategic Plan, in line with the
University Strategic Plan.
2. In collaboration with the relevant University Officers, putting in place College level administrative
supports and committees compatible with university structures and policies, to allow the College to
function effectively by providing adequate support to the academic and research units.
3. Promoting the development of internal structures within the College that allow for the evolution and
development of the College and its various academic disciplines.
4. Compatible with University policies, developing and implementing a College strategy to recruit and
retain the best academic, research, technical and administrative staff.
5. Working with the Heads of academic and research units to ensure that effective management
structures are in place for each unit.

Student Related Responsibilities

1. Contributing to the development of national and international student recruitment initiatives to
attract the highest quality students.
2. Working within the University-wide structures to establish, manage and enhance academic, welfare
and personal support for students.
3. Putting in place programs to facilitate and encourage the international mobility of students both
outward and inward.
4. Implementation of University policy on equality and widening participation at the college level.
5. Helping to ensure the quality of the overall student experience within the College.

Staff Management and Development

 Orientation and guidance to staff in the understanding of their role and contribution to the College
and the University.
 Effective planning and development review, including the management of staff performance and
performance reviews.
 Support for the professional development of all staff in the College.
 Implementation of the University’s Performance Management Policy.
 Management of other human resource functions with the support and in consultation with the Human
Resources Department – including but not limited to – recruitment, selection, induction, probation,
administration, performance management and grievances
The Code and conduct of teachers and non-teaching staff in Madeenathul Uloom Arabic College are
mainly governed by Kerala Service Rules and University statute.

1. During the period of service all the members of the staff shall discharge their duties
honestly and efficiently abiding by the timely directions from the Head of the Institution.
2. No member of the staff shall engage in any explicit political activity within the college
3. All the members of the staff must attend punctually at the appointed time and shall not
leave before the college closes for the day.
4. All the members of the staff, both teaching and non-teaching must sign regularly in the
attendance register which is to be maintained by the head of the institution.
5. Attending for duty 15 minutes later than the appointed time without prior permission
shall be recorded as late attendance.
6. For every three days of late attendance in a calendar month an employee will lose one day
casual leave for which he is eligible.
7. Each teacher shall be available in the institution on each working day and shall perform
such duties as assigned to him/her. The routine duties shall consist of 16 hours
teaching/practical per week. In addition, they have to undertake the conduct of
examinations or tests, evaluation, invigilation work, mentoring, general assistance to
students in their academics, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and other
institutional support activities as required.
8. The normal working period for those in the category of clerical staff shall be 9.30 am to
5.00 pm with half an hour lunch break on all working days.
9. Normal working period for last grade staff shall be 8.00 am to 5 pm with half an hour lunch
break on all working days including Saturdays.
10. In pursuance of the general interests of the college all staff shall be required to attend
duties on any national and festival holidays in case, function to celebrate such occasions
are organized by the college.


 Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.

 Discretion to refuse or revoke leave of any description is reserved to the authority
empowered to grant it.
 Written application well in advance is required for the grant of leave.
 No officer shall leave the place before getting intimation from the authorities


1. A permanent teaching staff is eligible for 15 days Casual Leave in a calendar year provided
they have sufficient reason to avail it.
2. Non-teaching staffs are eligible for 20 days casual leave in a calendar year.


Besides the casual leave, every permanent staff member is eligible for 20 days leave on half pay for
every completed years of service. They shall also be allowed to commute the half pay leave to full
pay provided they will lose two days HPL.

Non-teaching staff members who are not availing vacation holidays are eligible for earned leave at
the rate of 1/11 of the duty they have performed. They can either avail or surrender this kind of leave
at the prevailing rates.
Female staffs are eligible for 180 days leave with full pay for maternity purpose.

The Code of Conduct is a set of rules, regulations, policies and principles that outline the student’s
rights, responsibilities and the expected standard of behaviour inside the campus. Each student is
responsible to know, observe, abide by, and adhere to the Student Code of Conduct stipulated by the
institution. The College has made this Code of Conduct, as well as its other policies and procedures,
available to its students. The code of conduct reflects the vision and mission of the college. The issue
of the Conduct certificate on completion of the programme shall not be taken for granted. It has to
be earned by student’s good conduct.


 Moral and spiritual uprightness: The College gives much importance to moral and
spiritual values. Spiritual and moral values are highly cherished attributes to a wholesome
personality and the college gives adequate orientations towards achieving these goals.
 Integrity: Madeenathul Uloom Arabic College expects honesty and integrity from every
student in their academic endeavours such as class attendance, examinations,
assignments, seminars and project works. Students must complete their academic work
independently unless specifically instructed otherwise.
 Inclusiveness The College is committed to promoting a culture of mutual respect and
inclusiveness in the campus. The College will uphold the rights and freedoms of all the
members of the College community to work and study free from discrimination and
harassment, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion or nationality.
 Security and Peace: Madeenathul Uloom Arabic College will always assure a secure and
peaceful ambiance to the academic community. Those found in violation of college policies
and trying to disrupt the prevailing peaceful atmosphere will be subjected to appropriate
sanctions, including removal from the college rolls and contact with law enforcement
authorities, if required. The College will extend appropriate support to those who are
affected by acts of violence.
 Commitment to Justice, Fairness and Equity: Madeenathul Uloom Arabic College
underscores justice, fairness and equity in all aspects. The college has a very effective
redress mechanism to deal with Physical or Psychological assaults of any kind like ragging,
threats of violence or harm, discrimination etc. All rules, regulations and procedures
regarding student conduct must embody the principles of procedural fairness.
 Secular and Democratic values: The College upholds secular and democratic values. It
provides a congenial ecosystem to internalize and foster these values. Any attempts on the
part of students leading to impair communal harmony will be taken seriously and shall
meet appropriate disciplinary action.


All students are expected to respect and value the rights of others and conduct themselves as
responsible citizens. Choosing to join the College community obligates each student to abide by a
code of respectful behaviour.
 Dress Code

There is no prescribed uniform for students in the college. However, they are expected to wear
clean, modest and decent dress while coming to college. T-Shirts with colour prints, and caps
are to be avoided. Boys shall not tuck up their dhoti while they are on the campus. Girls have
to observe modesty and propriety in their dress code.

 Use of Mobile Phones

As per the government and Hon. High court orders, use of Mobile phones is strictly restricted
on the college campus. Mobile phones which are brought by the students to the campus will
be confiscated and disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.

 Entertaining Outsiders on the Campus

Outsiders are not permitted to meet any of the staff or students on the college campus without
the permission of the Principal. Students shall not bring any outsiders except the
parent/guardian to the college premises for any purpose whatsoever without the permission
of the Principal.

 Attempts to Defraud

Any such activity intended to misrepresent any official document or identification used
by or issued by the College will meet appropriative punitive actions.

 Bullying

Bullying is systematic intentional behaviour that threatens, intimidates, or is intended to

threaten or intimidate others. Such acts of bullying shall not be allowed in the campus and if
any student is detected to engage in such activities will meet appropriate punitive actions
including referring the case to police.

 Copyright Infringement

Students must respect copyright laws that protect publishers, software owners, artists, and
writers. The use of College resources to infringe upon copyright laws (print, digital, and
Internet) is prohibited. This applies to all forms of electronic media including, but not limited
to, software, electronic encyclopaedias, image files, video files and sound files.

 Demonstrations

The College encourages civilized discourse and debate. However, the College will not tolerate
any mass assemblies or demonstrations that disrupt the classroom experience, work
environment, or movement of others. The College also forbids all acts of violence, threatening
conduct, and physical interference with the facilities or functions of the College campus. If
protestors (or anti-protestors) resort to the use of violence or physical interference, College
officials may, without delay, invoke the use of legitimate authority to remove all violators.

 Ethical and Acceptable Use of Technology

The use of technology resources is subject to all federal, state and local laws, and to the
applicable policies and guidelines issued by the institution.
 Gangs

Involvement in gang-related activities includes, but is not limited to, the display of gang
symbols, gang paraphernalia, colours, signs, or graffiti. Behaviour on or about college
premises or at College-sponsored events that creates conflict or an atmosphere of
intimidation, or creates a clear and present danger to life or property, or disrupts orderly
operation, is prohibited.

 Hazing

Hazing means any act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of an individual
(including, without limitation, an act intended to cause degradation, cruelty, or humiliation),
or that destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation in,
admission to, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or
organization. Hazing is prohibited in the College.

 Illegal or Unauthorized Possession/Use of Alcohol and Drugs

This includes the unauthorized use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of illegal drugs
(under federal or state law), controlled substances, narcotics, or alcoholic beverages or being
under the unauthorized influence of the same on campus. Prohibited conduct includes the use
of a prescription drug if the prescription was not issued to the student, and sniffing toxic

 Illegal or Unauthorized Possession/Use of Weapons

The College prohibits the possession, use, control or distribution of any weapons, including
but not limited to, firearms, pellet guns, air pistols/rifles, explosives, dangerous chemicals,
knives, stilettos, dirks, brass knuckles, licensed weapons, or other objects or instruments
possessed for use as a weapon.

 Indecent or Obscene Behaviour

Such behaviour that includes, but is not limited to, indecent exposure, urinating or defecating
in public, voyeurism, possessing, distributing and displaying obscene images, videos or audios
etc. will not be entertained and will meet disciplinary action

 Misrepresentation

Representing or acting on behalf of the College or another individual when not authorized to
do so is prohibited.

 Misuse or Unauthorized Possession or Use of Public or Private Property

The following acts shall be taken seriously and will meet appropriate disciplinary and legal

a. Theft or the taking or unauthorized use or possession of public or private property or

unauthorized use or acquisition of services;
b. Conduct that defaces, destroys, damages, or litters any property of the College or any
property of an individual or group.

 Rioting

Rioting includes, but is not limited to, such conduct as using or threatening violence to others,
damaging or destroying property, impeding or impairing fire or other emergency services, or
refusing the direction of authorized personnel. Involvement in rioting cases may be referred
to the law-and-order authorities concerned.

 Safety Violations

Conduct which endangers the health or safety of any person(s), including, but not limited to:

a. Intentionally or recklessly starting a fire or causing an explosion;

b. Misusing fire safety equipment, fire escapes or elevators;
c. Intentionally or recklessly endangering the welfare of any individual;
d. Intentionally or recklessly obstructing fire, police, or emergency services;
e. Using, possessing, or storing dangerous chemicals, fireworks, or explosives;
f. storing weapons on the campus
g. Utilizing any instrument in a manner that endangers or tends to endanger any person;
h. Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
 Complicity in Violating the Student Code of Conduct

The College does not condone any complicit behaviour that assists or results in a violation of
this Code. Such behaviour includes attempting, aiding, abetting, conspiring to commit, hiring
someone to commit, or being an accessory to any act prohibited by this Code. If a student has
knowledge of another student, individual, or group committing or attempting to commit a
violation of this Code, he or she is required to dissociate from the situation and report it to
the College.

 Classroom behaviour and Conduct

a. When the Principal or teacher enters a classroom, students shall stand, greet and keep
standing till they are asked to sit down.
b. Students should be seated in their respective class rooms before the teaching hour
c. Students should be seated in their respective class rooms by 9.45a.m. And should not
leave the classes except during intervals.
d. When a student wants to enter or leave the classroom while the class is on, he/she shall
do so only after getting the permission of the teacher.
e. During the absence of the teacher and while moving from one class to another, students
are expected to keep silence.
f. Students shall not mill around on the verandahs or college premises during working
hours for any reasons whatsoever.
g. Students are advised to use the library during free periods.
h. Students shall not enter any class other than their own.
i. No indecent representation shall be made by any student towards any other student in
words, letters, and gestures or by any other means.
 Attendance and Leave

a. Students should be regular and punctual in attending classes.

b. Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each hour by the teacher engaging the
c. Students who do not have at least 75% of attendance are not eligible to appear for
University examinations.
d. Student abstaining from classes without proper acknowledgment of leave for more
than fourteen consecutive working days will have his/her name removed from the
e. Application for leave of absence should be submitted in the prescribed form to the
Principal through the Tutor concerned. Bona fide applications will be positively
Considered subject to university regulations.
f. Applying for leave of absence does not imply that the leave will be granted.
g. Application for condonation of shortage of attendance may be forwarded to the
University only if the absence is on medical ground and necessary Medical Certificate
is attached.
h. In the case of medical leave, Medical Certificate should be submitted along with the
application for leave or soon after the medical treatment is over.
i. Students who could not attend classes on account of their participation in NSS/Club
activities, sports and games, university arts festivals, seminars, workshops and such
other extracurricular activities within or outside the campus may submit an
application for leave to the Principal, through proper channel. Bona fide applications
will be positively considered subject to University regulations
j. No student is expected to approach the Principal or the Principal’s office in person for
enquiry on attendance. In case of any doubts or grievances, they may approach the
tutor concerned.
k. Students are bound to obey the directions, issued from time to time, by the Principal,
Teachers and the authorities. Disobedience to such directions would amount to serious
l. Any student, who is found to have conducted himself/herself in any indecent or
disorderly manner inside or outside the class room in the college premises, is liable to
be proceeded against for the said misconduct.
m. The Principal shall have the power to inflict the following punishments upon the
offenders: fine, cancellation of attendance, withholding the term certificate, forfeiting
educational concession and scholarship, suspension, arbitrary issue of T.C. without the
application from the student or guardian, and expulsion.

 Political Activities

Political activities are strictly prohibited on the college campus. As per the order of the
Honourable High Court of Kerala on writ appeal No. 535/2003 and judgment on review
petition dated 20 February 2004, all strikes, demonstrations, agitations, dharnas, gheraoes
and the like are banned on the college campus. Students who violate the above rules are liable
to be dismissed from the college. Therefore, students shall keep away from all sorts of
agitations like strike, disturbing classes, taking out processions, uttering slogans etc. on the
college premises. They shall not bring flags, placards, leaflets, pamphlets, notice boards,
banners, posters or any publicity material of any political parties or student organisations to
the campus.

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